Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1928, p. 6

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Courtice, 'Feb. 17.--On Thurs- day afternoon a meeting of the Farmers' Club met in the Sunday School room. The president, Mr. Kenneth Courtice, presided, After the business part of the Meeting a short program consisting of in- strumental music on the accordion by Mrs. Walter Snider, Mrs. Ken- neth Courtice, accompanying on the piano. Mr. Herber: Oshorna read a selection and Mr. George Annis rendered a vocal solo. Mr. Kellough of Port Hone, who 1: agricultural representative Durham was present and gave a fine address, outlining the work of the department of tha present year. On Thursday evening the yoeng people's meeting was a grand suc- cess. The 'president, Oshorne was in the chair and opened the meeting. Miss Wil+ | liamson read the Binie lesson and a solo was sung by Mrs. Geo. Annis. Miss Francis Hancock, lead- er of the Young People's group took the chair and games candy were enjoyed hy all pres- ent. The room was prettily dec- orated for Valentine's evening. The Young People's meeting will be held next week on Tuesday even- ing when Maple (irove league will visit our league and a debate will be carried on between the two leagues. Next Sunday a returned mission- ary, Dr. Williams, will preach. A very interesting meeting of the C.G.IT, was held at Mrs, Blake Courtice's on Scturday af- ternoon, Several girls were initia- ted and a suitable program given. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Feb, 17.--A very pleasant evening was spent on the | fourteenth of February, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Moffatt when she opened her house to all of the members of the Queen Mary L.O.B.A. It being the eve of | her birthday, The evening was spent in the playing of games and cards, The home decorated for the occasion, Lunch was served, the centre of table was adorned by a beautiful birthday cake, whieh Mrs, Mof- fatt. was requested tn cut, Af- ter lunch Mrs, Moffatt was again called upon when Mrs, Goodell read an address and Mrs, Barrett presented her with the gifts, The | address was as follows: Oshawa, Feb. Dear Sister Moffatt:-- We, a few of the members of the Queen Mary L.0.B.A, have gathered here this evenins on the 14, 1928 4 for | Miss Hattio | and | was beautifully ! the | eve of your birthday to wish you many happy returns and Wo {would like you to accept thes | few gifts with our best , wishes. ing you haye many more | ha birthdays. Signed on behalf of the Lodge Sisters Barrett, Wood and i toodell. After the address Mrs. Moffat! replied very suitably. Mrs. Wood {was called upon and was greatly surprised when the following ad- [dress was read and a pyrex plate was presented te her. O:zhawa, Feb, 14, 1828 Dear Sister Wood: It gives us great pleasure calling upon you this evening to | present you with this pyrex plate. {This being the eve of your 23nd wedding anniversary. We hona to he able to spend many more ham py times with you. Signed on bLelalf of the Lodge | Sisters Goodell and Barret In well chosen words sha thank (ed her friends for her heautitnl gift, TYRONE Tyrone, Fi erg, of Ba Mr. H. Virtue Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser Bethesda, were viéiiora on Son tat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rant MeC'ulloch, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Roce | sutton, are visiting their da jter. Mrs, W. ¥. Park. | Mrs, A, W. Prescott | Ruth, are visiting her sister, Viola Short. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlav, "Thornhill and Mrs: "W,. Perkins, foronto, spent Sunday with Mr Virtue. Mr. Floyd Dudley, of iilitary School, was home for the i week end. Mr, W. R., Trumpour preached the third of a series aon "Peter" {and it eertainly was a remarkahie and elever scrmen, on our out- | standing Apostle, i Miss Amelia Nicholls, Hope, Is visiting lier cousin, Berta Cole. | Mr, John Cole motored to Tor- |onte on Thursday last, { Mr. Kenneth I'razer unele, Mr. John Fraser {from Toronto on Saturday {epent Sunday with Mr. and |D. K, Fraser i Miss Cole and Mr. J, RR. (spent Wednc:iday in Toronto friends. Mr, and Mrs. John Brown | Olive, of Oronn, visited Mr. !Mrs. T, J. T. Cole non Sunday, Mrs. ©. P. Johns, Tsther and Mary Johns, motored from Thorn- hill on Saturday and were Zueste 15.---Mr. A GNA ville, visiied at Mine Ny n' Port Misg nf and his motored and ars, Cole with and and J" rT About Cascara A Doctor Talks It is unfortunate that many peo- ple judge the thoroughuess of gp laxative by its violence. The salts that rush through the sy:ztem may not even penetrate the film of poinsonous matter that has coat- ed the eolon. A long list of drugs will "loosen the bowels" Dnt t ! what is the best way to CLEAN: | them? The world's best laxctive Is on that Mother Nature makes in her own laboratory. It is the hark of a tree, called CASCARA. The In- dians used to chew this bark-- and reach old age without a sick day. It is the hest thing there is today, for any system; best ror the blood. The most beneficial In its action on the bowels, of any- thing yet disclosed. For many CASCARETS reasons: First. of all, there 1: no HABIT formed from cascara. The bowels are not weakened, but strengthen- ed by its occasional ute. grow less and lesz. Jts influence is long-felt. You don't find youn: self worse bound-up the day fol- lowing. You do find the bowel: more inclined to move of their own volition. The candy easecarct that every drug store always ha: in stock is the ideal form of can cara. Timely Suggestions FOR THE TABLE: -- Bread and Pastry Flour, Graham and Wholewheat Flour, Cooking Bran, English Marrowfat Peas. White Beans. Lentils, Potatoes, Sugar, Table and Cooking Salt. FOR POULTRY AND PET STOCK: Poultry Mash and Scratch, Tonics and Disinfectants, Cod Liver Oil. Canary Seeds, Parrot Food, Foods for Chick- ens of zll ages, Dog and Puppy Biscuits. Poultry Litter, Cel-O-Glass, Glass Cloth. FOR DAIRY COWS: Oilcake, Cotton Seed, Gluten, Hominy, Bran Middlings. Shorts, Cooper-Smith Company Phone © Just South of Post Offi 16 Celina St. | in al {our school, provided a real treat !started and get at the new plecac. strong, B.C. visitors | Mrs, Helst showed. All are dlli-lweeks azo this Wednesday and are of | tav i nf | and babe, i Toronto | casiops when on2 needs this aid | of R. R, y 2 shadows aki ed Mrs. 'Awde, of i a 1 ceptiona) 'eal eal, ex 1 February. Roads ley and some- what treacherous. SEAGRAVE Seagrave," Feb. 16.--The Lad- les' Ald meeting was held at the 'home of Mrs. Howard : when nearly forty members and | visitors wero present, Mrs. Carru- | thers, formerly of Toromto, gave 14 talk on Home Missions, which was much enjoyed. Arrangements were made for having an oyster 'supper in the Sunday School room (on Feb. 20th, A dainty lunch was ' served by the members eof the { Ladies' Ald. Several of the mem- } Dore were detained home through ' ness. Miss Irene Spofforl, teacher of j for the\ scholars, manv for | pletely by surprise, Miss sponded evening, Mr. J. C. Latta read an address and Miss Eunice presented her with a beautiful umbrella. Although tak: evar e re- appropriately. Refresh ments were served by the hostess and an brought to a close. The departing merry makers wishing Miss Oke many happy returns, : Mrs. J. Greentree spent Tues. day in the eity with Mr, and Mrs. Al. Greentree, The box social at the school on A ghartette of ladies in alphabeti- cal order provide refreshments for these occasions. Thus, Mesdames J. A. Butier, Floyd Butler, H. 8. Britton and H. C. Bonathan pro- vided the first lunch, while at the next eveming this duty will fall upon Mesdames H. W. Dudley. J. R. Fisher, E. ¢. Fisher and Fred Fligs. ! Miss Tucker Couch spent couple of days in Toronto last wee the guest of her sister, Mrs. Stan- | ley Lobb. Mrs. Couch also spent a few days with her daughter, ! Tuesday night was not as largely attended as had beem hoped for, {due to the terrible weather. Mr. | 5. Fletchar auctioned off the boxes cand the buyers wage Leen at id- {ding, A short program was pro- | vided and later in the evening they 'danced. A good time was enjoyed / by all present. { The basketry class met Wednes- : day evening and the members are i all anzious to finish up the article: and while there called on her! aunt, Mrs. H.. M. Hunter, whom ¢he found much improved in health | ; since her illness last fall, \ i Miss Lillian Chapple who has | been ill for several weeks past «! i Willowdale Rest Home has been ,¢inking gradually the last tw. | weeks and is very low at present. ! Her nephew, Dr. W. M. Chapple, son of the late Judge Chapple. Ars, Chapple and younger, Arm- arrived hore two wera présent, it bhing Valentine's | mently | working to accomplish a® slaving at Mr. and Mrs. W. XN. ar. The children gove a coucert Mm oiheie usual goed style, 1: cach received a nice valen- from their tcacher, ail'ren passod many from one to noliver, making it. a placsant af- croon lonz to be remembered, lay night of this week he gues .- bean contest ends | for the banz of sugar at Mr. §. {| Woolrige's store, everybody think- ing they have the lucky number. The Epworth l.azua are hold- ing their mocting on usual, The leag hs heen divi- 'ed into {wo sides, namely the rple and the gold. with Charlie Napille and Siduey Webb as eap- | tains, The sides providing tional programe, noind or the hest | night, makin to be given it very interesting. i'his should bring our young peo- !ple out to lecgue, also the older , members and encourage our young | captaing along. + Mrz, Albert Martin | daughter Dorell are | Martin's sister, Mrs, Orval at Bowmanville, this weels, Mrs. 8, Woolrige spent a fow | days in Toronto this week, having been ealled through the death of a friend. and little 'nest of his Mrs. C, W. Aloon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mactiregor, iof Port Terry, are visiting this {week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, Mr. Jay Gibson's many friends are sorry to hear af his accident which happened at the Port Perry carnival on Wednesday night, A few attended the local hockey matches at Monday and Tuesday night, Our Sunday School is being well attended, still plenty of room for more. A pleasing feature has heen added to the regular service with a short song service and program 'nprovided by the different elasses following the teaching of the les- son, Our superintendent, Mr. John Mark will feel encouraged hy vour | presence every Sunday. sister, HARMONY { Harmony, Feb, 16.---Rev and | Mrs. F, Dickie and Miss M. Dickie, of the eity, visited with Mr, and | 3lre. W. Frayling, last Thursday. Mrs. N, Terwillegar spent at North Oshawa i Fice, Mr. and Mrs. R. Terwillegar en- tertained a few of their friends at their home last Thursday even- ing. They Lad games and musrle, Mrs. J. B. Hutchinson visited last Thursday with onto, lart Thursday. Mrz. W. 8 .Morris is In Toronto visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. Michael, who is quite fll. | Mr, ard Mrs. A. Mintey, nf Tor- jente, vi 1 vith Mr, and Mrs {Chop Moelle, on Sunday. { Mrs. J. Seott, of Toronto. the wee: rud in this vieinity: Mr. Ko'th Gordon and Mr. Bow- tden, nf the rity. epent Sunday with {¥r. and Mre, J. Terwlilegar. | Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Michael and | family" at Mr. 2nd Mrs. F, Snud- mer spent Mr. and Mre, Ed. Winters visit- i th Mr. Powers, at Orono. on My.' and Myre. J. Solomon. of Toth Oshawa, vidted with Mr and Mrs. da- Mr. and coy, spent irs. DP. FE. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parkes. of the Sunday with Mr. and Weesge. Mrs. O. A. Gerrow. of the eity, visited with Mr. and Mrs. !Chag, Mackie on Sunday, Mrs. McKay and Miss Annabelle Kar, of Orono, are visiting her cai Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards 1 H oy LAYS, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gladman vigit- i with Mr. and Mrs. Gay in tees ("icy on Sunday and attended the somorial Service for Earl Haig {in the St. Andrew's Chureb. "Mr. Rans and Mr. Taddock re- turned home on Wednesday from Winnipez, for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trevall ot tae city spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Terwillegar. Mrs. Wm. Found. of Bowman- ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lott, recently. Mr. and Mrs. N. Sanders visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanders at Bowmanville, on Sunday. A pleasant surprise was repder- ed Miss Gladys Oke on Monday «vening, February 13th, it being the anniversary of her birthday. Miss Oke had purposely beem in- vited out to tea to Miss N. De- Guerre's in the city. Some ome called for them early in the even- ing with a car and they were let- ting her believe they were going to Newcastle to a social evening with the league. On Oke home one of the party wanted to stop to get a parcel and when they cntered the door. Miss itke was greatly surprised to find the house filled with her young friends and neighbors. The evening was spent with music and singing, eu- chre and other games. During the J after | also the | Tuesdays as | addi- | prosvam provided each | visiting Mrs, ! Boe, | Mr. A. Wells, of Toronto, is the | Port Perry rink on, Lyons and Miss Orma | Mrs. wm. | her daughter, Mrs. J, Scott, in Tor- J. Terwillegar, on Sun- | where they have been | the | relatives in Toronto last week. ;much as posalble. Sever:l of the gentlemen from tis vicinity attended the uocker ie in Bowmanville on Wednes- 1 day night. Mrs. R. Kellett and son, visited with friends in Toronto for a con pe of days. | Tha Povs' Club met Wednesday night at the school, A pew men {her was taken in. The boys cor [tainly enjoy thelr aveming and ar eager for the time to come to mes together again. | Mrz, Chee. Mackie and Mrs. O | terrow motored to Colborne on Wedneaxday. Mrs. J. Ll. McGill visited with vies, H, Willson on Thursday. A npleaeant curprise. Mr. Frank Snudden at North Osh- awa on Tuesday evening, Fehrn- ary 14th, when about thirty of [his friends gathered at his home. being the anniversary of his birthday. The evening was spent with progressive erokinole, and other games, A jar was filled with heans and a guessing contest held. { Mrs. Rerey Allman winning first { prize for the adults, and Master | Ross Allman widning first prize {for the children. Refreshments wers served and a very enjoyable avening was brought to a close | with the friends all wishing Mr, Snudden many more happy birth- HAMPTON Hampton, Feb, 17.--The Young People's League on I'riday evening was in charge of the Citizenship Department, with Mr. Laverno Clemens in the chair. The mee! ing opened with the singing of two hymne, 'Miss Grace Hastings read the Bible lesson and MM. (feo. Barron took charge devotional neriod, basing his re- marks on the verse of the lesson, which reads--"Who can find 2a | virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubles.' After prayer by Messrs Barron and Groat, a | hymn was sung. Mr. F. (iroat pre- conted the tonie, "Ideals for Choos- ing a Life Partner," in 2a Very able manner, dealing with the eubject from a physical, mental, | roetal ond domestic point of view. Two hymns were then sung and about twenty minutes was taken up for recreation, during which a relay race and 8 progressive it | was given | of the! Buckley's, just across the s(root from Willowdole. Mrs, Tillie Tav- | 'or who ocenpies a part of Mis! Chapple's housa on Mill street, but | who has been with relatives in Toronto since hefore Christmas re- | turned homo oy Saturday, owing 10 Miss Chapple's condition. Migzes Lillian, Marjorie * aud i"hvlis Clemence entertained about ty of their voung friends of 'oth sexes on Tues. All report a zood time. Mrs. Harold Skinner, nent the week end with her par-| , ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Lake Mrs. Perey Hare was In Toronto on Monday of last weel. Mrz, Annla Walker, y Hope, vas a week end I Mr, and Mrs. Norman | famny. Mrs. of rest Allin of and J. Haugh, of | ther, Mrz. W, M. Bonathan. Mr. T° W, Jeekson was in Tor- onto on Saturday, acting as a pall bearer at the funeral of the late Miss Kerr, aunt of his niece, Mrs Melding of Port Hope. Mr. Robert Haltom, accompanied | by Mrs, Walton, were in Torontn tn Monday. undergoing a radio singing test at the new Cheerio | Broadcasting Station's studio. In the Kine Bdward Hotel, Tf Rah | Passes the test, radio fans will iceon be hearing Newcastle's prince of vocalists on the air. | Miss I'lllan Clemence. Shaw's | end Mr. Norman Hogg, of Orono, | y Will represent Durham County in jan inter-county debate under t'q i 2n=nices of Agricultural Represen tative and Junior Farmers' cation. Place, date nor Assn- | [of delute are vet decided | subjart | unnn, ¢ (hot the Durham team win probably | debate agalnst an Ontario County | teanr. i | Mr. W, C. Lake spent the wos end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs Frank Bennett. He found Ar, Bennett in very poor health, a bad | case of dropsy and longing to he | pack in Newcastle, Mr. and Are Bennett's son-in-law, Mr. Fred Do You -- wn Better Houses For Sale New Houses AH JONES 11 Bond St, E, REAL ENTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan on First Mortzuges Phone 871 or GNTW URI evening rast, | Tyrone. | Phone 2667 A -Attractive new rug Hard- Warren Ave. brick five roomed house. wood floors and trim, French doors, electric fire place, lighting fixtures installed. Wide deep lot, $4,900 Warren Ave. -- Another nice new house with all of the features above rooms. Warren Ave. Still another of these very distinctive '| dwellings. 6 rooms. .. $5,100 A | CUTLER & PRESTON LYCETT Your Heal Estate and Insurance HBroker AUCTIONEER 25 King St. K.--torner Celina CARTER"S Real Estate 5 King St. E. or phone 138) jt King St, West Phone 572 OAKLAND PARK Phone 205 | Port | . Toronto, ! tanent the week end with her mo- | [ Say, ma, I'm bringing a young man ERC) ofeeleeleeleel LOANS No (.ommission BRADLEY BROS. OFFICE CLOSED Until further notice on account of illness W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Insurance Torte X JAP ' edeudeddeddedestodt [serio slosmfoelooadocofoniodoniontedeniosondsstoconiosfore The Heauty Spot of Oshawa Cet the Facts about the Finesgt Sub-division ever opened in Oshawa. Just far enough away from the factories to be permanent first class residential prop- erty, yet within dinner dis tance. Act now to get full henefit of the lowest prices these lots will ever be sold. a Auctioneer "hone 710-1 for Information 1 1 $6,00 paved street, Brick house, 8 rooms 5 minutes from fou house. Reasonable will take this, SPECIAL | ek $4,200 Noy ie Jose, al New Rug Brick, six rooms, oak | conveniences, French doors, (Cas: floors, chestnut trim, electric fix- | $650, tures installed. Possession at once, | | $1,800 new, well finished, Price $4,500--Casy $500.00, mediate possession. $200 We have five new houses for | balance monthly. ; | { cash payvmen sale down o with $200 cash payment, Horton & French BRADLEY BROS. | Mundy Block Phone 20606 | 29 Simcoe St. 8 Phone 16 hot water heating, on corners; very suitable for rooming 4 room frame Cottage, im Office on the property, King Street East, HARRY P. BULL Manager Other selling Agents Bradley Bros, Bertrand Realty r t i ] REAL ESTATE ' Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M. KELL 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1663W ) ma ARM Is AMPUTATED Culley, former leader of Shea's | Theatre orchestra, is now playing | in New York, but he and M¥s, ('ulley are planning fo go to Paris, France, in the Spring. Miidmay, Feb. 17.--Charles Dickenson, a prominent Carrick Township farmer, lost his left arn 'in a straw cutter which he wa operating on his farm on the Elor: Road yesterday. His glove became | 'aught in the cogs of the machine Daughter of Cannibal Family: home for dinner. the ecuttinz in a terribly the m drawinz his arm in box. The arm was mangled condition hefor ¢ | chine could be stopped ) - ------ "The pedestrian onl 1 leven break," remarks » The average pedestrian rather get hit at all, wants aa ia writer, wou in not coolilng matey was engaged In, the leaguers having been divided Into two grouns, The meeting closed by singing "'Blest Be the | Tie that Binds." The attendance | was not as large as usual, ewin' to the ehange of the night, and :her happenings conflicting. How - (ver, we are looking for a good attendance next. week when we sract a vielt from the Bowman- ville league. AH Interested in roone work are welcome. and Mrs. Lorenzo relatives In Oshava 'o Troll y A re Kisie Langmaid vizited 'len friends last Sundsy. 'I:. Walter Elliott, Thistletown, : poturned home after spending few days with relatives here. | | Mr. C. W. Souch attended fhe convention amd bananct of the | podier People, held in Oshawa 07 The ve-lden's at North Oshawa, Tuesday. | Friday last. On Thursday evening last, a ver, anoyable evening was spent by a | number of friends and neighbor | at the home of Mr. A. E. Billett, | when a progressive euchre zame was engesed in, prizes beinz | !2wared. Refreshments were ger-| | ved after which 8 numbér of mu ical selections were enoged, and | the eompany wended their way | homeward, feeling that everyonc (hed had a good time. | Quite a number have been suf-, | toring from la grippe. { | Several from here took in the: play "Make It Snappy," in Bow- | manville on Wednesday night. | | The ice-cutters sre still busily i engazed, finding it rather wet un-| {der tool on Wednesday, after the rain on Tuesday which flooded { the ice. 4 mp NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb. 17.--Mrs. W. | F. Richards is enjoying a fo-'-, night's visit with her cousins, 27r. apd Mrs. Davidson, Wroxeter. Mr. D. J. Gibson was ia Toron- to last Thursday and Friday, pre- siding over the sessions of the an- nual meeting of the Ontario Field Crop and Seed Growers' Assocts- tion. Miss Lillian Clemence's class of girls of the United Sundar School, held a skating party on the rink and enjoyed home made candy and other confections. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carveth. Grande Prairie, Alta. who are spending the winter with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carveth, have been visiting The five hundred has reorzaniz- ed for the winter with a member- ship of twenty couples, and meets for play every other Wednesday evening in the kitchen of the Com- munity Hall. This makes ten ta- bles and members unable to attend are requir:d to provide subxtiintes If Why? house. THE, STRANGEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD you were traveling in the mountains of Austria to- night you would run across their campfires beside the road and catch the music of their guitars, You would meet them envelo rounded by dogs, driving along t In Poland and Russia and Africa -- even in Canada and the United States--you will find them, with their ear-rings made of money, their heads bound in bandanas, their swarthy faces and piercing eyes. They are called GYPSIES, and for hundreds of years they have wandered up and down the highroads of civilization. They have no religion, no government, no literature, no money. Because they have no homes--own no real estate, Wealth began when wandering tribes settled down and acquired property. af The same thing is true with families today. Home and land ow- nership is the surest guarantee oty--and the world likes to deal world that you are settled, thriff prosperity. lI: indicates to the with that sort of people. , Deeds speak louder than words--especially the deed to a home, a lot, or an income-producing business property or apartment Readers who watch the Advertising Columns of the OSHAWA DAILY TIMES are presented daily with wonderful opportunities for investment in profit producing real estate ped in dust and sur- e roads of Italy.

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