Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1928, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, the commercial farmers through ' i FE DIG CHANGES (5) Imprivement of the beef cat- tle quality in Saskatchewan IN 1 ARIFF BILL through importation of pure-bred an French Measure Distributed in Chamber of Depu- PAGE 2 weave CHURCH ASSEMBLY CONTIUDES WORK Amendments to Prayer Book -------- canned fruits containing less than HUGGED TO DEATH 50 per cent. of sugar, the tariff Berlin, Feb. 17.--The only or-' on which is increased two amd one- | angoutang ever born in captivity half times. The tariff on prunes pas become the victim of a moth- is tripled, on corn, pork and salt-| or's 00 great love. The rare ba- ed meats doubled, lard increased | py, which was ushered into the 23% times and canned meats quad- | world five weeks ago at the local rupled. z00, was found dead in its cage On the other hand, the duty on i today with its chest crushed. The light tractors is considerably ae-! only explanation is that the fond creased, and on jellies diminished | mother pressed her offspring to 50 per cent. er breast so fervently that every rib in the little one's body was LABRADOR RETURN | 10 QUEBEC URGED Labor Confederation Asks Restoration to Province One Box Relieved Terrible Backache Dodd's Kidney Pills were Recommended by Friend "I suffered with Rheumatism and very bad Backache when a friend Annidale, 3 pi! (6) Institution of some measure of grading livestock, under Domin- ion auspices, for overseas export' trade. : (7) Creation in Canada of a De- 5 1 t ] DODDS KIDNEY iE i H London, Feb. 18.--Sanctioning the reservation of the sacrament but at the same time laying down the tion that the eomsecrat- od ts should be "regarded as outside the area of ceremonial ce," the House of Clergy of the Church of England General Assembly Wednesday wound up its session in the revision of the r book. What the Dean of terbury described as "the erux of our position," was reached when a motion requesting the bishops to introduce Rubrics to this effect was moved the Right Rev. R. G. Parsons, Bishop of Middleton. The House of Laity by a major- ity of 93 to 84 votes, adopted this ruling, but a further amendment by Bishop Middleton aimed at making the consecrated elements _ inaccessible except to the priest "when used for communion pur- poses was voted down by 94 to 87 votes. The next stage in the general assembly's discussion preliminary to presentation of the revised prayer book draft to the House of Commons will be considered by the House of Bishops of the amendments suggested by the clergy and laity. Rubric Adopted London, Feb. 18.--"Self-denial In the matter of speaking," was, at the request of the Dean of West- minster, the order of the day when the House of Clergy of the Churdth of England Assembly resumed dis- cussion of the Revised Prayer Book, and finally adopted the fourth rubrie, dealing with the ad- ministration of the Sacrament. There was considerable heckling however, during discussion of the Bishop of Middleton's motion to request the House of Bishops to introduce rubrics to the effect that the elements he so reserved that worshipers would regard them as outside the area of ceremonial observance, This was designed to avoid the practice of some clergy and servers showing marked acts of reverence to the reserved Sacra- ment during ordinary services. The disturbance increased when Canon Wilson asked: "If I see a person praying be- fore a statue of the Virgin must I say nothing? Or see a person worshipping at a spiritualistic seance? or worshipping spurious relics? Each phrase brought an uproarious "No." The motion wag carried by a vote of 93 to 84, Motion Carried The Bishop of Middleton sue- ceeded in getting another motion carried requesting the House of Bishops to consider an addition to the fourth rubric providing against the use of the Sacrgment 'except as Christ commanded." This mo- tion was identical with one intro- duced in the House of Laity by Mrs. Creighton, widow of a form- er bishop of London, and carried. The addition would consist of the statement that hy reservation as laid down there is intended to he no use of the Sacrament other than Christ Himself commanded: namely, that by faith in receiving the same "we are fed the spiritual food of the precious body and blood of Christ." Adoption of this motion by the House of Clergy brought it into agreement | with the laity on this issue, and it also came into line with the Jaity on the question of fasting by adopting a motion that fasting should be optional. The House of Clergy also passed a8 resolution reguesting the bish- 8 to consider the possibility of changing the form of invocation in the prayer of consecration in the Communion service, The vote was 75 to 61, BETTER MARKETING CONDITIONS LRG Saskatchewan Livestock Commission Tables 700 Page Report Regina, Sask., Feb. 18.--Eight recommendations for the improve- ment and marketing of Saskatche- wan livestock are made by the Ov- erseas Live-tock Marketing Com- mission in a 700-pagé report tabi- ed in the Legislature Tuesday. The recommendatioins are: (1) Co-operative marketing of partment or Bureau of Agricultur- al Economics to supply data on marketing and other problems to the agricultural industry of the :, Paris, Feb. 18.--About' 30 Am- Peminion. . | erican commodities exported to (2) Closer harmony between the | France are affected in the new Ped:ral Department of Agriculture !tariff bill, which was distributed end the Department of Trade and {to members of the tariff commit- ~ ties Commerce, with maintenance and tee in the Chamber of Deputies. extension of the services of the ag- |The changes are radical for some ricultural products representative products, while others enjoy rve- in London. ductions. The pramble of the ill PROSECUTION ENDS explains that the object is to hardest hit are Op the whole the schedules ap- pear far less inimical to American trade than was currently reported in the last few days. A brief study of the mew rates indicate that they are in line with the recent Franco-American accord. Young Artists: "This is the best piece of work I have ever done." Fair Critic: "Oh, you mustn't let that discourage you." ] It takes three generations of | noses at the grindstone to elevate the next one. broken. "Yes, she's one of those who old-fashioned girls smoke during meals." niece, don't SIMCOE STREET NORTH Ottawa, Feb. 18.--The Domin- ion Covernmert was asked Thurs- day afterncon to take s'cps to ob- tain the restoration of Labrador to tha Province of (iebes This request formed part of requested legislation submitted by the Na- tional Labor Confederation by Pierre Beauld and Abbe Fortin, of Quebec. A federal od age pensions scheme, appointments! a commis- sion to study the question of un- employment insurance and an im- 1 3 Bl i ge 2 g H PILLS migration policy under which farm labor only would enter Canada were theother requests placed be-| fore Premier King. to introduce legislation bringing all street railway companies oper ating more than 40 miles of trac) within the jurisdiction of the fed. The Government was also urged | eral commission. IN BUCKLEY TRIAL the gold value of the tariff of 1920. The products Sister of Shin Girl Col lapses on Witness Stand Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 18. -- The prosecution Wednesday rested its case in the trial of Joseph F. Buckley, of Weston, formerly of Halifax, N.S, for the murder of Grace Mills, of Waltham, imme- diately after Dorothy Mills, sister of the slain girl, had collapsed while under cross-examination, Dorothy Mills had been called as a government witness. Grace Mills was shot and killed while on an automobile ride with Buckley early on the morning of November 15 last. Buckley claim- ed she died as a result of a sul- cide pact, that she fired the first shot into her own body and that he fired the second on her plea that. he "finish her." Buckley shot and seriously wounded him- self, Reg US Pu Off; Copynght 1928, by Mewopolitan Newspaper Service| HERE -- |T MOVES BAC WARD! THEY'RE SO SLOW THEY SET THEIR CLOC [nd CENTURY BUANTSL By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Lad WoNDER WELL MEET THE mm -------- WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN Wits 0s nat a Lanamint Lerbins ana Dorothy Mills testified that she had heard her sister tell Buckley to cease calling on her hecanse his visits were a source of trouble at home. She said that during her! sister's birthday party Buckley he- came angry when another young man gave her sister a present and sald: "If I can't have her no one else can," The trial was tempor- arily suspended when Miss Mills collapsed. AWHAT'S THE MATTER - MAGGIE? TWO BRIDGES ANNOUNCED Quebec, Feb, 17.--The Provin- cial Government will build two bridges across the St. Maurice River, it was announced today. The St. Maurice bridge will be constructed fro mGrand'Mere to St. Georges at an estimated cost of $400,000 and another will be built either at St. Ours or Sorel, GODERICH DgLEGATION SEEKS INCREASED HARBOR GRANT Goderich, Feb, 17.--At the reg- ular meeting o fthe Town Coun- OH! | \WAS JUST THINKING OF THE BONS WHEN | WAS A GIRL | THOUGHT YOU HAD A FAR AWAN LOOK IN YCUR FACE - DON'T TRY TO BE FUNNY: YOURE FUNNY WITHOUT TRYING BESIDES I'M NOT MYSELF TO-DAY: i | i fo IF THATS THE CASE THINGS WILL BE QUIET ARQUN' HERE- 901 THINK I'LL STAY HOME cil held here tonight, a elegation was named to wait on the Minis ter of Public Works at Ottawa, with a view to raising the grant { for harbor improvements, The estimate as given out for this year was $75,000, a large part of which was the grant of last year that was not expended. TELLING TOMMY WHY DO BIRDS HAVE Coming to Detroit? DETROIT WELL, BIRDS PRESENT THEIR BILLS TO MOTHER DIFFERENT ; NATURE 70 HELP COLLECT THEIR LIVING, TOMMY, [X30 BIRD YAS TEETH, BUT THE BEAK OF EACH SPECIES 1S | FITTED TO HANDLE THE KIND CH OF FOOD WHICH IT EATS, IE 3HE BIRDS OF PREY,SUCH AS THE HAWK OR THE EAGLE HAVE STRONG CURVED BEAKS FOR TEARING FLESH, £34k BILL OF THE AMERICAN WOODCOCK BESIDES SERVING AS A PROBE IN THE MUD,IS ALSO USES TO GRASP THE INSECT OR WORM WHEN FOUND, HE GAN CURVE =RL THE UPPER HALF OF THE BILL EZR UPHARDS GRASP THE WORM AND PAZ ORAYI TT FROM THE GROUND. t ' POP SAYS THE | SHAPE OF AY) | EARLY BIRDS BEAK HELPS HIM [3 | GET THE VioRM HUH! THE SHAPE il DOESN'T HELP IT | ANY IF THE WORM DOESNT GET UP IN TIME, -- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Dreading the appearance; people tolerate, discomfort, headache, neryous fatigue, Vanity becomes a menace, 256 1516 ~--PHONE-- 1516 Disney Block Opposite Post Office We Repair Anything Bought In a Jewelry Store livestock. (2) A complete survey of live- stock holdings in specified areas of - the province with a view to dis- covering the most valuable area 'n which to construct an erperimental bacon factory. (3) Establishment of feeding stations in proximity to central markets, or to localities where feed js readily available, where MNve- stock might be held and properly finished until the central markets can profitably absorb them. (4) Adoption of something akin to the Danish system of connecting breeders of pure-bred pigs with | BASSETTS JEWELLERS { On Oshawa's Main Corner | pore] RER! REMEMBE ! HE'S GOT THE BEST OF ANYBODY WHO EVER LIVED! [Z2V8S EES INSPECTOR Waterous- Meck Limited Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office--66 King St. W. HR TILLIE THE TOILER--She Meets the | TERDONE , WHO WILL CONDUCT OUR FLYING TEST TODAY, MEES IONES eT, Test Ss OK. WILL MITH ME | CAPTAIN - LET'S GO, MR, Jerod | HUM hg ANNOY YOU IF | WMIHILE VM UP HERE, INSPECTOR 7 JONES YOUR FLYING|| WENT S0 FAST 17 TEST, Mees )| I

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