Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Feb 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1928 PAGE FIVE MROCKS DEFEAT BOWMANVILLE---FIRST OF PLAYOFFS HERE TONIGHT hrilling Battle Ends in Shamrocks 1iei ~~ Nose Qut Rivals 4 to 3 Bowmanville, Feb, 12.--~The Oshawa junior hockey team went home from Bowmanville last Sat- _urday nighxt with the much covet- ed game to their credit, having emerged victorious after a hard tussle with the Bowmanville sex- tette on fairly sofy ice, The score Was 4 to 3 and each goal was fair- ly yanked from the poposition's grasp after a tight struggle. Two more games are arranged Manager Jack Gunn, of Bowmanville, an- nounced after the game and they will be battles in every sense of the word, and the proprietors of both the Oshawa arena where Mon- day's game is to be played and the Bowmanville rink where the Wed- nesday game is called for will need to have extra space to accommo date the crowds. This statement is made from a check-up on the at- tendance at Bowmanville last Sat- urday. The place was packed, and then some. To begin with, Howmanvllle spriged the audience with a real goal in the last five minutes of the game which was scored by quick thinking coupled with quick action on the part of Rundle. Oshawa took four goals and did iy well, since each had a bloodoath to go after the other. In fact each goal scored had to be squeezed by good combination and full-support of the other members of each team, The game opened fairly fast with all men tip-top, Bowmanville lack- ing support in Williams and Cand- ler who were on the sick list, Grey was missing in the Oshawa men, There was plenty of enthus- iasm by the multitude and the even- ing was not without its little dif- ferences by groups here and there behind the boards. After a series of fast advances by each team on the goal of the other, none lead- ing to serious advantages, Rowden put a clever one in on James scor- ing the first for Oshawa, McMullen and Jackman besides the goalies of both teams, Rowden, Black and Little played as they never played before and did justice to their teams. Their work Saturday night was splendid and much action is expected from them Monday, Hoop er played a fast game and handled his stick with experience, Speed featured the evening, and all put their whole energy behind thelr efforts. The action after the first score centered almost entirely around the goals, where the goalies had to keep their eyes open, snd shin-pads ready, Their sticks weren't much use so they used their bodies and to much success. Thte action wenta Imost as fast away fromt he goals again how- ever, the players on defence and wings taking it to center where many a lively scramble ensued, Following this sort of by-play, some quick shots were sent to Oshawa's goal where Leveque made 8 fine show-down and spoiled them all. These operations were stopped however when Jackman took & band after some board-work, and cleaned theic e, landing the rubber in Oshawa's nets, Penalties were quite frequent throughout all periods although probably not much more than or- dinarily. Rundle made a good attempt to TONIGHT o0.H.A. HOCKEY O.H.A. JUNIOR PLAY-OFF BOWMANYVILLE MONDAY, FEB. 13TH At 8.15 p.m. BEST ' [some way At OSHAWA HOCKEY RINK g Group, make it another goal for Bow- manville with some accurate shoot~ ing from center ice but the Oshawa team seemed ready to convince him that it would need all the men Bowmanv! had to get another. They did, however, in a later stage of the game, - Hatrington galned the puck and made a rapid dash up the ice but his plan was spoiled at the Bowmanville wings wheu a return journey with the rubber fol- lowed. No advantage in either case, Harrington scored on good work and fast skating making it 2-1 for Oshawa. Bowmanville's support fell off a little, Piper was doing some fair playing and Rowden jumped back |B to view again, The shots at the goalies seemed to take a side-trap and were away off. Harrington was away on a fine start with the puck when the bell rang. Little took the puck-drop with speed and made a dash for the Bowmanville goal and kept James busy, Hooper and Rundle featured with some fine combination which was broken up just too early for a goal, Rowden gained some head- way and travelled down the ice at a fast clip, but missed a chance to score, McMullen played up, in the checking and usedh is wits, fin- ishig up with some speed towards the other end. Oshawa checked up on the play on their goal and took it down to Bowmanville's nets, The Bowmanville fellows got it and on a pass at the 60-foot line McMul- len heaved a heavy one which landed the puck in the net, After the usual by-play Arundell scored on James with a well-direct- ed play making the score 8-3 for Oshawa. The referee was busy checking up off-sides. Caverly ald- ed well on general rushes which seemed to take the action nearer to the Oshawa goal for a time, James had a hard row to hoe after some fast shots were planted in front of his goal but managed to hold his own, Whitten showed up well for a fast skater which came in advantageous. McMullen bore the brunt of the actinn in the third period for Bow- manville, and worked hard, Hooper gained the puck but Little took it away and shot a goal, James try» ing hard to save the count, Rowden made a series of bullet shots n Bowmanville but Oshawa didn't get any more goals, and Leveque had some nastry opes put up athim, but only managed to Jet one in during the last two minutes of the game., Arundell played strongly' for Oshawg but Hooper and McMullen worked (frantically to regain the loss of the score With three minutes to go Leveque was kept busy and after the final goal, action somewhat subsided al- though Bowmanville tried hard in the two minutes to regain the goal. Bowmanville--Goal, James; de- fence, Osborne and Hooper; center, Jackman; wings, McMullen aud Rundle; subs., Piper and Caverly. * Oshawa--Goal, Leveque; - de- fence, Rowden and Harrington; center, Arundell; wings, Black and Little; subs., Cole, Whitten and Burr, Referee Harold Farlow of To- ronto, It was a lecture about modern women--Dby one. of "Do you know," she cried to her audience, "that our present style of sensible clothing bas reduced accel dents on trams, trains and buses by at least 50 per cent?" She paused to let this sink im, when a male voice from the rear boomed forth-- "But why mot do away with acel- dents altogether?" vs VSHAWA (Shamrocks) Parsons' Rink Wins Final In Colt's Bonspiel In the third annual Colt's bon- spiel held at the Oshawa Curling Rink on Friday and Saturday, Mr, Ernie Parson's rink are holders of the trophy, by virtue of their vie- tory over the rink skipped by Mr, C. M. Mundy, in the final round. Mr, Parson's rink disposed of Mr, W. Karn's rink in the semi-final, Mr, Mundy drawing a bye. The full results and scores of the bonspiel follow: ) First Dr, H. Elliott A, J. Parkhill C. McDougall Dr, Harding 16 P. Canning H. Morison BE. Goodman W, Karn ,.14 Round H, Buckler H. Ross H., Wilson F, L. Mason 6 A. Ross R. Flintoft F. Gerrard 8. Flintoff ,.6 W. E. Davis R. McMurcey G. Hilts H. Barwell. 12 F, G, Chester..10 k A. Garbutt L. ©, James J. Sage .G, Jacabs...b R. C, Weir J. Hewson H. Drew B, Parsons, .14 P, Stickells W. J. Trick A. Joyce A, McDonald W. J. Young C. M, Mundy.,14 R.W. Dixon..7 H. Sutcliffe Dr, Bird W. Elmsley Johnson C., Hooper C, W, Dettenbeck W. Branton,,.16 O. M, Alger...9 Second Round Karn, ,.16 Harding....8 Parsons, ,.16 Barwell, ,.13 Mundy. ,.11 Branton, .,.6 Parsons, ,.12 Karn,,..9 C. M. Mundy drew a bye. A, Trick P, Stickells J, Hewson W. J. Trick H. Drew A. McDonald E. Parsons sk 11 C, M, Mundy sk 8 The score by ends in the final: Parsons,, ,,.018111108---11 Mundy ++:800000010---- 3 "e + AMERICANS TIE WITH LEAFS IN 2-2 SCORE Toronto, Feb, 18, -- The strain of their four previous gruelling games and the reaction from a four-day rest told on the Maple Leafs in their fixture against the New York Americans at the Ar- ena Gardens on Saturday night and the locals did ont look any- thing like the aggressive, speedy and clever aggregation that bat- tled the Canadiens on the preced- ing Tuesday, The Americans, on the other band, looked much bet- ter than in their first appearance here this season and the Leafs were fortunate to get an even break in the points, the score be- ing two-all at the end of ten min- utes over-time. It was the third tie game for the visitors in five days, they having previously held the Maroons in Montreal and the Cougars in New York to even scores, It was a disappointing evening for the locals' supporiers' as they figured in advance that the Leafs would win and that the Pirates would probably take the Maroons into camp, If these hopes had been fulfilled the Leafs would now be on even terms with the Senators in second place, three points ahead of the Maroons, with the latter having played one less game. Instead, the division of the points bere and the Pirates' loss at home places the local fourth, ope point behind Ottawa apd the Maroons who share sec- ond place. : The game {itself wasn't much to enthuse about apd an even break was perhaps a fair division of the spoils. The locals took the lead less than four minutes from the start when Lowrey scored a beautiful Am op ap ipdividusl effort. went down the cen- tre, slipped the rubber between Conacher's feet and dashed around to pick it up snd slap it net. Americans came apd in five minutes Burch engineered a play that gave Himes possession in front of Roach and after pulling the goslle out of position the New York centre made 8 short approach that found the cup. ADMISSION -- Seats on Sale at Ratz' Smoke Shop 28 Sumcoe Street South GENERAL 45c, TAX Be RESERVED 70c, TAX Be SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S ing on home ice which is generally this year, with the expectation of in the play-offs, Jumping from place to all milk and honey. official this year in the Mail and Empire, The Bowmanville-Oshawa feud will be renewed this evening the Bowmanville juniors play the Shamrocks : The Bowmanville team's sensational come-back, largely due to the stel- lar net-minding of "Red" James, received a set-back when the Sham- rocks came through in their better style on Saturday, sewing up the foun, and necessitating play-offs. owmanville for a return game on Wednesday, and goals on the round will determine the representatives of this group in the O.H.A. play- downs. As any of the patrons of the local rink will know, the games should both be strenuous and fast, with plenty of good hockey. After their uphill climb in the last few games in the group, and their showing on Saturday, the Oshawa juniors arc expected to pull out a win tonight, With each team having three markers to its credit after the game here on Friday, the local intermediates play a return game with the Queens aggregation at the Limestone City tonight. Queens will be play- on the battle shown here on Friday, the conquerors of Port Hope are conceded more than an even chance of victory, The Kingston team are out for the intermediate hockey honours this year in the O.H.A. and all the players are of senior intercollegiate calibre, as Queens did not enter a team either in the senior O.H.A. or the senior intercollegiate The games scheduled for last Thursday evening the City League for the Daily Times Trophy, will be played Tuesday and three good games are carded. At seven o'clock, Presbyterians and St. George's clash, at 8, Oshawa Railway and Simcoes battle in a fixture that has quite a bearing on the ultimate winner of Group B, and the "Midnight Special" will bring Buick Paint and Service together in what should prove about one of the best tussles in this league, as both tcams are fighting for the honor of playing Fittings, who are sure of first place in Group A, Je and refereeing hockey games is not Harold Mitchell contracted pneumonia and died in_Minneapolis recently, while Stan Burgoyne, the most sought-after Q.H.A,, is seriously ill in the Oshawa Hospital with bronchial pneumonia, Stan handled the Queen's game in Oshawa Friday night, but early Saturday morning a doctor had to be called in and he was rushed to the hospital. His friends were refused permission yesterday to see him. Last winter Stan coached the Fort William team, which was beaten in the hectic Allan Cup finals by Varsity Grads.--The when ain at Bradley's rink. The Shamrocks will journey to considered to be an advantage, but carrying off the intermediate title. Hockey Results Hockey games played Saturday and Sunday resulted as follows; Senior O.H.A. 9 Marlboros .... Intermediate O.H.A, London ..... vor 4 Woodstock ... xKitchener 5 Stratford , Varsity 2 Brampton .. x--Kitchener wins round; 8 to Junior O.H.A, 4 Bowmanville , National League Maple Leafs ... 2 Americans .. Montreal ....... 3 Pittsburg Canadiens 1 Boston .., aPittsburg, Detroit ,,., Chicago 3 Rangers a--~Played Sunday. Olympic Series Great Britain .. 7 Belgium Czecho-Slovakia 2 4 Switzerland .. 4 ++ 2 Hungary +++ 3 Great Britain . : ++ 3 Hungary 2 Sweden , aGermany 0 Austria a--Played Sunday. MAROONS FIGHT HARD TO BEAT PIRATES 3-1 Pittsburg, Pa., Feb, 12.--Mont- real Maroons took a strenuous Na- 'tional Hockey League match from 4, 3 {last night by a score of 3 goals to 1, the teanr scored against was short on account of penalties. Tex White grabbed the first count in the op- ening period, when both Stewart and Siebert were with the penalty timekeepers., Drury shortly after- wards upset Dune Munro and went off, and Stewart gave Lamb the pass that tied the score, Play was fast and hard during the rest of the first period and the second, but no scoring resulted. Hooley Smith op a lone dash around the Pittsburg defence put his team in the lead in the third frame when McKinnon was off. and in the concluding min One Thin Woman Gained 15 Pounds In 5 Weeks Men and women, weak, thin and miserable, are urged to put on weight and get back their health and strength with McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, One woman gained 15 pounds in five weeks and that's going fast enough for anyone. McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee, If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mc- , {Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets score |or 2 one dollar boxes any thin, Ld 4 Phone 2227 Puckett Bros. A.Y.M.C. Fourth Annual MINSTREL SHOW THREE BIG NIGHTS FEB. 15th, 16th, 17th A TWO HOUR LAUGH FOR 35 CENTS A Ticket Guarantees You a Sest in Comfort. Get them at Mitchell's Drug Store Campbell's Studio 8 | fei ) i g 1 §§ § § 3: : rl HHI fed hi underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the mark- ed improvement in health--your druggist is authorized to return the purchase price. Ask Jury & Lovell Ltd., T. B. Mitchell, or any good druggist. I------e r------------ PURE TANCRED Production BRED BABY CHICKS 3| to settle the question, "Who is the the fighting Pittsburg Pirates here | All four scores came when '| en by Wayne "Big" Munn, who lit ute of the game, while White was under banishment, Stewart scored on a clever pass from Dutton, WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING TITLE WILL BE DECIDED (By Associated Press) Chicago, Ills, Feb, i3. -- The world's heavyweight wrestling cham- plonship, a title that meant someo- thing when Frank Goteh had it, will be taken out of the committee room and tossed to either Ed (Strangler) Lewis or Joe Stecher next month, After seven years of ballyhooing, Lewis and Stecher have at last agreed to wrestle to a finish in St. Louis Feb, 20. The event is designer world's heavyweight wrestling cham- pion?" The match will be staged in the Coliseum at prices ranging upward to $25 for the ringside locations, with the'promoters expecting a gate of $150,000, a record in wrestling, Both Lewis and Stecher have claim- ed the title since 1925, Stecher was recognized as champion in some spots; Lewis was the title" holder in others, depending upon the particv- lar locality in which he chose to wrestle. They went their separate ways, each working a certain terri- tory in which they were regarded as champion, They have been matched on pre vious occasions, but something al- ways came up to sidetrack the :on- test. Lewis once posted a forfeit of $5,000 to wrestle Stecher in Los Angeles, but claimed an injury at the last minute, with the result that the bout never came off. It is an air tight agreement this time, the pro- moters say, with the winner taking the title, each having posted $5,000. Lewis and Stecher have met twice before and since thelr first engage ment a bitterness has existed be- tween them that still endures. Back in 1915 they wrestled five hours to's no-decision contest at Omaha, and on December 13, 1920, they met again in New York, with Lewis winning the championship for the first time in his career by pinning Stecher in a Sisgle fall in an hour and 41 min- ui Since then the Strangler was beat erally tossed him out of the ring and it was generally accepted Munn won the championship, But "Big" Munn was flattened by "Old Man" Stanislaus Zybszko on the eve of a return match with Lew is, which the latter won. SEMI-WEEKLY SHOOT OSHAWA GUN CLUB The Oshawa Gun Club held their regular semi-monthly shoot at the lo- cal traps at South Oshawa on Satur- day afternoon. The day was ideal for the "sport i and the shooters enjoyed the afternoon in the bright sunshine and made some very fine scores. The turnout was some- what larger than at the fast few shoots but there is still 2 noticeable shortage amongst the old line shoot- ers All the events were on 3 handicap basis and the shooters were divided into three classes and the winners were as follows :-- A Clase Ist--Russel Gay, 25. 2nd--Milton Gay, 24. 3rd--Ewart Mc hiin, 22. Class 1st--J. Braund, 25. 2nd--R. Sherrard, 24. 3rd--C. Robinson, 22. Class C 1st--C. Cox, 24. third with a percentage are unusually fine scores figured without handicaps. The mext shoot will be held on Saturday afternoon, February 25, is Poland Hockey leam Creates Big Surprise St. Moritz, -Feb, 12--The second day's matches in the Olympic hoc- key series, played here today, fur- ished several ding surprises. They saw the rise of Poland from obscurity to possible contenders for the world's amateur hockey .cham- ionshipand the partial eclipse of ermany as a favorite. Four games were played, and the first--between Belgium and Hungary --proved uninteresting. The former team, displaying superior combina- tion, outscored their opposition, 3 goals to 2. The second match--between Poland and Sweden--was the feature eveut of the day. The Poles proved that they could not only learn the game, adopted by them two years ago, but also play it well, as their 2 all draw with Sweden, one of the favorites, would indicate. Weak Goaltending Holmquist, the Swedish star, scor- ed twice because the Polish goal- keeper persisted in leaving his cage. On the other hand, the Polish for- ward line cored twice through bril- liant rushes and clean shots to tie the game. With a different goalkeeper the Poles would probably have de- feated the Swedish team. The English team was somehow unable to repeat their clever victory of yesterday, and were defeated 3 to 2 by the French, who are likely to be Canada's strongest opponents. The English lacked driving power and were unable to solve the clever com- bination play of Winds, Simond and Hassler, of the French team. Kuaglia accounted for two goals, and when Captain Rauch from mid-ice shot unimpededly into the English net the game was decided then and there. The Carruthers brothers scored for the British on individual efforts in the first and third periods. The last game was bitterly con- tested, although the hockey shown was very medicore. The Germans proved to be indifferent skaters, and the Austrians' hemmed them in a- round their own goal for most of the time, often leaving their defence unprotected. The match ended in a scoreless draw, so each team gets a point, Saturday's Games St. Moritz, Switz, Feb, 11.--France today took the honor of being the first nation to score in the 1928 Oly- mpics. The French team opened the hockey tournament by defeating Hungary 2 to 0. : Great Britain defeated Belgium, 7 to 3, Sweden won from Czecho-Slo- vakia, 3 to 2, while the best that Austria, an overwhelming favorite, could do, was to tie Switzerland at 4 all. Four hockey matches comprised the entire program for today. VARSITY 9, MARLBOROS 4 Toronto, Feb. 13. -- Marlboros presented a team composed most- ly' of juniors against Varsity in their senior O.H.A. engagement Saturday afternoon at Varsity Arena, and the Collegians ran up a 9-to-4 score on them. Varsity thereby kept pace with Preston in the senior set. and the Marlboros' management secured a stiff work- out for their junior performers. who will engage Niagara Falls in Will Hold An Will Be Staged Under Direc- tion of J. E. Cunnngham, Physical Director of Boys' Training School -- Many Attractive Events Are Planned (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb. 12.--The an- nual 'speed skating meet of How- manville will be held at Taylor's Arena on Monday evening. Febru- ary 20, and promises to be a most successful event. Many notables in speed skating and winners for the last year's event are scheduled to appear in person and to give demonstrations of their work. The meet is to be staged under the supervision of J. E. Cunning- ham, Physical director of the Boys' Training School and it was stated today that entires for the meet are positively to close on Saturday eve- ning next. The price for entry into any of the classes is so small that it is hoped that a large num- ber will compete and make the event a successful one. The events themselves are of a wide range and open to anyone with the exception of the mile re- lay which bars the clubs of the On- tario Hockey Association and per- mits four skaters. There is, how- ever, a mile open relay. Besides the mixed skating speed races-there are to be ladies' events and the boys' events. Champions and guests for the meet who will demonstrate at the GRIMES TRADED TO PITTSBURGH PIRATES New York, Feb. 12.--Burleigh Grimes, veteran spitball pitcher of the New York Glants, was traded to Pittsburg yesterday for Vie Aldridge, curve ball star of the National League champions, in a deal that caught the baseball world again by surprise, . Made on a straight playing basis with no cash Involved, the trads was completed in a long-distance telephone conversation hetween Barney Dreyfuss, president of the Pirates, and Jim Tierney, Giants' secretary. On the basls of 1927 records, which showed Grimes a much more consistent performer, 'the Pirates got the better of the deal, but both twirlers rank among the best in the league. Skating Tests Februa nual Speed ry 20 Hockey Records The standings of the clubs in the two groups of the National Hockey League, including last night's games, are as follows: Canadian Group PW. Canadiens .... 30 19 Ottawa .... soe. 30 13 Montreal ...., 29 14 Maple Leafs .. 30 14 Americans .... 30 8 American Group Rangers ...... 32 14 Boston .....-.., 30 12 Detroit ....... 30 12 Pittsburg wee... 29 10 Chicago wwe 82 6 B T. L. Pts. 6 43 10 33 10 23 12 32 16 22 11 9 14 12 23 3s 33 28 27 15 Lao = RE B-) meet are Leila Brooks, who holds six records for champion of the world title. Geraldine Mackie, Na- tional Champion of Canada is to be present, also Isobel MeCullough, Ontario and city champion, Jacque- line Belanger, national champion of Canada under the age of 14, Hat- tie Donaldson, Class "B" champion of Toronto, Ray Pendrel. Ontario Indoor and Outdoor champion, Fred Brooks, national champion for the 440 yards, Art Flack, Onta- rio indoor champion and barrel jumping, Jimmy Good, Ontario champion under 12 years, Orel Duffy, National champion of Can- ada under 10 years, and Douglas McQuarrie, winner of the Star Sil- ver Skates Derby, also Wilfred and Herbert Flack, New Martin THEATRE NOW PLAYING "By Whose Hands" ALSO SPECIAL COMEDY Another Presentation of the famous FOX NEWS EVERYTHING! IMPERIAL W -- 230 pm, and 2 full turnopt i quested. the O.H.A. first round this week, I tee ------ ep REGENT YOU'LL SEE IT ALL IN THIS GIGANTIC BRITISH PICTURE THE SOMME ACTUAL WAR SCENES By Permission of Now Playing Usual Prices AR MUSEUM Tobaccos.....Blend..... Taste. sesery "ALWAYS THER Wi STATE it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield cigarettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price. Lacey & Myzas Tosacco Co. '| of Canada, Limited CIGARE TES and yet they \ SATISFY snmmmmma

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