Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1928, p. 5

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Mrs. W. J. Abernethy, of Campbeliford, is spending a few days in Oshawa with relatives. ~=Rev. A, C. Reeves of the Knox Presbyterian church, will be in To- ronto tomorrow, where he will take eharge of the services at the Bonar Presbyterian Church, «Mr. W. J. Burns, andra] po) left yesterday for Southern' Carolina, where he will spend the winter months, returning to his 'here about the last of May. ~--Rev, W. W. Stoddart, of To- Tonto, will take charge of the an- niversary ' services at the Knox Presbyterian church tomorrow, and will be 4 guest at the parsonage, while in Oshawa. -=Miss Jean A, Small, daughter EE The BABY No mother in this ewlightened age would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless. especially when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretfulness and fe- ver, too; it seems no time until everything is serene, That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems justt what is needed. It does all that 'castor oil might accomplish, with-' out shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Be- ing purely vegetable, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need. to aid sound, natural sleep. Just one warning: it is genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all douht- ful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria is worth its weight in gold, . Children Cry for Fletchers CASTORIA TT Hi pe Just received a large shipment white gold fr, in the latest styles. Have your old shell frames changed for the latest style. When we test eyes it is done properly. The past week at the Oshawa Winter Gardens was one of the most successful since its opening. Tuesday night was balloon night. the winners of the evening being the ones who had the balloons with the bills on them. Thursday night was Farmers' night and was voted by those whol attended as the best evening spent here. "Come i're- pared to " was featured on , the bills an one was disappoin- ed. For next week the management has prepared a special feature for Valentine night, The DeCosta Stu- dios of Dancipg are presenting Jack and Peggy, Toronte's favorite ballroom dancers; and besides this there will be a number of novelties of different descriptions Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day nigfits are the Gardens' nights and the crowds are increasing stea- dily. You are denying yourself Teal pleasure if you are not among them, KING ST! CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Interesting anniversary services are being held on Sunday in King street United church, This is the fifteenth anniversary of this church, the con- gregation of which formerly wor- shipped in Metcalie street church, and for this event, the Radio Four quartette, of" Tabernacle United church, Belleville, have been secured to pravide special music, The official board of the church decided some weeks ago to ask the pastor of the church, Rev, C, W, De- Mille, to conduct these anniversary services, He will speak in the morn- ing on "Good Soil, Good Seed, Good Harvest," and in the evening on "The Greatest Business in the World." Mr, DeMille, it was announced some time ago, leaves July 1 to take charge of a Stratford congregation, The choir of the church: are preparing their quota of music for the day, and spec- ial numbers will be given by the Radio Four, VALENTINE MEETING 'OF SCHOOL CLUB Centre Street Home and School Associatio held the regular monthly fos last night with a large atte nee, After a short session the meeting took the form of a Valentine party. '* Musical Romance" was the first contest, The two winners were Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. Par- itt, Mrs. Anderson asd Mrs. Da- vis gave two delightful vocal solos, A game of 'musical chairs' follow- ed, after which an advertisement contest took place, The couple winning this contest were C. Davis and Mrs. J. Bennett, Refreshments were served at the close. Miss Robinson's class won the $1 prize for tie. month. The annual meeting with elee- tion of officets will take place on March 8, PAST MISTRESS DEGREE CLUB HOLDS PLEASANT MEETING The Past Mistress Degree Club of L.O.B.A, met on Friday after- noon at the home of Mrs. J. De- Marse, 139 Albert street. Repre- sentatives from Victory No. 583, Oakleigh No. 151, and Queen Mary No. 97, were present, After the routine business was concluded a social hour was spent when re- freshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Gillard, Court street on Wednesday afternoon, March 7, 1928. EIGHTEEN TABLES AT S. O. E. WHIST DRIVE ---- There were eighteen tables at the Sons of England whist drive held in the Sons of England hall 'st evening, when Mrs. W. C. Cowle, was successful in winning © first prize for the ladies, . Cowley won the second prize and 8. 8. Clements won the third ize. The gentleman's first award as given to Mr. J. Diamond, Mr. R. Holmes earned the second and 1 third prize went to Mr. Long- srrought. The special prize of the J vening went to Mrs. W. Winfield. _he prizes as usual were vouchers on the certain merchants in town 50 that the winners can purchase whatever they wish. Z. 5. DOWNE PRESIDENT OF ONTARIO THRESHERS London, Ont., Feb. 10--E. S. jowne of Shedden. was elected resident of the Ontario Brother- 200d of Threshermen in convention 2 Hyman Hall today, William Ford of Staples being named vice- president, and Byrell Harris of Chatham, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Ford. will: serve also on the ex- ecutive and John M. Houston of Chatham will act on the legisla- tive s>mmittee. The convention after discussion adopted a resolu- tion calling on the Government to increase from $1,400 to $1,800, the phice within which tractors are eligible for importation duty free. At the time $1,400 limit was fixed the exemption was a war measure desizued io stimulate agricutlural production. - Cosy indeed is the little girl who goes forth wearing this comfort: able coat. For cold days the prob- lem of keeping warm in this model will be a very simple one, The coat is double-breasted and the convertible collar may be made short, or long in scarf style and wrapped around the throat. The two-piece sleeves are set into the armholes and are finished with deep cuffs, and patch-peckets with tabs are a useful and attractive ad- dition. No. 1206 is in sizes 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Size 4 requires 2% yards 36-inch, or 1% yards 54-inch material. Price 20 cents the pat- tern, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ,,..,... COBLS, Please send patterns listed be- low: [117 J BlZ¥ sieves mers RrEIIIILY . Ee rs TT NAME .ossssroossnsrssrese Address TOWR +s sos: , Province . price, 20 cents each, stamps or coin, Wrap coin :arefully, ses sesspremiereeR ANNUAL AT HOME OF SCOTTISH RITE Oshawa Mombers Well Rep- resented at Function in King Edward Hotel The annual At Home of the Toronto Lodge of Perfection An- client and Accepted Scottish Rite was held last evening in the Crys- fal Ball Room of the King Ed- ward Hotel. Many prominent members of the Order from distant parts of the Province attended the funetion which is held annually by the To- ronto Lodge of which the Scottish Rite Club of Oshawa with ap- proximately 0 members is a part. The cheon was follow- ed by an excellent program, which was enjoyed to the fullest extent by the eight hundred pres- ent. The remainder of the even- ing was spent in dancing to the melodious strains of Romanelli's orchestra. Among the clht hundred guests present were Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Purdy, Mr and Mrs. F T Lam- ble, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jacobi, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bunker, Mr. C. . De- Guerre and Miss N. DeGuerre, Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ferguson, Mr. A. A. iss Eleanor Mi- Mr. J. C. Fowlds, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Annis, Mr and Mrs. G. D. Astley, Mr. T. L. Wilson and Mrs W. J. Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hare, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hager- man, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Lang- maid, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mr. R. E. Saunders and Mrs. G. ! Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pier- son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chap- man. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HEH. Lip- pett., all from Oshawa. Altogeth- er the affair was one that will be greatly remembered by all who were present. It is understood that another dinner will be held in Welsh's Parlors by the Oshawa Club on Wednesday, February 29. HOLD SUCCESSFUL TEA A very successful tea was held on Thursday afternoon by the Ladies' Aid of the Christian church at the home of Mrs. W. Henry, Albert street. The guests were received by Mrs. F. Park and Mrs. Henry. Tea was serv- ed at a beautifully decorated ta- ble. The pleasing proceeds for the afternoon amounted to $27. Gongs re ringing and whistles Five ack and home we go! No more work till another day, Hats and coats, and away, away! The crowded car--our little street-- The flat--and mother, prim' and neat ---- Glass and silver and dainty food, And shuded lights--oh, life is good! The water hot in the porcelain tub, The shining taps, the vigorous rub, Fresh and dainty from head to feet, Powder and lipstick and all com- plete, And sheathed in silk without, with. in, I shall dance tonight at the Hum- ming Bird Inn, I care not what old fogies say, Now while I'm young is the time for play, I will dance and sing, I will laugh and ride, While life is free and the world is wide, I will change my friends whenever I choose A8 1 change my dress or my hat or shoes, If they grow shabby or dull or sore, Let them go, there are "always more, "Love will come and tame my heart?" well, what if it does? Will it ease the smart When grief and pain my peace destroy, If T have no memories of joy? Will I more surely hold him true If I've sat and sewed the long years through, Hidden away from life and fun ead to the world like a clolster- ed nun? You who would laze away the years With your love of ease and your coward fears, Shutting your heart less you love too much, Casing It in from the casual touch, Lest unrequited love befall, Till at last you cannot love at all, "Tis you who would waste the pre cious years, Buried in maxims and damp with tears Would wrap the gift of youth away Leave it to mildew and decay! But I shall sing and laugh and joke No matter how you may groan and croal, And' as though you never had ut- tered a word I shall dance tonight at the Hum- ming Bird! IRISH STEW This is made from the cheap cuts of mutton and forms a most hearty and. substantial disn wt small cost. Cut two pounds of the scrag breast. of mutton into small pleccs And leave in the hones, which should be cracked Cover with cold water bring to the boil and simmer for #% of an hours, withont adding anything elge, and keeping the kettle close- ly covered. Then add a quarter of a pound of salt pork, cut in dice, a bay leaf, salt, turnips and potatoes. Cover the kettle again and simmer until the meat and vegetables are tender. . Remove the bay leaf and thicken the gravy with a tablespoonful of flour, blended with a little milk. Stir until the grayy bolls and add two tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley. Men, Women, Children by thousands, uzce Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Ton- silitis for Head Colds, Catarrh, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Quinsy, Sore Throat and Toosil troubles, Try, its guaranteed. Oshawa Druggists. Fifth Poy Sets New Hair Vogue -- "On the El and in the Subway, everywhere I go mowadays, I see girls here in New York who are doing their hair the mew way," says pretiy Leona Newell, 6250 Anna Place, Glendale, L.1., now appearing on Broadway in the "Greenwich Village Follies." "I can tell girls who are msing it. by the way their hair seems to sparkle. It looks so soft. too, and it's always meat. This way just suits me. F haven't much time tc give my hair, and it takes just a second to put a few dashes of Danderine on your brush when you use it. It certainly makes your hair look grand. Mine needs shampooing only once a month, too, since I'm using Danderime." Danderine quickly removes that oily film from your hair and re- stores its matural sheen and lus- tre. It keeps bobhed hair in place without showing. It stops dand- ruff. Drug stores everywhere sell millions of th» 35¢ bottles. A fra- J PAGE FIVE ig Clearing Sale of Ladies' Fur Coats Now is the Time to Buy Your Fur Coat 20 TO 40% DISCOUNT Think of it! $12,000 worth High Class Furs to choose from, at startling reductions, with Quality, Workmanship and style in every, garment. This sale will be put on at our store by THE CANADA FUR MFG. CO., TORONTO wo Sale Dates ionday. Feb. 13th & Tuesday Feb. 14th by the editors, what form in the I COLLEGIATE CHATTER VE school is it going to be that In hoth quality and quantity, sends in the most contributions for the Ae- ta Ludi? A lively aggressive form . The most sincere sympathy was extended this week by the teach- ers and students of Oshawa Col- legiate to Kenneth Heddon, in form 4B, whose father passed away on Monday last. The ber- eavement makes itself all the more felt in the school, inasmich as Kenneth had heen chosen to rep- resent the Collegiate in the inter- school debate against Bowmanville High School but under the elr- cumstances, he now finds himself unable to take part, LJ LJ * To take his place, George Camp- bell, a fellow classmate has been chosen, and it ig to be hoped, 'and fn fact it is almost expected that he will live up to Kenneth's stan- dard. George's selection came af- ter his splendid showing at the Rotary Club banquet, where he along with Albert Glass on the one side and Hazel DeGuerre and Carmelita Cummerford on the other, debated on the St. Lawrence waterways subject. » * The names of the Bowmanville debdtors were announced yester- day,.and at the same time the date for the debate was again changed. The representatives are Ted Magon and Marian Rickard. while the de- bate will new take place on Mon- day, March 5, it having now been changed first from February 20 and then from February 29. ® ". * The subject of the debate, which was finally chosen this week is: "Resolved that Canada should adopt a quota "system of immigra- tion upon non-British Europeans," or words to that effect. Already the Oshawa team, Jean Merritt and George Campbell are collecting material on the subject and all students and those interested should lend all the assistance they possibly cam in this matter. » - LJ The announcement sent around to the rooms on Thursday request- ing a turn out of those interested in forming an Hawaiian guitar or- chestra in the school, met with some response and on Tuesday night after four o'clock. an imitial practice will be held. It is under- stood that at least rive will be on hand. . . * If this orchestra gets under way, this together with the little syme- phony orchestra and the Glee Club should certainly manage to pro- duce a highly successful concert before the Easter holidays. The weekly practices of the Glee Club and the orchestra have been econ- tinuing earnestly for over a month mow and their efforts bave been far from unfruitful. * % The lower school girls' inter form basketball championship pla: downs got under way this weel \i regularly according to schedule on Friday of next week. The win- ners of these two groups which ost number of victories in their re for the championship. As soon as' the winner has been declared, the third, fourth and fifth form teams will swing into action 10 bat- tle it out for the semior school championship. - | LB grant toilet necessity for the well- i groomed girl. As soon as time permits, it 4s as well as the students themselves in it can certainly make a name for itself through the Acta Ludi for being a form of hustlers, just as some forms have already made names for themselves in other di- rections. expected that hoys' inter-form has- ketball will be started and inter- form hockey is also slated to get going in the very near future, The volley ball league which was pro- posed before the New Year, 1s also to be heard from. » MADE TO ORDER 5; MADE TO ORDER WE MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF TRUSS AND GUARAN H SECURELY, A EXAMINATIO NREL, Une ABDOMINAL F AUTHORS & COX. Lvo 135 CHURCH S TORONTO *® ¥ * * * The January report of the school librarian, was this week drawn up and it again has progress and its keynote. The attendance in the month was 9, of hooks fissu- exhibition basketball expected to provide a keen- competition than so far, is being arranged for the senior boys' baus- ketball team, although no defln- ite dates or arrangements have us yet been made. Negotiations are at present under way, however, to secure visits from the clever Meds' team of the University of Toronto who are called to win the Varsity inter-faculty championship, and with Harbord Collegiate which provided such a hectic series with 0.C.I. last year. Probably on Sat- ry ! urday of next week the return | game will be played in Toronto to S80 great was the popularity of | that played here in December with | (he study elassroom apart from | McMaster University whieh result-|ihe library which was established ed in a victory for the Colleziate. | 1ast week that inside of three days * * a second had to be opened up to considering the accommodate the homework-doérs Some games. er amount of those played ip achievenrent as total aggregate library during the 536. The number ed was 2,666 of which fiction headed the list with 511 volumes being taken out. Literature with | 249 and History with 236, were next in order. One hundred and nine mew members were added during the month, bringing the total now fo 506 active borrowers 18 Simcoe St, South ------------ Not work Home movies with the Cine-Kodak equipment There'll be no dull evenings for your fam- ily this winter if there' # a Ciné-Kodak outfit i in your home. we'll show you all about the equipment if you'll stop at our store, Complete outfit $162 up KARN'S Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 378 Does Your Back Ache? Then your kidneys are out of order and you need Gin Pills Gin Pills stop backaches by acting direct] on the kidneys and the blad- der. They soothe, heal and strengthen the inflamed organs. Thousands who have used Gin Pills enthusiastically recommend them. Get Gin Pills today at your druggist, 50c a box. National Drug and Chem- ical ny o of C a, Limited, Toronto, Canada. 129 FOR THE KIDNE Ys IF YOUR STOMACH is out of sorts GASSY, ACIDY, VOMITING, ULCERATED, Etc. and with the games being playe! | winners in the first and second | form sub-groups will be declared will be the teams having the great- | spective series, will then play off | YOU NEED Thuna's Herbal Treatment For guick and lasting results COME In Or Phone Today Dr.Thuna Balsam Remedies Ltd. 500 Simcoe St. South 13 STORES Natures way is best.

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