ONTARIO NEWS Ln ee DEATH OF WALTER POTTS Walter Potts, a farmer living near Trenton, died suddenly yester- day afternoon in Dr. Alger"s office STIs Yilnge of acute indiges- well, he went as office to consult fm, vot in about fifteen min- BEGGAR SNATCHES PURSE Mrs, A, Sharpe, of Baneroft Vil- lage, was yesterday morning at the Trenton C. N. R. station purchas- ing a ticket to return home, when a man approached her asking for the price of a feed. As Mrs. Sharpe was opening her purse, the man snatched the purse and made good his escape. The purse contained a considerable sum, MRS, L. H. McBRIEN DIES The funeral of an old resident of Cobourg and Haldimand Township took place Thursday. when Mrs, MeBrien, widow of L. H, McBrien, was laid to rest in Fairview Ceme- tery, Grafton, She was a daughter SUNG BOUESTON ~YOUVE GOT RIGHT PLACE! You've heard About our Square Way of doing business! Let us prove to you our WINNING WEIGH -- With -- QUALITY COAL BROS. | ALBERT 57. Arcade MONDAY A Hosiery SPECIAL Extraordinary Wearwell Hosiery, popular shades, all sizes, Guaranteed first quality. Extra Special, pair, 95¢ An Exceptional Sale of . Peerless Silkk Rayon Lingerie. Travellers' samples at great reduc- Nightgowns, etc Ranged in ice from $1.25 to $3.25. Let us ad- vise you to be early. of: Shop at lw The Arcade "The Busy Bargain Store 1| fortably as could be expected. of the late Ira Kellogg, and was in her eightieth year. Her hus- band died a few years ago. Two sons, 'Ray of Haldimand and 8. Mc- Brien of Belleville and three daughters, survive their mother. LIBERAL CAUCUS Chairman 'of the Liberal eaucus | yesterday. He succeeds Hon. Charles Marcil, CHARGED WITH BURGLARY George Smith of Sidney Town- ship was arrested in commection with the robberies that have beew committed during the past week | in Trenton. When the man was | arrested, he had in his possession, ' it 1s alleged, some of the articles missing from the store of Frank McEwen, which was broken into Thursday morning. CAPT, PANET SERIOUSLY HURT Capt. D, E, L, Panet, of R.C.H, A., Kingston, who was removed to the General Hospital on Thursday night, is in an unconscious condi- tion, having been kicked in the forehead by a horse, was reported this evening to be resting as com- Capt. Planet was making his rounds of inspection at the R.C.H, A, stables when one of the horses lashed out and struck him in the forehead. . Capt. Panet's injuries were diagnosed as a scalp wound! with a slight fracture of the skull, J. ¢. "ALLOWAY'S RINK WINS oop A valuable silver cup, presented by B. L. Hyman of Belleville for competition between rinks of the local curling club, was at an early hour this morning won by a rink skipped by J. G,, Galloway. Several rinks completed, and the final game was commenced late last night, Final W. H. Gerrie H. D, Bateman W. J. Symons F. Vermilyea W. 0. Adams R. Orr, sk, 10 J. Galloway, sk, 11 ¥. Houston REFUSE WOMEN TEACHERS MORE PAY Kingston Board of Education Thursday night refused the re- quest of women teachers of pub- lic schools that their maximum salary be increased from $1,250 to $1,350. During discussion, Mrs. Newlands,® Chairman of the Management Committee, threaten- ed to resign if the board expected to tie her hands by criticising her action in taking issue with report of her committee, against increase. Women members, of the board favored the request of the teach- ers which would add about $5,000 to the expenditures. MRS. ISAAC LEMAX PASSES Catherine Code, wife of Isaac Lemax, a lifelong resident of Smith's Falls diserict, passed away at the home of her son-in-law. Smith's Falls, following an illness of six months, Deceased was born at Newbhliss and was 71 years of age. Many years of her life she lived near Jasper, near Smith's Falls, Her husband, two sons and two daughters, survive, namely: Messrs. Russell and Harold Code of Smith's Falls; Mrs, R, Leech, Dinsmore, Sask., apd Mrs, W, Cam- eron, Smith's Falls, There are three brothers left as well, name- ly: George, Toledo, Ont., and Mes- srs, Thomas and John Newbliss, Ont, Deceased was a member of the Anglican Church, the funeral service being conducted in St. John's Anglican Church, Smith's Falls, by Rev, Canon D'Arey Clay- ton. The pallbearers were: Mes- srs. 8. Griffiths, T. Hutton, Moul- ton, J. Purcell and Messrs, George and Wesley Lemax. FEAR PNEUMONIA While making good progress from the effects of self-inflicted knife wounds, George O'Neil, is tonight complaining of severe pains in the chest and a sore throat. Doctors at the hospital at arrle fear the outcome of possible pneumonia complications. Coroner Campbell of Tottenham has adjourned for two weeks the | inquest into the deaths of Asa Robertson and his daughter, Mrs, | Ruby Martin, who were burned to death in the barn fire on the Robertson farm last Saturday morning. After his detention as 2 material witness, O'Neil at- tempted to end his life in the ' police cells at Barrie. Inspector Creasy of the Provineial Police have recovered from the ruins of the barn part of a turnip cutter. If Robertson was killed before i the fire started in the barn, the police say, the turnip cutter might , have been the weapon used. QUEEN'S BEAT McGILL Queen's Ladies' Hockey team defeated McGill in a ladies' senior intercollegiate game at the Harty Arena last nig by the score of 1-0. The gi was close and ! exciting alk the: i with Queen's getting their only goal five min- period when Erma Beach skated down the side gnd tallied on a nice shot. The 'McGill team dis- played some fast skiers, bu but they were weak in shooting, and miss- €d many good chances when they lost the puck at the detence. The teams were: Queen's--Goal, M. McNab; de- fence, M. Rowland, T. Whattam; { centre, E. Beach; wings, F. Bar- | rington, G. Simons; subs, B. Ad- sit, I. Gordon and M. Devine. McGill -- Goal, E. Binns; de- fence, A. Adams, H. Lambbert; (centre, M. Peters; wings, K. 'Sharp, W. Borland; subs, H. | Thompson XK. Peters and E. Le- baron. Read apd Sergt. |, utes after the start of the second | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUAKY 11, 25 Albert Street THIRTY REBELS ARE EXECUTED Captured at Salamanca-- Will Execute All Found Destroying Tracks (By Associated Press) Mexico City, Feb. 10,--The War Department announced today that all military commanders had been erdered to execute on the spot all persons found in the act of de- stroying railway tracks. Press despatches said thirty rebels were captured and executed near Sala- manca, The rebels were part of a band of two hundred who made a futile attempt to capture Sala- manca last Sunday. FREED ON CONTEMPT CHARGE Washington, D.C., Feb. 9. --Sheldon Clark, the wealthy ' Chicago oil man and sportsman, was freed today of criminal contempt charges, entered against him when the Fall-Sinclair case ended in a mistrial, COAL, COKE and WOOD The Very Best W. J. TRICK COMPANY LID. HER CONVERSION TO HINDU FAITH MAY FACILITATE WEDDING (By Canadian Press) Colombo, Ceylon, Feb, 10---Ad- vices fromr Nuwara Eliya, island re- sort, say that the former Mahara- jah of Indore and his fiance, Miss Nancy Ann Miller, of Seattle, Washington, will leave for India on Sunday. It is belleved that the purpose of the trip is the conver- sion of Miss Miller to the Hindu faith in order that the marriage may be held. 749 DIABETES PATIENTS RECEIVED INSULIN IN JANUARY (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Feb, 10.--O0f 749 dia- betes patients who received units of Insulin from the Provincial De- partment of Health in January, 237 were in Toronto. Hamilton has only one, Windsor sixteen, Kingstton fifteen. The cost of distribution during the month was $3,784, the average per patient being $4,97. 1928 WHAZ (306)--Troy. Campus Serenad- 11.45 Fea (370)-N.Y, Manhattan Seren- 12.00 WHY FRA roe Moody, 12.45 WDAF (¥70)--Kansas City. Nighthawk 1.00 CNRV (21)~Vancouver. Midnight fro- Kit So)-1on Angeles. . Dance or KYA" "09)-Sin Francisco. ay Hotel. KOIL (3 Dance. 2.00 KNX 3) Tol ecods "B Hotel Ambas- sador, (Copyright, 1928) FAMOU S BRITISH STAGE STAR DEAD London, Feb. 10---Little Tich, one of the best known stars of the Loos | one of variety stage is dead. (Confinu 11.30 KFT (469)-- orchestra, WTAM = (00)~Cleveland. Memory's (535)~Hartford, Melodies for 500)--Ft. Worth, String Band. [0 (535)--Des Moines. Organ. (361)~Cinci. Al and 'ete, L3 CNRE (517)~Ed 1 1.20 WRR Aen) Dallas. Mui ES py wrx Ba tity The News- wo ( Mpls.-St. Paul. North 4] &Rea 'Toronto. Optical talk, 7.2 $ (256)--Sjringfield, "Eye- ht 7.3 KFNF SS atantoth. Letter bas- ket. from page 12) Angeles, Philharmonic od Fe 12.00 Waar WaAt WEAF Ce Y, Bendrice ope u WKBW A) Buffalo. Spiritual quar. ter-hour, 7.50 WNAC 1a. Boston. "Newspaper 8.00 KFRU (250)~Columbia, Mo, Radio 258)--Charlotte. Farm school. 810 WIM) Mg (294)~Milwaukee, "ius Great 8.30 KOB (34)--New Mexico College. Farm ko (435)-Ottawa, "Patents and In. WHER (256)--N.Y, Address, yoo (39)--Phila, Address by Rev. 9.15 WCAL (236)--Northfield. Book talk. * Bho (384)--Hot Springs, "Ozark (306)--Troy. Educational ad- dren 9.45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Book talk, 10% LL) XS alywosd Playlet, )--Troy. Paris Fashion talk, Woe (375)-- Davenport, Lecture, "New Insight on China, 11.15 WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. "Over WEAF, KSD, WCAE, Wat, WDAF, WEEIL" WGN, WGY, WHO, WJAK, WLIT, WOC, WRC, WSAI, WTAM, WTIC, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Orchestra, KPRC (24)--Houston, Leer Owls, WCCO (405)--Mpls,.-St, Paul, bonds. WHAZ (306)--Troy., Orchestra, 9.00 WYAX (31)--Jacksonville, Orchestra. WOKT (210)--Rochester, Merrymakers, WSM (337)--~Nashville, Orchestra, 9.05 WHK (265)~Cleveland. Buckeye Ser- enaders, 9.30 WHB (341)--Kansas City, sic. 9.45 WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, chestra, 10,00 Columbia Chala The Captivators, from WOR, , WADC, WAIU, WCAO \, WFBL, WGHP, WMAK, WMAQ, Vaga- Dance mu- Telephone Lines to Central Dance or- WCA! AC, WOW WAAM (349)--Newark, WBAL (285)--Baltimore, WBZ (333)--Springfield, I Lowe. WRHM (261)--Mpls. Dance, 10.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal, Jack Denny. WRC (469)--~Wash, Swanee Syncopa- tors, WSAI (361)--Cinci, Ray Miller, 11.00 Red Network--Vincent Lopez, dance or- chestra, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCSH, WHO, WMC, WSAI, wow, THS (384)--~Hot Springs. WAMD (225)--St, Paul. Dance, WCAU (337)--Phila, Club Madrid, WGR (303)--Buffalo, Supper music, WLW (428)--Cinci, Orchestra, WOS (361)--Jefferson City, The Ram- blers, ida (273)--Atlantic City. Dance, (448)--Chicago, Orchestra, wi (294)--Milwaukee, Frolic, 11.05 WAAC (461)--Boston. Orchestra, 11.30 WFLA (517)=Clearwater, All dance band, Four Towers. Orchestra, Mass, Bert SERVICE Dance, TEA!isgood ted The Orange: Pekoe is 'sometliing extra--s special tea In clean, bright Aluminum Phone 262 DIXON'S Ete 1 for Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke ror aes» (Gen. Motors Wood OUR MOTTO ET ------ A ---------- - DSHAWA! Optical Parlors WHEN WE TEST IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL EYES Phone 28 or 20 OSHAWA LUGGAGE Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Ini. tials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 Radios and the D. J. Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record ip Oshawa Jeweller King Street West Wonder Orthophonic BROWN c. CHURCHLEY repairing Ovo: « like mew, phone-- DRY CLEANING If you want your clothes cleaned so they will look PARKER'S 41, Prince Street Phone 793 INSURANCE AND Ly REAL ESTATE DINNER AND LUNCH { | Mill Street YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY Just phone 2520 and a driver will call, OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Pry Cleaning Co. Oshawa CLOTHES FOR THE GENTLEMAN SIBERRY BROS. Outfitters for Men 27 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1110 BAKERY 12 d Simcoe Street South "You Get Married--We Feather. the Nest" 2 3 Phone 701 HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES LOCAL NEWS LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL DISTRIBUTION "Quality and Prompt Service" owr molto EVERYTHING FOR TOMORROW'S ELECTRIC BAKED NUT-KRUST Simcoe Street South - Referce--Fletcher Queen's. 19,1229; (229); (2X9); (229); 1229) {2A9) (QA9) RAD). (049) [| N / IN / \X{