Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1928 St. Valentines" Day Has Had a a History name upon connection with it, as i, ne put by Dr, Brew- Fre tine a - a t thi ot hip at ag, Selects of hi and else. ub s that such a per- 'son ® Valentine pnce lived, and that met with a violent death; being rst beatefi with clubs, then behead- ed on Feb ah 14, 270 A.D, His re- 8 are preserved, so it is said, in the church of St. Praxedes at Rome, Where a aie at led after him to s day--" alentini." yy fo oy departed glory of bi | day when we sent tender little sives to + sweethearts; sentis mental, beautiful; with doves flut- tering "round Hymen's altar; Cupids the never be pried or boug of | tom to select ed, only to wound the one against whom a has been formed; things Ly ch Fuad the on the eve of Es alentine's pe dhe ri the cus the names of a nun ber of one sex, with an sual nui. ber of the other, put them into some vessel, then to draw out a name which was called a valentine and a good omen if Je 2 afterwards be- came man and wi At one time in England the lad's valentine was the ft lass he might see in the morning, not, of course, being an inmate of he house, the lass' valentine being similarly the first lad. Our poet Gay makes his housewife tell her husband i-- "I early rose just at the break of day, Beer Se sun had chas'd the stars Adfield i Wnt amid the morning dew snsiog To mil my bine, Sor so shoud Thee fast 1 spied, and the fires color | In ie Xe shall our trv t Aud Simon Glover hi ASA daughter to ag x8 Mai on Bh matters so that 4 firs she sees on Valentine's Day's this young man, who, according to the custom. could claim a kiss on the an as often as they met dur year, Shakespeare also has references to the saint; he makes Ophelia say i= "Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day All in the morning betime And I a maid at your window To be your valentine." Of course she means his sweet- heart. The valentine at one time was not considere¢ incidental to the young, unmarried person, for in Pepys Diary," that curious record of do- mestic life in the time of Charles 11 RN © (3 EA he tells that he gave his wife a ring for a valentine, A very curious custom was observ- ed in Kent at one time, where the girls; from six to eighteen years of age would assemble round am un- couth effigy which hey called a "hol- ly boy," and which they had stolen from the boys; while in another part of the village, the boys gathered round an "ivy girl" which was stolen rom the girls. Both there effigies were burnt amid acclamations, hur- rahs, and much noise, Nobody knew where or how the custom originated, all Rid knew was that it was the custond to do so at this season, There is one belief that has never died out to this day, in the Old Land a least, that on the fourteenth of ebruary the birds choose mates: their "There is an old proverb That birds of a feather hon St. Valentine's Day | meet together." NEED 4,000 ROOMS FOR CONVENTION Republican "Meet at Kansas City Taxes Accommo- dation Washington, Feb, 11.--Whether Kansas City will retain the Re- publican National Convention de- pends on the guarantees of ade- quate roms offered Thursday when the Kansas City representatives face the arrangement committee of the Republican National Com- mittete, William M. Butler, chairman of the. Republican National Com- mittee, is insisting upon a mini- mum of 4,000 rooms for dele- gates, convention functionaries and newspaper correspondents, Diagrams sent 'from Kansas City showed only 1,802 rooms, Butler is represented as being ready to move the convention to Cleveland if: Kansas City does nott produce the rooms, He feels a responsibility because he forced the convention to Kansas City by pressure on national committee- men here last December, However, the Kansas City rvep- resentatives promised 9,000 when they asked for the convention, and national committee officials feel that they will be able to produce the minimum of 4,000 out of this promise, TWENTIETH CHILD BORN TO COUPLE IN OTTAWA Ottawa, Feb, 9--Mrs, Anna Laver- gne, wife of a civic employe, has just given birth to her 20th child, Both mother and baby are doing well. Seven of the Lavergne offsprings died in their infancy, the new addition making the family thirteen children strong, An unusual angle is that the newly born babe is already an aunt, hav. ing no less than four nieces and nephews older than herself, » A man who goes his own way usually gets into some one else's, ~--Liverpool Weekly Post, What Doctors Think of the Laxative Habit What do YOU do when the bowels need a little assistance? If you clear up the condition with some laxative made with CAS- CARA, there is nothing better for the system--for the blood, But if you don't KNOW the Isxative you have learned to de- end on is of harmless cascara, ere's some truly valuable advice: The bark of a tree called cascara is the most marvelous conditioner mankind has yet found, It stimu- Istes the bowel's muscular action, but does NOT weaken, A violent laxative forms the laxative HAB- IT. You plways need more on the morrow. With cascara, you don't. Its gentle influence carries on sometimes for days. With less and less need of any ald, as time goes on, Bo, the very next time you feel sluggish, take only a candy eas- caret, Delightful to the taste, sweet and acceptable to any stom- ach, and just as efficient as the powerful purges that fairly para- lyze the peristaltic walls of one's intestines. The only habit you'll get from cascarets is the one of CASCARETS | going weeks and months without ANY help of the kind. And when you do invoke their aid again, the same small dose sufices, Any doctor can tell you about cascara; i} and any druggist hes the candy ets. You KNOW Every experienced man knows that in the final analysis there is no fuel that can equal good Fron Creek anthracite for steady, even, economical heat and lasting satisfaction, Foremost among anthracite Valley Cross Creek. Rich in carbon, clean, steady swing =shis £oal is ven] comfort insurance for your ou make mo mistake when you 6 your bin LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Sasisfies It is unusually free from impurities. It is pre- pared with exacting care from foreign matter as coal can be. Ask For Stamp Upon Every Ticket. coals is Lehigh and reaches you as free SINKING OF SHIP RESULTS IN SUIT Canada Steamship Lines Takes Action Against Cleveland Firm Toronto, Feb. 11,--The Canada Steamship Lines, owners of the steamer Saskatchewan, commenced sult in the Admiralty Court here Wednesday to recover damages for the alleged sinking of their ship by the steamer Robert J. Paisley, owned by the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, James R. Richardson & Sons, owners of the cargo of wheat carried by the Saskatche- wan, are also suing the Cleveland company. The losses alleged to have been incurre' .re said to amount to $10,000 for the ship and $100,000 to the cargo, The accident occurred on Jan- uary 12, 1927, when the steamer Robert J. Paisley broke its tow- line and drifted into'an elevator dock where the Saskatchewan was moored, In scraping alongside the Saskatchewan the Paisley's anchor is alleged to have stove a hole In the Canada Steamship Lines' boat, through which she later filled and sank, The ship was finally raised and refitted for service the following spring, MEXICO INCREASES FEDERAL FORCES War Against Rebels in Jalisco State to Be Pushed Mexico City, Feb. 11.--Federal re- inforcements numbering 3,000 have arrived in the state of Jalisco from Sonora according to word received here, The War Department has not given any confirmation as to the number of troops engaged in the Jalisco campaign against numerous guerilla bands of rebels, but unoffi- cial estimates place the total federal strength at from 10,000 to 15,000, These wandering bands, who are sometimes called rebels, and some- times bandits, have been most active in Jalisco, but recently have also been causing disturbances in the states of Colima, Michoacan, Quere- taro and Guanajuato. Federal troops who are pursuing the rebel groups are said to have scattered them into small bands which have sought safety in the mountains, Recent press dispatches attributed the uprising in the two last-named | states to reprisals for the recent dy- namiting of the statue of Christ at El Subilete, in Guanajuato. Recently in that district several trains have been attacked and railways destroyed but Fedral troops have inflicted se- vere casualities in their ranks. PORTUGAL SHAKEN BY EARTHOUAKE People Rush Into Streets to Kneel and Pray Lisbon, Feb. 11.--A tremendous subterranean explosion which sent people rushing into the ' streets to kneel and pray for Divine interven- tion, preceded violent earthquake shocks in the Serra d'Ossa Mountain district of southeastern Portugal to- No casualties were reported. The shocks were felt in the towns of Alyito, Mora, Redondo, Reugen- gos and Estremoz in Alemtejo prov- ince and were reflected in less wio- lent measure in other provinces. TAKE UP STAMP-COLLECTING London, England, Feb. 10-- Many school girls here are taking up their brothers' hobbies, partieu- larlys that of stamp-collecting. "Philately 4s rapidly becoming popular among girls", an official of the Junior Philately Society sald at the recent Schoolboys' Own Exhibition of Postage Stamps at the Horticultural Hall. The offi- cial added: "The silver cup award- ed at the exhibition last year was shared by a girl and 2 boy." ISSUES WRIT AGAINST BROKER TO RECOVER $1,000 HE INVESTED Cobourg, Feb, 10,--As time goes on more and more is being heard of the doings of high-pressure bond salesmen, One farmer in Hamilton township gave an order and his cheque at the same time in May last for a $1,000 Province of Ontario bond, The deal had the usual sixty day delivery clause in it, and for five months the sales- man had not made delivery of the bond, Finally the purchaser con- sulted his lawyer and a writ was promptly ° ued for that amount, In a fer cays a marked cheque for the amount was received from the hond-salesman, Had this ac- tion not heen taken this particular farmed would be one of the many in this country who had had the experience but not the money to show for a deal with one of these unreliable kind of salesmen, Not all bond salesmen are crooked, a goodly number represent good houses, and a deal with them is carried out as the contract calls for, but those with money to in- vest should steer clear of the un- reliable ones, WANT POWER OF SENATE REDUCED Trainmen Urge Resolution Be Passed in N.S. Legislature Halifax, Feb. 11,--A delegation from the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen headed by William L. Best, Ottawa legislative office. waited upon the Nova Scotia Gov- ernment yesterday, congratulating that body on the steps taken to abolish the Legislative Council and requesting the Legisautive Assembly, at the forthcoming ses- sion, pass a resolution to be for- warded to the Federal Parliament asking that the veto power of the Senate be reduced to such anex- tent it might not be applied to bills that have twice passed the House of Commons, The delegation asked for more liberal provisions under the Work- men's Compensation Act and for old age pensions {in accordance with the Federal Act of 1927. BRAZILIAN PAPER SEES DIFFICULTY Formula For Intervention Agreeable to Pan-Amer- ica Not Not Likely Rio De Janeiro, iro, Feb. 11.=~In view of increasing co-operation among Pan-American nations, it will be dif- ficult to find an intervention formula acceptable to all the Jornal de Bra- zil said Wednesday in connection with the controversy at the Pan-American conference over interyention. "There is co-operation in sanitary missions, airline concessions and so on, all of which involve a certain submission ous if applied as a ism cannot be safe if nations are careless in their duties. War against the strong does mot im- ply that they are denied the samc hegitimate rights demanded by the SUPREME COURT ADJOURNS FOR INDINGTON FUNERAL Ottawa, Feb. 9.--~The Supreme Court of Canada adjourned this afternoon while the justices attend- ed the fimernl of Hon. Jobn Iding- ton, who many years served with distinction on the bench of that court. 'The service was held at the family residence, on Stew- art Street, and 2 large number of former associates and friends at- Rep tatives of the a were present, and Charles Langtot, Deputy Attorney- General, of Quebee, represented that province. The service was con- | ducted by Rev. W. H. Leatham, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyte- rian Church, SAINT VALENTINE'S Valentine Booklets Upward to 75¢ 18 King St, East: Novelties for parties to be held at this time can be ob- | tained from our large as- sortment. HENDERSON [J Lad | Phone. 142 Visit These Stores Tonight -- Do Not Fail Phone 1472 SEND Valentine Greeting Cards wm at We Have a Large Assortment ROBERTSHAW"S BOOK STORE 37 Simcoe Street N, "VALENTINES', "BUZZA LINE" FEBRUARY 14th "It is Still the Best Day for Young and Old" A Big Assortment of Cards and Favors are to be foiinid at FELT BROS. "yikes oles

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