Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1928, p. 9

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V5 ev \ ¥ ) N . 4 at the Coming Attractions REGENT..." The Somme"' NEW MARTIN--"By Whose Hands" At the Regent MIHE SOMME" AT THE REG- ENT MONDAY It you are a red-blooded Brit- fsher you cannot afford to miss "The Somme" which is coming to to the Regent for a three-day run commencing Monday afternoon. Produced in complete co-op- eration with the trustees of the x 1 War Office, the rythm of this tremendous drama will go nding through your veins, the nite of doggerel, 'Mademoiselle from Armentieres," with lines of es, the lines of ambulances, e steady tread, tread of the '"'Tommies" going into Dhattite, the steady, staccato of the ma- ohine guns, the Front, The sun filtering through the trees, the boys marching steadily onward, bayonets fixed, onward, not fast, not slow, War, war, mud, mud everywhere, Trenches shell holes, machine gun nests, swarming thousands, fire, poison gas, a hu- man cyclone, It is startling, dra- matically real and convincing. "The Somme' {is undoubtedly the finest picture of the war that has even been made, 'The Som- me" is splendid, It moves with the power and sweep of a tide and has those memorable days of 1916-17. Actual scenes of our own Cana- dian boys in the front line trench- es at Courcelette, Regina Trench, and other points, during that huge offensive, "The Somme" played to over 72,000 paid admissions during its sensational two-week run at the Tivoli theatre, Toronto, recently. It has been doing record-breaking business everywhere shown, Osh- awa should give the picture what it deserves--crowded housds at every presentation. Patrons are requested to attend the daily mat- inees where possible to avoid the evening crowds. Usual prices will prevail during the local engage- ment, A.Y.M.C, Fourth Annual Minstrel Show Feb. 15, 16, 17 At the New Martin COMING MONDAY TO NEW MARTIN The modern girl has a champ- fon in Richardo Corts, star of "By Whose Hand?"'--Columbia Pictures' mystery thriller, playing at the New Martin Theatre, Mou- day. Mr. Cortez takes every op- portunity to boost the girl of to- day. "If people would only let her alone and try to under stand her instead of find- ing fault, they would see that although she appears to be carefree and reckless, she actual- ly has more sense than her grand- mother had, Her knee-length skirts and rebellion against chaperonage are only gestures of freedom, but are not reflections on her character or any real indication as to her inner feelings, "As long as her frankness is honest, the modern girl is a vast improvement over her predecessors who only feigned modesty for fear of being misunderstood, "I sincerely bellave that erit- ics of the modern girl are prompt- ed by a spirit of envy, She has had the courage tn defy outworn conventions and to erect standards that conform to the conditions _h.... CLARA Who will play a prominent part in "Wings" coming to Oshawa | pug now - the famous production entitled n the near future, Screen Actress Ranch Manager Reputed to. be one of the most bafling mystery ple- | Theatre News Screen fans will bé sorry to learn THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1928 part of a hrave detective, who Is after an evasive jewel thief, YOU'LL SEE IT ALL IN THIS GIGANTIC BRITISH PICTURE EVERYTHING! ACTUAL WAR SCENES By Permission of~------ Imperial War Museum / STARTS MONDAY Usual Prices! See! THE CANADIANS AT COUR. DELLETTE~POZIERS--RE-. GINA TRENCH -- ACTUAL SCENES FROM THE DO. MINION GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES, THE FIRST REAL FILM OF THE GREAT WAR Thrilling! Gripping! Realistic! ists, Director Dave Robbins is at Eu- | present putting the finishing touches efiects, Tickets are selling briskly, and those who desire to avail thems a grip lke an undertow. It is one of those rare achievements in pie- ture-making that is all good, and grows infinitely more than a war pleture, It deals with humanity in the war, The bitter and the sweet, The fineness and the hell- ishness, the friendliness and the hate, It is utterly free from ho- kum, but full of sentiment, It is #0 different from other war pic- that Norma Shearer, talented Cana- dian motion picture star will retire from the screen at the end of this year. Recently she married Irving Thalberg, and, wanted to curtail her appearances before the camera im- mediately alter the ceremony, but the Metro-Goldyn-Mayer executives per- suaded her to finish out the year. orma and her husband sail on the fauretania" for Europe on Febru- genia Gilbert is his leading lady, TE Eugenia Gilbert, who plays the feminine lead opposite Ricardo Cor- tez in "By Whose Hand?" Colum- bia's production which comes to the New Rrartin Theatre on Monday, is one of the very few long-haired mo- tion picture actresses extant in Holly- wood. She believes that long hair is an asset for a successful screen car- on what looks to be the best and largest local talent ever presented here. When the curtain rises on "Make It Snappy" those fortunate to be "out front" will be introduced to something entirely different from anything yet see nlocally, Entwined throughout the play is a most de- lightful and romantic story, inter- spersed with flashes of brilliant wit and comedy that is broken every so selves of the opportunity of witnes- sing "Make It Snappy" during its Bowmanville engagement should not lose any time in securing their ticks ets immediately from members of the cast or Mitchell's drug store. All seats are reserved and the plan is pt ------. PRIVATE . . tures of the year, 'ln Whose Hand?" the Colum- bia Pictures' presentation which comes to the New Martin Theatre on Monday, has a splendid east. Ricar- do Cortez is the star, Eu. genia Gilbert plays the fe. minine lead, and the other members of the cast--7, under which she lives. "It is true that her real just- ification ean only come with the passing of years; but there is no doubt that when thers is a reck- oning, she will ome out with fly- ing colors. "In the sphere of motherhood. where the modern girls are put to a real test, no fault can be Get Your Tickets Now All Ticket Holders Guar- anteed a seat till 8 p.m, tures that there is no compari- son, "The Somme" {is by far the greatest of all great films of the great war, because it is what no other war film has been--a war film in the true sense, with actual WAr scenes exhibited by permis- sion of the trustees of the Im- perial War Museum. Staggering poenes that will vividly pecall Missing jewels and an interna- tional society thief furnish the im- etus to the plot of "By Whose and?" Columbia Pictures' Produc- tion of a thrilling mystery drama which comes to the New Martin Theatre on Monday, Ricardo Cortez has the starring role and Eugenia Gilbert plays opposite him. Others in the cast are William G. E, Scott, J. Thornton Baston, Tom Dugan, Lil- lianne Leighton and Edgar Washing- ton Blue, sh Ricardo Cortez, star in "By Whose Hand?" the Columbia mystery melo- gama which is coming to the New artin Theatre on Monday is the owner of a 160 acre fruit ranch near Fresno, California, Cortez makes fre- quent trips to his ranch to superyise and inspect the 14000 peach trees and 4000 fig trees which grow in his orchard. Come and Enjoy 'Valentine Night 'DANCING ADMISSION 35¢ Tickets on Sale at Mitchell's Drug Store Puckett Bros. Campbell's Studio See Our Show in Comfort A Ticket Reserves You a Chair Till 8 p.m, Oshawa Conservative Association Any Conservatives who have not already received cards for the social evening and dance to be held in the Winter Gardens on Feb, 17, may obtain same from Karn's Drug Store, Vickery and Ashton Barber Shon, Mrs. Clayton Downey, 114 Athol St. East, Phone 98w. All young Conservatives in- vited. DACOSTE DANCING STUDIOS Jack and Peggie SPECIAL Present Oshawa Winter Gardens Opposite Armories found with the way in which she in acquitting herself. She meets parenthood with intelligence anid with a refreshing lack of sickly 'sentimentality. Mr. Cortez is married to Alma Rubens, a screen star, He is interested in books and musie, and while his favorite sport. is golfing, his great- est enjoyment mext to acting for the screen is working on his 160- acre farm. In "By Whose Hand?" Cortez' leading lady is Eugenia Gilbert, a modern American girl, Miss Gil- bert, like Cortes, runs. a ranch and also partakes in all sports that were at one time considered exclusive for men. Despite these activities Miss Gilbert still retains her charm and feminine loveliness and is a real home-maker. In fact, if the average girl were pattern- ed after her, there would be less talk of women's careers interfer- ing with their femininity, Besides Richardo Cortes and Eugenia Gilbert, the well-chosen cast includes J, Thornton Baston, William Seott, Lillianne Leigh- ton, Tom Dugan, De Sacla Mooers and Edgar Washington Blue, AT NEW MARTIN MONDAY Successful motion pieture act- ors and mctresses are born--not made. They must come into the world endowed with a degree of personal magnetism which will arrest and hold the attention of the audience. Magnetism cannot be aequired. It either exists in the indiyidual or it does not. This in- born quality is as marked in chil- dren as it is in adults, So declares Walter Lang, director of Colum- bia Pictures' mystery drama. By Whose' Hand?"--playing at - the New Martin Theatre on Monday. "If a man (or woman) Jacks magnetism, he has little chance to achieve suceess In n ple tures, He is limited to earning 2 living as 8 screen actor by get- ting small parts here and there. As for climbing the of sue- cess, he will not be able to get further than the first rung," Di- rector Lang continued. "Magnetism is usually the bas- is for the stories of the miracu- lous success in Hollywood which fire many aspirants for a screen BE SURE TO TAKE IN "Make It Snappy" A Goy Musical Comedy Bowmanville Opera House February 14, 15, ---Prices 50, 75 Sponsored by The Sunshine Club Dazzling Costumes, Beavtitul Girls, Gorgeous Scenery. Staged by The Canadian Production Co., Hamilton Thornton Baston, Tom Du- gan, Edgar Washington Blue, Lillianne Leighton, William Scott, John Step- pling and De Sacin Mooers are all well known play- The action of the picture rovolyes around the theft of a priceless diamond neck- lace taken at a house party given by a rich widow, Walter Lang directed. career to travel west. Every di- rector realizes the importance of impelling charm and is able to recognize it immediately. He must have performers with that qual- ity in his pictures, otherwise he cannot produce pictures that will please. A director is always on the lookout for people imbued with thay much desired magne- tism. They are the bricks with which he builds his picture and makes a finished structure." In "By Whose Hand?" Direct- or Lang has a cast which is well known to screen audiences. Their popularity is due in quite a mea- sure to the delightful charm with which nature has endowed them. ! Cortez, who stars in this picture, bas "IT" from the flicker of his | eyelash to his magnificent manly stride and the ease with which he carries his well-built physique. Eugenia Gilbert, who has the fem- ; inine lead, won her way to suc- | cess by her natural winnning per- | sonality Willlam G. E. Scott, who has an important role in the Colum- bla plcture, "By Whose Hand?" which comes to the New Martin | on Monday, is a writer of short stor- ies. Immediately after he. finished! acting in the Columbia production! he went on a world tour in order to | get some first-hand material for a new story. LE i It can readily be seen that Oshawa | has not suffered during the year for | it's movie diet. Out of the eleven! productions cited above local thea-| tre-goers have had the pleasure - of | seeing presentations of all excep: "Underworld" on local screens. | yer Lang has 1 ary 21st to visit studios in London and Berlin, They are due back in tollywood about May 15th, LE OE I OE We are cagerly looking forward, and with much pride for the com- pletion of the first real made-in- Canada feature production "Carry on Sergeant" which Captain Bruce Baifnsfather has in production at the Government Studios at Trenton, On- tario, Reports irom the Eastern town state that the picture is well on its way and rapid strides are being made to rush it to completion, LEE J To the average motion picture loy- cr, the life oi the "movie" stars that flash before thenr on the silver-screen appear to be something like a fairy- tale, However, such is not the case. For instance that great character actor Lon Chaney will be compelled to retire from active' work at the studios for at least four or five weeks due to the strain of several liga- ments in both legs and arms, The injury took e last week during the filming of his new picture "Laugh, Clown, Laugh." Freee "Beau Geste" has been selected as the best picture of 1927 by the na- tional poll of critic votes, conducted | Bg | for the 1928 F y Year Book. Under the professional direction of the Canadian Producing Company, of Hamilton, Ontario, the Sunshine Club of Edna Rebekah Lodge, ville, are presenting the smart musi- cal comedy "Make i Bowwmanville Tuesday and Wednesday With a cast numbering over thirty- five: of Bowmanvyille's foremost art- -five of the ighiy-six critics | s their selection. | 1 the votes they! Two hundred and two-hundred ave this pictur lhe next 1, ived {oliow 205; "What Pric Way of All I'lesh," 167; "Ben-Hur," 104; "7th aven," 162; "Chang," "0 e Glory," 179; "The J 97; "Resurrec- and "Flesh and The Dey- Woi i 77 [EE EEE "By Whose Hand?" which will be Jiown at the New Martin Theatre on \londay is the second picture Walt- for Columbia Pic- tures. "Sally in Our Alley," his first so definitely demonstrated his skill as a dircctor to Columbia officials that they ied him to direct their latest mystery drama. EE EE I be Big Parade," | fo ¥ PF Ricardo Cortez, who stars Columbia's mystery drama, Whose Hand?" which will shown at the New Martin Thea- tre on Monday, has an opportunity to do some of the best acting in his screen career. He portrays the ho cer because a great many parts cail for this type of heroine, often by snappy dancing and singing by a large chorus of Bowmanville's most beautiful girls. Song numbers of tuneful composition are. blended into the action of the play, and all in all it promises to be one of the pep- iest and flashiest musical shows of the season, In the chorus routines some very beautiful effects are used that enhance the gorgeousness of the costumes worn by the girls, The Canadian Producing Company, who is staging the performances, carry a carload of scenery, trunk after trunk of magnificent costumes, and special --PARTIES Arrangements can be made at the office of the Oshawa Winter Gardens for the purpose of Private arties, etc. Every Convenience at Moderate Charges E. O. McCROHAN MAKE IT SNAPPY Bowman- It Snappy" in Opera House next evenings, 2. > roderodledeidoioode dododoidode odode de Aelerteied MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY A Dynamic Drama ot Battling Mystery "BY WHOSE HANDS" . world fashion. AL SPECIAL COMEDY -- The one picture We've tried so hard to bring to Oshawa

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