Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Feb 1928, p. 7

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part of the program. Each was oat and a tilting climax i w- m was a beautiful panto- embracing the old story of derella', The ghdience was to a rare glimpse of the world which lies between the of picture books, and all the oters, even the Prince and derella, surpassed all flights of Imagination, TAUNTON Taunton, Feb, 8. Miss Doan, recently visited in leville, Messrs Richard and Murton Walter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, J, Hoskin and family entertained a sleighing party from Oshawa on Thursday of last week, The evening was mt in games and music. Mr, waon, one of the visitors proved an excellent entertainer and his musical numbers were oyed by all, Lunch waa served ef which the party broke up, agreeing that they had had a pleasant time. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Short and mn, Murray, visited at Mr, Al- t's Bhort's of Brock street, re- cently, CLAREMONT Claremont, Feb, 9--A few of our local stockmen attended the Miller- den shorthorn sale in Toronto on ednesday, Mr, Henry Johnston is confined to his bed having had an operation in his throat, We wish him a speedy Overy, he annual meeting of the United AP a rather ting ex; on morn. driving to S ool with twa Silden ade sd Mary, e part of the harness gave way and the horse took THight and ran away upsetting the cutter and throwing the acchpnte out. The horse held up at Mr, Duncan Mor- gan's in the village. Fortunately no one was hurt nor the cutter serious- ly damaged. The United Church a success- ful w bee o Thursday when a large quantity of wood was cut and stored in the shed for future use The ladies on the same day had a uilting bee in the basement of the Chr and provided the meals for men, 'e were glad to see Mr, John B. Stewart in the village on Tuesday, after his serious accident, He is still nutsing a very. sore hand, Our hockey boys motored to Whit- by on Tuesday evening when they played the Whitby boys a fast game defeating them by t two, Mr, Wm, Mitchell Markham visited his sisters, Mrs. Ed, Gibson ad Mrs, Lyman Pilkey on Tuesday ast, The young people: of Brougham United Church will visit the An- chors Society on Monday evening next and furnish the program. Rev, A, McLellan attended the Preshytery Meeting at Whitby on Thursday. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Feb, 0.--The Sunday services were well attend ed as usual, Mr, Bunner, of Bow- manville, preaches Sunday even- ings, All are cordially invited to both Sunday School and church, ing, er The Home and School Club will -- EX Electrophonic * 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records Apex Records play Fox Trot Record No. f£, My Fox Trot Record 86867 Insist on getting Apex Records -- Do not let the dealer substitute other Records on which he makes a My Souvenirs Fox Trot Record No. 8706 Blue Heaven Hawaliap Guitars Record No. 8708 | The Old Grey. Mare Time Favorite sul DALHART, on Apex Record No, 8699 Two Black Crows Parts 5 and 8--Apex Records No, 26085 Tin Pan Parade Fox Trot Record No. 8708 Henry's Madea Lady Out of Lizzie Song Record No. 8715 My Ohio Home Fox Trot Record No. 8718 Little Annie Song Recor@-&No. The Sun Record Co, Toronto, Oms. greater profit, on all Song Record No, 36087 Song Record No. 8658 VERNON Rooney P.H. Beattie's 17 King Street West Prog Sues, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1928 MAGIC BAKING POWDER EW IRYZ\E REL"ABLTE 8 meet at the home of Mrs. John McGregor on Thursday, Feb, 9. All members and friends are in- vited to be present. Ladies bring lunch, : Mr. and Mrs. Knox, of Hamil. ton, visited the Knox family here, Mrs. Knox will' remain for a few days' visit, Mr, and Mra, O. V, Ireland and baby George, Oshawa, spent Sun- aay with Mr, and Mrs, W. Pow- ell, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Pogson and children and the latters' bro- ther, Mr, Norman Allin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Henry, Park road south, and Mr. and Mrs, George Allin, Park road north, Miss Alma Fige spent the week end with her two sisters, Mrs, Twilligar and Mrs, Lyons at Harmony, Mr, and Mrs, W. Glover spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Joe Vallant, Port Whitby, = Mr, and Mrs, Win, Woodward, Oshawa, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Mrs. Yelland, Miss Hutchison, Miss Thompson, all nurses-in- training at Oshawa General Hos- pital, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Dunn, Miss Olive Dunn and Miss Vilma Beckett, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Beckett, The Calhoun family have moved into their new home on Orchard Blvd, Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Killen and family of Zion, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. James Knox, Miss Mildred Platten, of Rag- lan, was a Sunday visitor of the Misses Vallant, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb, 9,--Miss Bthel Allin, who has heen staying in Belleville, for some weeks past, with Mrs, Eric Toms and family, returned home on Saturday last, Miss Gertrude Ferguson, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Miss Marjorie Clemence, Shaw's. Mrs. 8. 8. Bragg, Mr. Arthur Bragg and Miss Rowena Bragg, Mr, and and Mrs, E. C. Hoar and family, were pleasantly entertain- ed on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Bragg, Shaw's, when Mr, and Mrs. 8. E, Bragg, of Winnipeg, and a num- ber of other relatives were pres- ent and enjoyed the reunion and the sumptuous supper so bounti- fully served. Miss Gladys Matchett has been confined to ber hed the past week as a result of rupturing a blood vessel while arranging some goods in the store window. Miss Drummond we are sorry to report, still continues in a very poor condition. Miss Margaret Wilmat left on Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives in London and Wood- stock, Mr, and Mrs. Horatio Hill, of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hoar and family, of Bethesda, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Mrs. (Rey.) Bell, who has been spending the greater part of the past three years with her sister, Mrs. Martha Rickard, retuned to Rochester on Saturday, to keep house for her sop, Mr. Roy Bell, whose wife was called from her home to take care of her aged and invalid mother. Mrs. Rickard is at present staying with her daughter, Mrs. Milton Wight and family, Providence. Old Jack Frost has at last come to the aid of the young people. and enabled them to form an out- door skating rink on the grounds at the west side of the Community Hall. The rink which is being of- ficlally looked after by Ainley Bul- ter and Laverne Martin, employed by the sports committee, was in condition for skating for the first time last Thursday evening, and the boys and girls and many older folks, too, have been making good use of it ever since. Friday's snow, the first of the season of Any consequence, has also resuit- ed in farmers and others getting out their sleighs and cutters. Three High School students are aspiring to represent Newcastle High School in this year's oratori- cal contests. They are: Ray Jones, Jessie Van Dusen, and Alex De- mair. Three judges will chouse between these three contestants some time during this month. A number from the village and vicinity attended the daily short course held in Orono last week, on Farm Mechanics. something ea- tirely mew in the line of short | courses for farmers and others in- | terested. The course included | talks and demonstrations on rope | splicing. sharpening and care of The ladies of the Unity Class, of Newcastle United Church Eo Anne Wragg. and elected new of ficers for the emsuing year as fol Mrs. Wellington Brunt; outlook committee, Mar- forte emence, Alba Colwill and ernice Gilbank: teacher, Mr. W. D, Bragg: assistant teacher, Miss Robinson, who has been taking charge of the class since Mr. Bragg's illness and operation, Mr. William Parnell, sexton of the United Church and local elec- triclan, sustained very painful and serious injuries last Friday after- noon when he fell to the ice from the ladder he was using in wiring the newly formed skating rink, crushing his hip in the fall, frac- turing an elbow joint and severe- ly bruising his head. He {is still at home and under Dr. Butler's care, being loathe to accept the doctor's earnest advice to go to We hope for a Harmony, Feb, 9.----Mr, Geo. Found visited with his son, Mr. Wm. Found on Sunday, Mrs. Rowe, of Bowmanville, visited with Mrs, K. Fletcher, Mr, and Mrs, J. Saunders and family were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Sellick, In the elty, Mrs, Wm, Lane and Master Barle Danzey visited with Mrs. H. Willson recently, The Base Line school is closed on account of mumps and other sickness, Mr, Herb Baker, of Chicago, visited with his mother, Mrs, J. H, Baker, last week. Glad to report Ialeen Luke do- ing as well as can be expected af- ter her operation on her nose, We hope she will soon be able to he back at school again, Mrs, Peterson and Mrs. Phillips, of Colborne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson, recently. A pleasant surprise was given Mr, Chas Mackie last week when about thirty-five of his friends gathered at his home, It was the anniversary of his birthday, The evening was spent in games and dancing, Refreshments were serv- ed about midnight, and the party broke up In the early hours of the morning. Everyone enjoyed =a real good time and wished Mr, Mackie many happy returns, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haynes were tendered a pleasant surprise re- cently, when about twenty-five members of the Royal Templars Lodge gathered at their home The evening was enjoyably spent with music and games, A ice lunch was served and the merry makers returned home about mid- night, Mr. Timmins has organized a club for boys, the Trail Rangers. The meetings are every Wednes- day night in the auditorium of the school. A good time is enjoy- ed by the boys, and they are tak- ing quite ap interest in it. We wish Mr, Timmins every success in this work. Mrs. H. Trevail spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Terwillegar. Mr. Geo, Edwards, of Toronto, visited last week end with his brother, Mr. L. Edwards, Miss Van Peteghem is visiting with Mrs. V. Williams and Mrs. H. Stockhill, Mrs. Wrenn, of Bowmanville, fs visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. G, H. Cook, of the city, Is visiting with Mrs. L. Hogarth. Miss Irene Oke spent the week end with Miss Hilda Sleeman. Mr. snd Mrs, F. McVagh and Mrs. W. Logue spent Monday In Toronto, ' Mr. and Mrs. Allsworth and Mr. H. Allsworth visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Logue on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peeling, of Picton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lott. Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards at- tended 8 party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, McComb, in the city, held at the school on Tuesday, February 7th was well attended. Everybody working hard at the sewing. Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Hart, Mrs. A. Hicks, Mrs. W. Found, Mrs. W. Logue and Mrs. V, Drew. A good social afternoon was emjoy- by all present. Mrs. H. Hunking received word from Nestleton on Momday that her father was quite sick. left Monday evening to see him. We hope he will soon be much better. Mr. Chas Wordsworth, of Merri- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wili- son, op Tuesday and Wednesday. The Basketing class met on Wednesday night, with all mem- bers present. The work is pro- gressing fine and everyone enjoy- ing the work. Some of the ladies | think they will be able to go into | the wicker business soon now. | Sorry to report several cases of | mumps in the vicinity and children | school The community extend their sympathy to Mrs. McEachern, in the loss of her brother, Mr. Wm. Wilson, who died at her home, on February Sth. The funeral was held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Gregory's Church. Interment at Catholic cemetery. Congratulations to the hockey team. They won from Orono at again. ated if you will pay the secretary, the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Win- ters, when about sixty friends of Mr. Roy Winters gathered there on Tuesday evening, The evening was epent in nrusie | and games and dancing. was served and al! enjoyed a r2al good time, REGINA MAN REMAINS Régina, was unanimously re-elect- ed president of the National Dairy Council at the opening session of Service Full Speaker. values offered. : abech head wba abriinad be fateh gh SERENE REEREREEDR A Radio Offering Extraordinary Freed Eisemann ~ 6 Tube Neutrodyne Equipment Six tubes Nor-Phonic; two 45v Heavy Duty Eveready Batteries; one 41,y "C" Battery; one 6 vol, "Exide"; Service Free Set connected to your aerial and instruction in the operation of it. This is a metal shielded two-control six-tube neutrodyne receiver, beautifully housed in mahogany cabinet, with embossed metal mounted on mahogany panel, battery cable and provision made for the use of power tube if desired, The above illustration only serves to give an idea of the wonderful one aerial kit; one Loud PAGE SEVEN i. Another of those remarkable one day specials that have been making this department the talk of the trade! We are going to place on sale tomorrow a limited number of sets of this famous make, Very Easy Terms at No Extra Charge SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA EEENEEENEENENEEEENA EEE EEERE Bowmanville on Wednesday night, with a score of 2 to 1. Mr, Timmins, the principal of the school, was unable to teach on Thursday. The children did not seem to worry much, though, Just to remind the members of the Home and School club, It is time to pay membership dues It will be greatly appreci- Miss. MacWinters. A pleasant evening was spent at February 7th. | Lunch | HEAD OF DAIRYMEN Regina, Feb. 8.--J. A. Caulder, the organization here today. RETURN OF LANDS TOR. IS URGED Premier Tables Interim Re- port of Royal Commis- sion in House Ottawa, Feb. 9.--In the House Tuesday afternoon the Prime Min- ister tabled the interim report of the Royal Commission in regard to British Columbia lands. It re- commends their restoration to the province, not as a matter of law. but of equity and justice. General Clark, of Vancouver, read a letter complaining that while Americans get a low rate on settlers effects to the Peace River it is not available to Canadians. The Premier promised an answer later. rt "iy, if | Lesson No. 1 { Question: Why should my cod-iver oil be emulsified ? Answer: Because | can absorb it more readily, like | the emulsified fat in milk. What's more, it tastes pleasant when | take it in the form of SCOTT'S EMULSION | By... re For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S Hon. Robert Forke, Minister of Immigration, in opening his ad- dress referred to agricultural pro- cress in the west and particularly to the growth of mixed farming in Manitoba as a notable achieve- ment. Dealing with questions of fim- migration, Mr. Forke recounted the criticisms which have been voiced regarding his department. it was necessary not only to get immigrants but to provide em- ployment for thenr, settlers could not be dumped in jobless cities or on vacant farm lands without means or knowledge to help them. The member for West Calgary had referred to 7.000.000 acres of vacant agricultural land within 20 miles of railways ip Canada. If this was true the lande were all privately owned and it required vast sums. of money to secure them, sums which neither settlers nor governments could provide. With respect to emigration eof Canadians, Mr. Forke admitted the wisdom of keeping our own people at home. rather than to concentrate on new settlers and let the old go. The problem of making life in rural comurunities contented and prosperous Was one which should engage and is en- gaging mot omly his department but other departments of the Gor- ernment. He pleaded for co-op- ération in making the work of 19 Simcoe St. S. We Deliver his department successful. Pr ---- OPPOSE WOMEN MINISTERS CHIROPRACTIO D. E. Steckley Chiropractor and Drug. less Therapist, will be in the office, 146 Simcoe street, north, every afternoon and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, orenoons by appointment, Residental calls made in town and syr- district, C Itation is free Phone 224, | Port Arthur, Feb. 8,--The Pres- bytery of Superior of the United Church here today voted im op- position to women being given the right of ordination as ministers at the present time. at office, nm" Don't Forget The BIG SALE NOW ON In Full Swing at the Leader Dry Goods Store It's the Talk of the Town! A ------ Vf 18 Simcoe St. south Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Becadlisbed 1888 12 Simcoe St. South Peace Metal Weather- strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers 185 Arther St. Phone 1648w EVERY WHERE W. J. Boyd Chocolate Co. 4d. Montreal Srosiefoptone 6G adjend Otfice: Reford WELLINGTON STS. S.F. , Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above CP.R. Office Phodies 143 and 144 N--"

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