AAA waaafAWgL - EE ---------------- All Stock Must Go Jance Society Hear Fine Lecture on 2 a -- m Macoun t, The Mr. Zarfas stated that the Profenor W, T. Teva A eo | tendance was splendid tn view Of he well der way and that by Mon: Dominion Horticulturist, | rom 300 to 400 varieties of th Staff ) bad weather conditions. The artists lday it would be ready for presenta . Bow- | Were, nearly a jim Osha tion, The cast have been rehearsing el "Annuals" as His [chrysanthemum are cultivated. ville High wd Feterboro Music Study the dances and lines for the past wa. The Takes At the Experimental Farm at n ~ many i Subject -- Physical Dem [Ottawa a large number of each [io Hidden death {10d "a quis [week wed.» Tnif and have spated uo plant. usually real and selec |« i onstration Given By the 130 o ) 'over", It is to be a light and breezy be obtained Ravtect is be a {tions and ia gradual: Imugical comedy with lots of action Girls' Class pi ly ® [fine game [ ¢ ki a land the latest musical orchestrations. IRR be Sted omraned Louight were The cast is entirely composed of local Bowmanville, Feb, 8. ~Under the |it was stated that the flower beds H th og t [their selections with ease and fine- went, suspices of the Bowmanville Hor- |ave arranged in squares with [Snanoy® that rehearsal on Saturday [ness of t which made the ticultural Society, Professor W, T, | grass walks between so that the lhe well attended. to every one. It un, Dominion Horticulturist. | blooms may be seen much easier. to the heavy expense in-|is hoped that Oshawa partici- Je ured at hte Town Hall tonight, | "The word annual suggests to 2 " Me taking the team to the t's program will re. foie dn, rin dirs bt | pons, ene, tenis 8 foe emo, Pal "oc org gene oe a BOARD ORGANIZES hy . B. "When slides which made the talk ine |it is not ble to have any othe hat a LN i oi a id Gummow | at For ---- e gen EER ER yee many 0! on, they flower seeds this coming Spring, | are driven to planting annuals. | ames; foray 1 Ag Tair Song" and The professor's address was on (On the other hand, there are [son; center, Candler; wings, F. Jame |€ ed with "Dreami \ The 2 Doz~--Regular Price $14.00, "Annuals. After leaving Bow: |those who ave quite content to lieson and Lunney; subs, Osborne, |"Polish Dance" Sale Price $8 50 manville Mr, Macoun is to attend | plant annuals every year and who | Hazlewood, Brown and sub-goal, solo pl A TT a 12a ir naaat Safar ® jaking | Ades, Ing" and "Three Cha Maid of Lee ' 2 Dox --Repuer Price $1693, 00 OB . 3 ween (By Staff Reporter ' » BD, W. Best, | these t t the latter selection being her response bi : Sale $ of the speakers. Dr os wo extremes there are those HOLD SUCCESSFUL id ih, Ne {A aw uanvilie, Feb. The Jat : Lo . oz. ~~Regular Price $23.00, $12 95 * president, presided, who believe that there is a place " The orchestra, under the divec- | for annuals in every garden and URS ohnston gave the "First Movement the High School thi tion of Francis Sutton provided |that by a judicious selection of SHORT CO E frm Sonata Op. 210 31 by Bestoven, Sud Me : Hie Jag Bi B10 POE vireserssisissiersnivssisssive the music and gave several in. | Varieties and a careful placing of pga AP for th 1928 will be W. B, A splendid one week's course on [commendable and in each case she Jog the year pp ilievs 1 Doz.--Regular Price $25.00. $13 95 » eidental selections, them they will add much to the i ' Friday, ded with an encore, "Minuet" One of the feature parts of the Satan) and delight of their Farm, Wechanics Seed on : whi ah icag na by Handel was her Bonuyeastie or. J. C. Devitt, 2 a. entertainment part of the pro- in this instance, gram was the physical demonstra. "The word annual means to having had 65 students | enroll ¥ he. "Minuet" dance was done by |Nicholls, L. 8. Caverly. Mr, fom hy th clade af iia nda he | many Savers of Wight color: vu Wh 40 average of 0 such mere | he PSUTUSY CAPER VON, CLE | Cli, hun oun, mom ot ths 14 Dox--Repiar Pie $27.00. 816 QF Sitio of Min 3 Jeary, whe of NEE Arial a soning: days of the course, The Yin ingly pretty, The yerlest Tr; thin wis School Board or fifty years and t ] L] RII III tere YY ° : Se. "levidence of continued study of the|is stated that he probably is the e dumb-bells 3nd also showed i aut jot readily ftitng in- it Wag gg gi Ry dapce by the young tadies. Those | oldest school board member in On- | § 2 Doz.~Regular Price $18.00, 11 05 the correct method of physical | 10 43 a ractive landscape, While |i" wo "one of the best courses yet |who participated in the dance were |tario, Sale Price ' exercise, Thelr movements were Huta) . Sousiderable truth in this held The farmers and junior farm. |Miss Lois Mundy, Miss Ann Storie,| C. H. Mason was elected secret- / in fine time and have the appear- PY hid ere is, on the contrary, I'l" of the community expressed [Miss Elena Stacey, Miss Elsic Ross. |ary-treasurer. 2 Doz.=~Regular Price $15.00, ance of being well-trained and dis- | & 'arse number of other kinds | jicmscives as being delighted with |Mrs, M. Gummew accompanied on| Committees elected were the fob Sale Price $0 95 eiplined performers. mn ta 0 annuals that are the instruction given in fope splice [the piano and Mr, Moffat on the |lowing: property, Dr. Bonnyeas-|K. rh ey ' After the exercises of the girls, | 5,0 i Julia o for fine egects in ing, halter making, soldering, sharp- |violin. Following this a vocal num- tle, A, L, Nicholls, and L. 8. Cav- |§ : 2 Doz.--Regular Price $30.00 Miss Peardon herself gave an ex. bir My on as herbaceous peren- ening tools, concrete, a ber by Mrs. Smith, "Still as thelorly; finance. F. C. Vanstone, Dr. |K v guiay vee dd $17 95 hibition of movements with the | 2 o, Dany of which may De us: | fan: water systems and gas ens Night" was given, also an encore! poyitt and J.H.H. Jury, i Sa'e Price ............ ALLTEL . wand and also with the Indian § the latter and help 10 | gines. = Undoubtedly these courses "Salaam" Mrs. B. M. Warnica, recently ap- 3 Doz.--Regular Price $35.00 Ha e 00, Clubs, Her performance was ex- | MKe 8 border attractive, partic. § timable benefit to any| Miss Helen Johnston again _de- | pointed to th t of truant offic ceedingly well-given, ularly tn later summer. No less He of neti we hope Durham [lighted with a series of selections. Dont Public School, A iy Sizes 36 to 46. Sale Price .......... $19.95 In his lecture the speaker relat. | th8R 300 different kinds of apnu- ith a|They were all from Poldowsky ex- od many facts Rs iain) the old. 3h have been grown at the Cen. County Je Ti LS Li "An Impression" which was a given vast BLT His est Horticultural Society in Cana- | '® Experimental Farm, and the composition of her own. The other (wo nies fy an ex-teacher, ds, the Ottawa Society, He | JUMber of varieties of these spec- | ENJOYABLE BRIDGE PARTY [three were "A Child Talking to a |" gino she sehool books are audit- inted out the advantages of the | 1%, Tun Into thousands. (By Staff Reporter Cat"; "Musical Snuff Box" and |." "ne same time as the books erimental Farm where thou- One of the best white flower-| Bowmanville, Feb. 8.--A Bridge |*Picture of a Clown", of th- town council, the work will sands of plants and blooms are o lants for edging beds snd [was held recently at the home of | Mrs, Grant Berry gave the solo | oom Tot Jor mint the town f grown for test purposes. In the |DOFders is the Sweet Alyssum, [Mrs T, E. Flaxman, Duke street. |"Love's Greeting" and also "The Lila | 00 IC J Rae a aang of ' 4 : 4 . slides which followed the address, which, it sown where it is to re. Mrs. Smith won the first prize and |Tree", hs le fact and y A 1 in Bletures 'were shown of fhe farm way, wil Jove rR Rid Ie Mrs. R. J. Shires he second prise. hd last night at the Pg ery 1 mery ent blooms, nd w rs. th, Mrs, besides the many beautiful paths | 190M continuously all summer, Shire Tine hl? 'ohn, Mrs. Bonny-| DOLLING UP THE FREAKS meeting tht the Suditory were ex- | lot of Children's H snd flower-beds. Professor Ma- | 'f It Bets Pagged it may be elipped, | castle, Mrs, Chase, Mrs. C. B. Kent, am. oii Af > iy i ro ne jain eoun explained that the Farm and will soon come on again. Mrs. Burk, Mrs. Rheder, Mrs. Ed- (Boston Manuseript) town To00rds would be delayed a selling r rly at "You say your sister makes up | short time. $1.50, must go at, Cc Inst year grew 500 different types | "I¢ Often happens that ome has |sall, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Lait, Mrs. ofahlias and also sh hot & good background > 4 , | jokes; then she's a humorist?" Ang" Sau y Sits of tho. "ammlsh a ing [OF Berbaseos perennials "Hore |S enaer y a Sore Wr Mas | No; 'Wha works in. 5 besuts | SCHOOL CLUB TO } lot of Ladies, Hats, seling soon Bie hor BL Ca regularly at $3... T5¢ must sold at $1 95 L insect which affects the fi border or it may be ths: ft { , bell, "arlor." eo flower t 1t in do- | Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Camp! HOLD MASQUERADE must go at, ea., ....., Each, wire rennn., I ---- LT Ly LP TY TTL TT) eres rerenee seers rssressantrene LH ' Another lot of very fine hats selling regularly at (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb. 8~The Bow- manville Home and School Club held their regular monthly meeting at the Central Public School this even- ing with a large number of the mothers Juesen, The president, Mrs. Harry Allin, was in the chair. Dur- ing the business part of the program it was decided that a masquerade at the local rink would be held in the near future which would be especially arranged for the students 5p the school but that the affair 4 re a 4 hd a a ad COATS A broken line comprising 134 dozen Coats of diff sizes and styles, selling Hi doa for $18 9 or and $20, Must BO BE ,..ervrrrrersrerssssersrersss $7.95 Another line composed of 2 dozen grade quali Coats of different sty! A 5 Sow Nish gs ay larly at $35.00, off $19 19.95 price of ,. Toiarty as $95, must bo howd on nr: $22.95 Still another line of high grade guality Coats, selling melarly ns $65.00, must go at $29.50 Size ly O with wolf regularly at $78.00, will be oiler snl ¢ SAA IARI AES ES TETTTTTTeTTe ' would not be excluded to outsiders, s the money you spen Rev. "R. J: Shires gave an nie esting and instructive address to the mothers and teachers on "Morai Training in the Home and School" [ 4 wisely that counts a on: consi ins "w D, F, Henry and W. Berry, a 'uet by Miss Helen Argue and Miss » Bragg, Two numbers were sung y Miss Cleo Anderson, Lilian Prit chard, a pupil, gave a splendid reci- ation. Someone has said that a rich men hes more fun keeping » budget then » man of moderate means. Because the money he saves is tangible, i: an see it and invest it, and put it to work. Be that as it may, a budget is an in- C.L ON MONDAY valuable help to anyone, (By Staff Reporter A budget helps you keep the right proportions between expenses, pre- WC giao Ro vents you from spending more than is best for food and rent, or crimping Br er nat, | more than you should on entertainment and luxury, But a budget i- 'ot 4 » reason for gelting cheap things, things in which you forfeit quality by attempting 10 seve on price, A budget says to you: "Here is the amou. of money you should spend for this. Spend all of it but don't spend more." And it is up to you to get the best that can be got for thet amount. The person who spends his money wisely, whe likes to get the utmost for it, always finds out from sdvertisements how he can spend it to the beet TTT ITI TYTN Sidi Ada s as as aaa TTT TT TTT TTT TTT TIT IT ITT Orv err ere rete da+ee Also | dozen Childiors Cons, sizes 10.40 1 Made up of fine quality cloth. price $12.50 and $17.00, must go at ..........., TTT TITTTTIITIIT PITTI IIT TeeeTee TT TT TT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TT TTI Tere tet - TTTTTTTTee Electric Seal, sizes 40 and 42. Reguler price $100 cach, must go at, each, ......... It is surprising how much more wisdy you can buy ¥ you meke it a habit to read advertising. A Nitle more value here , , . » litle better work manship these , . . in this thing slightly mere durability . . . thet product pes. Legi :l |B line of fine Silk Hose, haps 8 bit finer. And every cent of money you spend for advertised merchen- : / ap edy 3 81,35 75¢c dise will bring you greater comfort, a higher quality of goods, and s stand 4 Black Cashmerette Stockings 1 ad of emcellonse thet fs nationally recognised, us 40 it 3 pale for $1.00, se fit: Ideal Shoppe Samuel Schwartz Next to New Martin