. ah i i Gd ch fe LS ci THE OSHAWA. DALY TIMES SR NFENAY. FRPRIIARY 8, 1w20 - ER 3 5 0 2 ni EE ------t sEEEsEEs cep onal om Oppor LADIES--LET us nr RODUCE YOU Flour - Feed - Grain - Seeds Now Corset SUGAR - POTATOES I. Beaders POULTRY SUPPLIES |__| | "La Dee'sse" Hogg & Lytle Limited comfrt. Bug ask you to give it a tial 54 Church Street Telephone 203 | FINAL CLEARANCE OF OUR New Models in wu oy GREAT MID-WINTER SALE t Model bod rts. All hii 0° to 42, for, pity For 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday sma | Thing Five Sik Dresses CHURCH STREET $1.50 of Boys' Broadcloth Men's All Wool Grey Sox clearing " 15¢ enman's You will find these very interesting and able os, : We i h i % fis BAY ll : he i ae a the prices so very moderate that you'll Shir rh, Caps, Boys' Knickers ts, i sive 97¢ not be able to resist having one, HAVE JUST ARRIVED FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR clea at, garment, Shien rs Jearing SE Pai 35 Pair Boys School Boots Men's All Silk Ties, naw spring Boye' Navy Blue Serge Suite, 5.95 Each Drems-ias-individeal in} elt bl i ach Dress is individual in its style effect. All known shades for Res: Bg Clearing at ... 8, 69 pa afte BTMAY pris sorint prt ias ies 4c Men's dy yA ung Men $ ---- Spring are represented. Smart little two-piece effects, also the Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and 49¢ Men's All Wool Heavy Wind- 2 E) Suits to clear at ...... + 812, 50 straight line styles are not forgotten. Pleats beyond number, a Prawers clearing at, garnen o. bison gt $ 4 Men's Hea little bunch of flowers or maybe it's ribbon streamers, all help to avy Work Shir. : I Youn ung. Men's - Overe Yereant 85 i 77 AN Wo of Stockin eo 35¢ Reg. $250. ....... $1 49 give that finished appearance. And what is more otic eable is bo ve ge eae con 43.05 EE PEASE W. A. Dewland | 5mm want an iets CE RINT ST. Ws Two Stores Oshawa Whity| $ 1 1. 90 DOMINION CLOTHING CO. fom te | [oe .... Mh » KING STREET WEST | st kins 5 | The Coal that Give Us a] Bue | Torhthe Wirt ok: moni NN FELT BROS. . : | B 8 he 2 FHS FT a Te i Lh Re * 4 | te ~ Ee . 7 ¥ hic 4 7 E i ; oo + by Service West N Satisfies ing St, W. into a sparkling diamond! Poy PN of Oshawa we or it { rd o% N Ak preeee, 7 ro ie 2% \ Serving the People of Oshawa Lehigh Valley Cross RE 7 SPR 'and Vicinity Since 1886 *e A ¥ Pe A ' yo \ Creek Coal : a Bets ON Serviee, Rr%\ \ . 1 "FO 5% os? Na Vi i with certified stamp on every ticket Satisfaction, Has Always This Stamp Certifies Gepuine Cross Creek Con H. M. FOWLDS & SON OSHAWA LEWGH yALLEY COAL SALES Company | See Felt Bros. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE ' Brick, Wood, Cement, Lime, etc. This Year You'll Be in Need of HM. Fowlds & Son TIRES 81 King Street West Phone 91 --OQur Supply is unlimited ur Service is: unique = ~--Our Ambition is to make you H a satisfied customer. HORTON & | | ovevs Amma FRENCH cen ave on mar Shoe Specials for the Week Ena to STARTERS AND. IGNITION. i 0 Yee 3 us 05 Womens Boudec Sippr i gr, brown, ik 75 ddd ddd J ' » WOMEN'S FELT JULIET SLIPPERS REAL ESTATE | | A.G. BROOMFIELD | | woos tarsi cn rece um are me $1.15 (Mundy Bldg. Simcoe St. §) 37 King Street West i Phone 1184 side work. Plain toes or toe caps. Leather or panco soles, By Patronizing Our Down-Town hii " we go PE SORRISEt TYR ANE 1 Cu e od REREAD EY REED TY Ee