PAGE FOURTEEN : meme | Smith's Falls; Joseph, Utica, N.Y.; | plant known as the Cornwall Dairy . '§|Mrs, James McFadden, Ottawa; | Products Co., Lid. CALL 1S ACCEPTED Rev, C. W. Barrett, Stirling, Past Moderator of the United Church for the Bay of te Conference, has Jocepted a call to Princess street church, Kingston. Mrs. Bar- gett and family will move to Kings- ton in June. , "+. HYDRO CONTROLLERS en W. Eric Stewart and J. Reilly have been named Hydro- tric Controllers by Lindsay | cil to manage the newly taken ever Hydro-Flectric distribution sys- tem in Lindsay, now owned by the town, SMITH'S FALLS RESIDENT PASSES Mrs, Thomas R, MacDonald, for the past 12 years a resident of Bmith's Falls, died at the home of her son, T. Stuart MacDonald, at Smith's Falls Monday, at the ad- vanced age of 88 years, following only a few days' illness. Deceased was before her marriage Mary Ward, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, James Ward of Bathurst, She was one of a family of nine, Nearly all her life was spent at Drummond Centre. She was the mother of nine children, Surviv- fng are three sons and two daugh- ters, namely, T. 8. and A, J. of Smith's Falls; William IL. of Delo raine, Man.; Mrs. James Umpher- son, Lavant, and Mrs. M. Burshaw, Vermillion, Sask. ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the annual meeting of the St. Julien Chapter, 1.0.D.E., held last evening in the Canadian Legion Hall, Belleville, the following officers were elected for the elsuing year: Hon, Regent, Mrs. A, E. McColl; Ronen, Mrs. A. R. Symons; First Vice-Re- ent, Mrs. E. A, Thomas; Second Vice: Regent, Mrs. J. Neale; Secre- tary, Mis, E. Lang; Treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. hy . White; Standard-Bearer, Mrs. D. J. "Batchelor; Auditors, Mrs. W. Gilbert and Mrs. R. Bateman. The Treasurer's report showed the closing year to have been one of un- usual activity for the chapter, a large sum of money having been raised and used for charitable purposes. WILLIAM TAMAN PASSES One of Smith's Falls oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1928 Mrs. J. Cannon, Maynard, Mass; Mrs. John Dunfield, Flint Mich; Mrs. James Barber, Carleton Place. Three children Bad him. There are left thirty-three grandchildren and several great- grandchildren. His wife predeceas. | H ed him by fifteen years. Deceased was a member of the United Church. GOQD REPORT Cornwall's advancément in every department of activity during the last year was strikingly illustrated in the annual report of the Corn wall Board of Trade, presented by the retiring President, Arthur Che- vrier, at he regular meeting of the board yesterday. Mr, Chevrier pointed out that during the twelve months the population of the tawn and suburbs had increased by over 500, and at the end of his official term there were 15,000 souls in the immediate neighborhood. Industrial expanglon was evi- denced by the fact that the How- ard Smith Paper Mills, Limited, Courtaulds, Limited, and Canadi- an Cottons, Limited, had built ex- i to their plants, Building Wililam Tamans, p d fully away at his home at Smith's Falls Saturday night, at the age of 92 years. Deceased was born in Car- leton and was one of the county's pioneers, His wife was Miss Eliza Mills. Part of his life was spent at Carleton Place and near Rich- mond, Seven children survive: William E., Carleton Place; John, Do You Want a Radio? This Big Price Reduction in Radios is still going on and will continue to go on for the balance of this week, If you want a real bargain in Radios, this is your opportunity=----Come in and see for yourself. "6 Tube" Regular $150, Complete BOSCH Stewart Warner FEDERAL FEDERAL Atwater-Kent FEDERAL Deforest Crosley less Speaker 7 Tube indoor Built-in Regular $525, , Special complete, Speaker, 5 Tube, Regular $163.15. Com- plete, less Speaker 5 Tube, Reg, $128, Complete, less Speaker loop, Loud Speaker, 5 Tube, Regular $163, od 5 Tube, Feder $175, Complete with Speaker $101.50 Complete Speaker. Reg, $150, Selglom in 1927 were a million dol- lars in excess of the year previ- ous, This is largely accounted for by the extension of the plants of the above three named industrial concerns--the building of the new Capitol Theatre, the building of the "Cornwallis," a new fireproof hotel, and the erection of a new A CO RA A FRA ZK 2 3] $125 $99 $325 $95 ii $87 The Equipment for the above ohls include the finest makes ob- tainable such as RADIOTONE 201A TUBES--100 HOUR "A" STORAGE BATTERY--HEAVY DUTY BATTERIES AND "C" BATTERIES. "RELIABLE" --" B" Luke Furniture Company 63 King Street East Phone 79 THE ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE INSTALLATION Phone 262 DIXON'S for Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke ress (Gen. Motors Wood ANNUAL ELECTION At the annual meeting of General Brock Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, at Brockville, the following officers Bi; elected or this oat: i Mrs. we 3 Regent, Meter First ent, hg ES rice; ice-Regent, hE Ws oore ; Secretary Mrs. J. % Cont Wy Assistant S. esretary, Miss con; Treasurer, ng ¥ 3 Sherwood: Bandard-Beren, Mus. x iy 'Educational ecretary, Miss S Mackenzie; Echoes re- tary, Miss B torey; Councilor, Ww Miss Burland, hy Mrs. Mrs, A Henderson, » Peck, Miss L. Deacon, Miss W. Pur- vis, Mrs, K Starr, IR McLen- nan, Mrs, W. Mrs, S. A ackson ; Ye J: Daw Membership, Me, W. J. Dowell; Hospital, Mrs. B, White; Flowewrs, Mrs, 8S. A. AL) Program, Mrs, N Peck; ntertainment, Mrs, ve Graham; Refreshments, Mrs, W. R. Hender- son; Room, Mrs, McLennan; Press, Mrs, E, F, Trevor, RIG PRICE REDUCTION IN ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIOS Price reductions of $26, $45 and $50 on the new 1928 Models, of the famous Rogers Batteryless Ra- dios were announced today by the local Rogers dealers, Generator and Starter, These drastic chang- es are not a price "cut" on special models, but constitute the crea tion of an entirely new and lower price level for all Rogers Radios from now on. These big reaye- tions represent savings, passed on to the public, through economies in purchasing, production and dis- tribution of Rogers Sets due to the tremendously . rapid {increase In Mew yey CN Vide. '| sales during the past two years. There can be no doubt but that the inauguration of these new pri- ces will stimulate radio sales, for it is now possible for anyone to own a Batteryless Radio with all its advantages and economies at the price of an ordinary battery set, As a representative of the Q.R. 8, Music Co., the Rogers distribu- tors in Eastern Canada, expressed it: 'Three years ago when the Rogers was first introduced it was the only Batteryless Radio on the market, With a limited produe- tion and heavy patent investment, costs were necessarily high, and, this coupled with natural skeptic- ism of the public and the trade, made progress slow for some months, but the Batteryless prin- ciple was so sound and so much de- sired by the public that even the first 'year the sales of Rogers steadily increased from month to month and in the second year, when the new Models were hrought out, the sales jumped tremendous- ly and costs necessarily came down, so that last year, the third year, the factory were able to give better value for the same money, resulting in sales over double the preceding year and more than all other electric or batteryless sets combined, The public demand for Batteryless Radio became so uni- versal that other makes had intro- duced one or two models, but the Rogers, after three years, have proven by actual test in thousands of homes throughout Canada, that it will give uniform satisfaction under all conditions and in all lo- calities. Not only does the Rogers elimi- nate all batteries, chargers, chemi- cals, attachments and complicated wires, so that all you have to do Is plug it into your light socket and tune in, but it takes care of yaria- tions in line voltages in different localities and in the same locality during different times of the day, 80 "here is no danger of burning out tubes. The fact that the Rogers was conceived, developed and perfected right here in Canada, and is sold nowhere else in the world, Is a great tribute to the engineering genius of young 'Ted' Rogers, who also perfected the first *"Bat- teryless" Broadcasting station (C. F.R.B., 617 meters) located in To- ronto, and placed Canada at least two years ahead of any other coun- try in the development of Battery- less Radio. Whereas manufactur- ers in the United States are now just experimenting with their first or second design in Batteryless Sets, the Rogers has become a household product throughout the Dominion and many of the pro- Here js a little word for the ay- erage citizen who has saved 2 little money and wants to invest it. Get the advice of your e you buy any stacks. Ex Even if the board 0 ectors of y you plan Le I STmny Wh in whose ability and integrity there is mo doubt, don't assume that the stock is mecessarily safe. A business commission recently announced that prominent names "l a direcarate cannot accepted a guarantees of safety. Unfortunately there are always a few prominett men who allow themselves to be named directors of mew concerns, but who do not see to it that these concerns are conducted properly. ebruary a Month of SALES = Starting Thursday Morning, February 9 th at 9 o'clock # ra 8 slack fur A SALE OF WASH GOODS RAYON GINGHAMS A fine quality checked and plain Rayon Gingham, 31" ix 29¢ Sale Price Yard, BROADCLOTH Plain Colored Broadcloth in a wide variety of shades, good quality, HF 39¢|¥ Seley Price LINGERIE CREPES Plain and fancy designs in dainty shades in Lingerie "5 39c|% RAYON An extra fine quality in beau- tiful shades, mostly striped Rayon Ginghams. wi 39¢ Sale Plice 2,000 Yards of 31 ins. Olnchais AN OUTSTANDING BARGAIN A Super Bargain, It comes in plain and fancy colors, in neat small and February Sale Price, yard, medium checks. NO PHONE OR C.0,D. ORDERS 17c¢ WHITE FLANNELETTE Good Quality White Flan- nelette, 300 yds., only, and a real bargain, we 15¢ Sele Py Pilee 32" GINGHAMS An exceptional bargain in this fine quality Gingham, neat patterns and all colors to choose from. 52 29¢ Seley Price KIDDIECLOTH A rare bargain in this ser- viceable material for the making of Children's dresses and rompers. wii 27 ¢ SCOTCH ZEPHYRS A super bargain in a very fine quality Scotch Zephyr, plain and fancy patterns, 2 35 e ce Yard, C Pillows, Pore This Sale at $1.29 pair AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Regular Size Bed Pillows, finished neatly and well made, Let us urge you to be here early for these, they will go fast, February Sale Price, pair, NO PHONE OR C,O,D. ORDERS $1.29 SILK AND WOOL HOSE Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose in all the popular shades for aise ve wear; all sizes. we T9c | 8 eu Price Pair, RUBBER APRONS A real bargain in a heavy quality Rubber Apron, fancy trimmed. = 29c¢ dd Ribbed Vests; sizes, LADIES' VESTS Ladies' Finely Woven Cot- medium and large. An ex- iceptional bargain, wie 49c BROADCLOTH SLIPS A super bargain, Ladies' Broadcloth Slips in all the wanted colors and sizes, "= 89c¢ House Dresses Attractively Priced at 98¢c AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN 250 House Dresses, made in the styles that are outstanding for neatness. a large Variety of colors, sizes 34 to 44, February Sale Price, NO PHONE OR C.O » D. ORDERS 98c . FANCY CHINAWARE Fancy China, consisting of salt and pepper shakers and other inty little table wares. Reg. 50c to 75c¢c. "5" 25¢ LADIES' BLOOMERS Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Bloomers, well made, in cream color, medium and oe LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE Fine of of fawn, grey and Ai all "2 79c¢ LADIES' HAND BAGS A clearance of Mapufactur- ers' in Ladies' Pouch and Under-arm Bags. Values to $2.95. "=" 98c¢ Silk Hose, Limited Quanticy at 50c¢ pair BARGAIN OF THE HOSIERY 300 Pair Ladies' Silk Hoge, all shades, all sizes. Rog. values to $1.00, February Sale Price, pair, NO PHONE OR C.O.D. ORDERS 50c¢c LADIES' Noi GOWNS A real bargain in Ladies' Cotton Night Gowns, neatly trimmed in lace and some in colored trimmings, 54 ins. long and made roomy. "5 T9c¢ CHILDREN'S Children's Creepers and Rompers, made from neatly patterned, good guality ging- hams; sizes 2 to 6 years. "&"59c Pure Linen Plain White Table Cloths, size 70 x 70. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS $2.98 or A RED LETTER BARGAIN ; : ', can be used for 98c -- SHOP AT THE ARCADE -- The Fhe Busy Bargain Store