i THE OSHAWA DAILY IMLS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1928 "INTERMEDIATES SMOTHER PORT HOPE BY 9 GOALS T0 1 het Absence "Oh, what a fall there was, my en," sang the erstwhile Port en after Sammy Lowe's cohorts of Inter- mediates had cinched the group title, by drifting 9 goals into the area occupied by the Hopers' net, while the visiting O-N-T-A-R-I-0-8 put but 1 behind Dick Smith, and that in the dying moments of play. From the outset there was never any doubt as to the ultimate win- ners, or if there was, it was soon dispelled by the evident superior- ity of the locals in all departments of the great winter pastime. To give the Port Hope outfit their due, they played Mlle three of thelr stars, 'Joe" Micks, "Dempsey" Crossett, and "Art" Ware, Ware and Orossett were on the sick list, while Priestman was given a chance in the mets, Prlestman played a strong game, and did everything but turn flips, in stop- ping the flying puck, or as he prob- ably thought, pucks, His perform ance was reminiscent of the fam- ous co-partner of George Young, "Bill Hastings, at his best, The game developed into-a_niee workout for the present "champs." As at Port Hope, Johnson made the first indentation in 'the net, when he scored op the rebound of his own angle drive from the left boards,' From then on the'game was a flashing display by the lo- cals, with Port Hope showing some signs of returning lite in the last frame, when they held the home- sters even with one goal per each,' Avery was outlucked in his at- tempts to appear on the score sheet, but gave a good exhibition of. speed and strong checking .at centre ice, Houck and Chartran scored in quick succession in the first round after Johpson had led the way. This finished the scor- ing in the initial stanza, Hill and Francey showed some clever hock- ey at intervals, but Hill's shots were puny, and Francey's rushes were well taken gare of by Messrs. Johnson and Char , Joyee did some great hook' checking at mid ice in this session, Houck started the fireworks in the second whirligig, after takinp the puck at the blue line, and beat- Men' Sits vo 31.19 LEADER DRY GOODS Phone 740; 88 Simcoe St. 5, lars Weak Display ] AH ockey Results Hockey games played Thursday resulted as follows: League aple --4 Canadiens ... 3 We ------1 Montreal .... 0 | took ing Priestman with a lightnin shot from the corner. Joyce bro) into the scoring column, when he @ puck at the defence and stickhandled his way to the met. Joyce was not satisfied with this, {and counted number two with a fic shot from the t boards, which'made it an even half-dozen, for his team. /After Priestman had waved some hard shots from Row- den's stick, Joyce gave "Kip" an object lesson with his third, Row- den took it to heart, and made it 8-0. Hagerman did some good work for the Hopefuls in this per- fod, hut was ineffective around the nets, The Oshawa lads thought that they should obtain some' practice in combination work in the final frame, and proceeded to pass the puck at each and every opportunity. This contrary to the general expec tations, did not produce results, hut Priestman stopped a multitdue of shots from all angles, His jug- gling acts with the dise won fav- our from the crowd, Rowden showed some smart stickhandling, once weaving his way through the whole works, but failed at the goal- mouth, Joyce proved himself the high scorer of the meet, with four mark- ers on the right side of the ledger, the fourth came fro ma pretty com- bination play with Stephens, Ste- phens worked hard to sgore, but was unlucky in his attempts to lo- cate the net. Art Hill kept the ONTARIOS from absorbing a thick coat of whitewash, when he heat Smith, after a rush up the left planks. Port Hope cannot say "He who laughs last, ete,, but they had the doubtful satisfaction of count- ing the last goal of the debacle, The teams: Port Hope--goal, Priestman; left defence, L. Micks; right de- fence, Francey; centre, Highfield; right wing, Hagerman; left wing, A, Hills; sub, Adams, Oshawa--poal Smith; left defence, Johnson; right defence, Chartrand, centre, Avery; left wing, Houck; right wing, Rowden; subs., Joyce and Stephens, #;in) Rn d| TANKARD FINALS IN TORONTO FEBRUARY 7 The Ontario Tankard finals have been called to play at Toron- to on Tuesday, February 7th, at 9.30 a.m, The following are the winners and runners-up;----- 1--Kingston Ont, Hos. Brockville 2--~0Oshawa Belleville 8--Lindsay Fenelon Falls 4--Granite Oakwooa b--High Park Toronto 6--Barrie Thistle Barrie 7--Orillia Ont. Hosp., Orillia 8--Dundas Hamilton Victoria 9--Galt Granite Galt 10--Fergus Brampton 11--Owen Sound Markdale 12--Mt, Forest Orangeville 13--Unionville Stouffville 14--Stratford Waterloo 15--London London Thistle 1 --Petrolia Detroit SNOW BLOCKS HIGHWAY Orangeville, Feb. 2,--Provineial Highway No. 10, from here to the top of Caledon Mountain, is again blocked for motor-trafiic followipg the high winds last night. some places the drifts are ten feet bigh. Four large trucks and a plow are endeovoring to clear the highway. ee ------------------------------ THE GAME YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR O.H.A--HOCKEY--O.H.A. (JUNIOR) v 'BOWMANVILLE vs OSHAWA FRIDAY ADMISSIO Reserved Seats on sale at fis 28 Simcos St 5. -- ) FEB. 3rd Game at 815 pm. at THE OSHAWA Here is the senses baste teams GENERAL: --33¢, TAX 2¢ RESERVED:--55¢, TAX 5c HOCKEY RINK need this game so it will ON HAND EARLY. Ratz's Smoke Shop Phone 2227 CHEVROLET OWNERS Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Fastuny fa rats prices on all re- or small She leadership of our Service is based on merit. £0.40 minutes overtime. Senior O, H, A, Varsity -.....4 Preston ..... 3 O.H.A, Port Colborne .. 6 Brantford ... 1 sKitchener .. § Galt cee 2 sKitchener wins group. Meaford ..... 1 Stayner --...., 0 Oshawa -... 9 Port Haye ------ 3 Junior O, H. A, Stratford -.... 3 Clinton cca 0 sParls ......- 7 Brantford .... 3 sParis wins round, 13 to 8, BOWLING The Recreation Club entertain- ed the Railway League and the Mixed League Wednesday even- ing, each league running off two games, In the Rall- way League, the fast Express team left the Trainmen be- hind, and the Freight team gave the Office outfit a bump, with a total of 2007 to the Office aggre- gate of 1982. In the Mixed League, the Jallbirds administer- ed a good sound thrashing to the High Times, and the Good Times were too much for the Scare crows. The scores: MIXED LEAGUE RECREATION OLUB Good Times Dot Moffatt,, .,, ., 180 Ralph Sneyd., 228 Ernie Dunstall,, 177 Efleen Pipher. , 1438 111 176 188 172 728 647 Scarecrows Mrs. Bentley, , Mrs, Tutton,,. Mr, Tutten,,,, Mr, Bentley 192 186 127 141 186 170 202 186 504 Jail Birds 166 208 vee ree High K, Conlin, vs eee DlBas ys sav ses A, Morison, ,. 4.09 B. Gowe,,. 127 128 216 103 184 101 A. Reece PF. Kunkel ,,,v0ss M. Misset ,.,000+9¢ SPOR? SNAPSHO1S the Shamrocks and draw u team, they have pd their not before owing to parental Can Shamrock: doubt as to who should occupy the owmanville, and it is sanity to.end up at the top of the he joined Whitby on the fence, of their decisiv ed next Wednesday in Kingston. The pace that the "Flyin, As evidence that Bowmanville are out to win tonight's contest with on evel terms with the smart junior time this eason have been able to use "Red" James in goal, who could up to the defence, and Hooper and to get past. The forward line will probably be composed of Rundle, dler and McMullen, with Williams and Jackman subbing. The s will be at full strength and will try and leave no room for Qinnacle, There are three more games, including this evening's, with seen that Bowmanville has every chance ap. They have only lost one game whilst the Shamrocks have yet to drop a game. ( the local juniors and Bowmanville are left to see who will represent this district in the O.H.A. play-offs, On this cheerful morn, the Oshawa Intermediates sit on their thrones, the uncrowned kings of the local intermediate group, by virtue e victory over the last threat from Port Hope. Perhaps Tmeraws d is to figurative, for "Tommy" Johnson appeared on the ice t evening with a beautiful "shiner," rs a little souvenior of his last visit to the domicile of the O-N-T-A-R-I-O-S In all probability, the rest of the games scheduled will not be played, and the locais are ex- pected to engage the Kingston Intermediates, 'winners of their group, e In that case the Liriestone City squad will be in Oshawa the following Friday. The Canadiens aiter setting up a record for wins that will stand for some time in professional annals, have lost four games recently. { Frenchmen" have been setting would have finished any team but the temperamental colorful Montrealers, but they will no doubt, again set the pace from now on, The loss to Pittsburgh the other night at Montreal was unlooked for as the Pirates have been fairly easy for the Canadiens heretofore. and Hainsworth would be outstanding on any team, and any one of them would "make" some of their contestants in the Calder circuit. - team for tonight, and for the first jections. Hooper has been moved e will form a powerful pair topmost niche in the district .group As Peterboro have now Morenz, Joliat, Gagne, Leduc Canadiens Still In Slump, Lose to Leats 4-3 Montreal, Feb, 2--Canadiens are still in a slump and are staggering more groggily than ever following another clout on their collective chin, a straight right shot with telling ef- fect by a battle-scarred, crippled To- ronto team, Never has there been such a weird, nerve-racking struggle as that which ended in a 4 to 3 victory for the Leafs at the Forum tonight, a bit- terly fought game which started in eppery fashion with a budding feud etween Irvilf Bailey and Aurel Jol- iat and; after a perfect nightmare of hockey, ended with Manager Connie Smythe and others of the Toronto team making pointed remarks to Pre- sident Calder and referee-in-chief Cooper Smeaton, about the way in f whi.h the tussle had been handled, . Four in a Row Starting without Art Duncan on the defence, the Leafs, who were | GOK "sir s raves 789 RAILWAY LEAGUE 161 108 152 163 126 104 178 1988 204 192 Love ss.» Parker ,, Dart .o ss 09» Miners' tog 0» AO Lens dese Total--2465. " Trainmen 222 145 150 152 141 184 92 124 116 Smith., ,, ... St, Annes ,,.,.. Charlton ,,,, ,, Kepol Smith .. sees, Husson ,. w.s4 Total--2808. Oftice 170 189 138 162 101 159 239 205 106 149 163 223 8. Merchant ,,.. Chant ., ...., Whinfield .. Total--1982. 210 120 168 192 135 209 169 178 126 211 166 135 Foote ,, ,,.::» Younge .. ,..» O'Connor ,,. DRY 2: +550 Total--2007. MOTOR CITY BOWLING CIUB Four games were played at the Motor City Bowling Club, when the Men's Major League occupied the centre of attraction. The Whiz- gangs nosed out the Stampers by 2 marrow margin. The Classics conquered the Coca Colas; the Bear Cats frolicked under the Southern Stars, and finally ex- tinguished them, and the 'Bankers downed the G.M.C.'s. 208 282 130 202 234 182 169 114 198 114 142 227 188 147 130 195 177 Stars 188 106 109 153 147 Cats 224 144 198 165 174 Carpenter ., ,, Baisley ,, was» Thomson ,, ,. Mitchell ..., ,, , Total--2638, Stewart ., .., Johnson ,, .. , Fraser Sayder Total--2147. 192 108 101 157 se ames 185 232 201 221 138 138 153 145 204 71 MUurnay .. s.-» Harold as, mapas Total --2389. 135 253 Dobson .,. panm beaten by Canadiens 9 to 1 under similar circumstances in their last meeting, startled the crowd of 10,000 fans by running up four goals in the first half of the game. It began to look like a complete rout. Canadiens got moving about the end of the second session, and count- ed one tally, Tosonto's lead looked like an "impbssible handicap for Canadi commencing the final ses- sion, Then. ill-luck for Toronto and some weird work by. the referee started Canadiens on a rally which just fell short of tieing the score, but which, while jt lasted, had the rink in a ormoil 3 urt topping Attack Shortly after the final session start- ed Canadiens scored again and were back in the picture, A rush was met by Capt. "Happy" Day, of the To- ronto defence, who in scramble went down with the tendon at the back of his right heel practically sev- ered. While he was writhing in pain on the ice and his team-mates were uncertain whether to ruch to his aid or keep in play, Joliat drove in for a tally that left Canadiens only two goals down and with an excellent chance of picking up the deficit, To- ronto being now short its two regu- lar defence men, : / It was a bad break for Toronto, but nothing compared to one some five minutes later. A Canadien rush star- ted and as it hit the Toronto defence, a whistle was blown, ostensibly be- cause the puck-carrier was being tripped by the Toronto defence. Roach eased off in his goal, "Gizzy" Hart took the puck and drove it into the net and the referee ruled it a y. Cox Wrenches Shoulder The Toronto crowd went wild. Roach broke all speed records as he skated up to centre ice to protest that the whistle had gone before the gol bad been scor: Referee Bill O'Hara was surrounded by complain- ing Toronto players, who plainly showed d t. The referee stuck by his ruling and Toronto held to the slim one-goal margin that was left. But not before they were fur- ther handicapped when Danny Cox, who went to the defence to partner Beattie Ramsay in the pinch, had to retire with a badly wrenched shoul- der, ane Toronto Rnish ed with Bailey doing defence duty alongside Ramsay And 3 acih the vair made of i, y at one margin, much of the sting was taken out of the question of the disputed goal, see- ing that the Leafs had won anyway. -But To onto had plenty to say, how- ever, and it is certain that had Cana- diens eventually tied the game up or won out, there would have been some lively arguments and undoubtedly a Toronto protest. Honeymoon Hardup: "If things don't go better with us darling, I suppose you're father won't see us starve?" Mrs. Hardup: "No, poor dear; his eyesight gets worse every day." . 180 200 265 219 184 148 208 173 252 248° Crouse Nelson Allan Sutton ale op mass an Base ne passsa Total--2923. RIDLEY LEADS THE SCORERS IN CANADIAN PRO HOCKEY LEAGUE The official records of the Cana- dian Professional Hockey League, including games playe don Jan, 28, show that Ripley, of Kitchener, is leading the sharp-shooters of the King loop with 30 points, made up of twenty goals and ten assists, with Joe Primeau, of the Ravinas, and Roter Roth, of Hamilton, tied for the runner-up position with twenty- two points, each having seventecn goals and five assists, With a ga! and one assist on Tuesday night against Kitchener Primeau reduced Ripley's lead by two points and also drew ahead of Roth. The leaders in the official list are:-- Ripley Kitchener Primeau, Toronto .,. Roth, Hamilton Fournier, Strat.-Windsor Doraty, Kitchener Brydson, Hamilton Holmes, Niagara-lond. Lowery, Toronto P, Palangio, Windsor Brown, Windsor-Strat Huard, Windsor Bellemer, of Windsor, has the doubtful honor of having served the most penalties, his total of 72 min- utes being eight more than Connors ad Bryde, . both of Detroit, The heaviest pealized players are:-- Ma. Mi, Min. 2:31 72 2 2 NO fv Ln BTN Bellemer, Windsor . Connors, Detroit. ,, Brydge, Detroit Jackson, London Corbeau, Toronto McFarlane, Kitchener ,... Fournier, Windsor Nasr ve Holmes, Niagara-Lond. .,.2 Lowery, Toronto 1 MEETING POSTPONED The City League Hockey meet- ing called for Wednesday evening has heen postponed until next Mon- day, seven o'clock at the Y.M.C.A, The question of reducing the pe- riods fromr twenty to fifteem min- utes will be discussed, with other business. ISEEEEERE New Martin THEATRE NOW PLAYING HEROES of the NIGHT Lloyd Hamilton COMEDY rer + | follows: }| GERMAN CHAMPION STOUFFVILLE WINS THE PETERBORO CUP » AT ANNUAL 'SPIEL Peterboro, Feb. 2--W. 8. Arm strong of Stouffville won the Peter- Millbrook, last year's Matthews- Blackwell Trophy holders, by six shots, The 'final score was 14 to 8 The Peterboro' Cup, the cmbleh of championship in the consolation series, was contested for on Brock Street rink yesterday, with thir- teen visiting rinks entered im the first draw. The winning rink ue- feated Ridpath of Lakefield fn the first round and John Steele of Millbrook in the semi-finals. Mr, (Armstrong was matched against Mr. Edmunds this after- noon in the Waddell Cup, but af- ter winning ene trophy he default- ed the game to Mr, Edmupds, PETERBORO' OUP Finals Millbrook H. Collins G. Buskett BE. W. Ball 8. Armstrong G. W, Sayles Armstrong, sk. 14 Edmunds sk, 8 Two of the best games of the spiel were. played this morning when MeCallum of Fenelon Falls defeated J. W, MacDermid and R. G. Sturgeon beat H. Forsythe of Lindsay in the semi-finals of the . G. Morrow Trophy, Mr. McDer- mid was down two, but op the twelfth end he evened the score, to lose out by one point on the extra end. Sturgeon came within an ace of losing his game on the twelfth end. R. G. Sturgeon is in the finals of the Morrow Trophy against H. H, McCallum, and he is in the semi-finals of the Mat- thews-Blackwell Trophy. H. For- sythe, the boys' rink from Lindsay, remains in the Waddell series and in the Matthews-Blackwell. M. B. Chenhall and R., G. Stur- geon, two local rinks, have reach- ed the finals in the Matthews Blackwell Trophy. ' H, H. McCall- um of Fenelon Falls and R. G. Sturgeon are in the finals of the W. G. Morrow Trophy, M. J. Laas- field of Fenelon Falls and G. Da- vidson of Unionville are in the fi- nal of the Waddell Trophy. The Bonsplel Committee is as W. G. Morrow (Chair- man), H. F. Foote (Secretary), W D. Campbell, Ira D. Moore, M, 8, Chenhall and J. J. Howden, Charge, of play and draws--J~ Maynord and H. Martin, W. G, MORROW TROPHY Semi-Finals Fenelon Falls W. Block Stouftville E. Stoffer Peterboro' H. Freeman G. Dickens R, C. Herald A. F. Gould F. C. Weber MeCallup, sk. 10 McDermid, sk. 9 Peterboro' Lindsay George Green F, Weldon George Hill W. McCrae J. C. Strickland J. Bnmall Sturgeon, sk. 11 Forsythe, sk. 8 MATTHEWS-BLACKWELL Third Round Peterboro' Peterboro' R. P. Best 9 J. W, McDermid 11 H. Forsythe (Lindsay) default- ed to D, C, Thompson (Agincourt). Peterboro' Peterboro' R. Sturgeon 18 W. H, Fletcher 11 Semi-Finals Peterboro' H. Freeman G. Hil R. C. Herald J. C. Strickland F. C. Weber R. Sturgeon, s, 10 W. McDermid 7 Peterboro' Agincourt FP, Batten W. Proffitt W. G. Gatfield H. Thomson L. W, Rye J. Grosse M. Chenhall, sk. 10 D, Thomson, 8 R. M. WAPDELL TROPHY Oshawa Millbrook C. E. Hare ...12 R, H, Edmunds 7 Lindsay Agincourt H. Forsythe 14 D, C. Thompson 7 Stoutfwille Lindsay G. 8. Armstrong 10 J. Anderson 9 Unionville Orillia G. A, Davidson 11 Dr. Harvie 9 First Round Peterboro' G. Green Unionville Keene G. N. Davidson 9 J. J. Moore 9 Armstrong defauited to Ed- munds. Round Fenelon Falls Felenlon Falls H. McaCllum 6 .... A. Northey 7 Fenelon Falls Cobourg M. J. Lansfield 13 H. Greer .... 8 Unionville Millbrook G. A. Davidson 12 R. Edmunds 6 Dunsford Lakefield P. H. Skiteh 15 J. Ridpath 10 Unionville Dunsford E. Duker C. C. Lapain H. M. Latimer C. H. Laidley W. L. Latimer G. F. Mairs G. Davidson, sk. 13 P. Skitch, s. 8 McCallum defauited to Lans- field. v WINS 1,000 YARD RACE New York, Feb. 2--Making his American indoor debut, Dr. Otto Peltzer, German champion, scored REGENT a sensational victory over nine American rivals in a 1,000-yard race that featured the Milirose track and field carnival tonight. Ano X boro' Trophy this morning when |staged by the Ontario Regiment he defeated R. H. Edmunds of | Boxing ruary 16, and the crowd that were present at which scintillated with fast, slug- ging and show fighting, doubt be out in force for this forthcoming festival, Ontario Regiment Plans Another Big Boxing Show will be ther, boing show Club, on Thursday, Feb- their recent show, will no Special arrangements are being made 50 that the winners % the last show may be re-matched, and Matchmaker N. Walker, has been negotiating with The seating plan has been put un- der the jurisdiction of a special committee, with Mr. directing affairs. sold on the same basis as at the that in view. W. McNiel Tickets will be " lasy meet, but they must be ex. changed at the for a re. | served seat. The plan will be on sale at two or more central down. town stores. 1000 chairs are be- ing brought from Toronto, so that everyone who wishes to see the show can be ac ated. A special box office will be sity. ated at the north-west door, and only ticket holders will be admit. ted at the main entramce. A full staff of ushers will be on hand and programs will noy be charged for at this show, x The scale of prices is: The first 200 seats wil be sold for §ic; the balance of the reserved section, 50c; and the rush section at 3je, | OSHAWA SHAMROCKS LOOK GOOD Now that the play-off season in the O.H.A. is on, the Junior situa- tion again becomes the centre of interest and, acording to reports, this year should be a record one. There seems to be more stronger teams scattered throughout the province with championship hopes than ever before, and there will be many stirrings struggles before the finals are reached. Toronto is well supplied with junior tal- ent with three teams on the titular trail, and all are powerful: Marl- boros, champions of the Big Four group, cannot be rated any higher than St. Michael's, the College win- ners, or Danforths, who are now battling with Newmarkets for group glory. Oshawa has a team that must be figured, while Niag- ara Falls, with several of last sea- son's staff, is prominent in the play-off picture. Owen Sound Greys have hopes for another crown, boasting of a team just as good as the other championship collections, whilt beside the teams ---- mentioned there are sure to be g few others to step into the lime. Hght to make the yearly' classicg the best in history.--The Mail and Empire. 32 PLAYERS ON TORONTO BALL CLUB Toronto, Feb, 3--The Toronte Baseball Club has 32 players on its roster, including fourteen pitches ers, The infield looks set with Ale exander at first, Burke at second, Webb at third and Cote, last year with Toledo, at shortstop. The other departments, though, need strengthening. *Knotty' Lee is" leaving for the South to arrange about the train. ing camp. The Giants have the only ball park in Augusta, and the Leafs have to look elsewhere. The spot may be Albany, Ga. or Co» lumbus, Ga. The latter is an ideal training camp, and the Leafs poss sibly made a mistake hy breaking - away from this lecation. otm-- WE cl 0; ys Phe GINGER ALE The Famous Red Seal is "Your Guarantee of Purity Made by O'Keefe's Beverages, Limited; Toronto y icto: RU Records Diane (I'm in Heaven When I See You Smile) The Troubadours Jesse Crawford 'S Wonderful (from *"Punny Face") Fox Trot Victor Arden and Phil Ohman 21114 21000 36 and their Orchestra Frank Crumit 2 Among My Souvenirs The big hit of the Season! Presented four different ways. FoxTrot Roger Wolfe Kaho and His Orchestra Vocal Organ The Revelers Jesse Crawford Instrumental Paul Whiteman's Concert Orchestra - The Black Jacks D. J. BROWN ~ » Phone 189