Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1928, p. 7

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AL TUAL LIFE'S REPORTIz mt Ser =s ISIS RRITAINNUST REFLECTS PROSPERITY [Shs DOMINION OF CANADAJE Ont, February 2.-Th nt, Fe ~The rising tide of prosperity og hr is reflected in the Annual Report of the Mutual Life of Canada presented at the fiftyseighth Annual Meeting of the ers of the Company held at he Head Offices here today. e general prosperity which pre- vailed 'throughout a during the past year," said Mr, W, H. Somer- ville, the General Manager, in his address covering the Annual Report, the steady improvement in agricul ture, and the good tone of business, not only enabled our efficient agéncy staff to produce a healthy increase in the volume of new business written, t also placed our investments in a highly satisfactory condition." Mr, Somerville pointed to the new assurances written during * 1927, a gross amount of $52,295,130, as com- pared to $50,039,348 in the year pre- vious, An analysis of these figures showed "that the average policy is- sued in 1927 was for a larger sum than the average of 1926--a desir- able feature, In the past three years 25 per cent, of the Mutual Life's new policies were written with the Dis- ability Benefit Clause and 22 per cent, with the Double Disability Benefit, Death losses for 1927, Mr. Somerville showed, were remarkably ow, "We continue to encourage our policy holders to safeguard their good health by offering, at the Cow pany's expense, periodical health examinations by experienced physi- cians, Advantage is quite generally taken of this service, Mr, Somerville analysed the sound investment position of the company in detail, showing 79.1 per cent, of its total bond holdings to be invested in Government and Muicipal bonds, "The record of 1927," said Mr. Somerville in conclusion, "is evid- ence that our Company continues to fulfil its mission of safeguarding funds entfusted to its care and using them to the best advantage for the important purposes for which they have been received, The report which has been presented should serve to increase the confidence which the ublic continues to manifest in life insurance, The outlook for 1928 seems quite as bright as wefe the prospects a year ago, and it is confi dently anticipated that the current year will prove an equally successful one with the Company, President Cronyn's Address The General Munager's address was followed by that of Water! ressed hearty satisfaction with the Company's progress during 1927, "As has already been pointed out by the General Manager," said Mr. Cronyn, "the results of the year just closed have surpassed all our pre- vious records, Whether we take new business written, net increase of in- EE ------------------------ Mr. and Mrs. T. Waterhouse of the South End Fish Store wish to announce to the pub- lic that they Have Moved from 140 Simcoe St. S. to their new premises 159 SIMCOE ST. 8. where they will be equipped to take care of their custo- * 'mers. They also wish to thank the public for their generous patr e in the past and assure ti of the same courteous treatment in the future as they have tried the Presi- | dent, Mr, Hume Cronyn, who ex-|per High Lights from 1927 tion wit J Surpassing those of 1926 by PASI 5360.00. New Business Written $52,295,136 All written in Canada and Newfoundland. Assurance in Force $386,712,481 A net increase of $32,600,000. Total Assets $89,233,343 An increase of $8,000,000 .Policyholders' vides An increase of $550,000 over 1926, Surplus Funds and Special Investment Reserves $11,820,283 Rate of Interest Earned 646 per cent. Expense Ratio 14.44 percent, surance in force or additions to our special reserves and surplus funds, we can, (adopting a famous phrase) rest satisfied that co-operative as- surance 'of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth', Mr, Cronyn then alluded to a gratifying fact which had not been mentioned in the General Manager's remarks, olicyholders," said Mr. "Our Cronyn, ill be gratified to learn "~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1928 among Cor of varying hing operating in different geographical areas, there will be attainer that diversity of risk Which in te OI Land bas a 3 ngthy per proven so bene Needless to say, in selecting these-- to us--new avenues of investment, our old-time motto of 'Safety First' will prevail; only those Corporations --the record and reputation of which will bear the closest scrutiny--will be approved." The _retirin; Kerr Fisken aupt, Kitchener; Hon, Mewburn, K.C, Hamil- ton; Mr. T. A, Russell, Toronto, and Isaac Pitbaldo, KC.. Winnipeg, were re-elected, At a meeting of the board, held subsequent to the Annual Meeting, Mr, Hume Cronyn, London, Ontario, was re-elected President; Mr, R, O. McCulloch, Galt, 1st Vice-President; Mr, J. Kerr Fisken, Toronto, 2nd Vice-President, and Mr, ¢M Bowman, Chairman of the/Befrd, In addition to these, and the Di- rectors re-elected, the following are also members of the Board: Mr, W, G., Watson, Toronto; Sir Lomer Gouin, Montreal; Mr, Louis La Course Lang, Kitchener; Mr, Glyn Osler, K.C, Toronto; Hon, J. Fred Fraser, Halifax; Mr. W, J, Blake Wilson, Vancouver, and Mr, E. J. Long, K.C, Toronto, D'ANNUNZIO ILL Italy, Feb, 2.--Gabriele Directors, Messrs, J. 'oronto; L. J. Breith- Major-Géneral Gardone, that our ratio of expense has dropped to the lowest point in the Company' history." Mr, Cronyn traced the course of the Company's inv ts showing that real estate holdings had shrunk to 'a comparatively trifling figure, v's | D'A , Italian soldier and poet, suffered an attack of influenza sev- eral days ago. . His condition today was reported as improving although he is still confined to bed, There was a downward tendency, however, in interest rates, and near- y all classes of securities were af- ected, Interest Rate Maintained "Thanks to the foresight of our Investment Committee," said Mr, Cronyn, "heavy purchases made in past years of long-date bonds yield- ing a high return have to date help- ed to counteract the prevailing hiss . tion. It seems, however, clear that we are facing an era of lower rates of interest, and, in common with other like investors, that we must force be satisfied with diminish- ing returns, Unfortunately for us," Mr, Cronyn continued, "as policyholders the de- cline in rates of interest-Oves.prac- tically the whole continent, is a mat- ter beyond our control. It is but one of the many. items which bring home to us the fact that we have emerged from the shadow of the Great War, and that we live alongside a nation teeming with wealth whose unem- ployed capital, unhampered by tariff or artificial restrictions, of necessity flows into channels commanding the confidence of the investor." Increased Value of Holdings To offset lower interest rates, Mr. Cronyn called attention to the sharp- ly increased values in bonds pur- chased by the Company when inter- est rates were high, : "Taken at the values fixed by the t of Insurance in Ottawa, our holdings are worth three million dollars more than the total shown in the statement before you. In the second place, there is a distinct ad- vantage to Canadian borrowers, whether they be Governments, Muni: cipalities, Corporations or individuals, in being able to secure funds at rates much those prevalent a few years 3 "In he meanwhile, there remains to give in the t. PHONE 1 1964. the problem of investing your funds LOCAL REPRESENATIVE WANTED An excellent opportunity for a man who enjoys the es- teem of his local community to associate himself with a large industrial company. Part of this man's duties will be to travel with our special representative. Liberal re- party. Applicant must give complete details of past experience. Also state age. ~ Box No. 5, Financial Times, 6 Jorden St., Toronto, 2. muneration to reli COAL - COKE - WOOD | Waterous-Meek, Limited YadiCrduiis Vien Sitti Kin 1 w. TIME TABLES CNR, TIME TABLE May 1) I hg andr. a Guna: except y. except Sunday, except Ssturdsy, Westbound Traine Daily, Daily, Liasly except Sunday, y Dart opt ily exe y. Dail Ye day only. arly except Be Jasly. Daily except Sunday, nday only. 80 a.m, ~Daily except Sunday, 4.47 p.m.=Daily, 7.3 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmenville : BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE iil 34 1 fi al 13 FREERRE geLsuet EES 11 £5r 3 = BE 1 of E isk & Rik] sede it Ec VEEERRRRERS TI 1E3 3 i fF Hi Ii 8 I BEERS £8 53% celles [Riki 13 FRERRRRRES SEE EasREEES LL : EozEsEEs ! - * TE] TRAE f NR 1111 i i becssadpy iii 1 (= 33S HEH) 1 Essent FFRRER Eee bE 5H 18 | oie Believes Canada Can Help POra- | ada tour in the LEAD IN DISARMING Col. David Carnegie Opens Lecture Tour in Saint John LEAGUE AUSPICES in Arousing World Interest Saint John, N.B.,, Feb. 2.-"1 think we as a great Empire, must give the lead in the matter of dis- armament," declared Col. David Carnegie, C.B.E,, F.R.8,, Edin, In the first address of his eross-Can- interests of the League of Nations dellvered here Monday night, under the auspices of the Saint John Branch of the League of Nations Soclety., Col, Carnegie presented six statements which he suggested the British Government and the self-govern- ing states of the empire, should submit to the League of Nations as statements that they are willing to agree to. These six were to the effect that the states of the empire agreed to make progressive, 10 per cent, re duction in expenditure for arma~ ments each year on the understand ing that other states in the League would do likewise until a limit te be determined was reached; that states of the empire were prepared to sign theoptiona'! clause to bring their disputes under the arbitra- tion of the International Court of Justice; that they agreed to the freedom of the seas so long as the right of blockade was exercised only by the League of Nations; that they ratified the arms traffic con- vention for the control of trafir in arms; that they would agree to control the private manufae- but you have ucing in win your decision. Com values and . Kora ture of arms hy license and that they would stop the subsidization of industries for the production of poisonous pas, Col. Carnegle spe- clally stressed the importance of a rousing public opinion ard heving moral disarmament as the prelim- inary of material disarmament Col Carnegie said he had come to Canada hecause he balleved Can- ada could do its part in arousing public opinion throughout the em- pire and he reminded his audience that Canada had established {itself in favor of arbitration and Senator Dandurand had stated that al- though in east and west alike Can- ada had lost immense tracts of ter- ritory, Canada still thought ft pre- ferable to risk an unfavorable award to resorting to war, World Allunce Rev. Dr, C, V, Pilcher, of Wy- cliffe College, Toronto, spoke of the world alliance for the promo- tion of International friendship through the sbyren Dr. Plicher is the secretary of the Canadian Ceuncll of the Worid Alliance and x) indicates change in former time tables KOLSTER ELECTRIC } {NO BATTERIES) OU have long wanted an Electric Radio, wisely waited until the right Electric Radio appeared. . You merely have to connect the light current, turn the single dial--and finest broadcast programs at your Listening to one of these able fidelity the a orchestras will give Sou a new conception of modern radio. : Kolster Electric Sets, both in appearance and formance, show those extra dollars of value which will Kolster to your AC you have the designed instru- Sey i. with remark- in per- «eo you .: . will .. . buy Ist THE OSHAWA ELECTRIC SERVIC he spoke of the special objections of that Council at the present time in fostering goodwill between the United States and Great Britain. The Canadian Council {is issuing pamphlets that will be sent to every minister in Canada and the Unit- ed States; it is fostering a chain of ministerial friendship among the clergymen along the international boundary and is endeavoring to arouse more interest in the work of World Allizaes in the Maritime Provinces, where the United States ma -------- Ee -------- ' - " $ ; Je oi again brand [) yo to Ati sete operate--no THE KOLSTER TABLE Tubes, Cabinet Is t of all electric eliminators or liquids. Electric and Battery Sets The Kolster line is lectri ae Cc Sets in and Battery Table and Console Models { Radi Sold in Oshawa by members belleve there is a danger point of friction, Dr, Pilcher spoke also of the conference to be held under the allianee auspices in New York in November when friendship with Mexico, Canada and Great Britain is to he specially stressed and prominent speakers from the three countries will be heard. INFLAMMATORY MANIFESTO POSTED BY DAIL IN ULSTER Belfast, Northern Ireland, Feb, 2.-- Posters headed "Manifesto from the Special Sale & EW that will not come special sale are 6 Cylinder Performance Phone 915 Cd Every car has a beautiful Fisher body, duco finish, and big 6 cylinder engine, along with the and long life that have made Pontiac "Six" the choice of so many tens of thousands. MOFFATT MOTOR SALES riding comfort 148 Simcoe Street S. Dail Eireann," calling upon young men loyal to the "republic" to train for its defence have been posted on ublic buildings throughout Donegal. he "Dail Eireann," is a title that a section of Irish Republicans claim sole right to use, regarding the pre sent Parliaments in Dublin and Bel- fast as usurpers, he posters read: "When England is at war, this country will also he at way, but against England, not at her side, "England seems not far from war now, . PONTIAC "SIXES" To reduce our stock on certain models of the 6-27 series of Pontiac Sixes, we offer a limited number of these cars at drastic reductions under regular prices. "This is a money saving in a long time. All cars in new and can be bought at sa to interest you. 88 Simcoe St. N. "Our Used Cars Also Make Satisfied Customers"'

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