Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1928, p. 5

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I rR I IN CAI TE AI Rig Sr a ye --W. Chester Smith, City En- gineer, sailed for home from Eng- land on Saturday last, it was learn- ed terday. arrl Oshawa early next week, Mrs. A, Knapp, 12 McGregor street, left yesterday for Eldorado, Hastings County, where she will attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, which is to be held today. ALBERT ST, L. A. S. REGULAR MEETING The Ladies' Ald Society of Al- bert street United church held its regular meeting on Thursday, Feb- rn 2, in the School roomr with thé new president occupying the chair, After the singing of a hymn, and prayer by Rev. R. A. Whattam, Mrs, Whattam read the scripture fesson. Then the roll was called to which a goodly aumber responded. The minutes of the last meeting were read hy the secretary, Mrs. C, Knight. It . was decided arter much discussion to serve a hot supper on the evening of February 23. The official hoard will arrange the program, Six groups of workers were ap- pointed and a parsonage comumnit- 'tee formed. Then the meeting was closed with prayer, After the meeting refreshments were served and a social tim was spent by all, EUROPE BY AIR, SOON, Washington, Feb. 2, -- Presi- dent Coolidge was today told by Commander C. D, Burney of the British Navy, one of the design- ers of the great British dirigible R-100, that in another sixtéen months transatlantic airship ser- vige every other day should be in operation hetween London, New ork and Montreal if the R-100 - now nearing completion proves ssful, Wk Itine Op. VALTINE performs a double duty in the sick room, Its delicious, unique fla. ur appeals to jaded in- valid appetites--and at the same time it quickly helps to build up the run-down sys- tem, restoring health and strength, Easily digested, Ovaltine gives just the right kind of He is expected to |$50 SKATING PARTY A . | mp 4 The Hose) d School. Club .in charge of ¢ were well pleas- od with the results of last night's skating party which they held on the schoal rink. With' moonlit weather and splendid ice about two hundred skated to veal good music supplied by Mr. Broadbent's band. This makes the second suc: cess for the club this year since the cold weather has come and with the sale of hot dogs the eve- ning's proceeds amounted to about The club proposes holding an- other skating- party in the near future and later a fancy dress car nival will be held, especially for the children of the school, when valuable prizes will be awarded to the winners of the different events. TWO ARE INJURED | IN AUTO MISHAP Paris, Ont,, Feb, 2.--Miss Bes- sie Whiteson, well-known - here, is lying In Willett Hospital in a very serlous condition, as a re- sult of being run down by an auto- mobile driven by George Lee, this morning at 7 o'clock. Miss Whiteson had started across the road, but on seeing the car rapid- ly approaching, doubled back, get- ting in front of the car. Mr, Lee upset his car in an effort to avoid the accident, and suffered several cuts and bruises, Miss Whiteson suffered a broken leg, arm and nose and, it is feared, internal injuries. DISORDER IN FRENCH CHAMBER WHEN AT- TEMPT MADE TO FILM Paris, Feb, 2--The first attempt in the history of the Chamber of Depu- ties to film a session ended in a objected and the session was suspen- ded because of the ensuing disorder, When the Chamber resumed its sitting- it was decided that the film record was not worth the trouble and the eameras were gremoved, 'It had been planned to photograph Premier Poincare as he rose' to deliver his reply to interpellations on the finan- cial policy of the Government, and to preserve the film in the state ar- chives, rebuilds nourishment, It is a per. fectly balanced food, rich in vitamins, containing in highly concentrated form all the natural goodness of ripe barley malt, fresh eggs and creamy milk, cup supplies more nourishment than twelve of beef tea or thuee eggs. Ask your doctor. VAL BUILDS UP BRAIN, NERVES AnD BODY Send this "wr coupon for a generous sample England by A. WANDER ALMITED Ovalsine for heslth--the Soc. 906. 41°50 sad 55.25 Drink octal fami p Aid am Jaca family sae st 'sll drvisise. b A WANDER ED, . West, Toronto. Please of Ovalsing, 10 conte is enclosed for packing id Name..... a Creer : Spring Hats to New Chapeaux to- brighten here in all their brightness. with Pedaline and Crochet new shapes. All are hats to CS LX \! = Nn Town Smart New Felts--small and close to the head--trimmed broidered felts. In black, monkey, rose, green and honey. Satins! Bengalines! Failles!--Bright with new trims, in SPECIALLY PRICED FROM Have Come 'drab winter costumes, are visca, Cut out felts. Em- intrigue the feminine heart! || sited Mr. and Mrs. William Hep- E small riot today when the Socialists: i Ormiston, Enfield, spent the week- rE OWHAWA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3; NIZPAH CLUB HAS ACTIVE PROGRAM Adopt Objectives for Next Six Months--Large Attendance A large attendance featured the regular meeting of the Mizpah Club on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wiliam Purdie, Sim- coe street north. The president, Mrs, E. Mann, presided. During the transaction of business a pro- gram was mapped out for the next six months with certain objectives in view for the members. A most delightful lunch was served by the hostess, which con- cluded a very profitable evening. Weddings SCERO---PHILLIPS On Wednesday, February Ist, 1928, at the King street United Church parsonage) with the Rev. C W. DeMille officiating, Marjory Kathleen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter G. Phillips, 220 Court St., be- came the bride of Mr, Everett Huron Scero, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scero, 97 Eldon avenue, They were unattended and after a short honey- moon trip will reside in Oshawa, BENNETT--HUTCHINSON A pretty wedding was solemnized at the King street United Church arsonage, with the Rev. C. W, De- Rite officiating, when Pansy Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Hutchinson, of Orono, formerly of Brighton, Ontario, became the bride of Mr. Leslie Benett, son of Mr, and Mrs, John Bennett, of this city. They were attended by Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Smith, this city, After a short trip to Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will reside at 286 Division sirect. WILSON-SHEMILT WARD-SHEMILT Two very pretty weddings were solemnized at the King street United 'Church parsonage on Thursday, February 2. with the Rev. James E, Beckell, assited hy Rev. C, W. DeMille, united in mar- riage Viola, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs, E Shemilt, Albert street, and Mr John Wilson, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, George Wilson, Court street. They were attend- ed by Miss Ethel Maud Shemilt. sister of the bride and Mr. James ugurate Chapter of The Piyah Chapter of Haddasah, which was inaugurated in Oshawa on February 1, 1927, celebrated their first anniversary on Febru- ary 1 at the K. P, Hall. Mrs. H. Engel, who is the Past President re-elected for the coming term, presided. The meeting was opened by the singing of "Hatikvo," then the guests of honour, Mrs. D. Dunkel- man, Mrs, Selick, and Mrs, H. Breslin frony Toronto, were ush- ered to the platform and formally introduced by Mesdames 8. Schwartz and A. Swartz, and L. 8. Lyman. Plano solos were rendered by Misses Anne Collis, Annie Dime and Miss Clara Schwartz rendered a vocal solo. The minutes were then read by the retiring secretary, Mrs. s. Einhorn, and approved, A very favorable report for the year was also read, Officers for the coming term installed by Mrs. Selick were: Mrs. H. Engel, president; Mrs, A. Swartz, vice-president; Mrs. 8. Schwartz, treasurer, and Mrs, L. S. Hyman, secretary. Mrs, D. Dun- kelman, who was called upon, gave a very interesting talk on Had- EE ------ Correct Glasses Corvectly Pitted W. A. Hare Optometrist 8 King 8t, W Phone 838 INSURANCE C. ¥, HEPBURN 64 McLaughlin Bivd., Oshawa, Dis- trict Representative for the Great of Can: West Life Assurance Co. ads, Consult the Great West fore you buy from the rest. El / Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Ward, of Littleport, N.Y., who were afterwards joined together in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, Ward went to Toronto where they will visit the bride's brother, Mr. J Ww. | THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE EB. Hil, On their return they will reside in this city, DOGS "FLAG" TRAIN AND SAVE MASTER Farmer Falls Unconscious While Starting Across Tracks West Julian, Iowa, Feb. 3.-- Two dogs "flagged" a train near here and saved the life of their unconscious master, G. F. Clark, farmer, fell unocn- scious as he started across a rall- road track. His two dogs Treve | and Freckles were with him. Treve sat down by the side of | his master and began to bark, | Freckles ran up the track toward | an approaching train, | The firemen, George Craft, saw his coming and looking ahead saw Treve tugging at a man's body. The engineer stopped the train. As the train slowed down, Freck- les ran alongside barking and when it was stopped he lay down in front of it. Clark was brought here with the dogs as escort on the train. His condition was not serious, physi- cians said, KEDRON Feb. Kedron, 1.--Miss Verna end with her cousin, Miss Luella Hepburn. Mr. George Pascoe, Saskatche- wan, and Migs Elva Pascoe, Solina, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy Miss Marguerite Conlin was the guest of Miss Nora Robins, Zion, for a few days. Miss Luella and Mr. Arthur Hep- burn and Miss Verna Ormiston at- tended a dance at Columbus on Friday night. d Mr. and Mrs. Fred Comlin and children, North Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. 8S. Conlin on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoskin and family, Harmony, and Mr. and {| \nd Mrs. W. N. Hoskin recently. Mrs. Bully, Ofhawa, visited Mr. Mr. Arthur Ormiston, Enfield, urp on Sunday. Miss Marguerite and Mr. Fabian onlin attended a party at Colum- 2 on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and by, Murray, visited at Mr. Wil- +1 Hepburn"s recently. MRS. BERGER DIES liontreal, Feb. 2.--Mrs. Rebec- 1» Fitch Berger, aged 33, wife of Rabbi Julius Berger of the Shaare Zion Synagogue, Notre Dame de irace, is dead as a result of burns received last Friday. Mrs. Berger was born in Quebec City. Rabbi Berger was formerly in charge of a synagogue at Hamilton. PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» } Phone 22 for you" Drug Needs 3 Thompson's Drug Store ; Bilious ? Take NR ~NATURE'S RENEDY--~ tonight, You'll be "fitand fine" by morning t clear, headache gone, i back, bowels acting pleasantly, bilious at- tack forgotten, For constipation, too, Bet- tor than eny mere laxative, Only 25¢, All Oshawa seven druggists Fine Walch Repairing Specializing in the (finer work on precision move. ments and small Bracelet sizes. } On Oshawa"s Main Corner i _--_y_- dasah work, the importance of it towards furthering the cause of re- building Palestine as the Jewish home land, She also congratn: lated the Chapter on its splendid work for the first year of its ex- istence, and looked to us to do even greater work in the coming years, Mrs. Selick gave us an in spired address, and also congrat- ulated the Chapter, which is the 118th in the History of Haddasah throughout Canada, since the Bal- four Declaration, Presentations of silver roll trays were made by 'Mrs, 8, Schwartz on behalf of the Chapter to Mrs. D. Dunkelman, Mrs. Selick, and also to Mrs. H. Engel in recognition eof her able leadership for the year. Mrs. 8, Einhorn, who is a recent bride, was also presented wrth a entree dish, The committee took it upon themselves to surprise Mrs. 8S, Schwartz, past and present treasurer, and Mrs, A. Swartz, past and present vice président, with bouquets of flowers, after which 'the meeting was closed with the singing of God Save The King, and supper was then served to one hundred members and guests at a nicely decorated table, centered with tulips, A huge birthday ake, which served as part of the table decora- tions, was afterwards cut hy Mrs. Dunkelman, who fs first vice-presi- dent of the Dominion Chapters of Haddasah. Mrs. Selick Is second president for the Dominion chap- ters. FASCIST MILITIA "REGEIVES PRAISE FROM MUSSOLINI Attends Celebration of Fifth Anniversary of Found- ing DELIVERS SPEECH Vigilant, Attentive Eye of Regime, Premier Declares Rome, Feb. 3.--Wearing the uniform of an honorary corporal, Premier Benito Mussolini Wed- nesday attended a celebration #t Mussolini barracks of the {fifth anniversary of his foundation of the Fascist milijia. Mussolini delivered a brief speech, congratulating the militia on its work and its discipline. He was heartily cheered by a large crowd that awaited his entrance '|into the barracks. The speech was delivered to an audience of 400 high militia of- ficers and representatives of the army, navy and aviation corps. Mussolini . was accompanied by Gen. Francisco de Pinedo, famous trans-Atlantic aviator; Geperal Ugo Cavaliero, Under-Secretary of War and Admiral Giuseppe Sirian!, Under-Secretary of Mar- ne, Gen. Bazan, chief of staff of the militia and Secretary Augusto Turnti,. of the Fascist party were present at the ceremony. Premier Mussolini said that under his instructions the general staff had splved the problem of the incorporation of the volun- teer militia men 'with a clear vi- sion of the new times and prob- able events that is to its honor." Will Prove Worthy "I am sure that the legions will prove worthy of this supreme honor, preparing themselves from this moment to be shock troops," the premier said. "They should perpetuate the martial traditions of the Arditi (famous Italian troops) and of the fighting Fas- cists--a dagger between the teeth, a grenade in the hand and a sublime contempt of danger in their hearts." Praising the work of the militia the premier added: "From the most extreme con- fines of the desert to the Alpine frontier, from the waters of our oceans to the summits of our mountains, from the railroads to the roads, everywhere the militia is the armed guard of the reyolu- tion and fhe vigilant, attentive MOTHERS KNOW The real value of REXALL : : CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP in relieving that hard, dren get at this time .of the year. Palatable and Jury&Lovel eye of the regime. With the elim- ination of all our enemies and with the cremation of _anti-Fas- cism, the political considerations | of a particularly military nature." Premier Mussolini was attired in the uniform of an honorary corporal of militia. He was ac- claimed with the Fascit cheer "A No. 1." Literally "to us" and hav- ing the meaning "Stand fast, all together." Returning the salute in the Roman fashion, the premier then listened to a speech by Gen. Var- ino, commander of the Rome mil- | itia zone and the senior officer | present in which the general as- sured him that his men were "your faithful servants, ready to dare all for Italy and ready to follow you wherever you wish." EARLY DINING COMING BACK Later dinners among fashion- able people of London Eng. are passing. The nine and ten o'clock meals that have been hooked up with cocktail parties are being replaced by com- paratively demure repasts at sev- en and eight. One reason for the change is that women are learn- ing that the cocktail hour, follow- ed by a very late dinner with more to eat or drink in the early morning is causing them to put on weight.- | and the particularly treasured prize GIRO | CAUSES PRINCE OF WALES TO WONDER HamsmotsmitnBoy Received 21 Awards for Work on Training Ship London (By Mail)--A 15-year- old chubby-faced Hammersmith poy, named Robert Hutchins, took all the wind out of the Prince of Wale's sails when his Highness dis- tributed the prize to the boys of Commander C. B. Fry's nautical training ship Mercury. The Prince had made a little speech to the boys, in which he re- called that he, too, had had a nau- tical training. He cheerfully told them what a fine time he had had, and added, with a disarming smile, that he had never won a prize, The young audience seemed astonished. The prince presently discovered the reason. The hero of the Mercury, Robert Hutchins, was a versatile shipboy who had won over a score of prizes in one year and could do almost everything. The Prince had seen Hutchins playing a cornet lead in the ship's band, while he also took a nann-- or a foot--in hornpiping, singing sea shanties and 'signalling in a rollicking half-hour of a nautical revue, 'Mercury Life," which would not have disgraced a London Theatre. When the prizes were distribut ed the Hoy popped up again and again until the Prince stared at him in admiration. Hutchins in all took special prizes and eight prizes. They were for divinity, seaman- ship, signalling, gunnery, every day work, executive duties and all round good qualities. He was proclaimed the best cox- swain, the best at handling » ketch, the master rigger, the best bugler, the "most useful singer," and the 'best hoy destined for Royal Navy." He took the 13 of 43 ordinary ship's gold badge and badge of the Admiral of the Fleet, Sir John de Robeck. "SA L AD A" _TEA re -------- rh ee LAW STUDENTS BILL IS PASSED Quebec, Feb. 2.--On a division of six to five, the Public Bills Com- mittee of the Legislative Assembly Tuesday morning passed the bill in the name of Ephraim Bedard (Que- bec) to compel the completion of their clerkship by law-students prior to sitting for examinations for the Bar. Under existing legislation, the examination may be taken im- mediately on leaving university and the three years' clerkship served thereafter. There are also a num- ber ot private bills passed each session to admit studerts.to the Bar, after examination, without further formality. Tone main c.ause of the new bill reads. "A student shall not he ad- mitted to the examination for ad- mission to the practice of law wno has not observed all the formali- ties and strictly complied with all the conditions of thig act and the regulations of the Bar for admis- sion to practice the profession of advocate. He may, however, pre- sent himself for examination at the gession 'which is nearest the ex- piration of his clerkship and may begin to practice his profession 1m- | mediately after having successfully ' ---- undergone such examination." As there fs considerable com fliction of opinion on the question dmong the members of the House many of whomr are lawyers them: selves, it is anticipated that there will be a warm debate when th( bill. comes upon the floor of the Assembly. Your choice of 8 Chevrotet Coaches --Latest wmodels--Very reasonably priced, Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON.ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 9 Prince 8t, Oshawa Phone 1164 EE Hates | 18 Simcoe St, south 'Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER! Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South | He also wou the special Mo' ther's Prize." This is a prize which Is given to the best boy for the express purpose of gift, This year's some clock, As Hutchins decided that f{t prize was a hand- is motherless, should he he given also well up in the prize list. As it was, Hutchins carried out of the ship's theatre, where presentation took place, a Life of Nelson, one of Scott's last expedition, and several books on old windjammers. The lad told the Prince that he was joining the Navy soon. DISMISSED ELGIN TURNKEY MAY APPEAL TO COL, PRICE St. Thomas, Ont., Feb. 2--The re. turnkey of the county jail for alleg- ed acts of insubordination and failure to report to Sheriff Harding in book- ing off for sick leave at the begin- attention oi the Attorney-General' this week, and althour he produced a certificate of health to the effect that he was physically capable of carrying on, the keys of the jail were not surrendered to him. Later, it is stated, he was info.med his services were no longer required. NEW HIGHWAY URGED Guelph, Ont., Feb. 2.--Residents oi towns to the north are strongly agi- tating that a highway be constructed from Guelph through Elora, Alma, Teviotdale 'and Harriston to South- ampton on Lake Huron, according to Mayor X. J. Shannon, Ald, Myles and Ald. A. B. Whethstone, of Harristone who were in the city, asking support for the project. They urged that the people at this end of the proposed highway take up the question. taking . home to his mother as @ Christmas | to a chum called Neal, who was | ported dismissal of Peter Newell as. ning 'of the year, may Le called to the | Clean Your Painted and Highly Polished Furniture--Safely, the | naval | officer's telescope, an attache case, | 8 wrist watch, a set of tools and a stack of hooks, which included the | with Sunlight Soap and Water & Ci Sunlight Soap is as suc. cessful with furniture as it is with clothes, It removes only | . the dirt. Never harms either the | | Guarantee : finish of the furniture or your own 3! precious hands, Cleans safely because it contains po . harsh chemicals or grit. of Purity. Sunlight Soap brightens and besu- tifics all varnished and painted surfaces of every kind, safely. department, it was stated today. My. | Newell returned to resume his dutics | { "Save the sggface and you save all' sa. the paint miBnufacturers. **Save it wit Sunlight" say the millions of women whe have found this pure soap trustworthy. f Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. fo tr ct-------- cakes and spread on br It's econom 100 EDWARD SBURG CROWN BRAND Delicious on Pan- as a The CANADA ~ ead. ical if you likeathick- er and sweeter syrup of the A same high quaiity--askk | for GOLDEN SYRUP Write for new Reape Book--Free STARCH _MONTREAL CO., LIMITED 3

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