Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Feb 1928, p. 2

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k s : h- NUS STUY CLR PLANNING CONCERT 55% General Conditions Pick Up With Return of Steady Weather ---------- tat Reporter) Ba Feb. 8. -- Mer chants in Bowmanville are now advertising their mid-winter sales and are displaying many fine bar- | m at their places of business. | the return of steady weath- er conditi~#s, business has gradu- | ally picked up, and many of the | merchants report a return of pre- Christmas selling. Many clubs, lodges and ovgan- ization in the town have com- menced arrangements for Valen- tine celebrations, and it is under- stood that the Arena here will be fairly well patronized on February 14, when a band will be in atten- dance, The Musiz Study Club of this town are holding another of their concerts in St. Paul's Lecture Hall on Wednesday next at 8 o'clock, This club has progressed to a re- markahle extent and it is of much value to the town to have an or- ganization of this kind in opera- tion, The calibre of the concerts which the e¢lub puts on cannot be excelled. The artists which take part, although some are from oth- er points, are of Bowmanville, and the interest displayed in clas- {eal music is extremely great, Talent for the coming meeting will be from Oshawa and will in- clpde; Mrs. Grant Berry and Mrs, Ladies' Shoes, up to $6.00 for Regular Pair $1.00 5. Collis & Sons B0-B4 King St, W, Phone "48% Opp, Centre St, ere eereee (By Staff ) ow. 8 Eg Groups one and six of the Women's Insti. tute. Bowmanville chapter, held a ev- at Was present and 20 tables were arrang. e for cards, The hall was decor- ated for the occasion The winners for cards were: Miss Agnes Christie, first ladies.' Mrs. H. Smith, second ladies! and Mra. Walter Oke, consolation. and lor the men, Roy MeDonald, first, George Hicks, second and O. Cox, consolation, After the card games, refresh- men's Hall, A large attendance was of the groups, Mrs. Frank Jack- son is president of the organiza- Hon and Miss Edith Weeks is sec- retary. PERSONAL Bowmanville, Feb, 3, -- Miss Gladys Downey, Base Line, visited with friends in Toronto recently, Miss May Martin, Toronto, visit- ed her cous's?, Mr. W. H, Wood, and family last week, Miss Louise Osborne was in To- ronto last week visiting her cou- sins Mr, and Mrs, A, E, Rundle, tug her brother muemantl er brother erman M, H. Minore C.P.R, station "Hy " Mr. Alpha Pinch left last week on his annual trip to Cleveland and Texas where he will spend the winter. Miss Annie Reddon R.N., Osha wa, was a visitor last week with hor friend, Miss Mary Wood, Rase ne, 'ays' Fleec: Lined COMBINATIONS Special 8 J ------ Je DOMINION CLOTHING C0. 68 King St, W. 50 Pair More of Flannelette Phone 214] BLANKETS Go on Sale Tomorrow at per Pair $2.05 Largest size; 72" x 84", First Quality, White with » pink or blue border 35 HATS, Values up to $7.95. Tomorrow 9c Including Felts, Velisia and Metallics, mpartly Values up to $1.75. Clearing at 98¢ Ww. A Whithy, Phone 318 . Dewland TWO STORES Oshawa, Phone 2505 JHE OSHAWA DAILY. MES, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1928 in the advancement of the town is evident from the number of meet- ings they are ning, This se- vies of Audi and widely in-|canad structive meetings is to be started with the appearance here of Pro- fessor Macoun, of Ottawa, whe will give his {illustrated lecture "Annuals" on Wednesday, Feb ary 8. Prof, Macoun is a horti- culturist for the Dominion of Can- ada and is a well-known speaker. This event will be a privilege for all interested im horticulture to hear a man who fs able to deman- strate the correct methods for raising flowers, Professor Macoun will pay his visit to this town when on his way to the Annual Horticultural Con. vention to be held in Tavonto in the near future, He will be one o the chief speakers at the assem- 3 Miss B, Peardon, a physi structor of wide exnerience hoth in Canada and the United States, is a visitor In Rowmanville and dur- ine her stav has formed a class of school girls into a well-trained group. Under the direction of Miss Peardon, this class will give # demonstration of club-swinging at the meeting on Wednesday eve- States beacons, form a fairly com A a from ihe aulf of Mexity oo and made in one year was recorded in 1927. In addition to a re ar 31, va vessels, it estima more than ome thousand commercial craft are now TE Th WE aw & interests have [Westin i for Siding Ail T property re illustrated in the story of ra- beacon and two years ago that the first radio beacon station was establish- ed there. Now there are 19 in operation on the United States and ian shores of Lakes Michigan. Superior, Huron and Erle. Several hundred vessels and car ferries, a large proportion of the important shipping on the Lakes, are using compasses and ave finding radio indispensable in guiding them safely through storms and fog and helping them check on thelr posi- tions in fair weather. "Bach radio beacon has its own combination of dots and dashes which it repeats continually while in operaton. The navigator an his ship far over the horizon ean hear these signals, always given an their designated wave length of ahout 800 kilocycles and he rvecoznizes the beacon as easily as if he were seeing it flash a light to him. His chart has the location of the beacon station marked out and his rvadie ompass with its rotating loop aer- 1 tells him the exact line from the eacon to the ship, Marking that line on his chart, he knows that his: ship is located somewhere along the bearing. Tuning in on another hea- econ station or ship whose position is known, the navigator draws a d line on his chart, and wher ning. There will be an orchestra in attendance during the evening. ------ ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PICKERING, ENJO PROGRESS IN 1927 Pickering, Feb, 2.--The most successful and progressive year in the history of St. Paul's United Church, Pickering, was reported at the annual meeting on Tuesday evening. The pastor, Rev. A, R. Sanderson, presided. The Ladies' Aid, the W. M, 8., the Sunday School, the Young People's Union, all told of good work, and had a balance in the treasury. After the reports were received » fine mived program was given. Rev. A. R. and Mrs. Sanderson were tendered # very hearty vote of appreciation of thelr services. The allocation for the M, and E. Fund was ex- ceded. ENFIELD -------- Enfield, Peb, 1. -- Mrs. Leslie woe is visiting at Oshawa. Mins Evelyn Stinson visited at lina, There will be as hox social and meert in the Hall on Tuesday ight, Pebrusyy 14th. A very 'eraning program is being pre- 'ef The ladies of the Aid held their eting at the home of Mrs. Rus- I Ormiston last week. A good ogram consisting of piano solos 7 Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of Haydon, and Miss Dorothy Pascoe and readings by Miss Verna Ormiston snd Mrs. A, Prescott were enjoy- ed. The usual social hour of neighborly gossip was spent over the tea cups. Don't fajl to come and see the concert on February 14th. A very interesting feature of this program fis & group of gypsies who spend ap evening around 2 camp fire; singing, dancing and telling yarns until at last overcome by , drowsiness they, one by one, drop off into peaceful slumber, | DIRECTION FINDING NEW ART IN RADIO I 31H ie the two lines meet Is the posit of his vessel. AUDITOR GFNFRAT WAKES HIS RFPORT Minister of Finance Tables Criticisms of Expenditures in House Ottawa, Feb, 3.--A detailed and comprehensive report of all ex- pendityres made hy the Govern- ment during the last fiscal year, with criti~al and constructive res- ervations is embraced in the renort of George Gonthier, auditor =en- eral, tabled in the House by the Minister of Finance. The auditor-general goes ex- haustively into the details of all the accounts of expenditure and rev- enne alike and also reproduces cor- respondence exchanged when from time to time certain expenditures were criticized. One of these was the payment to William Duff, M.P,, of salary as Deputy Speaker to March 31, 1927, although his pow- ers ceased on' December 2, 1926. The auditor claimed an over pay- ment of $1,193, Reference is also made to cases in which the value of living and residential allowances has not heen determined according to the act. The auditor expresses the view that upon questions where diverg- ence has arisen, "It is most de- sirable that the House should pass judgment, otherwise there is no direction." He notes that a sub- sidy, over-payment to Alberta of $460,750 some years ago is pot yet repaid. Mr. Gonthier notes 8 large im- orovement in the accounting for , Government stores and although some recently inspected were found unsatisfactory, recommendations for the elimination of loose meth- ods were generally adopted ready. The auditor states that "In fu- i ture, I intend citing each year un- |der the title of administration of : the Civil Service Act, all instances of Infractions or contraventions of the Civil Service Act whirh have come under my notice in connection with the examination of accounts." In the examination of some of the offices outside Ottawa, he notes that in all cases the regulations re- ~zarding attendance of employes were not observed. While the auditor states that im- provements have been made fin several respects, he strongly re- commends systematic inspeetion of Government outside offices by head office officials to bring about more effective control of revenue and ex- penditure. The report contains in detail 2 ! statement of every account paid or expenditure made in the fiscal year under review. You can't visualize ol barrage unless you've seen one, but eat- ing grapefruly gives you an idea. DUKE OF YORK IS Du The Royal couple were attend ing the annual ball of the Londor costermongers and were sitting o a platform watching dancers, af ter having participated in the open: ing dance, when a Mrs. Palmer, dealer in second hand clothing, rushed to the platform, threw her arms around the Duke's neck, and gave him a resounding kiss, The Duke was so astonished, he did not seem to grasp what had ha ed and before he had 1e- bu, i) his composure Mrs. Palm er renewed her embrace. When his admirer had released him, His Royal Highmess burst in to laughter and them looked quiz zically at the Duchess, who joined in the mirth, The Dpke and Duchess later took part in a set of lancers with the costermongers. One woman placed a paper hat on the head of the Duchess, who entered into the fun with great spirit, BORDER RUM-RUNNERS SUFFER HEAVY LOSS Sarnia, Feb. 2--Gangs of rumrun- ners engaged in the practice of run, ning liquor across the ice in the St. Clair River came into contact with the re-organized and augmented United States patrols early this morning. The meeting ended in the discomfiture of the Canadian runners Four different seizures were made betwween Sombra and Marine City and spoils in the way of 1,700 pints of beer and two automobiles remain: ed in the hands of the United States officers. It is reported here that los- ses to the rum-runners are so fre- quent and heavy that under present conditions they cannot keep up the game much longer. WIFE'S GUILT BRINGS JOKE In the Bavarian Parliament re- cently a Nationalist member made a heated appeal to Bavarians to abstain from foreign food or for- eign drink. "East German meat," hee cried, and there came a re- sponse from a member of the Op- position "and pour Geerman water into German milk," a sally which was greeted wiih roars of laughter in the house when members sud- denly remembered that the wife of the fervid Nationalist, who fis a landowner, had recently been fined heavily for selling adulter- ated milk, WOULD PAY NATIONAL DEBT The Ministry of Education of Japan has received a check for the equivalentof $14 from the head of a family in Formosa as the first in- stallprent op his share of the na- tional debt, He wrote that he had read in the newspapers where Japan's foreign debt amounted to $2,820,000,000, which was $35 25 for every subject of the empire. He added that he and three members of his family were ready to pay their share, although it might take five years to do so. The Ministry of Education turned the money over to a women's organizauon promoting frugality. a ---------- COLLIINGWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY ELECTS OFFICIALS FOR YEAR Collingwood, Feb. 2--At the or vanization meeting of the Public Li- brary Board last evening, A. McCall was re-elected Chairman, and the of - ficials were appointed as - follows: | Secretary-Treasurer, W. B. Gourlay: | Librarian, Miss Henderson. Chair- { men of committces--Finance, D. I. Darroch; Library, E. B. Frye; Pro- perty, D.. Williams. COUNTRY DOGS HURT IN CITY Country dogs taken to cities of Egland to become racers are swelling the number of accident victims of the Royal Veterinary College of London. While they may be fleet enough on the track they are too slow for city trafic ways. Breeders say they have no traffic sense whatever, and unless care- fully watched will surely get into trouble. Pepper and 1 slightly beaten geg. Sir well a few minutes and serve hot on children impatient cant bolt it-- The crunchy crisp shred: aid digestion and build * MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS » good muscle HUGGED AND KISSED] GREAT CHANGES FOR IMMIGRANTS London, Eng., Headmaster Tells of Opportunities in Dominions London, Feb. 3.--The secretary of the head masters' conference, held in London, has issued the fol- lowing statement: "The Home Country is so crowded that many boys are seeking fortunes overseas. In the Dominions immigrants are mostly required for farming, but was the Queen of Spain, who, when party at the palace, was so intensely plea with a cake made by Don Chef, that she instantly (being an English Princess) exclaimed: "I Just adore this Spanish Bun." pure speculation. But there's no denying that Spanish Bun, made after the following recipe, deserves universal praise, 1 cup butter 4. Supe brown sugar 3 0 our 4 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder by taking a diploma or degree in one of our Dominion universities an immigrant can qualify for en- try into any desired occupation. Such opportunities are offered by McGill University, Montreal, the premier institution of its kind in Canada. Preliminary examination is necessary, but exemption is given a boy who has obtained a certifi cate from one of the various uni- versity examination boards in Great Britain, provided he has passed in prescribed subjects, ae- cording to the faculty selected. It is also possible to take the McGill matriculation examination in Lon- don in June." It reyiews the list of faculties and adds that the teachers are in close touch with ipdustrial con- cerns, and concludes with the state- ment that the expense of a student at McGill need not exceed $957 per annum. FERGUSON IIRGFS PROVINCES' RIGHTS Ontario Premier Complains of Federal Government's Action Toronto, Feb. 3.--Hon G. How- ard Ferguson, Ontario Premier, is in communication with Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Min- ister of the Dominion, regaraing the Federal G nment's prop ed submission to the Supreme Court of the question of Federal and Pro vineial jurisdiction over water pow ers. "At the Dominion-Proyincial conference at Ottawa," Mr. Fergu- son said, "it was the general un- derstanding that the Dominion au- thorities would consult the proy- inces with reference to the terms of submission of the power prob- lem to the Supreme Court, go that we could cover any features of fit that we mizht think important, and have emtire agreement. "So far, we have in no way been consulted on it, or advised about it. I have wired the Prime Minis- ter at Ottawa for information so that we. of Ontario. may have an opportunity of considering it." , One thing that nobody can re- member is the imaginary time when the illustrations in the col- lege magazines had something to do with the jokes printed under them!---Detroit News. E asked our dietitian where the name "Spanish Bun" originated. To our sure ise, she didn't . So perhaps it diving This, of course, is 1 eaapeon ginger easpoon nutmeg of tou milk Sift together flour, baking powder and spices 3 of # times, then add sugar; melt, but do not oil, butter add to first mixture, then becten edgs and milk, Boat well, put in greased pan and bake 30 minutes in @ moderate oven. | your own MAGIC BAKING PO When cool cover with icing. AR-- SroBiE-FORLONG 8@ STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Bullding BAY AND WELLINGTON STS. S. F EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East. Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office Phones 143 and 144 lectrophonic »=-interprets the very soul of music Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 THE COMPO COMPANY. LIMITED. LACHRINE, MONTREAL Ontario Osigibutors: --THE SUN ECORD 00. NORONTV NE, Sritinh Columbia Distributors: --THE VANCOUVER SKCURS 00, VANCOUVER.

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