Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1928, p. 7

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. Myrtle, Jan, 26.--Mr, Dan Par- , of Ashburn, was busy dur- the earlier pant of the week, g Mr. William Hoar's resi nee, for the hydro. Our junior hockey team suffer- fea a defeat of one game, at the t'hands of. the Prince Albert team fon Saturday, iy Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Chisholm re in Toronto during the week { 'attending the funeral of the form; { ors sister-in-law. | While crossing the C.N.R. track {on Wednesday night, ahead of the rth bound four o'clock traim, r. John Miller, Jr, of Ashburn, 'had the misfortune to have the {'rear of his McLaughlin touring {lear struck and badly smashed. Fortunately he escaped uninjured. {There was a tierce gale and blind- fing drifts at the time and John 41s sald to have misjudged the near- % ness of the flier. © On Friday night about seventv . gathered at the Mr, Mooke's Com- 4 munity Hall at Mrytle Station, to # spend the first of the weekly com: unity gatherings, Musie from i Elmer Cooke's radio and pro- 5 gressive euchre provided the even- | ing's .entertainment, after which + the ladies served refreshments and if & very sociable time was spent. k 5 4 COLUMBU'S Columbus, Jan, 80.--Quite a number attended the dance held in 58 Town Hall on Friday night 4 all 'enjoyed a pleasant evening, MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you ean not meet your present payments we will pay off the cialms and renew youry payments for apy term up to twelve months and insure * your car. See Swanson, Ger: man & McKenzle, 8 King street east, Phone 940, Mr. and Mre. Laverne Stinson, of N, Oshawa, visited the latter's mother, Mra. Ww, Boynton, here re- cently. Mr. Harold Wilson, of Oshawa, spent the week end Ry his par ents, N= and Mrs, H. Wilson, Mr. Gilroy, of Toronto, spent Sunday with relatives here, Don't forget the hockey match to be played here on Wednesday night, Port Perry vs. Columbus. Our boys journeyed to Brook: lin on Friday night when they were defeated 6 to 3. The hy Bible Class held a social evening at the home of Rev. and Mrs, J. F, Clugston, on Fri. day evening, when a pleasant time was enjoyed. Reserve Friday night for the monster carnival. ORONO Orono, Jan. 30.--Mr, Arthur Ma- guire, of Calgary, Alig. and moth- er, Mrs, T. Maguire, of Bouman ville, spent the week end at 0. Scott's, « Mr. David Galloway, of Toronto, is a guest of the Misses Waddell, Main street south, Mr, Kenneth Gamsby, who has beep for the past two years em- ployed in the grocery business with Mr, Harry Allin, at Bowman- ville, has taken a position with the Arnold Bros, at Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Morton, of Gardenhill, are spending a few days with his cousin, Mr, Ed, Mor- ton, and other relatives here, Mr, Morton is now living retired, his son, Reld, working the homesterd farm, Robert worked for the late James Waddell, "Hurricane Hall" farm, Antioch, forty years ago. Mr, Sandy Somerville, who un- derwent an operation at Oshawa Hospital for intestinal ehstruction, January 18th, we are glrd to re- port is making favorable progress towards recovery, Mr, and Mrs, Richard Carscad- den, of Creemore, who are visit. ing with their aunt, Miss J, Cars- radden, spent Sunday with Mr, R, Fowler. Mr. Robert Hancock, son of Mr Edgerton Hancock, Antioch, start- ed to work In the Goodyear fae- tory, at Bowmanville, last Monday. Miss Cassie Hattlet is spending a few days In Toronto, with her brother, Mr. James Hattlet, The Women's Institute at their regular meeting held Friday last, held a social evening, their gentleman friends greasive euchre, vy other Aithouen the night was tormy, there a good attend- isl During the he Svening a very luncheon served, and Alex Colville, | of. Bowman- who was a guest of Mrs. og Cowan, contributed a Blo of sweetly rendered selec ook e¢ prize winners in Phe: | afftete gressive euchre, Janauaced by th greatest number 9" ts record- ed by any Indy. Miss arian Greun, greatest number of points of any gentleman resulted in a tle bhe- tween J. R, Cooper and Thos. Cowan, the former winning the playoff. Winner of greatest num: her of games, Miss Agnes Wad- dell and Miss Margaret Allen. It was a most enjorable evening 'and hearty words of thanks were ten- dered the institute hostesses, al- 80 Mrs, Colville, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Jan, 30.--Mr, Robert Cowan spent a few days last week in Toronto, the guest of his grand daughter, Mrs, Smith, Miss Elizabeth Hancock spent the week end in Port Hope, the guest of her cousin, Miss Murie! Hancock, Mrs, Sculthorpe, of Port Hape, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Cole, of Toronto, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Pearce. The five Hundred club, newly organized, held their fist meeting of the season, ednesday, in the basement of the Hall, a large num- ber of our social set being pres- ent, a splendid lunch was served and all were pleased with the evening. Mrs, Metcalf and Miss Margaret Wilmott are visiting in Toronto, the guests of Mrs, (Dr) Harold Allin, Mr, and Mrs, Herman Perrin, spent a few days in Toronto, at her father's, Mr, F, Sing Mr. and Mrs, Ewart mence. of Oshawa, spent the week end at her father's, Mr. A, A, Colville, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Jan. 80.--Mrs, Alex Walker, Kenneth Ave., spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Glover, Mr, and Mrs. W. Glover spent Sunday with Mrs. Charlie Glover and Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Singer on Athol street, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Jollow have moved into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. ,Edzar Glover, Miss Jennie Walker who will soon be leaving to tralp for nurs. ing in the Sick Children's Hospital, RR A= el Ey | Do You Own Yor [2 x Nf), Your Own REAL ESTATE Homes bulls to suit purch ser: R. M. KELLY 810 Blmcoe St. N, V. A. Hens, insur- ance and Loans 11% sIM(OE ST. 8, Phones: | 1PSW Office 1858) -- Residence WR -------- $3700 570m brick howe. decorated throughout, on paved street, very central, terms ar- ranged 'DISNEY Real Estate $1500 $200 cash buys a 5 room cor tage on French St. Conveniences. $759 $100 cash down buys a 50 fu x 135 ft. lot on Simcoe St. Norsh This is a sacrifice $300, $40 down buys 2 large lot ou Oshawa Boulevard. Horton & French | MUNDY BLOCK Phone 2696 REAL ESTATE AND INSUBANCE Money to Loan op First Mortgages Phone 871 or 687W Regent Theatre Block buys siz-room brick veneer, finished attic, all modern conveniences, close to G.M.C. Only $600 cash, W. J. SULLEY Phones 2580, 718}, CARTER'S Real Estate CARTERS BEAL ESTATE. 5 King St. E. or phone 1380 LYCETT Youz Bes) Estate snd AUCTIONEER 5 King St, E.~4orner Celine Phone 205 China has 446,000,000 popula- tion, according to latest estimates. Better Houses For Sale Special $4,300, $300 down, new 7 bath. AM conveniences. Furnace, »avement, near Public and High buys in the city. Ask us to show you this. Immediate possession Vow ready. rooms, oak floors, white ename! Rug brick veranda. 200 ft. from Schools. This is one of the best New 7 rooms on Frederick St. $5509. Easy terms. Builders' lots at bargain prices for cash, $4200 brick, central, paved street, 6 rooms. Will exchange for 3 or 4 roomed house. | $4299 mew 8 rooms. Oshawa Blvd. All conveniences. $500 cash. Balance easy terms. Immediate possession. g URIAH JONES REAL ESTATE 11 Bond St.E. Opes Evening: Phone 2667 | COMPANY OFFICERS MEXICAN BISHOP IHE USHAWA DAILY LIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1928 in Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bruce Glover, for a few days. es. | Master Bruce Walker is a visitor there for today also. Mr, and Mrs, Shilling entertain- ed with a card game on Saturday night, Mr. and Mra. Geo, Hamil« ton and Mr. and Mrs, A. Bucher were among those Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Tattersall were aera at the joint installation of of the Knights of Pythias e | Lodge and also the lady lodge. Mra. T. Solomon .and Mr, and Mrs, Brucd Glover were guests at the resentation party given Miss ennie Walker at the home of her foe Mrs, Alex Walker, on Fri- Hay Svening, r, and Mrs, Gorden Glover and children, Harmony, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Solomon, on Sunday, Mr. Northeote has left for Walk erville, where he has been trans- ferred by G.M.C, Mrs Northcote and the children will follow In a month or so, COURTICE Courtice, Jan. an. 80. Mrs. Rev. H, J, Stainton spent Sunday in Whitby with her mother, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Mabelle Walters was In Oshawa Sunday, the guest of Miss Birdie Dean, On Thursday evening last, the Young People's meeting was quite a success, Miss Hattie Osborne, President, was in the chair for the opening of the meeting. Rev, H. J. Stainton read the Bible lesson after which an Interesting discus- sion followed, in which Mr, Stain- ton led, Miss Arnold, who is vice president of Citizenship, then took charge of the meeting, Miss Fran- cis Hancock, leader of the Young the following program Was pre- sented: Mr, Robertson gave two readings; Miss Hazel Rundle play- ed a piano solo; Mrs, (Rev.) Stain- ton gave an interesting talk on the life of Pauline Johnson, and Annis played a piano solo which concluded the program. On Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L, J. Courtice, the People's group, took the chair and |' read one of her poems; Miss Ada COSARAVE ARRIVES IN PHILADELPHIA Irish Leader Will Come to Ottawa Via Atlantic City Philadelphia, Pa, Jan. 31.-- Willlam T. Cosgrave, president of the Executive Council of the. Irish Free State, came to Philadelphia Friday from Washington, Arriving here shortly before noon, the Irish President was met by a committee representing the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Es- corted the First City Troop, Philadelphia's historic cavalry or ganization, he and ais party were driven through streets lined with cheering crowds to the City Hall, where they were formally greeted by Mayor MacKey. From there Mr. Cosgrave went to : Independence Hall, the grave- yard of Old St. Mary's Catholic Chureh, where Irish heroes of the revolution lie buried, and to the grave of Franklin. Later in the afternoon he was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Mayor. MacKey, Mr. Cosgrave plans to remain here until Sunday morning, when he will leave for Atlantic City, for a brief visit ve fore going to Ottawa. An Oriental paper, having an Eng- lish section, printed the following notice: "The news of English we tell the latest. Writ in perfectly style and most earliest Do a murder commit, we hear of it and tell it. mighty chief die, we in border somber. taff has been colleged and write like the Kip- ling and the Dickens. We circle ev- | municipal homes for workers. Head Office: Reford Bu BAY AND WELLINGTON STS. Sos Fontong 8 @ $. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System Phones 143 and 144 each 11 King Street East, Oshawa ~~ Above C.P.R. Qffice Do alery town and extortionate mot for ublish it and| advertisements." Glasgow will 1 bulla at once 1,000 ee a ---------- C.G.I.T. met for thelr regnlar meeting. Miss Louise Courtice president, presided, and a most profitable program was given. Rev H, J. Stainton gave a heantiful talk to the girls on This House of Mine," a talk whih was mos! helpful and Inspirine, Misses Elsie and Eva Courti'» sang a nice duet, and Miss Lo a Barber read a story. The meeting alto- gether was one to he remembered and Mrs. Courtice and Miss Louise were most gracious hostesses, pour, Tyrone, will occupy the pul pit, morning and evening. There will be no Young People's meeting on Thursday evening, 8s our young people visits Simcoe St. Church, Oshawa, on Monday even- ing. Our young people presented "The Belles of Fol-de-rol," in Ty- rone, on Friday evening, and al- though the crowd was not large on account of the weather, who were present right entertained our people, HELD FOR FRAUD Investigation Into Activities of Canadian Reditor Concern, Hamilton Hamilton, Jan. 31.--Harry Me- Coy, Echo Place, Ont., and Fred erick Robertson, Hemilton, presi- dent*and secretary of the Canadian Radiator Company, were commit- ted for trial by Magistrate Jelfs on charges of conspiracy to de- fraud. The charges arose out of fn- vestigations by Inspector Springer of the provincial police, of stock and bond selling under the name of their companies, The Hamijtor Bond Company, The Sterling Bond Company and J. E. Carlton Bond Company. J. E. Stein, 8 former salesmar for the Radietor Company, said he sold stock and got a commission o* from 26 to 50 per cent. Dr. Har ris Lozan, M.O.H., at Niakarr Falls, said he paid $25 a share for stock and was advised by letter from Robertson that he would be protected to the amount of $5¢ per share. Later this letter was stolen from his office and Steir admitted that he stole it. Mrs. Rankin, of Midland, said she bought $30,000 worth of stock throught Stein. The books of the compan~ showed that it had a plant worth about $70,000 but that it had dons only $1,700 worth of business ir the two and one-half months pre ~eding Christmas. EFFECTS ESCAPE, Leaves House Just a Few Next Sunday Rev. J. R. Trum- those ' | royally |! BOX B. El BROUGHT THIS REPLY It's A Long Way from OSHAWA to UNIONTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA BUT THIS WANT AD. IN The Oshawa Daily Times offices, eight water heating, cash. RESIDENCE FOR SALE, KING St, East, close to General Motors large rooms, extra large lot and garage. Apply owner, Box "T"" Osh- awa Daily Times. hot floors, Terms wv (NIGHT LETTER top DAILY TIMES, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. UNIONTOWN. PA., JAN. 27. SEND MORE INFORMATION AS TO PROPERTY ADVERTISED, STREET NUMBER, PRICE AND TAXES ON SAME. WILL BE IN YOUR CITY FEBRUARY 10. ADDRESS BOX ---- UNIONTOWN, PENNA. you solve your problems. TIMES WANT ADS i Equally convincing, though less spectacular, proofs of the pulling power ot Times Want Ads. occur every day. Just try a Want Ad. to help COST LITTLE COMPLISH MUCH

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