(B Suit R ; a pn, fi 's hosts to the Oshawa A. B00 THIT "DEVEL INTO PAEMONI i Se 8 dat ) ~The AY.P, "Anglican urch PA |W re than which provid After oud lend sens by tion . a short thee St. Lt given 1 Hamel Ete president FA wh wing oo - . Oa A ooh fr | Himeated them on their hd as pop s recitation AX allowed. Norman NA ot] Oshawa gave 3 sharacter Bd Playing is ch drew rounds of Sppi ay Reg. Harding, and e gave a most comical Ra mereuing sketch entitled a "Day at the P| hotograph- ers", Community singing and solo work was led by Melody "Mike" and proved a strong point, in the pros gram, This was followed by My Cooke with a comical reading and Reg. Terret with a banjo solo and character song, The "Agony" guar. tette did justice to their 'turn' on th program, Miss Marlatt of iB ville entertained with a reading, One of the features was the wih h swing: ing demonstration » liam Taylor, Mr, J, Li n. panied, The entertainment was in all a decided success, It was announced the | that the Bowmanville A.Y,P.A, were te goes Cerro io to the Rha womblo atid ohoors the * Men's Wool Un. derwear, Special Per Garment 98¢c B0-B4 King St, W Ph ae 788W Opp. SAVE MONEY by wings py amon | AND HAMILTON BY PRODUCT COKE | The Faultless Fuel--$13,00 per ton delivered WOOD '| heard the case, inyited in general to attend the toboggan pry in Oshawa as guests of the Os AY. PA, on Monday evening next, % | Charge of Operating Gas Tank Without Sowmanorlle Janiors Win From Peterboro 4 to 1 { Hoslery Lads Display Fine Combination Throughout "==Petes Come to Life in Fk Seon Bt Halt vt ite fine throughout aad ing 3 00 te, thelr opposition, Almost at the beginning of the clash, Me¢Mullen of Bowmanville re- ceived a penalty for boarding, The game, on the other hand, was swift and' the plays quite firmly made. The wonderful condition of the ice gave ample room for brilliant plays on the parts of both contestants, and generally speaking, this condi tion was taken advantage of, The boys played like intermediates. Re was the cause of Bow- manville scoring its first when he shot a pass from Candler through the blockade met up by Peterboro, The interim was taken up by back and forth shooting with an occasional scrimmage, Candler gave his aid in obtaining another goal when McMullen scored, Als though Peterbore played up to fits standard, Bowmanville did some mighty fine checking and had the visitors outwitted for the earlier part of the game, goalie withstood some fast and fu- rious thrusts by Bowmanville and deserved credit, The crowd tonight was extreme- point License is is Dismissed ly smell and did its share of cheer- Boma an, uA charge against 3 Lake Morden rien preferred by Traffic Officer G some time ago for the former's Hallth aa Owning and operating a gas 'tank without a license was dismissed in police conrg here today, Magistrate F, Ward Upon the accused = producing femse in solr, the polis was dropped trate, after settlement of Ths costs by the defend- ant, Twenty centers .for the supply of f° . 1edical aid have heen open- ed in the djstriet in 1 where the malaria epidemic. has nse vere, ' a -------- BODY HARDWOOD HARD and SOFT WOOD SLABS One load makes a satisfied customer, fee Neate Cs » ' 110 King Street West "Quality and Servic ow moos - FIVE AL HOUSEHOLD, FIVE CROWNS, QUAKER, ECLIPSE, X0OK MARVEL COOKING _in all sizes to suit your needs; also TED BRAN, | GRANULATED WHEAT, GRAHAM and WHOLE _ WHEAT FLOUR in eny quantity, '(CHOICE POTATOES, SUCAR, SALT, COOKING BEANS, PEAS and LENTILS; also RICE, POT sad PEARL BARLEY, BIRD SFEDS in bulk and package, DOG and PUP- PY BISCUITS. . POULTRY FEEDS. POULTRY MASHES, POUL- TRY TONICS and DISINFECTANTS: also COD LIVER OIL for Poulizy in pints, guarts, or 14 gallon sealers. FEEDS for Dairy Cows a specislty with ns. ing with. a vengeance, Rundle started the second period off with another penalty, Much time was literally wasted in the second, and false playing resulted in more of the usual check-ups, Penalties flew around Ike birds, Piper appeared on the ice for the first time for Bowmanville and certainly stepped on it, Hatton of a | Peterboro gained 'the rubber and shot well, He scored Peterboro's first, Peterboro was playing much better during the second period and the goalies were kept busy with long shots, Osborne scored in the third by a pass from Rundle, and Piper made it two with a hard shot from left wing, the score now standing st 4-1 for Bowmanville, Both teams played well in the third and stood out as keen opposition for one another, Bowmanville--goal, Hooper; de- fence, Williams sand Osborne; cen- ter, Candler; wings, McMullen and Rundle, and subs. Jackman and Pi- per, Peterboro--gosl, Gillespie; de- fence, Hattan sand LeBarr; center, Jones; wings, Allin and Kennaley; subs, Cripps, Referee--Bobble Armstrong, of Toronto, EACELSIOR LIFE HAD GOOD YEAR Total Business Issued and Revived, Amounted to $16,718,472 In 1927 Statements presented at the thirty-eighth snnual preeting of Excelsior Life Insurance Com- Total business, issued and reviy- ed, amounted to $16,718,472.00. Insurance in force mow amounts to $76,386,829.70. Total income had grown to $3,150,591.04, an the year of $167,- total $13, SAT. 00, 95, which $6,903,792.36 is in selected $3.687 10608 Ind nieniurus 854 Surplus earnings were $448, 357 or $125.614 mors thas Ja the Serpios fu: funds exclusive of Spe- $1815.408, 7, ad " HEHE Shah {i it Peterboro's at the edd to $4,891.06, QUEBEC 18 a Rae ince 'of Ontario we all not want to. discriminate against any sister province," Jscherom toda, Press when ask : pa 000m Tian Club went & success. season in 1 0 SEAT ELL it was revealed ERETEES uray, Showsd (ail showed 44, with a a ia, gals received a few dollars over the even five thousand mark for the on final with Balmy Beach, ud mun both ten of pun- | Domini SET acted up, however, | The sale of season tickets amount. hit oul wrongly at attacks by EXPORT POWER Juebes. Pig 30~"1 have repeat- edly declared that we have no ob- jection to power foing to the prov- rom to the Caadian as to the attitude here to» fire disaster HAAA, financial re- That is why so man Yified codliver ike od SCOTT'S EMULSION . VARSITY &, MILTON 1 Toronto, Jan, 31.--Varsity de- feated Milton § to 1 in an inter- mediate O.H.A, game at Varsity Avena last night and retained their lead in the group race. Very little hockey was played, cross-checking and tripping being Quebec, that] very prominent, with the visitors belong to Canada, and we do|the chief offenders, Milton serv- ed about twenty-four minutes to four by the Collegians. Bramp- ton and Newmarket both have a chance to beat Varsity out for the red Premier of the province in regard to exjort group title, but the North York going to Ontario, of power developed in this provin teem must win at Varsity Arena on Friday night, = |INVITE SCOTTISH CURLERS TO CANADA En Set Ee 2 other tions ted an nviiation. to the tish curlers to visit this country during the season of 1928-29. The Royal Caledonian Club of Scotland, the parent buy, wrote some time ago asking tha the O.C.A. adopt a rule wher 2 player in delivering the stone release the rock ore the first tee is reached. No action was taken on this matter yesterday, the com- mittee deciding to suspe nd judgment for further consideration President J. J. A. Weir was ap: pointed to represent. the association at a meeting here in Match "Sin 0 the propose organization of Minion Association will be di Should Mr, Weir be unable to at- tend, E. T. Lightbourn, the first vice-president, will act, Ovdér to Play Game Over The Mount Forest Club entered 3 protest over Wingham being a ed their section of the District Cup group. It appears that on one sheet they agreed to play only silxteen ends, and the other game held out for eighteen ends, The result was unsatisfactory, The committee order. ed the two clubs to play the match over, President J. J. A, Weir presented Rev. J. A, Cranston with the points medal, which was won by the curler last year, Those in attendance at the meet- ing were: President, J. J. Weir, Kit- local | judges of games is more serious TEA tod ed Eo Ke Rave Cringe Folin In clean, bright Aluminum flenerd First Vice- FT ertrain, Pearcy, ° pa WIN Kingston, Ont, Jan. 30.--Kings- | - ton intermediates scored their sev- enth victory in the intermediate O.H.A, group tonight when they defeated Cornwall by the score of 10 to 4. Kingston had the edge throughout the game and but for dome good work by Filcom in the nets for the losers would have piled up a much bigger score. Quebec, Que., Jan. 30.--An as- sult of today's victory, the locals than & common assault committed upon an ordinary individual dup ing the course of an every-day |} -- LIMITED SIX GREAT COMPANIES UNDER ONE DIRECTION This advertisement is published to give the definition of Canadian Industries Li the reason for its lic a clear its products; expansion and entry into new, though related, fields of commercial endeavour; and its aims, The main products of the six manufacturing entities eperatod by Canadian In- ustries Limited are; Com- mercial Explosives and Ac- cessories; Ammunition and Track Signals; Pyroxylins, (sole Canadian manufactur- ers of genuine Duco), Lac- gars aints and Varnishes; oxylin and Rubber- Coated Fabrics (Fabrikoid); Cleanable Collars and Cuffs, Combs and Toiletware (Pyralin). Probably few are aware that all of these seemingly unrelated ucts have a common chemical Canadian Industries Limited, the of whose stock is owned in the British Empire and which is man- aged entirely in Canada, in addition fo its own research staff, has the foundland, of two of the worlds greatest Shenical a atincers organizations-- Industries pu) of Pola and E. L DuPont de Nemours Company of the United Bit whom its Welfare Plans bring 8 cere Sais amount of comfort abd sewiey, circulating in ada many of dollars. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES = MONTREAL, - preg pe] A "w--