- lem uneration PAGE NINE TE 8th e& G D Fu AF, Annis, BA, j K.C, BANK ree Being. + 116 10) JOSEPH P. MANGAN. BA--BAR- v Solicitor, Natarv Public, Con Money to loan. Office = St, East, Oshawa Phone a ons Fol Oar GRIE RSON & CREIGHTON---BAR Conveyancers. Notaries Pub fic "ete. (Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. |] , Grierson, BAA, T, K. Creighton, oF Lomn WANS ON, GERMAN & MAC e, Barristers. Conveyancers, Notary Public, etc. All branches 'of ninal and Civil Law Money to ce over Lamhics store, 2 St. jeast, Phone 940. D. A wanson, H. N. F. G ackenzie, Sd PARKHILL, BARRISTER, tor, Notary Public, Convey: ey to loan. Disney Bldg. HR t Office Phanes, office ih residence, 2239). (62f) LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COM ans, Barristers. Money to loan. Dewland's Store, 16 Simene north, Phone 67, residence TW, Aili German, (th Medical DR, B. R, BARTON, PHYSICIAN surgeon and obstetrician, Office snd vesidence 142 Simcoe 8r, North, Phone 2621, (Jan. 12-Feb. 12) DR, C, W, CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and vesidence, 556 Simcoe street north. Cor, Arlington, Phone 2415, (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) DR, R Ei McMULLEN, PHYSI cian, Surgcon. and Shetetrician Of: fice and home, 456 Simcoe street south Phone 2508. (114t0) PR, HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- 'clan, BSupgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. cial peference to maternity work and diseases of women. Two years' post graduate experience, Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N,, | (cor, Brock) phone 303. § | (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- on, Accoucher, Office and resi- dor King St. East, corner Victoria shawa. Phone 94 DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN. diseases of infants and children. Of fice and gesidence, 97 Bond east. Phone 115 . HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro, .Office, Disney Block. Phone 30 "Oftice open 9 a.m. to 9 Dp m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416, (tf) DR. B. cian an street. . Phone (Jan, 3-Feb. 3) TEACHER OF PIANO- 613 Carnegie avenue. Phone (Jan, 18-Feb, 18) MRS. J. W, JAMES IS PREPARED | to give vocal lessons to beginners. 284 Festubert Ave, Phone 1551J. (Jan, 2-Feb. 2) HERBERT C TRENEER IS PRE pared to aceept pupils in piano, gan and vocal music. A free aoollet iving full particulars rs, will be, fu he fur on hed upon request, street east Phone 466. nies ARTHUR LYNDB. VOCAL TEACH er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared . for all exams. Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. North. Phone 371). ; (120tf) Orchestras TWO PIECE STRING ORCHES- tra will play old time dance music any "ght, Apply. 7 Kitson RE 8. a) 5 REGENT DANCE OROWROTRA. : music for all oceasions, Phone J. Watson, 2334M, or G. Rey- nolds, 693, (Jan, 23-Feb, ™ Insurance MURDOCH'S INSURANCE SER-} vice mow at 27 Warren avenue. Phone 168J, Our service satisfies. (Jan, 6-Feb, 6) DAVIS AND SON INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency m Oshawa. Re putahle Fire Companies, (118-tf) WHEN RLAUNG consult R. N' Johns, 80 north' INSURANCE 1 doors and Jrames. "Machinery Repairing JADANAC GARAGE AND MiGE. of [INE Shop, successor to Durvent Machine kinds all cracked mo tbh MRI, Connecting rods rebabitted, Fly wheel start LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. Residence, 19 St, 69 ; e 210]. : Chimney Cleaners GRIFFIN AND WOODCOCK. NO moving stove pipes, no mess, no smell, Agents for Chimney Fire Hol oni Fhone 2719W, a7 ' (Jan, 18-Feb. 18) a eS MA Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business. Dr, Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard Ste B, Toronto, , i (dan. 17-Feb; 17) Woodworking H, MILLARD, REAR 442 KING Si. E. Phone 2864J, We specialize in storm sash,' screens, supboasds, 1] NETHER _6DOR EATRORIRE ing" Parlor, Marcelling, sham ing, and manicure, 551 Simcoe street: north, Phone 918M for appointment, (Dee, 31-Jan, 81) Corsetiere Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr,) Money to Loan CORSETIERE SPIRELILA SHOP, 82 Elgin east. Mrs. Annie Pent. land, managing corsetiere, Hven ings by appointment Phone 442) (188t0) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and MeKenszle, 2 King 8t, B 14410) Watch Repairing Fi:A, VON. GIINTEN, EXPERT Sin watchmaker, repair shop at 44s King Street West. Your pat- bo is solicited (29 th UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169. 420 (96 tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building Inans. Legal work done at this office. Parkhill, Barrister. = Disney ig Phone 1614 (1766) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT TO HOME Builders and Contractors--large stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting: various /mensions and lengths up to 40 ft., piping from i% in, to 10 in., plumbing, strue- tural steel, eomplete hot water and steam heating units. Phone. or write Frankel Brothers Limited, Salvage Departmtint, Toronto, Ger- rard 4100, (Dec. 30-Mar. 30) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS ed timber lath, shingles, ag doors and interior trim eecroft Whitby, lumber and woodyard Oh awa, phone 324. (69-tf) Architects C C. STENHOUSE - GENERAL] architectural work. Second floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 s. phone 909). Dressmaking ALL. KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices." Apply +21 Rowe St., PLAIN SEWING DONE AT REAS- able Jriecs, Children's clothes a specialty, Work called for if desired. Phone: 1405F, (2c) + Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Special small winter dance par ties, Supper Including salad, as- sorted sandwiches, cake and cof- fee, $2.00 per couple. Phone res ervations 2209. Mrs. L. M, Prior, (Jap. 17-Feb, 17) Furniture Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his over Jury & Lovell's Dru Store each Saturday, from 1 till P for consultation and treatment of aed of ear, nose and Hirop only, ppointments maye be made / store. Phone 97 (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist DR. E. F. RICHARDSON, IN- torpist and post graduate New York, over a years study on the Continent. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store; hours 10 to 12 a, m, 2to4pm, 7 to 8 pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, and by appointment. (Jan. 21-Feb. 21) 8. 8 A. W, HARDING, POST GRA- duste at Harper's Hospital, Detroit, Edinburgh and Vienna, Austria 14 Simcoe street N. Phone 1499. ee Bh 2648. (Jan, 13-Feb, 13) ee a IIIS ESS, Dental Dk. D. R. DAVIES, Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South Nitrous oxide oxygen cas for ex- | traction. Phone 231, - 2082. (1480) DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST. OF fice over Bassenns' Phone i yr. OVER | '| DR. SHIRLEY, Painting and' Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street Emons Ww. 45-11 Beauty Parlors LADY /MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies only, 'Freat- ments by appointment. Phone 814J. 1260 Albert street. (Jan. 14-Feb. 14) SECOND HAND DEALER, . 186 Bloor St. East, Phone 1617M, ; (Jan. 18-1 mo) Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING AND BEFATR- ing, Mr. Brown, Phone 1132M. (Jan; 28-1 mo,) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS oF TIRE REPAIRING at -ldeal [ire S Tires for sale Jamieson Bros. e 438. (tf) BE MARIE RENWICK'S BEAUTY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop, Water waves, mani cures, mrarcelling. Phone 2653, (Jan. 6-Feb. 6) Transportation CARTAGE AND TRUCKING, prompt seryice. Reasonable prices. Work done by day or hour. Phone 1236M or 53W, (Jan 12-Feb 129 COLEMAN CAR AGE and STOR 8 Bond | | ly lady to take VETERINARIAN, list diseases atimals. DR H M COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. Mitchell's Dros Store. Gas extraction. Phope 54 . L. E HUBBFILL. DENTIST Boots oxid oxygen gas for extrac Office, Royal 'Bank Bldg . Phone 948, residence, 1378M Ha DR. DPR W. H GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bidg. Phone 1780. or nd Hospital. 2 ue bu, GD A 5 DICKENSON, V.S DISEASES of all domestic. animals scientifically | © Reaed. oy. 34 Brock St, E, Phone J) 105]. (131-4) -- Cleaing snd Pressing i | UNDER - NEW MANAGEMENT. Engineering and Surveying Universal Cleaners and Dyers, 14 attention to DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR Surveyors and Civil . King west. Practical aiterati Repal materials made 30-Jan.. 81) , | WA WINDOW CLEANERS cleaning. woodwork and . floors polished, screen and storm' indont ow, and removed. Batteries SALES AND SERVICE. Car and Radip Batteries recharg- ed, rented, repaired. Called for and delivered. Adanac Garage and Machine Shop. open evenings. 161 UsS.L. King street west. Phone me an) on a a A 1 Daily Tin.cs Help Wanted--Female WANTED--A REFINED ELDER- charge of two child- ig during the day. Apply 185 King St. W. (store), A262) WANTED -- EXPERIENCED | --& cook and housemaid. 221 Simcoe Sr. N. Phone 214, (25b) LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store. Knowledge of Stenography and Bookkeeping an asset but mot essential. Age A or over. Apply Jd The Burns Co. Ltd. Oshawa. J9ur)) e| MAID WANTED, APPLY MES, 'D. A. Valleau, 91 King St. East, (26-b) TEE Phone 1347M, (18%1) week, Garage free. 'Ady for Late to and' Too Late up to 10.30 am. Classified Ads. First Wiarfan=1% sete i per word. ney TEIN Each subsequent insertion | Ic per word, Three foneeutie ters tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cenmte. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: J ment. 'up and down, j liam St, E,; | two gentlemen, Excel ply 106 Frederick St. respectable young men, Real Estate for Sale : ROOM CK veneer house. 159 Agnes St. Dec orated, furnace, electric fixtures, three piece bath ors, garage, cement ve, : lot, For price and terms apply 16 St. W, evenings between 17 and 9. (20-t0) BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE, General Motors. Always full. Sat a t. Reason for sell oe sh paymen health, i Apply Box "U" on THRER on ROOMED BUNGA- lows for sale. $400 down. Phone Mn Barrow, 2201, (25-3) SEVEN ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low, close to G.M.C,, two car gar- age, concrete driveway, laundry) Pp tubs, built in cupboards, oak floors chestnut and fir trim, French doors, abundance of clothespresses. This Juopesty is in a first class 1 , and the price is right, Ge Miler, 23 Bond street east. 23.¢) Room and Board ROOMS 'AND HOARD. 106 WAL- (24¢f) | COMFORTABLE ROOMS * FOR | entlemen with ' first class table gentle Central. Conveniences. Analy 183 King St. West, RGE ROOM SUITABLE FOR tha lent board. har ROOM AND BOARD + FOR TWO All con- veniences. Apply 115 Elgin street west. Phone 1460W, (26-cV a --. A ------ * Antigles For Sale J x 4 ft. WILTON RUG FOR SALE, Also set of fox furs and rubber coat, Apply 16 Brock St. W, (23¢) FOR SALE---SEVERAL SETS OF light sleighs, Oshawa Dairy, (23¢c) FOR SALE--RADIO, WERTING: house 55A five tube, 'complete with built in speaker, also one 100 Ra- | diola loud speaker in Al condition. Apply 344 Lrench St. Phofd 14200. 5 2c) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW | laid eggs in any quantity, Delivered! anywaeie in city, Yhone 3 (Jan, 30-1mo) BEDROOM, TWO GENTLEMEN, also single room, 8 minutes north: Motors, conveniences, quiet home. Breakfast optional, or board ar- ranged. Phone 2433], (26-¢) BOARD AND ROOM AT 72 RIT- son Rd. S, (24h) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWN respectable young men. 337 Colborne | street 'east, off Oshawa Blvd, @% ) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted, Also extra meals given and mezls at 11.30. Apply 87 Colborne St, B, . (June 30-Mar, 2) ONE OR TWO YOUNG MEN FOR SALE--ONE CUTTER, ONE pair light sleighs, set of light har- ness, Apply 241 Nassau street, Phone 946, (26-c) ay have board and room. Apply 153 vik gf St. (2c Work Wanted FOR SALE--A CUTTER WITH side doors, almost. new, awn wagon ' with brand new box, $75 tor iE Phone 1615 r 41. SWEETS, 1 APPLES! SPIES, Baldwins, ete, Also potatoes and vege.ables, Sold by peck, bushel or barrel, Delivered. F, Shaw, 84 Park Rd. 8, Phone 681, (Jan, 24-Feb. 24) HOT "WATER HEATING PLANT! for sale Good condition. Low price. This plant was used to heat the, Mundy Block, about - 10,000 * square | feet of floor space, before new addi tion was erected. It should be just the 'thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (100-tf) For Rent ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM 10 rent, suitable for two gentlemen. One minute from G.M.C, Phone 190M. 151 Brock St. E, (2b) HEATED ROOMS FOR RENT, 1 Quebec heater for sale. Apply 286 Verdun road, (26-c) LARGE RQOM TO RENT, suIT! two working men. Board $6.50 a' Ninth vid | south four corners, Harmony. (25h) I THPEE APARTMENTS TO RENT, two furnished, one unfurnished, ! Heated, Apply '97 Colborne St. E. (2c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AND two unfurnished bing All | Christie St. (2c) NICELY FURNISHED DOUBLE' bed sitting room to rent. Warm. ! Every convepience. Very central. Suit for two' business persons, Bent reasonable, Apply 78 Bond St, of phone 804, 20 | TWO OR THREE FURNISHED | ba rogms to rent for light ing. Quiet home, Middle aged prelerred, Ten minutes to G.M.C Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, aso veniences. Apply 623 Wanted to Buy MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying fk sed Phone 0608. 99° Mill street. (111th) FIRST + Class PIANO WANTED shape. Cash. Enquire at Depart- ment, Oshawa Daily Times for. ad- dress. (25-b) Wanted to Wont HOUSE WANTED} BY END OF March, Box "B" 4 fo furnished to rent. Private Pets and Liy. ONE HOLSTEIN COW, DUE JUNE i, for sale. Apply W. ,R. £. No. 2, Darlington Tow Line. '» (asc 3c) mid ee )| GARAGE TO RENT. FOR PAR- TO RENT--FURNISHED BED- | room, suitable for two geptlemen. All conveniences. Central Apply 45 Bond street west.'« Phone 1259wW, © (20-tf) LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOM to hent, Suit two men. ee min- utes from G.M.C. Phone 2088, on TWO NICE oF 00s TO BENT, furnished unfurnished, posi nA of First house _-- of Ross' a (25-h) Iyy ROOM TO RENT FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 26 Gladstone avesue, or phone 2449W. (28-¢) NICE LARGE DOUBLE ROOM | Al- (250) conveniences. Central bert St. Apply' ticulacs phone 1058F. 5c) Wanted WANTED 35,000 ON GOOD. FIRST UPHOL. STERING OF ALL KINDS chesterfields made to order' Work uanthip guaranteed. G A Con 74 Mechanic : St. (Toone HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished. Stairs veneered by ex- pert. Also all kinds' of carpenter- ing. Winter price. Phone 2612, Cp (25-¢) A WOMAN WHO NEEDS WORK would like sewing or mending to do at home. Phone J. (24b) SPECIALIZING IN HARDWOOD flooring. Prices reasonable. Es- timates cheerfully' given. Phone 19847, evenings, (21-1) Motor Cars key. FOR SALE-- 1926 CHEVROLET touring in good condition, Phone 2720W, (25¢) FOR SALE--AN QOLDSMOBILE 5 passenger car in good condition. Apply 491 Masson St, Tel, a +1 1924 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, Vauxhall axle, Delco ignition, new |' tires. Bargain for 123 Celina Street. (26-b) BARGAINS--1927 MODELS, en less than five thousand. Pontiac coach, $750; Chevrolet coupe, $575; Chevrolet cabriolet, , $650. Many extras, Cash or 'terms, Phope 1826F. (23-c) CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE, 1925 model, Cheap for cash. C. M. Mundy. The Oshawa Daily Times, (2340) top, balloon {quick sale. Wanted WANTED ATTENTION MUS! Fians=players of clarinet, oboe and tr me are gi I to join the South Or awa Band, Practise very" Tusa pight at 8 pam. in Albert St. ' Church. Fw Mr, Williamson Us or B, Jackson 1691W, (24+ | Personal YOUNG . MAN, 25, ENGLISH, would like to fo most 'young dady for friendship, Box "B" Oshawa Daily Times. (2c) Help Wanted--Male BOY ¥ BICYCLE WANTE!, Grocer, i or. ad "Rion, 1 PRI MANAGER re in Oshawa by Life Com y, only real ly, Give r > Oshawa Daily YOUNG MAN WANTED WITH car. and a ply Louis Hyman's 16 Sim coe St, N., Spore} pl -8 SALESMAN WHO ENOWS OR BE- mercial Hotel, trom; 4 10 8. mortgage. Farm property, Box "O" wa Daily Times, _ 424b) EE Roos Wanted TWO GIRLS WOULD LIKE: A room convenient to General Motors. i 8 109 Alice St. Phone 184W Lost Found LOST--FOX IER Furs black marks on eyes, answers "Tip." Return to 283 French, st Phone 2516J. (25-3) LOST--SILVER GRAY HUSKY dog, black tipped tail, answers to name of "Pal" Reward. 209 Eulalie Avenue. : (26-¢) LOST--A PIPE, $3 REWARD. Phone 553J. (25-2) LOST---AIREDALE DOG, TAN with black spots. Tan collar. Phone 445 or. 837. (25-b) Notice to Creditors (ELEN LORE dot ( persons having claims against the estate of Ellen Luke, late of ithe City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, widow; 4 led on or about the 22nd day of cember, 1937, are hereby hotifted | to send in to the Wide or before the 23rd. day of Fe , 1928, full partieulars-'of thelr hs. Immediately after the ast mentioned date, the assets of |, the Estate will be . distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, 'having regard only to the claims which the undersigred shall then have notice, DATED at Oshawa, this Sst day ot HAY 1928. SON & CREIG N, sola iy Hor the above estate. (25:31-37) DIRIGIBLE LANDS ONPLANE CARRIER Feat Accomplished Although Ship Lacked Moor ing Mast Washington, D.C,, Jan, 31.--The dirigible Los Angeles ° succeeded faturday in making a landing on the new aeroplang carrier Saratoga ) at sea off Newpl Rede A brief radio e from the airship to the avy Department said a successful landing had been made at 4 p.m, but gave no de- tails, except to say that the dirig- ible was returning to its Lake- hurst hangar. The Saratoga left Newport during the day on the first leg of a cruise that will take the new ship into Pacific waters. As the vessel weighed anchor the dirighle soared over the pity, then followed the Saratoga out to sea. The aeroplane carrier {= not equipped with a mooring mast like the tender Patoka which the Los Angeles often uses on training flights, but officers; in arranging for the landing, went on the the- ory that: the ship's deck was suf- ficient for a landing. Irate master (to negro servant)-- Rastus, I thought I told you to get a Jomestic turkey, This one has shot], Patan? done got a domestic tur- ' Wagter--Wet, how did the shot get n it? Rastus--I specks they was meant for me, ---- Paris is taking to novel bicycle races. HOGG HE market forall 2 mill feeds is | pp Salty, rising and ices in the near a SURGEON'S 1 FAST TRIP SAVES LIFE OF BOY N.Y, Jan. 30.-- «4 speeding automobile and a surgeon's knife, The boy, Rob- ho Cobbett, was believed at the e of death A ih mastoiditis in a hospital . h Physicians de- cared his Poot 1 chance for life lay & delicate operation, and sug- that Dr. Joseph S. Man- ans. & New' York surgeon, be {The appeal was. sent Dr. Man- ning. He boarded a fast train for Albany, and at almost the same time the héad surgeom of the lo- eal hospital, Dr. James Green- ough, began a dash by automobile to meet the New York physician in Albany. With an escort of state police on motor cycles clearing the way, Dp. Greenough roared over seven- ty-five miles of icy roads to the Albany city limits where city po- lice cleared trafic for him to the station. Here he made quick eon: nection with the train, picked up the surgeon and sped back to his village, covering the round trip of 150 miles at an average speed of 43 miles an hour, i Reaching the hospital here, Dr. anning hurried to the boy, made the operation and a few minutes later physicians reported the child stood an excellent chance of living. Teacher--"Norman give me a sen- tence using the word 'diadem.' " Norman--"People who drive on to the railroad i s without look- ing dia Sagem , sight guicker than those o Stop, Look and Listen." EYESIGHT SPECIALIST The eyes are the most semsitive and delicate organs of the human wT 1546 : wemPHON Ee ALL Disney Block Opposite Post Office --_------ -- rr ee pm coun, Syne 912.95 LEADER DRY GOO Phone 740; 82 Simcoe St, -- INSURANCE u SIL ARAR Wete 'Lle. Reosorunen Co. A BE Cpt 1 Gt won I -------------- Your choice of 8 Chevrolet Coaches ehintent models--Very reasonably p Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR TIME TABLES 9 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 msnal efficient service & L now before we Cotton Seed Meal Gluten Feed is under construction, entrance will Sslephone pumber remains the same, 1082. Watch lor important announcement iater, Wright Funerals Corner Bruce and Celina Sts. Phone 1088 OSHAWA A a ew CNR TIME TABLE i inv table LLRES i ov [ Fake E fil SEER E 1111 during alterations, While our be on Bruce E LTD. t have to A Shorts, Bran Ground Peas * Hogg & Lytle Limited $4 CHURCH ST.