Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1928, p. 11

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THE E CRnAva DAILY IIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1928 3 8.18 i Nelwor = her un VER a0 Bern Springs. Early 0 WRAP" oT ahi SO (220) Ho woc Th Daren. 45 WFI WGRS (349)--N. Y. Women's rn Wi WEAF (492)-N, Y. 1,30 WAMD (222)---Mple, .00 Noon hats pon Best Features I ing gym. ering up exer "a i Sunrise con Ria (395)--Shenandoah, Farm talk; os: 7.30 WMAQ eric YMCA, exer: Happy Hour. Morning Devo. Healthful exercises, ro from WEAF, 0 WEAF (492)-N. W (428)--Cinei. ( ----- pt, Worth, Morning musicale. DAF (30)-Kansas City, WHO "5 nee Moines, Victor pro. Wwi (353)=Detroit. "Tonight's Din. RSAC (33)--Kansas State College. Ww on Cinel. Women's hour, Wath Rt 5 an ertpture: pe. FI (405)--Phils. Housekeepers chat, WLS (345)--Chicago, Home Misi 0 box. WNAC (461)--Boston, Morning Women's hour. Music; household won (416)--Chicago, Home manage: ent period. WRNY. (326)=N. Y. "Keeping Fit." WSB (476)--Atlanta, omemaker's hour, Musicale. (535)--Nes Moines. Organ, WHO CFCA (350 --Calgary, News; weather, Woo dn, , ; U me economics, Wik { m0 Mimauies Organ, N. Y. Rolfe's Orchestra. Radio Electric 1 Prince St. Phone 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Auriey Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets In stork. = BTS EE CFCF ()=Montreal Mt Royal Ore 0 ae se 8 Sa - y oped y= no, on ~ cmt vue 52 Ry eo $i, (FREE Somer fa a Y. Neat i mu. Wir a0n-Chicage, Organ, A! Cas. ERE 3 y en wi 353) Detroit, GHP (378)=Detroit, Tuller wHo (535)--Des Moines, The Ambass- 1% RENY al «= Shenandoah, Farmer Whaa 545) Dallas, Nons 5 Eo Y. 140 WON (616)=Chie. Ls Sldrtra; J Drake ensemble, Sunday Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS Church ser WJZ (45)=N.Y. Children's hour, 9.30 KFNF _(461)--Shenandoah, Old Fash: toned Gospel service, KLDS (238 Independence, Mo, Bible study hour, WCAL (236)--Northfield, Minn, Luther- an Church, WGY (380)~Schenectady. Services, WKBW (217)--Buifalo, Services. WLW (428)~Cinci, Sunday School, WSEA (203)--Norfolk, Services, 9.50 WEAO (283)--Columbus, Young folks program, WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Ser- vices. WHK (265)--Cleveland. 1.B.S.A, WOW (508)=Omaha. Chapel service. 10.10 WHB (341)--Kansas City, Christian Church, 10,15 WRHM Qsl)-Nplk. LB.S.A, 10.25 WBBR (265)-- 1 singers; Bible lecture. 10.30 WGHP (278)--Detroit, Christ Scientist. WHAM (280)~Rochester, Services, WMAK (545)--Buffalo, Ist Presbytes- ian. WSB (476)--Atlants, Sunday School. 10.45 WBZ (333)--Springflield, Mass, Ser: vices, WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Services. WGR (303)--Buffalo, Morning services. WIBO (#16)--Chicago, Swedish ser: vices, WOO (349)--Fhila, Bethany Presbyter- ian. waa (361)--Cinci. Service. WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Seryicss, 11.00 CFCA (35 7)-Tornto } Serv KDKA (316)--Pitts, Services, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs, 1st congre- ational. Kvw (526)--Chicago. Central church, yory (484)--Chicago, Grace M. WEE South Churc CAN (224)--Phila, First Vnitarian. WHO (535)--Des Moines. Victor prog. Wiax (341) acksonville, Services, W GB) Cine, 7th Presbyterian, 10.00 (448)--Boston, on 297) Asheville. NE Services, WWNC 1.15 WHAS Go = Louisville, Baptist Chugch, The Best 1s None Too 0 The Famous Federal Ortho-sonic and the Are The Instruments Sold by in Radio .10.15 KFuo 0 Bae | 2 a. ne ramos 8 114s WEEP oper. BA a (4)--Chicago. Peoples' wi go Sogtnat. Services. Morac rvices. tu, Daesoart Congregational. )--Calgary. jag + ol -- ver, Servi x ¢ )---Muscati; red songs. 1.3 hE 428)--Portland, Me. Radio par- 2.00 weau (261)--Phila, Interdenomination- WEAF Was Interdenominatlonal 22 WLS Cus--cn ago, Chapel service, 00 (348 SShicas Pll A School. ed Network: RES Pechle's Li LENA WEAR WHAS Woe, Wake, WHC. bp 5] Wray (224)--Phila, Chinatown Rescue ssion, 355 Wi (450)~N.Y. St. George's V 4.00 Ri ZA NY aa Cont fient MOA: Tom WEAF, WEED WCSH, WSAI, WTAG, Way, W Ww. Wie ' (469)--Wash, Washington Cath. 4.3% KFUO Ha8)-St. Louis. Foreign Lang- ua Wie (270) Milwaukee, Bible class. (288)--Chica Hy Chapel hour, 0 Wee dae Is, Paul, Vespers, 30 Blue Network -- Siaionia chureh_of the Ax WIZ, W, WBZ, WBIZA, 6.00 KSO aed Ia. Vespers. (349)--Tulsa, Gospel hour, io, Vesper 8. i services. WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Scientist, WFAA (545)--Dallas, Class, a (230)--Rochester. (345)--Chicago. (79)-Toronto, Services, WBBR (256)--N.Y. Sacred music, WOC (375)--Davenport. Se-vices 3.00 WAX (341)--Tacksonville. Services, Waa, odoin, Rado . 400)--Cleveland, eg 0.30 vi. 270) Milwaukee. 0 ~Fts Paul, Radio Studio mu- Christ Bible Little Brown Chan 7.30 CFCA ¢. " Christian Services. FusIC 12 ICAL Network :- Cont "orchestra: i WEEI, geie Recital, rk ei-diclden wae : WIZ WBZA, i Nk, WEH, KS WDAF, KVOO, WHA! WSB AA. BT, W Wi A 416)--Chicago. Uncle n, Wy Miike. Cousin or A (395)--Shenandoah. Sacred songs. ad Ki 5 Ta ine Old Folks 1.% fie TT Cone Bluffs. "Songs of 500)--Ft, Worth, Kiddies' hr. from Stroll, Renz WBZA, w , CKCY, (357)--To: ROE: Organ recital. WEEI (508)--Boston, Hour of hospit- Wit (261)--Minneapolis, Classical Chain :--Symphonic program, band, from ABC, WCAO, WCA WAT WEBI, HAS, WKRC, WMAK, Wis, WNAC, hr. ? CKCL Toronto. Org WF "A OF )---Dallas. BY orches BER (288)--Chicago, Hour of Dette, 330 KINF T (257)--Muscatine, Variety mu- --Boston. y players. Wier iene, erman pro. iz (454)--N.¥. Devora Nodworney, Wr 7 (290)--Milwaukes, Conservatory IP (517)--Phils. Address. 400 WL tity Cleveland, | Concert ea- Winic (297)--Asheville, N.C, Sacred dy ny on WEAR, WLIT WTMJ pits 1,00 p.m, Blue ee IA Special Programs to be Broadcasted on Sunday, 3.00 p.m, --Columbia ' Chain; Don Voorhees' concert band, 3.45 WRNY (326)=--N.Y. Italian ensemble, KA (316)--Fitts, "Great Moments in History." 9.15 Red Network: Atwater 10.15 Blue Network: Don Amaizo, the Wizard, ' CFCF, WEAO, WFLA, WHAZ, WIOD, WNOX, WOI, WOS, WRVA, WSBT. 6.00 -K 7.30 Pacific Chain: Silent all day: BE a aE ms WOC, WHO, WOW, WDAF, WFAA, KVOO, WSM, WMC, WsSB, WIT, WHAS (222)~Louisville, Orchertra, WCSH (428)~Portland, Me, Theatre, WLW (428)--Cinci, Bandbox Hour, 9.30 Pacific Chain--Symphony program, from KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, KOMO, KPO. WFAN' (224)--Phila, Meadow Larks. Concert, Vocal, WGBS (349)--N.Y, KTIIS (3281)--Hot Springs. 9.45 Blue Netwoik--Utica Jubilee Singers, from WJZ, KDKA, WHAM, WJR. 10.00 CNRW (405)=Winnipeg. Sunday musi- We S$ (242)--Chicago. Jig Wis AX (341)--JYacksonville, Organ. WOW (508)~Omaha. Evening musie, WPG {2-a lantic City. Evening mu cale Strand "Maggie and « 76)--Towa City, Familiar hymus, 10.05 WEEL Keith's radio evening. 10,10 WIIN (394)--N.Y. American period. 10,15 Dlue Network--Don Amaizo, the Wiz- ard, from WJZ, KDKA, KYW, WCCO, Wi MS. Red WE AF, WO! K!? wT (230) = Clay Centre, musicale, Wi AM (400)--Cleveland, The Caval- Ww BAP (500)--Ft. Worth. Seven Aces. 10.30 WAMD (225)=8t, Paul, Harmony lurricane. WENR (288)-Chicago. Symphony, WRHM (261)--Mpls, Lecture recital 10.45 WIMJ (294)--Miiwaukee, Trio, 11.00 KF1 (469)---Los Angeles, Classical con- cert, KNX (337)--Los Angeles. Feature, Wilko (36)--Chicago, Popular dance, WMAQ (448)--Chicago, De Luxe (448)--Doston, from WHO, Network--DBiblical WRC, WGY, drama, WEI, Evening Dreamers. 11,10 WGN (416)--Chicago. 41.30 KPO = (428)~San* Francisco, 0 tra, KTHS (384)--Hot Springs. Frolic, WFAA (515)--Dallas. Orchestra, WHN (394)--N.Y Frivolity Club, WIBT (387)-C 0, Gus Edwards. "Sam 'n Henry." Seiger's 12.00 Monday Programs AFTERNOCN PROGRAMS 2.00 Walp (2/8)--Detrost, kome hour, N (34)---N.Y, Sheridan Theatre, 2.05 KoA (32))--Denver. Organ, JZ (434) Y. "Your Daily Menu." 215 Wilh (273)--Atlantic City, Seaside 2.3 Ki in MJ (230)--Clay Center, Ko." (319) ~Council Bluffs, Leisure Wa MAQ (148)--Chicago, = Musical, WOR (422)--Newark, Alternoon pro- grain, 3.00 CNRO -(435)--Ottawa, Kua (394)--Shenandoah, io, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, WCSd (428)--Po:tland, music os WED (238)--Chicago. Alternoon Musicale, Ia, * Ruby Vocal. Me. Maine Popular ge- 4.15 WG " (273)--Atlantic City, © secital 5.00 KM A99)--Sticnandoah, Song servi- N (95)--N.Y. Roseland orchestra. 59 ii T or Tersey City, Twilight Acoustican Hour. wiht re KDKA Little Ws 5 (244)--Chattancogs. Sacred pro: N00 (349) Phila, Sacred organ re: ey (326) -- x. Y, "Little Journeys Gieat Industrie i war Feature. ! Netwo mouth Post Al 5s WH 3 yez ad my 745 Wh BGs. Paul, Dioner oon- Theatre Foanily, WMC, Wik. WwTIC, yoo ember JL 4 8 1 Westinghouse RADIOTRONS HE § jririredrivininddedrininivindedeirdededededefededeieiedng i Sh ddbdeddddi dd Jan. 29 Symphonic program, KDGA Little Symphony. nt Radio hour, WFI (405)--Phila. Piano solos, (337)--=Kansas City, Ladies' (349)--~Phila. Artist recital, JD (366)--Chicago, Children's pro. gram at Mooseheart, WHO (535)--Des Moines. Music, WGN (116)--Chicago, Artist recital, CKCL, (357)--Toronto. Studio music WLS (345)~Chicago, Homemakers hour, Reo (227)~Clarinda, Women's our. WDAL (285)--Baltimore. Salon orch. estra, WCAU (261)--Phila, WEAF (492)--N.Y, w | hy (366)--Chicago, - Songs; Trio, We (306)--~Chicago, Sheridan Thea- tre. WhAF (370)--Kansas City. String trio, WOC (375)--Davenport, Home man. agement, CNRS (329)--Saskatoon, = Special pro- gram, 7S NF (461)--Shenandoah, WHAS (322)--Louisville, Ais (536)--Des Moines, iz (454)--N.Y, WFAA (545)--Dalla WCCO, (405)~Mpls tion of Women's C { > (333)--Kansas Music appreciation, Ia. Music Academy, Afternoon musi- Mother's Concert Musicale, Variety program, Homemakers, St, Paul, Federa. " State College. Sa Di: 2 WRC, WTAG. ( 615: Re Theatre hour. way (3bu)--Schenectady, Hotel Van urier, 5 poo (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul, Readers KMA (394)--Shenandosh, Sunshine eon- cert for <"ut-ins. waar (246)--Jersey City, Dinner mu- VAI. (283) Columbus, Pwilight mu WGHP (278)--~Detroit, Dinner music, Tan (400)--~Cleveland. Orchestra. 526)--Chicago. Congress Hotel. --~Springfield, Mass. Din- Ber Music, FO: THE KIDDIES WHN (5,4)--N.Y, Uncle Robert. 0 WEDBH (366)--Chicago, Dream Daddy Davis. WGBS (349)--N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. WMAQ 8)--Chicago, Topsy Turvey Time. WELL (508)--Boston, Big Brother, WHK (25)~Cleveiand. Uncle Ned. } Phil Uncle Wip. Uncle Bob, Uncle in, i (435 ttawa, Cosy Corner, WFAA (543)--Dalias, Story hour, WGHP (278)--De.roit, Evening chat, Wax oy eile: hildren's peri CONCERTS TONIGHT 7.00 WCSO (256)--Springhield, O. Concert. WGHP (278)--Detroit, "Lady Moon." 7.15 CFCA (357)--~Toronto, Organ. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale. 7.30 KSAC (333)--Kansas State College. Boys and Girls Club, KSO (227)-Clarinda. Old time music, WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Open air ba: ad concert. ad (435)--Ottawa, Concert orches- Kia (395)--Shenandoah, Applesauce Twins, KOIL (319)--Council Pjuffs. Concert. KVOO (349)~Tulsa, Husking Bee, time music, PWX (400)~Havana. Stetson Military | Ban WAC (297)--Akron. "Heart to Home" WAIU (283)--Columbus. Hour, WBBR (265)--N.Y. Concert, WDAF (366)--Kansas City. ng Quartet, King Taste Russo's WHAZ (306)--Troy. WSB (476)--Atlan.a. Concert, WI (517)--Worcester, Siudio Prog. Tf (294)--Milwaukee. Trio. 9.30 Red etwork:--Geue:al Motors Family WG TO ond a MI WAM, 411) ~ a i Hour. A ( )--Denver, Appreciation pro. String Juaitet, Voika i jana KYW. MA a Sheandosh, Little Sym. Kai (319)--Council Bluffs. Uncle Ria oT (257)--Muscatine. Home folks oR (400)--Havana. Columbian hour, WFAA (345)--Dailas. Belcanto Male Quartet. WOO (319)--Phila, Pennsylvania Male Quartet, Yo sur (400)--South Bend, Studio pro- am, songs, novelties, 10.15 KRG (224)--Houston, Studio concert. VRVA (259)--Kichmond, Concert, ._ Novelty program, Neiwork :--M agic, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCSH, WGY, WHO, WTIC, WW]. lbiue Ne.wuk:--Shope and Grosvenor with saxophone, on WJZ, KDKA, WoAR (GW)--=kt, Worth, Popular songs, Vo O (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Music, WDAF (3/u)--~hausas City, Concert or- chestra, WDOD (244)--~Chattanooga, Frolic. WFLA (517)=5t, Petersbutg, Studio, VGST (270)--Atlanta, Georgia i'ech, program, Vita (265)--Cleveland. Morgan Sisters, WSM (337)---Nashviile, Frolic, bu MC (517)--Me. s. Canover con, 00 Pacific Chain: Ehelh Hour, rum KF], KE '0A, KGO. Kaw, KHj, KHQ, KOMO, KPO Vvaoa'l (246)--=]ersey City, WAAT Nui Club. Wid " )--=N.Y. Slamhir mn .ic, Vy BR (01 )--=Dallas, Musi 11,05 WE El (448)--Bustom, Keith's 11,10 Wi, AX (341)--Jacksonville, 11.15 WHN (391)=N.Y, Vocal Url WLAD, (G)=Ft, Wor TAM (400)--Cleveland. Radia Organ, Concert. Memory's Melodies. ( 3 Angeles, Pianist, J--Deaver, Boulder Artists Vil (500)--Ft, Worth, Theatre, vii J (335)--Des Moines, Oran 12.30 CNRE (31 - nt KAVOO (349) 1.00 a.m, Pa.ilic ain: from KF, KIVA, KOMO, KPO. VRR (461)--Dallas, Music, RADIO TALKS--TEAVURES 6.45 p.m. Red and Blue Networks = Semi an § of the budger add icss by « ge and Glen Lord, The News North- lariford, Majestic Shenandoah, boy, V. CCO (405)--Mpls,- St, west Boy Scouts, WHN (394)--N.Y. Nicholas Ae 7.05 CFCA (3:7) wronto, Optical talk, 7.25 Ws 50 256) Springfield, 0, "Eye. 7.30 ner (461)=Shenandoah, Letter bask- Winw (@17)--Bullalo, Spiritual quar- ter-hour, vetwo ork ;--Physical WWJ, WGR, WTIC, (250)--Col wnbia, 0, (222)--8t. Paul. Paul, Boxing from Et, culture: Radio Northwest 8)--Chaslotte, Finn school, 810 V/ or J (2:4)--Milwaukee. 'ihe Great Rifloos, . College. ¥ 2 [¢ DY Phila, Address 900 KFUO (545)=5t. Louis, Bible lecture, 8.30 his MH) New Mexico by Rev. w or (422 (Continued on page 12) Ost Pa athy --Iowa City. Correspondence course, SOCKET POWER NO: just plug into a / conniéit light socket, WwW HEN company comes, you may want to move your Rogers set into a larger room for dancing. Easy! Just pick it up and set it down; then, presto! It's connected to the nearest light socket and ready for full per- formance. ' ELI TORS TROUB And such performance! Every tone repro duced in full musical volume. When you ine spect our models, ask for one to harmon«e with your room, ROGERS Batteryless RADIO Generator & Starter Co. Ltd. ah OSHAWA | 13 Church St. Phone 1438 WMAK (545)--Buf alo, hid musicale. | Musicale, Glee Club and WSEA G 263)~Norfolk. Harmony Four. Wism (400)~Cleveland. Studio com Wiic (535)--Hastiord. New Depart- ure Band. 815 WLW (428)--Cinci. K. 23 LFCP (#11)--Montseal, NRO 5) -Ovtama. Ottawa High janders Band. WBAIL (285)--Baltimore, Melodians, : WCAL (206) Northhield. Wis" (345)--Chicago. Special produc- WiiAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical Cal- (319)--Lincola. i KMMJ 220) =Clay Center. Vocal. KSO (227) Clarinda. The Newsboy. KTHS KTus 55)-Hot Springs. Adlington WAND o- Paul. Semiclassical. Concert. WEAP pred Worth. "Sunflower WG RX OO Butiate,. Hawaiians. WOI (27)--Ames, Ia. Musicale. WOS (361)--Jefferson City. WC . PG Z9)---Atlaptic City. PREM (261) --Mpls. Popular WRR (461)--Dallas. Musicale. ial IL O. Minstrels. ! Hour of mu Soe J thom The and Battery Models $70 T0 $325 Marconi Radio Shop Celina at King ANS Phone 2604

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