Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1928, p. 10

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A victory, ; 'a draw and a defeat for Oshawa Collegiate this week, not so bad, considering, but there should be a better record for next will their first game in 1928, when they are to meet Whitby igh School the County Town, their brand new nasium, ich has been recen opened. n Tuesday or Wednesday Har- rd Collegiate will play the boys' senior team on the local floor, and i Je day of these two in which isn't played, the hockey team 'will journey to Bowmanville to play the return fixture to the 1 to 1 score game played here last This morning an Arena; and the Oshawa afternoon was a good one although not studded with as much exc crushed ment as has been seen in the jum Nevertheless, and despite the fact ed by East York, the crowd were well satisfied with what was pro- vided. - red, gold and green men along as well as to go with the intention of seeing a good game of hockey' 0.C.1. practice was held over on the Bowmanville ade are i from . The basketball game yesterday certain to benefit * L jor's two previous arguments, that the senior game was defaults The senior game between ode, put on by the divided sem- or team and ths subs, was more man, 'who as many gain esday. . ' The first attempt to try him on a. charge of grand larceny preferred by Mrs. Rose tims, ended in a mis-trial yesterday when the prosecutor made opening statements to the jury, SECOND TRIAL FOR ALLEGED SWINDLER Robert Whitman, Alias "Lord Beaverbrook" in New York Cowrt ------ New York, Jan. 27.--Robert Whit- "Lord Beaverbrook" many hearts and emptied et-books, went on trial a- Durkin, one of his vic- prejudical A new jury was sought to hear . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1928 HURLED IN AIR WORKER FALLS 70 DIE IN FLANES ¥apars |, ting 'of Tanks at a skit §EEES McCamey, Texas, Jan. 27. -- Relieved that what had been fear- ed was a holocaust had taken rela- tively slight toll of life, the 6,000 inhabitants 'of this 2-year-old o town took a holiday tonight by the light of a colonnade of flame sur- rounded by a mile-high wall of smoke from 12 burning oil tanks QUEBEC SNOWF A. BIGGEST IN YEARS Public Services Curtailed by Quebec, Jan, 27.--Twenty three in- ches of snow, whipped along by a wind averaging 50 miles an hour, but at times reaching 60 and 65 miles, descended upon Quebec during the night covering everything' with a white mantle, and curtailing the pub- fi | lic_services, The snow fall is a record for the season, and for that matter for a good many years. Sixteen inches fell between 8 o'clock last night and 8 § this morning, but between the latter hour and 11 o'clock seven inches more had fallen, : Pushed along by the strong north- west wind, snow drifted all over, and banks from four to seven feet high were a common occurrence in differ ent sections of the city, 'The weather was not cold, but with the wind veering to the west, a change in temperature is looked for after the blizzard has spent its fury. the evidence inst the fascinating of 4 Practice for the playois than defendant, A hearer of "love an Sxbinition and was Tartilly 'em and leave 'em broke" are said to the crowd foun dit a sufciently in- [ have been practised upon 50 women. teresting exhibition to hold their | Whitman, wha also has used "Bar- on Beaverbrook," "Carl Renee," "Carl {nserest during the fen minute Te6t {von Edwards," "Wallace Siegfried," a» Ce a and other . names that sound as : tho ey belo 0 i Tals week saw one of the most| . An account which has long been though they bel ng + the Rita wd 'outstanding events in the school's | gverstanding, may be sattled uP | Tombs since last June, but he was 'history since the New Year, when | next week when Harbord semlors| fresh and chipper as he came into at Whitby High School on Wed- | play the as yet this year undefeat- [ court beside his counsel, John P. nesday evening, the Oshawa de-|eq 0.0.1. senior team, For two | Booth. baters, Scott Hubbell and Flora |geascne mow the school has met | He was attired in a neat, double- McRoberts, were successful In their | defeat at the hands of the Torom- | breasted dark blue suit and appear- inter-scholastic debating contest to aggregation, but it is felt that |ed the miss the customafyy cane and with Luciene Michaud and Joseph-|a¢ last the tables may be turned | spats, ine Thomas, of Whitby, on the |and in anticipation of this, a new| "Lord Beaverbrook" is of rather subject of the St. Lawrence water-|pecord crowd should be on hand. | slight build, with long, delicate fin- way development project, More | An added attraction to this game |gers, and brown wavy hair that is than fifty people were present|ig planned, but as yet, nothing|beginning to gray. His chin is cleft, from Oshawa, and all were delight- | definite can be stated, his teeth gleaming white and his nose ed with the evening's entertain- ss 0 --perhaps that's why he bestowed a ment, and needless to say, with title. upon himself--aristocratic, the result, 'Tuesday. And then on Friday, the Junior and possibly the senior bas- 'kotball teams will play in East 'York, If the seniors can't find opposition at East York, they in- tend to play some other team in 'the city, of the Humble Oil and Refinery Company. The tanks were ignited this af- ternoon by explosion. Out of a hundred men working on the pro- «| perty, only one, Fred Hendricks, chemist, was known to have been killed, although property damage may reach half a million dollars, Far-Felt Blast The blast, which started In Tank No. 15, under process of being steam-cleaned, rocked buildings half a mile away, and spread suec- cessively to eleven ther tanks, ranging in capacity from 500 to 3,000 barrels, most 'of 'which were burning long after dark, Several workers were reported injured when thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion, but in most cases the injuries were of a minor nature. Hendricks, the man known to have heen killed, was on top of tank No. 15 when it exploded, hav- ing just lifted a hatch to make a test. His body was hurled some thirty feet -into the air and fell back into the flames. It had not been recovered tonight. Firemen Praised, The McCamey Volunteer Fire Department received the praise of the townspeople for preventing the flames from spreading and causing heavy damage to the town, The only theory advanced to ac- count for the explosion was that a spark had been struck in the opening or clogint of the test-hole by Hendricks, igniting the gas in the tank, at a Washington hotel, Unger said, and helped gain her confidence by bowing to Secretary of States Hughes when that official passed him in a corridor, giving the impression that he had influential friends and was well known, SMOKING INCREASED INU. S LAST YEAR Washington, Jan, 27. -- Card- playing continued a big American indoor sport according to figures made public today by the internal revenue bureau, More than 47,000,000 packs of cards were sold in the United States last year and about 7,000, 000 packs were exported. the trea- sury announced. : Other statistics made public showed the federal estate tax brought $69,841,000 into the trea- sury last year; taxes on automo- biles and motor-cycles, $60,478,- 000; taxes on admissions to thea- tres and other amusement places, $17,885,000; and taxes of club dues, $10 000,000. Smoking in the United States is on the increase, the treasury fig- ures showed. Taxes collected on cigars, cigarets and other tobacco in 1927 totaled $387,427,880, an increase of more than $16,000,000 compared with 1926, Ottawa, Jan, 25.--~Ten and a half inches of snow had fallen in Ottawa since last night the Central Experi- mental Farm reported at 10 o'clock today, At that hour there was no indication of a let-up, in fact the snow seemed to be falling faster than at any time since the storm started late yesterday. The: entire equipments of the city and the Ottawa Electric Railway for handling snow worked throughout the night and barely managed to keep the streets open, The street car service was somewhat irregular in the early morning but recovered as the day wore on, The railway companies re- port that the trains in this division are fairly well on time. This is the heaviest snowfall of the season, last week's fall of about six inches being the largest previously. GERMANY'S NOTE TO LEAGUE MAY HIT VERSAILLES TREATY tice of conciliation through bilateral or multilateral pacts, believing that settlement by obligatory arbitration is impracticable at the present time, would take care of juridical disputes and for political disputes, which are considered more dangerous.* Ger- many urged extensions of the prac- A TOL UNG AM RB AY MEAP \Y AOU Uf Harly this morning a class of about forty bi from the first forms set oub¥ for Toranto with Miss VanLuven to view a special exhibit of Pacific paintings which are on display in the Art Galleries there, That they will have a de- lightful time is assured and it Mrs, Durkin has charged that the fictitious nobleman made, love to her, and later made off with jewelry valu- ed at $73,765, Twenty seven talesmen, including two negroes, were drafted from other parts of General Sessions Court, for the new jury. Mooth examined each talesman separately and asked each whether the fact that Mrs. Durkin was separated from her husband and living apart from him would prevent a fair verdict, When "Beaverbrook" came in, he doffed his tight fitting overcoat and derby and handed the reporters a note. This said an offer of suspend- ed sentence had been made to Bea- verbrook by two different assistant district attorneys if he would plead guilty, "I refused and insisted on a jury trial," he said. "I have witnesses to the above." Obtained Jewelry Unger outlined his case to the court, He said he would show "Bea- verbrook" obtained jewelry valued at more than $70,000 from Mrs. Durkin, whom, he would call as a witness, In his remarks to the jyry yester- day before a mistrial had heen de- clared, Unger had charged "Beaver- brook" with marrying Mrs. Virginia C. Martin, wealthy Naatoy wi dow, and absconding with $25,000. He had met Mrs, Martin as a guest x Ap even greater crowd than this should go to Bowmanville on Feb- ruary 22nd, from Oshawa, to hear the final debate for the inter- scholastic debating championship De Si, ois Laid We Shere Seay Wonk awa; elal, Jean Merritt and Kenneth Haddon, LI and already they are beginning to fot down to worl, at present gon: |, 1% Soneetion, wih the Cadel fining their labors to the subject sociation's January championship material, shoot will be conducted next week and judging frem some of the practice records which have been out to see a game well worth see 1urned % a gooq_shey ing =" Sa 8 " n to be made shawa Col- ing, that between Bowmanville | jegiate, y High School and 0.C.I,, the first LI of the home and home series for the right to represent this western | The contributions tor the Asta grouping in the Central Ontario Ludi are coming in splendidly a Inter-Scholastic Hockey League present, especially Limericks and With the teams on equal Arma jokes. Those who are thinking of when they meet either Thesdmy writing short stories and poetry Wednesd t Tul would be well advised to commence or Wednesday, next week, Some |.. goon ag possible since the time none too uncertain action should d a trul th be seen and all those who get the slips by quickly and a truly worthy chance or have cars available, article usually ken more Hime should follow the team over to the 3han at tira would be wagined. town to the East and cheer the this year for short gptories and poetry, and so no one should he afraid of trying their hand at it, as well as writing out the occaslon- sl joke and slipping it into the boxes which are provided in the main and the upper corridors of theold section of the school, * LJ . CAZES CIN 7K ZN General Motors Stock We will allow $145.00 per share on the purchase of a WILLIAMS PIANO BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH De FOREST CROSLEY RADIO *. + On Tuesday afternoon after four o'clock, a very poor crowd turned Geneva, Jan, 27~Germany sub- mitted a memorandum on the sub- ject of international security to the League of Nations tonight, . Ger- many's conclusion is that causes of war can only be removed by po- litical arrangements guaranteeing a durable peace, and such as would cliimnate all situations imperilling world peace, Some observers saw in this state- ment an allusion to the desirability of revising the Treaty of Versailles and reparations, To increase security, which means the avoidance of armed conflicts, Germany urged a more general sig- nature of the compulsory arbitration clause of the World Court, This 6%0) 16%) 16%. {6¥0) (VD) § ~~ --~"-- CAN, POWER AND PAPER Certain new financing will be undertaken hy Canadian Power and Paper Investments Limited in the near future it is reported today. The company, which was incor- porated under dominion charter in 1928, is an investment company controlled by Neshitt, Thomson and Company Limited, It was organ- ized primarily to acquire selected securities in hydro-electric power, and pulp and paper enterprises. being two of the most important of "nr Canadian basic industries. LY / 3 BUY IN = = OSHAWA! ing advantage of the fact that it| i is impossible to secure the lid on| 5 the box for contribuitions, in the! main corridor, someone other then the editors in chayge elected to go through its contents just to see possibly a sample of what the magazine might be like. Thanks to the imtervention of a teacher, however, they digp't manage to go through all the mples, and we think we are in saying that that party at least has now seen the error of his or her ways and will elect to scrutinize mo more samples. It bel; impossible to lock the box, the si ts are left on their honour in this regard and in the case yesterday, it was prob- ably more through not consider- ing the seriousness of the offence rather than any mmlice being con- -- THE JOHNS PIANO STORE £0 Simcoe Street North Oshawa SHARP EARTHQUAKE TREMOR IS FELT IN QUEBEC TOWNS Chicoutimi, Que, Jan. 27.--An earth tremor lasting = ahout thirty seconds was felt in the Parishes of Tadousae, St. Simean, Ste. Mar- guerite, Anse St, Jean and Malbale today. While the shock was of short duration, it was as violent as' that which occurred four vears ago, n) Some day, possibly Sunday, when there is nothing else to do, 8 good suggestion would be to look over the family's acenmula- tion of snapshots and if perchance a gold mine in the form of a pie- ture of someone in the schoo! should be found, slip it in an enve- lop and give it to the Art Editor, Lillian Plerie, or put it in the box outside the Library, The edi-| tors expect to have two pages of .|snaps this year and if they are good, they are even prepared to go above this number. J ® OSHAWA LUGGAGE Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Ini. tials in Gold free of charge at SAYWELL and SON 19 BOND STREET WEST -- PHONE 338 WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL Ni ther in this enlightened Is OIE ve Optical Parlors Phone 28 or 20 fge would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly barmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoris will right a baby's stomach and end almost any Mttle ill. Fretfolness ana ,e- ver, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoris; fts gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that euastor oil might accomplish, with- out shock to the system. With- out the evil taste. It's delicious! Béing purely vegetable, you can give it as often as there's a sign of eolic; constipation; diarrheoa; or need to gid sound, natural sleep. 'Just one warning; it is genuine $letcher"s Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all / doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! . theb ook on care and fRsdine of babies that comes with ; er's Castoria is worth {ts weight in gold. for A. {4 the he CASTORIA C. CHURCHLEY For satisfactory repairing bring your watch and clock ley. We guarantee all re- ork io Churchley Old gold and silyer or exchanged for new goods. THE CREDIT JEWELLER 28 Prince St. Radios and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in D. J. BROW Jeweller King Street West Phone 180 Bo: ved DRY CLEANING If you want yomr clothes cleaned so they will look phone-- PARKER'S Cleaners and Dyers Ning Street East J. C. YOUNG 4% Prince Street Phone 793 . INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ' SIBERRY BROS. Ouifitters for Men 27 KING ST. EAST PHONE 1110 = Just phone 2520 and a driver will call. OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. Mill Street "2s Oshaws E \ > {6%0) 6vch 2 o "You Get Mamied--We Feather the Nest" L- Simcoe Phome Street. z01 South ' ; i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES LOCAL NEWS : LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL DISTRIBUTION "Quality and Prompt Sarvice" ow molto N

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