Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1928, p. 6

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HEIFERS frigtint igfi: Arrivin Wed- | clock, aftern ing in the bottom suffering from her and took to the lifeboat, which | frostbite and exposure. contained an ofl stove, na effort Another Hoat to make shore, This they found | There is apparently another boat impossible, and all Wednesday |from Port Colborne missing, It is night drifted between ice- | known that messages received at floes, at the mercy of the wind |Port Maitland from Colborne dealt ey found the two men, 1y- " Serve breakfast pr ! down on time Prepared quickly and eas Warmin oven and add hot mi » MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS at the roawboat at § o' | kid In iota ns confession he ad- mitted Shqusting Marion and dis. membering her body after he chok- od her to death, Hickman was in & state of de- spair as trial opened, He was haggard oles hours last night, spent in pacing the floor of ba cell in the Los Angeles County a "1 swing." be told hs guard Ne waa Ruins 10d rom the ui 10 rtroom, I'l swing. 1 wish the whole thing were over now." There was little left of the alr of bravado with whieh he ted his captors in Pendelton, Oregon, barely & month ago and related to them the story of his erime, KENT COUNTY WARDEN Chatham, Jan, 26---The Kent County Counell inaugural session Tues, afternoon el Reeve John Vanes of Thamesville, veteran member, to the Wardenship. 0% Overcoats Suits Underwear Shirts Scarfs Discount ON MEN'S Coat sweaters Dressing Gowns House Coats They : > ' Not Known Whether Relief "Plane Reached Lake Chamachouan TH 19g 1588 rescued, y dren, Gilbe: A re Jed > ess suffered lit fram the frost, Mrs. Dunn left the school wi i Roberval, Que, Jan, 37-It was | not known Wednesday whether the Fairchild Company's relief 'plane, which left Grand'Mere on Sunday for Lake Chamachouan, Lake St, John district, to bring back George Low, engineer for the Duke-Price Company, Quebec and Inspector Hodkinson, of the Hudson Ba Company, who, in company with K, C, Saunders, pilot of an inspection hydroplane, owned by the Fair- child Company, were forced down on & small Jake in the neighbor-| wind hood of Lake Chamachouan last week, had reached its destination, The men were on a tour of inspec- tion «f northern Quebec which was to have taken eight weeks, They are now quartered in the Hudson Bay's post at Lake Chamachouan, The fliers 'e unhurt and the 'plane was not damaged by the landing, Afraid that the thin coating of fee covering the small lake, ten miles from Lake Chamachouan would not hold the 'plane an In. dian was dispatched to Roberval, After walking four days on snow- shoes he reported the incident here, A second 'plane was sent to remove the stranded machine to solid ground, Cold weather which prevailed over the district during the last few days has frogen the Inske to such an extent that no fears are entertained for the safe- ty of the marooned 'plane, {| CURTIS 15 "RY" {| LAW SUPPORTER :: U, 8. Presidential Candi- date Favors Strict En. forcement of Act voshington, Jan, 27. -- Senator "-rles Curtis, of Kansas, an- vo-nced presidential candidate, vors strict enforcement of the Volstead law, he told Benator Borah Wednesday in a letter re» plying to Borah's question on that subject. "While T have no desire to die- tate what shall be in the National Republican platform," Curtis said, "I personelly favor a plank refer. ring to the 18th Amendment snd the laws enacted to carry it into effect and I favor a og pledg- ing the nominee to a fal, vigorous and faithful enforcement of them." "In my opinion it is the grest- est moral fssue of ell pges and public -sentiment demands that both the political parties declare themselves unequivocally upon it, : "Should I be nominated and el- president I favor meeting ment of the laws to carry out the constitutions! amendment." CALIFORNIAN LURE At first it was gold which incited the plomeer-adventurer to round the Horn or take the tral of the covered wagon. There was gold to be discovered, gold to be cleim- ed, gold to be possessed. One man stumbled over it, smother saw it snd the two words "gold" and "Californias" rapg throughout the world. From the genesis of known Californian history the stream of humanity pouring into its borders steadily increased. As it incress- became . dered along for somg distance then refused to go er, The snowfall increased and a high booming over the enormous flat land which stretched away to the north churned it into an opaque wall which shut off sight of objects even a short distance away, The cold in. creased and the five Serupanty hud- dled ther in the sleigh, Mrs, Dunn finally attempted to go for help, inten to leave the four children in the sleigh, Placing her weight on er feet, she found them to be frozen into numbness, and rea- lized she would be unable to walk for help, Solf-Savrifice Wrapping the one old blanket the sleigh contained t them, they waited 'while the night settled in and the storm continued, The two older children, Jna and Lillian, in- sisted that the mother keep the two smaller ones warm, pparently warned of approaching unconscious. | ness, they clasped arms about their mother and bade ber good-bye. When -darkness hd allen Lilliam died, and shortly before daybreak Mrs. Dunn discovered Ina d The husband here took up the story. He said that he remained at home Jemerdsy to care for a 4-year: school for the should have reached home yard he worried, Leaving the baby alone, he started on a search but the intensity of the storm forced him back after he had all but Jost bis way, He remained up all night with the baby, unable to call meigh- bors. This morning he stopped the first passer-by asking him to remain with the baby and started out on 8 search, In a field a half mile from his home he found the sleigh, almost drifted under, with the mother still holding the dead snd living chil: dren close to her for enyoy in T ties f in view of . LE LL Hm ili i il The Statement of the Bank for the twelve months ended December 310, 1927, indicates substantial progress. Deposits increased by «+ $10,000,000 Liquid Assets increased by 10,000,000 Total Assets increased by » 14,000,000 a ten Pity-seventh Annual Statement WERE EE RRR rn dy SRR NNNNRRNRIRNRRRERIRRRRIRIRINS 1008, 400 46 has disposed of as follows: abun dipendoles faites + cent to rd 8a hosed Pension' Fund Fe sesrresssenes n ad Provics t Taxation Bank Premises, . ,.ovveesssnssensssssssssnser Jrymsforad to Reserve Fund... at Tain of and Los Account carried forward, ,,..000 at credit of sine NSN Vio Jaa Sad: oh peony Hist Recnisit: JH... +1 +1 GENERAL STATEMENT Fats Account carried fo , payable anuary, srr essse res bs Bayable January, 1088, . 000000000 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders... sos e0s000000 \ $ TAHSIT 8 ote Circulation Who baring interes, lnciding inter 56,000,202 98 108, SNE i. ORIN 08 inciaded is the OPOBOMAE . + oases rssoses sess gr 1 ; a et et ort SE MR ABBEY ddd dd dda asd | . ha PEPIN IPPNIINEPSIRRN IRIN IRS Me --------. A tia es LAELIA, A yy rE TY PE EE TT rr Rg on, tw aul) BYSOY 98 purposes of the Erpsrerlocttrsr ere rsr ssp, we LiabiBties of Customers ander Letters of Cro, 08 pes contrs 4 pa AN, Aw avo AUDITORS BEFORT TO SHAREHOLDERS sri 4 ~ EE Pumoin, Jammy Tb, 1906.

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