Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1928, p. 4

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of Untario, L] in my A REPRESENTATIVES IN USa : ~ ..Powers.and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago. Ea EE he |, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 | . OVERSHADOWED «*-1¢'is common knowledge among all stu. dents of plant life that beds and berd 'should' not be permitted to become over- crowded. At least once a year the wise gar- - flenér devotes many hours to thinning out \ 'hig plants and separating his bulbs so that . each may have more air and nourishment, ' Jt is a natural process in the forests, . "It 1 less common knowledge that the ' game principle applies to human beings. . Many people are pot-bound and don't ao '§t, 'They glory in close associations with ' §owering men and women, little realizing i hat they are being shaded from the full gays of the sun and being deprived of their 'hare of the nourishment by the figures 'ghey so much admire, '." Consider the meek, unimportant little wo- 4men who as widows blossom forth plump nd pink and pulchritudinous, Not because ithey. cared little for their late husbands or {ihecause they are out to catch another, but ' Simply. because they cannot fail to flourish 'on m ye i a EERE PRR) Lt oe ore air and nourishment, They were crowded out of the picture by their hus- bands, And why is the husband whose wife "has gone to the country," the life of the party? Not' because he does not admire his wife or.is filled with emotions the opposite of * Joneliness and homesickness, but because they have more room to breathe, Younger sisters develop more rapidly af- their big sisters marry and leave home, : he same is true of younger brothers. Many : men never know or show better abil Ey ong Rpt detach themselves from some "towering 'employer or executive, \ auJiowever, not all can stand alone, There | "M8 clinging vines that would be in a bad © way without their sturdy oak. wo ". A TURN-ABOUT-FACE 7, VO After a period of wholesale and hard- hearted condemnation, the younger genera- tion seems to be in for an era of praise and approval. - Frowning oldsters have suddenly turned up the corners of their mouths and * come to" the defense of the boys and girls i of today, 4 eA 1 and patron of art finds the ¥ young men' 'and women of today will do ' 'quite as well as their parents did as busi / megs men, artists, inventors and statesmen, 1In defense of the modern girl, a society wo- * man of the old school devotes a lengthy . magazine article to an exposition of the ' shining virtues of today's flappers--their THE OSHAWA DAILY [IMcs. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 He zs S52 )f. a be chez, "end, if rider and hobby gro, . A other, there is not only the 0, . unity of usefulness, but a resource against boredom, even for a dozen lifetimes, Though the sum of human knowledge grows larger every.year, opportunities and rewards for original research were never greater, It should be encouraged more in colleges and universities. DANGER IN WRITING A woman filing an answer to her hus. band's suit for divorce, quoted from a book he had written, His philosophy of marriage, she said, was summed up in the paragraphs she selected. To hér that pailosophy was intolerable, It spoke for independence and freedom for the wife as weil as for the husband, and emphaticaily argued against writing letters, : How much of an author's private convic- tion coms out in his fiction it is dificult to say. The public; and euitics as well, are gertain to fo.m pictures' in their minds of their favorite, writers, 'the reader finds a novel delicate, charming, brightly written, "and visions the author as possessed of those qualities, But often the image is all wrong, and people are amused to discover that a 200-ppund bewhiskered fellow whose chief yecreation is boxing is the creator of the If the words uttered by characters in a book are to be thrown in the teeth of their [" author, so that he is caught up by them and compélled to pay: alimony, novelists will have to proceed -cautiously, Were the courts to recdghizé such evidence, 8 prece- dent would be: established that would ter- rify and inhabit gil writers of fiction, An- onymous books and nom de plumes would multiply 'greatly and celibacy' would become one of the requirements of successful au- thorship. $enal # No reason was ascribed why the author advised against letter writing, so it is not known whether he disapproved because he thought it indiscreet, wasteful or merely unnecessary, However, he did some writ. ing himself that proved. troublesome, It was a literary man who sagely remark- ed, "Do right, and fear no man; don't write, and fear no woman," EDITORIAL NOTES Many a small boy is kept in after school because his father worked his: arithmetic The small boy's objection to school. is that dates in history are so much harder to remember than batting averages, The difference is that's statesman thinks he belongs to the state, and the politician thinks the state belongs to him, r ¥ | what I'd call her husband! GOVERNMENT SOIENCE (Buffalo Courier-Express) a some politicians thie science North: wine call married fla a, you a West: I don't know, but I know "T see b oe tha y the paper t Dr. Straton lsts among our modern vices; cigarette smoking, drink. ing, petting and chewing gum." "I mever could see any sense in chewing gum either." -- KNEES (London Daily Express) Very few will maintain that the revelations disclosed by short skirts have added to the beauty of the universe or the attractive- ness of thelr wearers. Is there no hope of women ever designing a style of dress that will give them freedom of movement and at the same time flowing lines and a merciful veil of romance? ENGLISH UNDEFILED (London Morning Post) It will be generally agreed that the elimination of dialect would take all the raciness out of speech =it would substitute the seculp- ture for the living form; but the trouble is that, without any ef- fort, dialect is disappearing. As conmrmunications improve, and mo- bility Increases, local differences tend to get rubbed away, until the common speech sinks to one dead level, and, unfortunately, that {is the lowest level. A CONTRAST IN #WNTENOES (Woodstock Bentinal-Review) Two armed boys in New York one n'"ht held un a pedostrion and roLbed him of $2.50. The ot"- er day they were brought to trial and were sentenced to serve twen- ty-seven years in the state peni- tentlary, While the erime of rob- bery and the use of arms cannot be condoned, this {s in' striking contrast to some other sentences and decisions in far more serious crimes, Possibly, if they had killed someone, and had been able to engage a sufficiently clever law- yer to ralse the plea of insanity for them, they might even have been acquitted, THE LANCERS DISAPPEAR (Ottawa Journal) And so the Lancers of the Brit- ish Army are to disappear, wiped out by the devastating fact that in the four years of the World War, the four Lancer regiments of the army only wounded one man----with a lance, that is, Medi- evalism in arms receives its tinal shock. The Lancers were the last survivors of the plumed knizhts and men-at-arms of old, who charged with lance at rest. 'To- day, war is mechanical and chemi- cal, Even the bayonet is liable to go. The tank, the machine gun, the hand-bomb, the aeroplane give the real fighting, efciency and it's 8 Question whether poison gas can be kept out of the game, A MAN OF GENIUS (Chiczgo Evening Post) A nan of genius in the realm of construction passed away in the dying of Gen, George W, Goethails, His great achievement was a tri- umph where others had failed, a victory over difficulties and ob- ptacles whieh others had found in- superable., A dream already old, and already the grave of high hopes and many useful lives, came true when with the authority of his government he undertook the building of the Panama canal. He was an American born; a graduate of West Point, and, at the time of his appointment in full charge of the canal project, a colonel in the engineer corps. He was named for this great task by President Roosevelt om February 26, 1907. Gen. Goethails was 8 man of terials, Rh BAKED APPLES - (Los Angeles Exeminer) Hubby wants you to tell me how a MRS. W. G. B. Thenk hubby for his confidence in me, won't you, and I think wé . makers sometimes have to And the resuly of the treatment is that you feel somewhat better, get more motion into your limbs and back, and you figura the ex- penditure of time and mone? as a good investment. Now, as matter of fact, it is a good investment because the heat has stimulated the circulation, and poisons have been hurried out of the system by mreans of the fin. creased action of the skin, lungs kidneys, and intestines. However, there is one question that should come home to you, and that it "Why do I have these at: tacks, and why am I free from them for a time?" Now, the answer is simple, There is some Infection in teeth, tonsils sinuses, gall bladder, intestine, or elsewhere, and when your tissues are unable to handle It, you get your symptoms of pain, and stiff- ness, And thus when you go to the "heat' establishment, and your circulation is so stimulated that fit hurries out the wastes as menion- ed above, then you get some relief from your pain and stiffness. Now, I believe you see my point and that is that your first thought #aould be to have your doctor and perhaps your dentist try to locate the cause of the trouble, It is there all right, and in the majority of cases can be located, As a matter of fact it is only when the amount of the infection greatly increases that you have your pain and your res'stance, Thus if you eat and s'eep prup erly, get re ular e:erc'se, and es tah!!sh rea ul r hy-iene hahits yn may o'tcn be keeping aliead of ar Infection, end not rezliza it, After the Infection fs renroved thee {3 still considerable of the 20ison in the syntem, in (he glonds, joints, lower intestine, and the blcod itself, It is then that these heat appl! cations do wonderful work, In fact a few days or weeks thus spent, will get the svstem rid of poicons that might otherwise take months to remove, So put firsy things first, and get the cause located, Crisp Comment "There is too much love In fie- tion," says a writer, The reverse is true, too,--~Humorist, The world owes every man a living but he's got to hustle round and collect it.--Brandon Sun, Cosmetics prove woman's con- viction that it is never too late to mend.--Sault Daily Star, The wall'lower pt the ball Is often the only girl present who can bake bread.--Chicago Dally News, What kind of liquor laws did we have in the daye when boot- legging was unknown?---Kitchener Record, -- Even if you can't get a new car this season, you know by now what kind you would have if you could, --Border Cities Star, For all/ the experts sey to the contray we maintain -- that the swiftest flying creature.in the world is the dollar,--Kitchener Record. From a schoolboy's examination paper: "Liberty of conscience means doing wrong and not wor- rying about 'it afterwards' -- Montreal Hersld, Every woman should strive te keep "that school girl complex- ion," but be sure that it fsn't higher on one cheek than the oth- er.--Ottawa Journal. " rr ---- A man complained to a magis- and thrived on them. What's the matter with the same fare now? --Owen Sound Sun-Times. Mussolini says men with whisk- S358 Hh fi I trate that his wife had thrown a | J. ~The | bard, John \ Be tt ee .ds Ail ee . can substantially the earning power of their Sav- I oe Central Canada Loan and Save ings Company. Why not decide now to make 'us Funda of the Busi- ness and your Personal Savings earn our 4% Interest Rate. For the convenient transaction : a business, our Offices are open every day, including Satur. day, from 9 a.m. to § p.m. the Sur, of your ji the Reta -- Bs ou SVE Bn 4 ie Merchant: il of CHANTS ¢f Oshawa increase Interest on Savings: Subj to Withdowal by Clack, \! 34 dered Business hours 9 a.m atom | Ha 4 including Saturday, 3 Our customers always feel free , to consult us concerning any (CEN Sik AN OSHAWA BRANCH OFFICE: 23 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Operated Under Govemment Inspection ! financial matters, . May we look forward to serving youf RAL CANADA) FRAIL ARES LL ANY IP TORONTO MEAD OFFICE: KING & VICTORIA STS. 83 [a --. RELIEF PLANE BACK FROM QUEBEC LAKE Roberval, Que, Jan, 26--Taking advantage of the favorable weathe: conditions, Captain Bosmore, pilot of the Fairchild Company relief plan which left Grand Mecre last Sunday for Lake Chamachouan, 75 miles from here, to render assistance to Pilot A. C, Saunders, George Low, Duke-Price company engineer, Que, and . Inspector Hodkinson of tic Hudson Bay Company, who we . forced down in another Fairci plane in the neighborhood of Li Chamachouan, while on an ins; . tion tour of Northern Quebec i week, hopped off from the lake 2: arrived in Roberval this afternc He was accompanied by Mr. Lo Pilot Saunders and Inspector Hoc- kinson remained behind and will 1c- sume their tour of inspection wi.c. minor. damages caused to their hy- droplane are rpeaired, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL CREATES STANDING COMMITTEES Goderich, Jan. 26.--Following are the standing committees . appointed oy the Huron County Council fc. the year 1928: Executive--F, J. } uaid, J. W. Langford, R. A. Go. . E. Turner, J. Ballantyne; Spc --E. A. Adams, T. J. Anderson, i McQuaid, J. A. Manson, F, D. 5. er; Finance--A. C, Baeker, J. ueattie, 1. J. Wright, R. Higgins ¥. Kiopp; Education--J, W, Jj.¢ A. C. Baeker, Dr. Milne, F, W. 1. . land, C. B. Snell; Road and Bri; A. E. Johnston, R. E, Turner, ..: Alex. Haskett, J y--J). . Henderson, McKibbon ; County A. Ke) Co Manson, J. House Ww. -- George 1 . Be ia. ne, i. iKenned: % J. W. McKibbon, Geo:ge Hubba dens' Committee-- : og W. J. Henderson, W. A. Hare Optometrist S King 8¢. W Phone 838 INSURANCE || C. E. HEPBURN N A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVING TT ---- AN men 'are eqiisl; bit the tale entswomen exhibit: 'for getting their own way are varjed. Women 'are like money; keep 'em 'busy or they lose interest.-- Everybody's Weekly. -- Electrophonic ---interprets the very Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 * THE COMPO COMPANY, LIMITED, LACHINE, - Ontario Distributors:~~THE SUN RECORD C0, TORONTO, Bled, Osha, Dis. oF 4 \d British Columble Distributors: --THE VANCOUVER RECORD ». crore AROODYER, cy -----_-- Gay BR Al i a i a i... L

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