Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jan 1928, p. 7

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oT. 4 HURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1928 DAILY TIMES, | CARS IN COLLISION - ON THE HIGHWAY damage police state, hich colllided TWOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST W INV alt, Mich. and Mrs. R. 1. Robla- . SUDBURY 9,600 3 Egan here £ g p : : : : | 83 Reasons the Doctor Says "Use Kotex" the Scientific Sanitary Napkin ] ifs i f i it i £ --------------, BOWLING | Oshawa and Distie. icra Leagued Jan. 35 i | 2 I iil when, in i to avoid hitting a bus, a. collided with a Ford coupe, icense number 8-788, driven by Mr, Eaton, of Ilor- onto. The accident occurred about nine o'clock last evening. SCOTTISH RITE BALL AT WINTER GARDEN The Oshawa Winter Gardens was enfete last evening when the Scottish Rite measons held their annual "At Home." About ane dnteed and twenty guests en e music that was a he Pwd by Jack Wi 's orchestra, then a most deligh tful luncheon' was serv- ed, catered by J. Welsh, Durinis the evening a highly humorous two act was presente by some of the m rs of the lodge which added to the evening's enjoyment, Ef oH if of £8 Jail Birds + Misset Reece g : ! 137 159 seecsnances 166 evsecaneeaislig secs scece dB 74 atest nncacasclld 84 ---- : : SE TY TYY | ; § # Wate Com e Water Commis- of th will be held next Monday at 3 cena lB 200 i. oenau IEEE R NER ER 87 127 . Smith etsssessnceclfd 84 H. Turner asec teneseld2 149 581 §60 Total 1141 A High Times ; Jack Dale 4 qeene000.233 124 A, MOTiSOD soso vese0.193 160 B, GOWe ,.c000000000.178 13% Get Kotex Sanitary Napkins at any . It was therefore, with qv- good wish in the world, that ering her with a birthday ring as a token of their . The presentation was made by a sister, Mrs, R. L. John- son of Belleville, and the happy recipient made a most Atting reply. and the Svining waa spent in card Sn, then dainty refreshments The out-of-town guests included two sisters, Mrs, L. Gibson, of De- -- | Have Your Eyes | Examined By Our Optical Specialist New York, Jan, 24--The assets hn and property of the Newfoundland Power and Paper Company Limit. od have been purchased by the In ternational Power and. Paper Com: pany of Newfoundland Limited, ¢ subsidiary of the I tional Pa: per Company, today. he proper ties include a 400-ton per day newsprint paper mill at Corner- brook, on the western coast of Newfoundland, a hydro-electri: jower plant generating 98,000 con- uous horse-power and 2,802 square miles of timber lands in Newfoundland, The controlling interest in the Newfoundland Power and Paper Company was owned by English in terests. HEAR LIQUOR APPEAL IN COBOURG FRIDAY An appeal is being heard in Co- bourg tomorrow when the pro- prietors of the Waverly Inn are seeking to set aside the convic- K. Conlin .eovqeveeesslll 123 714 532 Total 1346 Good Times BE, Dunstall cee eess..261 186 saves satan 169 173 MOLIALE vase eenass136 148 ------ 626 759 D. Total 1385 Our Daily Recipe Cut cold boiled fresh or corned tongue into slices about half an inch thick. Egg and breadcrumb them, and saute in butter, Toast an equal number of rounds of bread cut about the same size, and lay each plece of tongue upon a round of toast. Pour around a tomato sauce or a sauce made as follows, Add a little butter, it needed, to that in the pan In which both tongue and bread were fried, Put in a. tablespoonful of flour and stir until brown, then Q N§ 4, BROUKVILLE 8 Brodkville, Ont,, Jan, 35.--In a clean and fast game here tomight clean ad fast game here toaight, Queen's Kingston, defeated Broek. ville 4 goals to 3, in an intermedi- ate O.H.A, fixture, Brorkvilel de- pended largely upon individual ef- forts while Queen's had a splendid ly or~anized system of combination attack and defence. For the win- ners Linds~y and Britton were the stars, while Levia, a junior, and Murray, in goal, were best for Brockville, Stan. Burgoyne, Tor- onto, was the referee, New Styles In Glasses Y OU'LL be surprised at the difference the new styles in glasses make in one's appear- ance. moment you put them on, you achieve an alert, up-to. the-minute look that creates a very favor- able impression, THE PERFECT GIFT The perfect gift, a gift of love, Be 1t a loaf or a few crumbs, Is prompted by unselfish love And proffered when right thinking comes. This gift brings gladness to the heart, It makes a cheerful countenance, For love has purified the heart And given light deliverance, Ida Crocker Duncan, Speedy Relief gi Bunion Pains No sensibla person will continue to suffer from those intense, agonizing, throbbing bunion pains when the new powerful penetrat- ing yet harmless antiseptic Emer. ald Oil can readily be obtained at any well stoked drug store. Apply a few drops over the in- Drug, Dry Goods or Departmental Store One-half dozen hard-cooked eggs, 1 tablespoon minced celery, lobster, cream cheese, mayonnaise dressing, Remove shells from eggs and cut a slice from the top and bottom and remove the yolks, Mix half the yolks, with the celery, 8 table spoons minced and flaked lobster, and enough mayonnaise to moisten, Fill the whites with this mixture, Mix the remaining yolks wth § tablespoons cream cheese and form into balls, Serve on let- tuce with the egg cups, season to taste; add chopped meat, and mix all together; cover with a layer of mashed potatoes, season, and wet with a little milk, Bake in oven until a light brown, SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE, 'AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH Our staff are all regis- tered opticians, They will give you a free ex- amination and fit you with exactly the glasses a IRSONALSIRVIcr= W. A. Hare NZ el |, | Wl Ei, I. - i... ss lt ll il ( 1 0 JURY&LOVELL aera AW IS rl coer The tlement of New Denmark in the > : b rt 2 | i pig { 7 7 7 Optical Parlors tof / 5 {soos die - {fli 17 / add a cupful of Oxo, a teaspoon- ful of finely-minced parsley, a teaspoonful of lemon juice, and a tablespoonful of choppped pick- es, tion against them for keeping liquor for sale. The appeal is being heard before His Honour Judge Huyck, with W, F, Kerr, appearing for the prosecution and J. P. Man- gan for the appellants, The convie- tion was registered on January §, and a further charge of keeping liquor in an illegal place is being held over until the appeal is heard, flamed part and see how speedily the pain disappears and the in- flammation is reduced. So marvelously powerful is Em. erald Oil that sofe corns seem to shrivel right up and drop off. W. H, Karn and Jury & Lovell, Ltd., guarantee one bottle to give results and {is dispensing it to many foot sufferers, AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal Belts Ladyin arrendance NVR goo] LNW oie) 135 CHURCH ST." TO MEAT SCALLOP When We Test Eyes It Is Done Prop- One tablespoon butter, half- teaspoon onion (minced), one tablespoon flour, two-thirds cup hot water, one cup chopped cooked meat, mashed potatoes. Heat onlon and butter, stir in flour till smooth, add water, a.m, A woman tells fairy stories to her children to keep them quiet, Sometimes she tel s the: to her husband for the same reason,-- Ottawa Journal, erly, TO oe ------ London has a run of dramas in which the heroines wear attrac. tive pajamas, . Lindbergh wants pay only In accord with his earning capacity, Most of us want it to match our spending capacity.~Brantford Bx- positor, I | 'We Grind Ow Own | Lenses i of course of the past r, and the 7 Za 2 7 Ph popuiotion of the o sony is now 800, : 3 hi Ih Z 7, 7 \ 7 y REAL VALUES ther ad activity is expecied for the WEEK-END EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE Choice Smoked Canadian Picnic Hams 5 to 7 Ibs. 17° | : Biv hose RECS 3 Ibs. 25¢ Chef Sauce 25¢ bot. : Chist Shrimps 23c "a ro Lobster» 43¢ 43%. |Corn Starch 2» 25¢ 19c| Z i Z, Morris Ackerman, acknowledged 8s one of the leading authoritics on fishing and hunting on this contin. on Attheend of a When you shut Out the drizzle, The sleet or snow, But somehow you just can't v Shake the weather Out of your system There's nothing so invige orating, So comforting, As a bowl of steaming soup That is, If you have McCormick Oven-kist Sodas Served with it. Oven-kist Sodas Give you that Christmas Dinner feeling-- You don't know when te stop. = Seautift Silverware French-Canadian folk songs are becoming more and more popular as by the recent recital at students and man, F YOU take pride Canadian Club societies in ) yous various home furnishings, our beautiful silverware will interest you. of Boston Musi. tal, 10'0'0°0°'000°0°0:90'0 9: The Loading Jewellers "WHERE SATISPACTION 5 A CERTAINTY" Custard s-«=23c Quality Teas D.S.L.| Domino [Richmello Bulk | 2S | 42 Tea $9¢cn.| 69¢cn.| 79» * Queen Olives No. 5 bottle (Wit Boss , N.B. We could not improve the familisr McCormick's Jersey Cream Soda--but we have made the package molsture-proof--the flavour and crispness of thése pop- ular sodas is remained indefinisely. Have you tried the new Oven-his Salted Crackers or the dalnsy Ovenkist Reception Wafers! They really are delightful. i if 5 ' § Br i : ; ti 28: B20! ihe UR R £ i : i i : ; § ' i | hy I 22 IFN) cents. low » 3 i.zzn's Drug Store ilexl io Fost Office 4 As it was, they arrived two Cov lator, as fresh as though they bad just Leed plucked. iy 00°00 000000000000060000 Pusied Rice 17%, | Pancake Flour 18°, AA X EXE XX ABE XXX XE KE # >) os

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