(HE OSHAWA DALY TIMES THURDAY. JANUARY 26, 1998 | aa AMISH | Solid as the Continent" see fi Company was marked by substantial growth lakes. as | Company Has Enjoyed 47 : + Development - . "the fo a. Pe oF the Nort! ] ce Com in dof 50 i . = div ) the 3 ; h su 'e year 'beell i} Policyholders a a i n. For a periad Ata there has been no Thin tomate hout 'an impairment of t ompany's earn ower, or wi ta fad piri dividends iakes the Company's record an . one in this respect. bo arm le Fr ad 3 STL i venth Ameri- , th satls- : b i £ - it ES + J Ii "2% ] if i = ow rat H financial record of 1927, inspire continued cot Assets = «35 oa, : § 35,608,067.00 Surplus - 2 ea = a ; $400,362.00 Policies sued 10d Revived 22,090,726.00 bce inoree SHE = oe) | MS May congratulate themselves on this splendid showing iwi The year 1927 ended with the Largest Susplud cueings in the Compas ier i ! i Gest idezs \acasuped by $313,043 MANLY PULCHRITUDE ---- - tour, Women have become accustomed to the charge that they are spoiling their beauty, . . either by paint and powder, or by strenu. ous exercise, which is destroying their roundness and softness of the feminine cone They have heard these things so of. ten they have become indifferent to them and keep right on decorating themselves in whatever way fancy dictates, * But men have been indifferent to mere facial beauty, the general opinion being that they have no time for such a trivial eon- gideration; and this indifference has been increased perhaps by a tradition that the uglier a man is the more he appeals to wor mankind---perhaps through their pity, So it must be a rude awakening for men to learn that in the opinion of one of the best known clergymen of England, Dean Inge of ft, Paul's cathedral, the degenera- tion of the male countenance is such as to cause alarm, The dean asks what is the matter with the faces of our men today, and he adds that they seem more at home among the pygmies, He compares. the gountenance of the leading men of today with the "magnificent countenances" of the Vistorians, Of course there have been men to come to defense of the masculine pulchritude of today; but so far the dean seems to be bave 'ing the best of the argument, WHAT 18 A LUXURY? It is a self-evident fact that the farther nomical and wiil be dividual to produce enough for one, except during limited periods such the early years of child-raising, The number of women--married and unmarried wand children now employed lends ence to the theo Ye economic problem, it is explained 788s tE viewpoint all luxuries are necessaries. What was a luxury under 8 lower standard of liv. ing vecomes a: necessary under .s higher standard A DOCTOR'S RESVONSIBILITY 3 ; 3] ---- i A question that has often arisen fn this dy bei x. .d saoitly prove fatal unless an-instant lished; there is no way of comm with 'his relatives or friends, Must a geon wait until the man recovers a of conaciousness---or more probably d making the operation 'that might save his life] Certainly. no. sensible. would decide 'against him in a damage suit, , At seems the welfare of society is less | jeopardized by medical men proceeding on their own: responsibility than- by damage suits such as that brought in England, Had that claim been awarded, surgeons would be justified in refusing to assume the re sponsibility in operations even where de- lay 'might mean death, AN AGE OF MAKE-BELIEVE Where is the "land of make-believe?" On the stage, in the movies, childhood, good reading? Yes, in all of these, but not in them alone, This is the "make-believe" age, Everything is mimicry, imitation, camou- flage; all is artificial, Nothing is genuine but that it is | 4 architecture is being cop- jed in New American homes even to the im- £ [HEHEHE ih [hn HH it Ld 0 b } 'as a dlyidend : Voda utilities, '9 e no s Fort Wiliem -~ 'Part ur are bis: worrying over +t allway, Which' w owned by any munlet as and difteult pro lem today to soe A : At the same time, there is not today mueh at the ownership by the city of the vari. ous utilities. Publis uimetshin has taken long strides singe the first principal street rallway 'was operated in Canada. Even the ownership by the eity of its own telephone system has worked out well. The example of Fort Wil- liam has been followed on a large scale in the west, where all the provinees 'own thelr own tele- hones, and harmony now reigns tween the publicly and pri- vately owned systems. -~ Crisp Comment -- Few people realize that their helghbore uld be worse. --Chica- go Daily News. Short' skirts, an expert says, have nothing to do with an in- crease in tubersulosis amopg wo- men, But think of the improved virion among men.--Toronto Tele gram, Beauty expert says that the use of cosmetics by older women Is rapidly inereasing. Some women are like flowers, when they fade they dye~Ottawa Journal. That the Act USING Pg <r DEY Perhaps you one of those individuals who frequently have a tocling of discomfort across sb- omen, know that you are eating sensibly, 8 little meat, plenty of vegetables. some Faw or cooked fruits, with milk, water, and a moderate amount of tea and coffee. You ¢an hardly understand then why you have this discomfort, which of course, is due to pressure of ges In intestine, The trouble in many cases Is due to course vegetables and fruits which contain 'so much fi- bre or cellulose. T waste interferes with the digestion of starches, end esutes the formation of an undue amount of Ess. Very often too, the sufterér trom this gas pressure has allowed him- self to get into poor condition y . gbdomen 'hanes forwerd, and the intestinal loops sctuslly sag downward also. You pean readily see that with 2 lot of fibre or cellulose in the intestine, particularly where these foops sag, that this cellulose will interfere with the passage grown ft %id 'the ewes of ™ You have studied your diet and, ! the assets which $85,608,067 it is interesting consider those features which emphasize the financial strength secirity of the North Amer! . $21,118,000 is investe" Goverhment and Munieip-' nds, Stocks and Debenturer @ holdings appear in the repo ° at thelr hook value regardless o the fact 'that the present marke! value of these high class recurl- thes is $22,894,720.11, THe Cash Indome from all sources totalled $8,089,359 show- ing a splendid increase of almost & million dollars over the previ. ous year, During 1927 payments to policy- holders hy way of death and dis- ability claims, matured invest- ment, and matured endowment policies, dividends to policyhold- ers, cash surrender values and annuities amounted to $3,082,510 showing an increase of more than a half-million dollars over, the amount paid in 1926, - The fact that less than one-half of one per cent of the entire sur- plus earnings of the Company {is paid to its Shareholders confirms the claim that in the North Anveri- ean Life, policyholders' interests are paramount, The President in his speech on conditions in Canada in general emphasized the splendid year that the country enjoyed as a whole in 1927, He summed up the d@if- ferent industries mostly all of Hounds. throughout t' o greater part of the day, and falls were numerous, owing to the heavy going, but the Princes all succeeded in maintain- ing their mounts, which enjoyed a prosperous year and he referred to Canada as the land of untapped resources and boundless opportunity, Melton Mowbray, Eng., Jan. 26, ~Good fortune attended the Prince of Wales and his brothers, the Duke of York and Prince Henry, while hunting with the Quorn was persistent Rein StoBIE-FORLONG #6 STOCKS BONDS , GRAIN Head Office: Reford Bu BAY AND WELLINGTON STS S. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Oise Phones 143 and 144 -i, HARNESS urovo tides and wilderness waterfalls obey your whims, Your finger, pressing the electric switshes with which your home is equipped, releases for yous service and convenience powers undreamed of by over telephone and telegraph lines,and operate street railwaym Seven times as much more is awaiting development ; , , waipr ng 0 61v8 he grog Sua OF soon Lak Today everyone accepts electric ki power Jie) eves has apes ic things rather than the places--prosaic products of romance. Yet, at yoo op Lp hs sufficient to destroy cities. It ds useless as 20 active until you may use it simply and with safety by fa cnn wh WE YA We are our yeas after yeas New | neces dg op neo lectzic gurseas salely to you. fos yous at Hunley Information... The story of dhis service t Canads and : * {fin sthe common . will