Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jan 1928, p. 2

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LL (By Staff Reporter) hot 10 ie RcHT D SE AR 3 0 De £1 m 3 Preshvionan "Church school on Friday evening, It is to be in_celebration of Robert Burns y and is to be composed te muse 3nd go 'was § that a m 'ready and that ins owl ak and numbers by real Scotch artists "to be the feature of the evening. venors of the program are Mr. | "Logan and D. F. H 1 ROACH--REMBER enry. (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 25.--Miss Wil. élmine Rember, daughter of Mrs, E r, Bowmanville, and Ernest Otton Roach, son of Mr, and Mrs, L. Roach, also .of Bowmanville, were arried this evening at eight o'clock y Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of Trin- ity United Church. The couple are to take up residence in Bowmanville, INSO will soak them clean, No boiling and little or no rubbing, yet clothes come ous whiter ever, Isn't that better than spend. ing hard, seamy hours over Time and labes will be saved u'll need no other but Rinso, -.p Try this to make Elon wher In wah Rob or machine, Mad by the mans of LUR Laver Brothers Limised ho sone. Tho Er, they fie pruiteting one of Aeiten best aan, it la t Bowmanville ill patronize them to the highest degree. The caste is chosem from the forms which have it on the Hat for st this term with only two ex- ceptions. Conducting the rehear- sals are Miss Steadman, Miss Hicks and Miss Smith of the teaching staff at the school, ANOTHER SOCIAL FUNCTION (By Swff R ) Rowmanyille, Jan, 25--~Th gon of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the , manville Hospital card evenings was held tonight at the Nurses' Home, There were a large number present and more than twenty tables for the game, This evening _ the Auxiliary chose "500" instead of Bridge, which was played last night, Curling The scheduled games of the Oah- awa Curling Club have been held up somewhat lately, but last even- ing the ice was hard, and several contests were held, - The standing of the rinks, including the games last night, is as follows: Group A b- =) = i 2 Coad, evo Sees sees sorte Balles, soo vere 0000 sure DobNeY. oo soos tees vere ATMOUT eee 449 000 Cooper, ... DPOW, os sves sees Anderson, ,,, -- e009 wen 0990 sme WR DD Ella, ,.. Stenhouse W, A, Hare,,., sess os Henry,, C, B, Hare,,, , Holland . ., Hodgins , , PF, , Hoar, Swanson, , ,, Henderson W. Lambert, ,, Miller, ,.,, +... BE. Michael, ,, Lander.,,, , RF 8 OC, Lambert,, ...v +1009 F, Michael,,., ,..: +44, Johnson, , ,, Stalter, , , Peacock, , POTTY. oi sons so0s toes BLOYORBON. s+ wns srs 0s Southwell, os soos s0000 Ys o00 IER EEN] Perr ROBE, 1 vv iss 200s 2009 POPIOP: 4,24 sr ars 2hrrsb After the present schedule is completed ,2 loeal bonspiel will be held at the club and if the ames scheduled for the next few ays are played, It will be started in about a week's time, COR ON PPR Pre sere bs WWI ODE DWH WI OD Italy is urging its farmers to use more agreultural machinery, Nationailsts - have opeped » wireless station at Shanghai, Chi- na, Representative Wanted Os ado) uires rf "lished TAT J full time basis, be oul 37 SE aR Sept, vi pe handled by thi! | i Gob MEDAL CoFF "You'll drink it agin" The Montizambert Trophy, repre. senting the first aid champion. ship for the Dominion of Canada waa carvied off thi: ye==¢ + the Chapleau, Ontario, team the Canadian Pacific Railway, First aid teams of the Canadian Pacific this year carried off all Dominion championships in competitions in Which Jno were Sigible, These inclu the Wallace obits Trophy, symbolic of first aid championships among all railways in Canada, the states of Maine and Michigan; the Sherwood Police Trophy, represent- | pa the championship among all niformed alles hy the minion, which was won 0 the A Works Police Team No, 1, of Montreal, The various trophies were pre- sented recently in the board room of the Canadian Pacific at head- quarters in Montreal in the presence of E, W, Beatty, chairman and pre- sident of the C.P.R, and a large gathering of officers of the Com- ny and officials of the St. John by lance Association, The Monti. sambert Trophy and medals were resented to the various members of he team by E, W, Beatty, who took the opportunity of congratulating the team and expressing his grati- tude for the honor thus brought to the Company through their success. mark Little ful efforts, The work of A, G ° Shakespeare, who had the instrue. tion of the teams in eastern lines of the Company in hand, was highly praised by the President and other officials [resent including Grant Ral senior Viee- president; A, D, acTier, vice-president of eastern neral man. lines and J. J. Scully, ager of eastern lines, Those repre. senting the St. John Ambulance As. sociation were: Col. C, A, Hodgetts, director general of the Association, Canadian branch; Cel, D, T\ Irwin, st president and connected with it since its inception; Sir George Burn, member of the general council and Fred Cook, past president of the Association, The Chapleau team also won the Ontario vinelal Championship and the Taylor Trophy and the Scully Cup, representing the cham. pionship of Algoma district of the Canadian Pacifie, Members of the team are from left to right, back row: A, L. Smith fraptainl, H, Searle, holding the Scully and standing behind the Montizambert Trophy; G. Shakespeare, first aid instructor of eastern lines, Lower row, left to right: E. R, Mongrieff, seated be- hind the Ontario Provincial Trophy, TWENTY MINUTES OVERTIME Pembroke, Ont, Jan, 25--Pem- broke forced Renfrew to go twen- ty minutes overtime to win to- night's U,0.V.H.L, fixture, by 2 to 1, The teams battled on even termrs until four minutes of second overtime period had gone when Me- Cormick took a pass from Dick In front of the Pembroke net and scored the goal that gave vletery to the Creamery Town team, OLYMPIC SKATERS TRAIN Oslo, Norway, Jan, 25,--8katers 'from the United States in training for the Olympic races at Bt, Mor: itz,, Switzerland, today bettered the world's records for the mile and quarter-mile in exhibition practice rages at the muniepal rink. O'Neil Farrell, of Chicago, 'made the quarter-mile in 36 1-10 seconds, while Valentine Bialis of Lake Plagid, N.Y,, was close be- hind with 36 1-6. Irving Jaffee, of New York, and Eddi Murphy, of Chicago, made the quarter-mile in 868 3-10 seconds, (Charley Gor- man, of Canada, holds the record for the gearter- 3-5 seconds), = orid's e in 36 and R. K Smith, seated behind the | Taylor Shield, I i] 'S Tell Skinny Men How To Put on Weight If the flat chested man whose [5 ribs are almost bursting through his skin doesn't try to make him- self look like a real man, mo one else will, When any man or woman needs |} more weight they ought to be told that the greatest of all flesh huilders is McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets. MeCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee, If after taking 4 sixty eent boxes of Me- Coy's Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least § pounds and feel completely satis. fied with the marked improvement in health--your druggist is author- iged to return the purchase price Ask Jury & Lovell, Ltd, T, B, Mitehell, or any good druggist. | Two new private aviation com- panies have just started operations in Brazil, C.P.R. Lines ' PICKED TO HANDICAP New Orleans, William Daniel's Justice F., which expert timers, a new race track record, for the private time made him running the mile in 1.37 3-5, fifth of a second better than the , Jam. 28.-- Int he al n apinion sever F. raced to This is one established jointly by J. J. and Dick Williams, England. If fashions do not ¢ heaven women will find it aw monotonous.--Chicage Daily News. Six blind men recently gave evi- dence in an assault case ia Hull, ily ~\\\y rd Thelrue Story of Economy / UR IB | {cc TRY SHOPPING THIS WEEK AT OUR ~NEW STORE --~ 156 SIMCOE St, 8.~ PLENTY OF ROOM--GOODS AND PRICES ARE THE SAME AS AT OUR OTHER STORE--GOOD FACILITIES FOR PARKING CARS--THIS STORE WAS OPENED TO RELIEVE THE CONGESTION IN OUR OTHER STORE AT 39 SIMCOE ST. N, AND TO MAKE SHOPPING EASIER FOR YOU, 39 Sincoe St, North--=TWO STORES IN OSHAW A 15%, 156 Simeoe §.§ Specials are on sale at these prices from Jan.260~Feb. 1 SPECIAL GAWEZ SKINLESS srrrrrre Deliclous peer JAR = 2 , Cc SHELLED WALNUTS, new, French 5 Imported, Bordeaux, Halves, lb, 9c DATES, Dromedary Brand . 19 Pkg. rrr IIRL IRIRLS Cc GOLDEN HALLOWI DATES 21 8 lbs. RA ARERR EET [ MINCEMEAT, Libby's Fancy Qual- 1 UY, DIE, AD: cs s000.0 05 20 trnsss 9¢ PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, Royal 52 Brand, large 8 Ib, gl. jar ,..., Pe Cc OURABAPPLE JBLLY, Aylmer 18 Brand, 16 OB, JAF sor irr rrrran [ ORANBERRY JELLY, Glasscoe's 24 1608. JAF , 0 0060s Cc CHERRY CAKE, Really 36¢ RICH FRUIT AND NUT CAKE U0 br iveriianvisenratone 32¢ COOKIES, Homemade Style 1 Ib, box AER) SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE, Im- 4 ported, solids, Finest Quality, box 33c BWISS GRUYERE Ci y Im- ported, 6 portions, finest quality box 3c ROQUEFORT CHEESE, Fancy qual- 8 ity, Prench imported, 1b. ,,...,, 4 [4 INGERSOLL CREAM AND PIMENTO CHEESE, "spreads like butter", 25 medium size pkg, 2 pkgs. ,.,, c OLIVES, Clubhouse Br., Lunch Queen, No, 5, bottle, btl. ,..,, . 13¢ OLIVES, Banquet Queen, Clubhouse 3 Br So. 1 Pottle, bottle . 2 4 , Fancy Quality, Back BACON, Fah Quality, Baek' 49¢ N, Fancy Quality, Bac ¥ Ih oni irre renee 25¢ ACON, © BAX, boi d a" 37¢ , Belec e 35 0D, 0 rzresratsirers bir ishs 19¢ CHATEAU CHEESE 1 Ib, phe. - erst E10 packer 10, 27 , 1ge., 2% tin, 8 tins ,,,, c CARROTS, Small and Tender, Na- 16 ture's Best, No. 2 size tin tin ,.., c PEAS, Radio Brand, sweet and tender, No. 2 size tin, tin ; 16¢ SPECIAL Fancy Quality MINCE MEAT 2|bs. for25¢ Have Your Purchases' Delivered Arrangements have been made with a local delivery agency to call and deliver your complete order for the sum of 16¢, DELIVERY HOURS Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m~3 pm, _ Other Days 3 p.m, A A FRY'S BREAKFAST COCOA Healthful snd Always Dependable Breakfast Cocoa, Fry's, § Ib, tin 24¢ Breakfast Cocos, Fry's, 1 Ib, tin 14¢ Malted Cocoa, Fry's .... 6 oz tin 32¢ Concentrated Cocos, Fry's, } Ib, tin 24¢ Baking Chocolate, Fry's .. 1 Ih, tin 14¢ Bournville Cocos ;ie # Ib, tin 30¢ Bournville Cocos wwe & Ib, tin 21¢ SPECIAL FRESH Loblaw's Valencia CAKE | Ib. 18¢ | ASPARAGUS, Aylmer Br,, fancy 39 qual, med, green, No. 2 size tin, tin IVE SPINACH, Ch, Qual, Booth's Br, 27¢ 42¢ SLICED PINEAPPLE, Aylmer Br, fancy qual. Blass JAF ...ss000.» GINGER ALE, the Original Canada Dry, pints, 2 bott prrr@arsss Loss * BOYERAN "Wik Orange Pekoe, Ib, s0s00000s000s 95¢ . dididoidediadi lili ly | % Ib. c COFFEE, High Park 7 c 12¢ No. 2 size tin, 2 LIDS ,00sssrrss 30s highest quality Tes procurable, POPPI PPIPPPPPPPPPPIAPPIP Brand, Roast- ed and Ground, fresh dally, Ib. PATTERSON'S SAUCE bottle 18 oz "TIN ial F Spe CEDLE Raisins 2 uality S Ibs 23¢c for Peak Prean's, Fresh and delicious, 11 0%. tin ,,,004,, WHEATSWORTH BISCUITS, The Health Biscuit, PEE: ,1r0r00090 HARBIN, Crossed Fish Brand Line i 00002 » eas CALIFORNIA GUS TIPS, monte or Libby Brand, Picnic size tHe ,,.,, Perse nbrr sete ERS 21¢ ROSEB BERTS, fancy quality 22 1, Avimer Br, No, 3 size tin C. EN SYRUP, Lyle's Imported 26 ec h BIR sens preritrrrersanes SYRUP, Beehive or Ed - FB, 8 ID UB +rrrenrers 144¢ LENTILS, Egyptian, Super- 21 4 RARE 8 IM, ooo iiszerrre c MEAL, ancy, Golden BE ML Taney, Cole rer DE Stone Ground, Whole Whest, nothing added and nothing 11 taken WAY, 8 D8, srrvrrrrres c POT BABLEY, MacKay's Medicat- 11 Phi manda of the world. 2 Ibs, c BABLEY, ed- Te ae cated, Standard of the world. 1 1b, GREEN PEAS, Fancy, Japanese, 17e FUR HORRY, Four is ne bev 1 6 made ir" 11 os, y seer rRrY Cc PAN YAN PL 33¢c ran en tor von ani. 24 BRANSTON PICKLES, Crosse & 29¢ 47¢ 42¢ 26 43¢ 21e 29¢ Del: Blackwell's (Sweet Chutney) Jar, WALNUTS-~Crosse & Blackwell's Plekios. JAF, sovisssnrrrresrrss SWENT MIXED PICKLSS, Crocss q BE, ssprprsrrrrrs wi PICKLES, 'FHeing, FIRE ie bostle, iiss Homemade Styls, Lib- 's. Jar, 3322222020 0 2 2 0 8 2 0 SHROOMS, French A AAAI] id did 3 RH pres SPECIAL Ayimer Brand - CORN Pais = 'Lash ! rtd id

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