Enlurfol A \ o 5» od . « ay ' -€1 el] d x " 0: do Na & Feet 4 : (By Associated Press) ! New York, Jan, 36. --8ix deaths, Stirs of injured "i heavy prom : was the known to he Bad today of one of the wind storms in recent Hxtending from Cape Hat- off the North Carolina coast . Newfoundland, the gale left in ts path disruptured communica- Ss and hampered trafic on l, and marked curtailment of ping at sea. . In Canada every form of traffic interrupted in the Ottawa 2 by what was described as | worst storm of its kind in ten yore, bringing with it more than & foog of snow, In the province of: Quebec, two feet of snow ae ¢ nied a ffty-mile. an hour Tid snowing in one train and ng communications, of Snow--Train Suowl 7 l} i (By Associated Press " New Ay N.Y, Jan, Norrue love laughs at oceans, Five Ger- immigrated two years ago, «| mors ville, Por the first time um income of the 0.1 DEBATERS WIN IN WHITBY, VEN DEGSON (YO ENVOYS TO BE APPOI ies Mark House Opening ARE MADE AS YET Powip and Ceremony Prior to Opening of Parliament . w=Senate Presents Bril liant Picture -- Consular 'Group Composed of Many Nations of the World Pro- minent (By Canadian Press) Ottawa Ont, Jan, 26--The ancient ceremonies were all observed and the colorful gestures expressing the pre- rogatives of the Crown and the Com- mons were Rerformed today during the hour and a half of pageantry which is the opening of Parliament, In front of the parliament buildings guardsmen in bearskin busbieh stood with: fixed bayonets in the drifting mow sting the famous pictures of Ni 's old guard, His Excel- lengy arrived with an escort of dra- goons" bearing lances with pennons snapping in the winter wind. God ave. the King echoed across Parlia- Hill, a general salute, guns net the | started booming the salute across the the | the, Whith : Mr, Ward, Mp, Mr, Shiors, all from' Be bad As the result of OMBWYS Wiss in its Diatory cham: Hedi: 11 "oer 27 to' [Y Ottawa Valley and the ceremonies commenc, The Governor General's down the hall of fame where ose of Commons protective force lined the way, Long before the e 'Chamber was crowded with 'guests, commoners were idling party {and in the lower House Dlasts : BELANGER GENARD BOUT T0 GO ON Not Affected By Decision of New York State Commission (By Associated Presa) New York, N.Y, Jan, 36---Any disciplinary action which the New York State Athletic Commission may take against Frenchy" Bel- anger, Canadian flywelght, will not interfere with the scheduled na- tional! boxing association champi- onship match between Belanger and Frankie Genaro, New York, at Toronto on February 6, This statement was authorised today by James Farley, chairman of the New York Commission, who explained that there was no de sire to upset the matches arranger previous to the action against Bel anger at the last meeting of the Board. FLIER VIOLATED ARCRAFT LAWS Aviator, Sentenced to Five Days r------ (By Associated Press) »" tuck, Comm, Jan. on Rg did Tn trans-Atlantic flier, was sentenced to serve five years in the New Haven county jail when arraigned in the bor- ough court house today om charge of violating the Connecticut alreraft laws. Acosta was charged with flying low over Naugatuck yesterday, witnesses claiming that | he made one attempt to manoe- vre his plane benegth the areh of a bridge across toh, Nous uek River, In addition to the jail sen: tence Acosta was ordered to pay costs of $16.51, Terrorists Hurl Bombs at TO ERECT AN AIRSHIP MOORING TOWER AND A PUBLIC AIR "TERMINAL Montreal to Be Scene of the| CARTAGENA EXTENDS GREAT WELCOME TO COLONEL LINDBERGH (Cable Service to The Times by * Canadian Press) ~ Cartagena, Colombia, Joa, 26.-- This thriving seaport took a holi- day today to welcome Colonel Lindbergh, Closing of public of- fices, and business establishments at noon was agreed upon, An army of police were hastily mobi- lised to keep the crowd within bounds at the landing field, THREE MONTES " NETED OUT FoR THEFT OF WATCH Fred Huddlestone is Found « Guilty in Police Court Today (By Ottawa, Jan, 26--~The Speech from the Throne with which His Excel- lency the Governor General opened ! Homes of Close Political Friends of Chicago's Mayor One Bomb Loaded With Dynamite Wrecks Portion City Comptroller's Residence While the Other Smashes Windows of Public Service + Commissioner's Home (By Associated ) Chicago, Jan, 26, -- Terrorists opened fire on the city ad- ministration today with dynamite bombs, exploding them almost simultaneously against the homes of two of Mayor Thompson's close political aides, Parliament this afternoon announces : 1--Canadian Ministers plenipoten- tiary to be sent to Paris and Tokyio, Legislation arising out of the re- cent conference between the Domin- ion and Provinces, 3--Pending a complete revision of fi | arrang contemplated in the Duncan report, money grants to Maritime Provinces made Jast ses. sion are to be continued, 4--Negotiations continuing with Prairie Provinces for the return of natural resources, A ernment considering restor- ation to British Columbia of railway belt lands and Peace River block, 6--Railway problems of several Provinces, as outlined at Conference, BEAT BOARD BILL Had Also Passed Worthless Choque---Stole Watch from Lady Three months in the Ontario Reformatory. was the sentence im- Josed this morning upon Frederick uddiestone, convicted of the theft of a watch, Huddlestone, who re- sides on Celina street, was ar- rested last Wednesday and remand- od until today for his hearing. The theft of which he was con- victed was that of a watch from Mrs, Brant of William street, This Indy had befriended him and given |. was injured in sither explosion, One bomb, carrying an unusually large quantity of dyna- mite, tore away a portion of the Charles city comptroller and former chief of windows in the home of Dr, William lic service during the earlier Thompson administration. No one ence of Fitmorris, The other smashed lice, Reid, commissioner of pub- " To the from the Throne, The t i isd ~ particularly brilliant pics tyre this yyses. Her ellency and her party ad taken their places at the ft of Li Throne around which were the privy councillors arate de-camp. he' consular representing many nations of ; d were perhaps slightly ec- ed this year by the presence of LX ic representative, the Min- Ber from the United States who is "first of a diplomatic corps now crested between of leations gira and Japan will, it is Expes ted, announce ning, of par- tament today, Wher is A ul Sabletec Canada will have her s at Washington, Paris Tokyo, It is understood that al- ements have been made ter to Tokyo, no ap- : Joigtment of Canadian Minister has et'been made, | WAY TO GUATEMALA 'French fliers, hopped off from Prance Flold at 6.46 a.m. today 'for Guatemala City, eight hundred away. The French avistors Beige wllon dA ¥ m Tanqgu Colomis. . SUB-ZERO WEATHER FOLLOWS 16 INCHES OF SNOW IN OTTAWA (Cable Service To The Times By Canadien Press) Faversham, England, Jen. 26.-- Efforts of Ernest Hallewood, Indas- pendent Conservative, to foree sh- other upset for the officis} Com- servative candidate as he did at Northampton on Jenusry 10, tailed necessitated G. Wheeler. was as follows: Adam Maitland, who was elected, 12,997. Adam, result of the poll Major , (11,813. Jobn Dupn, Liberal, 5,813, snd Hailewood, Independent Comser- vative 1,000, Fresh local oold NEW JUDGE IN RICKNAN CASE Judge Trabucco Named By Presiding Judge, Who Was Disqualified (By Associated Press) Los Angeles, Calif, Jan, 26.-- A judge who comes from one of the pPATIAIYDopulnied "cow eoun- ties" of California presided today over the court where William Hickman, kidnapper and slayer of Marian Parker, faces justice with 8 Pies of inasnity, The new pre- ing officer of the court is Judge Trabucco of Mariposa County, named yesterday by the presiding judge of Los Angeles Superior Court, to hear the case sfter Judge Charles Hardy had disqusii- fled himself, Whitby, January 25.--The coun- ty coupell adjourned for an hour today when Conservatives retained ,today Legal Offices, who came from Toronto for the interview. it is understood the meeting was for Fridey, under consideration, 7=Contraet let = ng Hudson y ex- i to Fort to he 8~An airship 8 end ere on Montreal and » sir ermine} him many meals, police state, and © nhte day of the thiet had his din- ELE ve, UC ht m , GAS 8180, show he Bed tried to beat a bosrd hill Mr, nt af Olive avenue and a and Et HT i RB Bie, boi Boe sol. | MF: : to Ea sf | i, ofr Shona! Heakth and Vererans sentence of two years fare, one day in the Ontario Re: 10--Trade treaties between Canada |formatory, and "certain foreign countries" to be muri i oes we we ASK PAVING OF 2 COLUMBUS RAD Throne ssid: Following made during the last wession of Parliament, conference was con- vened at Otiawa in November be- Deputation Waits on County :Couneil--Pension for For mer Jailer and Wife tween the Dominion Government and Government of the Provinces of Canads, It )s the opinion of my advisers that this conference proved of the utmost value in fa- cllitating 8 full and free exchange : Whitby, Jan. 26.--A deputation vi ' oF etaat nterent ong Pawvier® trom. the Suburban Roads Com Your attention will be invited dur- | ®ission hegded by Chairman F, L. ing the present session to some of | Mason appesred before the On- the more important matters dis-|tario County Council in Whithy cussed at the conference, this afternoon recommending that "As a result of the Dominion-|the road from Ross's Corners at Provinelal conference, my advisers [the RB _eity limits to Colum- have decided, pending complete re- id This recommenda- of views between the participst- contemplated by conclusions of ihe Iuperial contoroncs of 1986, : was made on pg ppd FIRST OF CHILEAN DESTROY: direct communisation petwasn His "ERS LAUNCHED AT hi] | | : Li | Es; | | ; i § | | i] i £ | i {Md 2 1 i 4 Tg » § ¥ 1 oF i i wi it : ¥RE °f It : al iL | : i : 1 § : i seid | done to equipment by storm. Officials said NTED JAPANESE T0 SEND ENVOY T0 DOMINION Diplomatic Relations te Be Established at an Early Date ANNOUNCED TODAY Tokyo Government Consid- ers Exchange Beneficial to Relations (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Toykio, Jan. 26.--Diplomatie relations between Canada and Japan will be established shortly, it was annougeed here today at the foreign office. The foreign office announced that the Japan- ese government has decided to establish a legation shortly in Ottawa, The statement, which added that the Canadian Minister would also be appointed to Toy» kio, said that the Japanese gov. ernment considered that the ex. [ of Ministers would be beneficial to the relations of the two eountries, TRAPPED IN SEWER FOUR ARE BURIED But Are Dug Out Alive at Sendwick--One Critically Hurt Windsor, Ont,, Jan. 25,~Lorose Borlolleti, 43 years old, of 1641 Highland Avenue, suffered a frac- tured skull and possible internal injuries -when he was caught to. night In a slide of several tons of earth in a sewer excavation at Brock sand Baby 'Street, Sandwich, Three other men--Leon Vat- agello, 8B, of ©6509 Glengarry avenue; Joe Gotto, of 800 Parent avenue, and Giro Rundledens, 82, of 907 Louis Avenue, all of Wind» sor, are in Grace Hospital suffer. ing trom cuts, internal injuries and severe bruises, The four injured men were working at the bottom of a 265- foot excavation with 'eight other workers. The slide started without any warning, but eight of the men managed to escape by. running to the dead ed of the excavatio, Bor- lolletf was buried in the centre of slide, and was not rescued for sl» most half an hour. The other men who were injured were dug out in less than 10 minutes, : DOES NOT WANT A TEA DRINKING SOCIETY (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Jan, 26,~--1It is not a tea drinking society that I want," declared Mrs. G. E. Burns, who has returned to Toronto from the first Conference of the Aviation Lesgue of Canads at Ottawa, where she urged the formation of A "What I see," Mrs. Burns continued, "is 8 real working or- ganization supplies have been rushed from Bell Telephone Company head- quarters here to Western Ontario points, where severe damage was yesterday's the damage was not gaused by blizzards, but rather by freezng of snow-fall, in London, Kitchener and Chatham Fifty thousand feet of wire and five miles of emergency cable have beeen sent for use in repairing London-Windsor lines. AM. GAS AND ELECTRIC American Gas and Electric Com- pany reports output of 61,838,242 by its in the week end- ed Jap. 21, ap increase cent over 1927 period. 2%