Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jan 1928, p. 6

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oT AINNENT AT ST. JOAN'S £5 APA. Hosts to Young Hh: (By Staff Reporter) . Bowmanville, Jan. 24.--One of the best and most humorous en- tertainments was given tonight by the A.Y,P.A. of St. John's Anglican Church. The local association en- tertained the members of Port Hope A.Y.P.A. and provided them with a splendid lunch after the program, The Port Hope people turned out in large numbers, . Commencing the program was & play entitled 'Creatures of Ime . 1 pulse", which has been put here before but which was staged again for the benefit of the Port Hope up. Acting in the play are Ro- t George, Lois Lamb, Audrey L. H, George Lamb, Bernard Baldwin, Cooke, Ceell Brunton, Young. Next came the . J Hardl Bates. These four kept the audi. ence in roars of laughter for many minutes and were encored several times, Melody Mike gave two so- los and led in thercommunity sing- ing. Miss Doris Taylor gave a reading and Mr. Cooke upoke, ex- pressing his welcome on behalf of the local A.Y.P.A, to the visiting members, Mr, Young gave an ex- cellent reading and was forced to respond to an encore. Both Mr. Cooke and Reg Harding gave com- io readings and were heartily ap- plauded, At the end of the program dane- g CHEVROLET OWNERS 'Reduce the Hazard of Mechanical Upkeep Chevrolet regularly, It's a simple operation that takes only a few minutes, And it will keep your av young forever, Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory Trained Imployees at (§ Your Service BE -- CE THE OSiAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1928 yw to Hold Sehts ontrt Petron | and games were indulged in as a8 the Fautimenty at pret- (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 24--Bowman- ville and Oshawa High Schools played to a draw in their schedul- ed hockey game at Bradley's rink, Oshawa, this afternoon. The score was 1-1, It was a fairly fast game and both teams played up to stan- dard. The goalies in both cases received a good deal of punish- ment and the brumt of the heavy playing was forced on a few men of each team, although the support was not lacking in any detail, Whether knowledge of the game, or lack of carefulness was respons- ible for the errors, a number of penalties were handed out by the . No overtime was played. The teama' line-ups were: Bowmanville--Goal, James; de- fence, Candler and Devitt; center, Jamieson; wings, F. Jameson and Tunney; subs, Osborne and Hazle- wood; sub-goal, Adams. Oshawa--Goal, Daniels; defence, Carver and Morison; center, Clary; wings, Fletcher and Topping; subs. Russel and Gummow. j DISTILLERY SHARES An issue of 125,000 shares of Limited, a dominion corporation, will shortly be offered to the in- vesting public by a syndicate of Toronto brokerage houses, it is un- derstood, This company controls and oper- ates a large distillery on the lLa- chine canal at Montreal, having a capacity of 5,000 gallons per day. I Coming to Detroit? DETROIT Goodyear Compan Branch Managers Representgtives to Be Pre- sent from Vancouver to Nova Scotia -- Salesmen's Conference is to Be Held in Near Future Taking the Form of Training Course |, (By Staff Reporter) Bowie Jan. 24--A branch managers' conference is expected at the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in the mext two weeks. G. L. McCrea, assistant sales man- ager in charge of the mechanical goods will preside. A large num- ber of representatives will be pres- ent at this meeting, coming from as far as Vancouver and Nova Sco- tia. The business which will be discussed will be relative to ex- periences of the managers concern- ing their products, The advantag- es and disadvantages of competi- tors' goods and ideas of improve. ment for the stock will be taken up, and they will also assemble information for the organization as a whole to be carried out by the managers to their local distribut- ing points. A salesmen's confer- ence is also likely in the near fu- ture which will deal with matters 'mar to the other conference, This meeting is more like a training course and proves ex- tremely valuable to salesmen of the company in general. In this way, they will get to know their product and will thus be able to satiefy their customers to a fuller ex tent, Visitors are taking the full ad- vantage of the invitation to see through the. Goodyear's factory. Up until now, the quota of visitors has increased slightly and the in- struction which is given to these is both interesting and entertain- ing. George Ludlow of the Good- year plant at Akron, Ohio, wes a visitor at the local plant today. One of the largest orders turned out in the belt line for some time was ready for shipment today. This order was in the form of 18 huge belts, the largest of which weighed 12,000 pounds and the next larg- est 9,720 pounds. Most of these are from 100 to 450 feet in length although the longest are 2,000 feet, A picture of these belts was Drastic Reductions to Clear All Ladies' & Misses' Dresses Kd years, To GleRF 11s: :vsrsensss: cn Girls' School Dressess Girls', Flannel Dresses, Sizes 3 to 14 Values to $4. 95, Month End Clearance THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Exceptional Savings for 3 Days Only. Hundreds of Bargains that will Crowd the Store for the Last Days of the January Clearance Sale. Come, Buy for Now and for Your Future Needs. Come Thursday if You Can---Quantities are Limited. , $2.95 Pure Linen Table 72x72. To clear, each A Table Cloth Bargain Cloths. Sire * $2. 48 Silk Dresses A Wonderful Bargain of Travellers' Samples, Dresses in the lot Values. To Clesr ,......... to $35.00. Pillow Slip Good Quality regular size Pillow Slips. A Real Bargain, To. Clear. PAIR. censrivinemsrnsrorne All Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats at Y4 Price and Less " Bargain 49¢ $14.95 Ladies' and Misses' Felt Hats, Values to $3,90, To Clear Felt Hats Cotton Bargains Fine Quality White Cotton 36 in. wide, To Clear, per Dress Goods Bargains Fine Wool Santoy--- ina i) sangs of colors, To clear. Yd. 1.19 Viyella Flannels 31" Viyella Flannels in a wide range of col- ored stripes for ladies', children's and men's i= is $1.25 clear. "Yd. House Frocks An Extraordinary Bargain, Dainty new house frocks, all with set in sleeves, All sizesto 44, Toclear $1.95 Cotton Sheets An Exceptional Bar- gain in large size, good quality, fully bleached sheets. To clear, Pair $2.59 Ladies' Sweaters Brushed Wool Sweat. ers in Fawn and Rose sree Clear $3.95 sizes. Clear Wool Gloves Ladies' Fine Wool Cloves, colors Grey and Yow Fawn, all sizes, o Towels. To clear, each Bath Towels Large size Colored Border Bath Cloth Neat 49¢ To clear Fancy Bedspread Bargain Rayon Silk Bedspreads, large size. Colors Recze, Blue, Gold and Mauve. SHOP The Busy Bargain Store for to $9.50. Dresses in Cloth Dresses weer, sizes 14 to 44, Values KIBRE ssrssrrsris Rayon Vests and Bloomers A Real Bargain in oll dhades. Reg 40) ular $1.00 Value. To Clear, Each § JC or Afternoon Substandards of $1.25 Value. Many popular shades and all sizes. AT THE ARCADE Simcoe Street North Silk Hose b the firm Dt ompany, Limi Mane sland. aid are to be used fof the conveyance minerals and coal from the ALB, , rubber pla orders to the Goodyear firm here. Sport Snapshots commended on the fine cotests they put up in their three scheduled games at the rink last evening. Conditions were the worst possible, and added to that, the counter attraction of the boxing show kept many away who otherwise would probably have at- tended. There was some doubet as to whether the Junts would be play- ed, and the officials of the league were beseiged with telephone calls, just before game time, asking if the schedule would be gone ahead with, They will again swing into action on Thursday evening, although the schedule has not definitely been de- cided upon, RE The Shamrocks play Peterboro here on Friday night, and those who have seen these teams in action this year, are not likely to pass this game up. Oshawa led in the first half of The City League teams are to be 0 the schedule, but in the second half, | Boxing seems these days, ith Sack Delaney, the French- dian heavyweight, cupying the centre of the stage. De- laney has been reported as wi fight Risko, and unwilling to fight Risko, in having signed to fot, au in not having signed to fight, He is reported as having demanded, or as near as a boxer can demand any- thing with the "Great Mogul" of the fing, Tex Rickard, always watchful in the wings, a bout with Gene Tunney, providing he defeats Tom Heeney in their forthcoming bout. ther sources of information convey the impression that. Delaney will have to further prove his worth before en- ing Tunney. At all events, great interest is being aroused, and the forces of publicity are finally forcing a Canadian boxer'into the lime-light. "Frenchy" Belanger, world fly- weight champion, who was to have appeared at the boxing show here last night, has been suspended by the New York State Commission for re- fusing to appear before them on a charge involving an alleged foul in i a bout at Buffalo, His claims that they were not advised of the summons, Jan. 84 Youngstown, Ohlo, Steel operations in the Mahoning [it Valley continue at the highest rate that has prevailed for months, with 89 of the 67 open hearth furnaces and 104 of the independent sheet making units active this week. J. W, Alexander, Head Dominion Piano Com- pany, Says Tendency of Modern Life is Radio and Has Considered Adding Radio to His Products Bowmanville, Jan, 25.In an in- terview with the Oshawa Daily Times, this atternoon, J. W, Alex- ander, owner and president of the Dominion Piano Company, gave many interesting facts concerning the business with which he is af- fillated, He stated firstly that al- [¥ | though the plano and organ busi- i ness was a falling proposition in Canada, except for a few of the "est and largest firms, many lines of their goods were belng export- 'd, The general direction for "elr products to go 'was south, be. | === ~use England has set such a wy duty on {incoming musical instruments that it would be use- 138 to even attempt shipping to at point, However, he said, be- ore the war, Britain was one of he best of their markets, "The tendency of the modern oge," siated Mr. Alexander, "is to disregard music for pleasures whish are afforded by the motor car and also by the radio which is musie without effort, The motor car business is thriving to such an extent at the present time that k| the piano, organ and buggy busi- ness have all but been wiped out, It is hoped that this will not en. tirely be so not from the view. i | point of a business man, but from the viewpoint of 8 person who sees {arther ahead." The Dominion Piano and Organ £ | Company was formed over half a century ago and is still doing a thriving export business, Their range of shipment takes in Jamai- ca, many U.S, points, Africa, Aus- tralia and other nearer places. Fourteen piano and organ com- panies of Canada have gone out of business within the last few Years, it was remarked. The sur- vival of the largest was indeed the case in this instance, Mr, Alexander has considered seriously the last few months of adding radio products to his line of business but declared that al- though he could manufacture and opposition at the present time was enormous and growing rapid- ly. He has been approached, ¥! REAL, however, for offers fod make radio cabinets, which he is considering. WINTER SB S0OBTA IN MONT OTTAWA A QUEBEC Montreal, Ottaws snd Québec | have gained continent-wide fame as the patural home of winter sports. In and around these ei- ties are wonderful ski and tobog- gan slides, glittering ice for skat- ing and picturesque trails for snowshoeing. The winter sport seasom con- tinues through January and Febru- ary, and sport lovers coming from all over Canada and the United States lend a vivid colorful and care-free National Agent for tickets and full infor- Discusses Organ and Piano Business in the Dominion of HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SUCCESSFUL BRIDGE (By Staff dies Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Hospital held a successful bridge at the Nurses' Home this evening when 80 guests were present, Twenty tables were attractively arranged, The evening netted the Auxiliary a considerable amount of money which is to go towards the Hospital fund, The event will be again held to-morrow ev- ening in the form of "500," which has become so popular re- cently, Officers of the Ladies' Auxillary are: President, Mrs, PF, W. God- dard, Becretary, Miss M. Allan. Winner of the ladies' prize was Mrs. James Morden and of the men's Frd Knox, Troubled With Lame Back Day and Nigl.t Dodd's Kidney Pills Relieved sell a considerable quantity, the |" Him Saskatchewan Man Fias not Been Troubled Since Muenster, Sask, Jan, 24.--(Sne- elal)--"I was troubled very badly with lame back day and might" writes Mr, John Steil, a well- known and highly respected resi- dent of this place. "I also had urinary trouble which eaused me to get up many times during the night, Two years ago I took five boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills which relieved me from this trouble till a year ago when I got a touch of it again. Two boxes of Doad's Kidney Pills completely relieved me again and I have mot been troubled since." If you have any symptoms of Backache you may be sure your kidneys need attention. Neglect- ed kidneys are the cause of more than half the {lis to which man- kind is heir. Dodd's Kidney Pills act direet- ly on the kidneys, making them strong and healthy. Sound kid- neys mean pure blood. Pure blood means good health, manager . Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 24.--The La- ! thrill, The con. fies of > group er, Capac r ge cues, Flashing viding, Romance. Exciting----stimue lating we ai: ere ent! Also Tab!z!d Mounted Police | The Kiag of Hearts Story Dont miss this Show No Increase The 'tiail of a Tiger 5th Epizode of in Pri.es COLLDY: Larry Semon in "Ch What a Man ------ Kitty was seven years of age and had never been to church, so her mother consented to let her go. On, returning home she walled quite proudly at her father's side. An hour later Kitty, her mother and father were seated at the din ner table, Her mother, who had not been to church, said to her, "Kitty, where did Mr, Wilson take his text from tody?" Kitty thought for a few minutes, and then said, "Out of his walsts coat pocket, mother," ACTION! You'll thrill as this edventure. romance flashes before you! DO NOT MISS BELANGER 12--Rounds of Action--12 JARVIS EUM, STARTS BLOW FOR BLOW PHOTOGRAPHED AT THE RINGSIDE~--COLIS TORONTO Coming--Douglas Fairbanks in "The Gaucho" 10MORROW! ET ------ DAILY MATINEES AT 2:30 P.M. a ss 1,000 SEATS 28¢c EVERY NIGHT

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