Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jan 1928, p. 12

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se that con hy both countries, a flavor Canadian Tr ah of he Cus, Be e grown successfully in Canada is Hmited, At a recent unlabelled canned competition held by one of most influential bodies in Eng- "during 1927 Canadian Bart- ed pears were chosen um- by the judges, who had of identifying the origin the fruit, as the highest qual. any source, The judges en regularly. selling can- in the west of England, £ _-- § --r-- ey ------ ee ---- Fas a : : ! F=3; prArERIE? =F MusI1€ E COAL tops the list of all somforts of home because it embraces with warmth, the fove that must dwell there to make the home happy snd complete, Heat with pour FAMOUS READING ©oal which can be depended spon to give you full value th & CLEAN EVEN BEAT, WwW. Jae Whitby; Russell deputy reeve of the town of Whit: ® bys Gi'M, ot Torry,' Bult" L; "Chm, | ty Reeve Pick Wiliam B. Drphe doe Teeve of East Whitby; Ed- gar Dure, reeve of Mara township James Read, deputy t--_ Robert erville, reeve of * Croxall, ackpon, Toore of Wie Picky deput; ering; Emm deputy reeve of Jickering, Park, reeve of Brock township; Bn, Simro. deputy Brook; William C, Pollard, roeve of the town of Uxbridge; W, ahs Thompson, reeve of Reach town- ship; George R, Till, deputy reeve of Reach; John Ross, reeve of Thorah township; Charles Lee reeve of Uxbridge township; G. BE. Todd, deputy reeve of Uxbridge; Byron Stiver, reeve of Scott town: ship; John A, McRae, reeve of the village of Beaverton; George Sweetman, reeve of Scugog towm- ship; John J, Morris, reeve of Rama township, and the reeve of Cannington, . Upon taking the chair as War. den of the county for the year, Mr. Forsyth thanked. the 'members of the couneil for the geod majority which ha elected himy to the post, and stated hia intention to do his best to worthily fulfil the high office, The county council, he reminded the members, should be a busy organization, and every- thing possible should be done to expedite the business, Following his brief address the devotional exercises were conducted by Rev, T, G, 'A, Wright, The first division came on the question of appointing standing committees, Upon motion of Felt Bros. 7 heLEAD ING JEWELERS Betablished 1888 12 Simcoe St, South [Fine Walch Repairing Specializing in the finer work on precision moves ments and small Bracelel sizes, BASSETT'S 2 FW On Oshawa's Main Corner reeve of |Th on a motion by Sour bo leave the matter of The ommian, for 18 hala we Miadiewn, Gomer, MoRae, and nty Froperty--Qouneliarn , Middleton, Ross (East ompson, Jackson and Dure. Education--Councillors Pollard, Croxall, Till, Park and Todd Finance and Assesament--Coun- cillors Sweetman, Dearborn, Mor- ris, Park and Croxall, Legislation and Memorials-- Councillors Morris, Pollard, Me- Rae, Todd and Chapman, Mileage and Per Diem Allow- an ouncillors Chapman, Som- erville, Umphrey, Till and the Reeve of Cannington, Printing--Councillors Morris, TI, Somerville, Underwood and the Reeve of Cannington. Reforestration -- Counq'Hors Read, Todd, McRae, Ross and Ross, Roads and Bridges--Couneil- lors Dearborn, Ross, (Thorah), Sweetman, Stiver and Park, FATHER PREVENT? SON'S PROMOTION Asks President Not to Ap- point to High Govern. ment Position Washington, Jan. 25.--Life has discriminated for so many years against William Adkins of Wash- ington in favor of his brother, Jesse, that their 80-year-old fath- er, Milton Adkins, has been moved to ask President Coolidge not to appoint his favorite son to a high position in the government, Jesse Adkins is a prominent Washington attorney, president of the Bar Association here and mentioned prominently for ap- pointment to the District of Col- umbia Supreme Court bench, Willlam Adkins has had no such honor, He has worked long years in Government departments, finally to become a clerk of the District Supreme Court, The father, knowing that the law would necessitate the resigna- tion of William if one of his re- latiyes were appointed to the bench, has taken his case to At- torney General Sargent and to the White House, "Jesse," he said, "has had his share of life's honors, This addi- tional recognition would mean lit- tle to him compared with what the loss of position would mean to William. It is a hard thing for a father to do, but I am compelled to do it" Bo far as the White House at- taches can remember, this is the first time a father ever had un- dertaken to prevent a presidential appointment of his own son, Ui ad. and ny Re «= Councillors | in CTR Nato | ve, president of the Irish Free State executive council, print long cable dispatches describing his reception ws, | and gratitication at its eo ¥ Times says that al- , though Mr, hi gn has stated his visit has mo political purpose, it a fall to teach a political les- son of the highest value and Eng- land and Ireland are cloger to lors | each other and Closet to the United States because Cosgrave is Prime Minister in Dublin, tn. Irian interest his visit 1s keen and so far seems unanimous is approval, OANADA TRUST 00, The annual report of the Canada Trust Company shows total assets of $20,675,000 compared to $19,- 602,000 a year ago--an increase of $973,000, The year's net profits of $135,- 213 were slightly higher than a year ago and $50,000 has been transferred to the reserve fund which brings that fund up to $800,- 000, This is equivalent to 80 per cent of the company's paid-up .cap- ital of one million dollars, Funds invested by the public ad- vanced from 45,654,000 to $6,- 447,000, Estates funds under ad- ministration now reach a total of $12,276,000, OTTAWA PREPARING TO GREET COSGRAVE Ottawa, Jan, 24.--The wearing of the green will he very much in order on Parliament Hill oh Mon- day, as President Willlam T, Cos- grave of the Irish Free State will attend the sitting of the House of Commons at 3 o'clock, "Do | You Own Your Own = R. M. KELLY "RM. KELLY , Phone 1008W TT -- { J. H. R, LUKE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan op First Mortgages Phone #71 or G8TW Regent Theatre Block Ee - O . A Listings Wanted HORTON & FRENCH Phone 2606 Mundy Bldg. LYCETT Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 85 King St, E.--(orney Celina Phone 208 | REAL ESTATE Better Houses For Sale $4,350 -- Near Hew Brick House, near Masson street. Immediate possession. ; Easy terms, Our best buy. SPECIAL -- 10 Lots on Oshawa Boule- vard, near Elgin, Sewer and water, $500 each, Cash Only, URIAH JONES Bod 1. Os rts Phan 207 $1,60 W. | J. J. SULLEY . Real Estate -- Insurance Auctioneer 41 King Street West Phone 716) 1 new Brick, Central. @ vooms. All Doone mantic, Only on 000. Sos YRS ny CAR1ER'S Real Estate CARTER'S REAL ESTATE, 5 Ring 8t. B, « or -- 1380 New brick house, ¢ $4,20 rooms, oak and fir floors, all modern conveniences, in north end. $300.00 cash, $4,500 New brick semi bungs- low, 6 rooms, chest. nut and white enamel finish, oak and fir floor, mantel, kitchen cabs inet. Close to Motors, Cash $500, Balance, easy terms, Frame dwelling, 8 rooms, on paved street, very central. Will eonsider exchange for 6 room house. BRADLEY BROS. 20 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 1060 --Price Reductions Predominate during Our Size 6-9 x 9-0, Special, Wilton Rugs . Fine Quality Wilton Rugs in Oriental designs and colorings Fawn, Taupe and Blue ground with smart patterns in various shades, Size 4-6 x 7-6, Special, Size 2-0 x 10-6, Special, $23,95 $38.50 Velvet Pile Rugs Fine Quality English Velvet Pile Rugs piece, They are copies of Oriental designs and will give years of real hard service, Size 7-6 x 9-0, Special Size 9-0 x 10-6, Special Size 9-0 x 12-0, Special, that are woven in one $62.80 $72.50 stry Rugs Smart patterns I v. ese useful size Rugs that will give good service and brighten up the room, Size 4-6 x 6-0, regular $10,95, for ,.,.... $5.75 Februar Furniture ale SOLINA Mr. B. G, Stevens is driving a new sedan, , Mr, end Mrs. George White and sons Allan and Will, Hampton, at Mr, Herbert Tink's, Mr, B. G, Stevens, Mr, and Mrs. N, Worten and Mrs. A. L, Pascoe were in Torouto on Monday. .. League meeting opened by sing- ing hymns, followed by prayer by Rev, J. R. Bick. Scripture lesson by Miss Edna Reynolds and the league alternately, A hymn was then sung. Reading by Miss Jean Millson entitled "Christmas Din- ner." Mr. A. L. Pascoe then intro- duced the Rey, Dr. A. P. Brace, who gave a very interesting talk on the temperance question, He said that slcohol was mot found free in nature but was produced Brussels Rugs Hard wearing Brussels Bugs in a good selection of colors ings for dining rooms where there is extra hard usage. They stand pp better than any other make, Size 6-9 x 9-0, Regular $32.50, for ,..... $21.95 Size 9-0 x 10-6, Regular $48.50, for ,,,,.. $39.50 Size 9-6 x 12-0, Regular $53.50, for ...... $45.00 Ld Axminster Rugs Seamless Axminster Bugs in fawn, brown and blue coms bination of colorings that are suitable for any room in the house, These can be bought at a saving, Size 6-9 x 9-0, Special Size 9-0 x 12-0, Special ....... 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite A splendid anality acquard Suite, well constructed, has reversib i waged give the utmost in wear, tappe shade, Regular $179, for $139.00 PALA Th ox 3K gv NE, rr ---- a ----_n -- - TN, Sv -- ---------- x. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for | Nang Nouri WARNING! Headache Toothache Beware of C eit Colds Lumbago a; : Pain : Rheumatism "ASPIRIN 4 let is offered as "hspikiy # POEs NOVA AFFECT § gad is not stamped with | 4 : 1. ; 2 A proven directions, ie 27 boxes of 12 100 Drage "Bayer Cross"~-refuse it FEass ar frien 4 5 bo Buide ne Tr it ETE but now the great railroad will not hire 8 man who is seen entering ith contemptit isnot ASPIRIN" at all! Don't take chances! only "Bayer" package Act was pot perfect but we , of U.8.A., said the 'on Episicopal Metho- abolition. Rey. Clar- is dead over there Church bas 2 hundred Stratford, Jan. 24.--Clayton H. Hartwick, 481 Albert street, this city, has a little White Plymouth Rock hen which lays claim to the early production championship of 1928. On January 5 this little hen began to cluck. Mr. Hart- wick accordingly "set" tem eggs, and yesterday nine healthy young chicks first saw the light of day. '

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