Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jan 1928, p. 5

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[WOMEN'S DAILY INTER ,~Mr, B, Foster, of this elty, t the week-end with his fath- 0F, Mr, C, W, Foster, at Mariposa «Mra. Arthur Alman has return- ed to her home on Simcoe street south after visiting with relatives in Odessa and vicinity, .==Mr, and Mrs, W, F, Hogg of were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, A, Ross, Division street, ==Rev, O. W, DeMille, of the King street United church, had Wate of the services at the Unit. a urch at Pembroke on Sun. : --Those from town who attend- suffer with red, rough hands~ when for less than a cent a day you can wash dishes with LUX FOR YOUR PROTECTION LUX 18 SOLD ONLY IN PACKAGES NEVER IN BULK Lever Brothers Limited, Tosonte L830 a Felt Bros. TheLEAD ING JEWELERS "0 Ratablished 688 © 12 Simcoe St, South THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE AY -Mrs, Harvey Doherty, Miss Doris Miller, will receive for the firet time since her e, at the home of her mother, 235 bg dg hi Jug nesday, January 26, (4 to o'clock, Mrs, George Miller will receive with her, (17¢) PREPARING FOR MINSTREL SHO To Hold Full Rehearsal on " Friday Night--Popular : Event The Anglican Young Men's Club of St, George's church are busy prac- ticing for their annual minstrel show which is to be presented, it is hoped, within the next three weeks, It has been a complaint of the' club officers that the cast of the play have been a little lax in showing up for rehear- sal, and it is earnestly urged that al will attend for full rehearsal on Fri- day night next, This annual show of the AY. MC, has always been Jatienizeq to the fullest extent by the public of Osh- awa and their re-appearance on the boards this year will prove a satis: factory and a much looked-for event, The club at present boasts a mem- bership of 69 members, Walter Jackson is directing the musical side of the . .entertainment and Eddie Pankhurst the play itself, Orbie Cooper will act as stage man- ager, JACK MINER TO ~ VISIT KINGSTON Belleville, Jan, 22.---In order to stimulate interest of the citizens with regard to a bird sanctuary which the Jack Miner League of Hastings proposed to establish they have arranged for the one and only Jack Miner to visit this eity and again give a delightful talk on bird lite, especially that of the Canada Goose, Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the address given by Jack Miner on his last visit and it is hinted that his talk next month will be EST SACRED CONCERT AT THE REGENT WELL PRESENTED G.M.C, Chorus and Orchestra Give Sacred Program Be- fore Crowded House FINE SOLO WORK Efforts in Rendition of Well Chosen Selections Before a crowded house in egent Theatre last evening, the eneral Motors Orchestra - and Chorus again presented a splendid program in their second concert of the season, The program, which was of a sacred nature, was prepared and ably Jroented under the direction of Mr, L, F, Unitt, An interesting variety was present- ed in the musical numbers of the evening, ranging from solo work to stirring choruses with the entire or- chestra 'accompanying, Notable a- mong the latter was the ever popu- lar "Barcarole" from "Tales of Hoff- man" and the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's "The Messiah." The orchestra in the "Light Cavalry Oy- erture" and the various solos also re- ceived a cordial reception. i The program commenced with Viking Song" by the entire chorus, which numbered over seventy-five, and the orchestra, with more than thirty-five pieces, The orchestra then rendered "Cavalier Son Domme," hy Percy Fletcher, "Mate of Mine" was a pretty. soprano solo given by. Mrs, Henderson, the encore with which she responded was "Stay With Me." "Ring Out Wild Bells," the well known New Year's chorus, also com- posed by Fletcher, was the next number, and was presented by the full chorus and orchestra and well received, The next soloist, Mr, Pasz, also received an encore tor his pleas- ing bass solo "Asleep in the Deep," the encore being "Face to Face," A male quartette composed of Messrs, Havelock, Morris, Burch and Patterson in the "Hymn Before Ac- tion," was very heartily encored hy the audience, and responded with "In This Hour" The next number was a double one by the chorus and or- chestra, consisting of the "Barcarolle" Orchestra Surpasses Previoui ~2, LADY SIMON MAKES | PLEA FOR SLAVES La re London, Jan, 22.---Lady, Kath- leen~ Simon, wife of mon, the noted Li who had much to do with bri ing freedom to a quarter of a mil- lion slave in Sierra Leone, speak- ing here, appealed for abolition of human slavery throughout the world in this generation, "We have reason to believe," she sald, "that there are still three or four million slaves to be in Abyssinia and China, Mothers ve their children torn from them and massacred their eyes. Husbands are torn from their wives, and in Abyssinia are march- ed across the deserts, They are brought to the slave market and sold like cattle into serfdom, which only ends with the grave." Sir Austen Chamberlain and Lord Cecil, she sald, had appealed to the League of Nations to re- gard ships that carry slaves as pirates, but their plea failed when France, Italy, Portgal and some gether nations declined to support by "We want to rald these ships," explained the woman crusader, "and set the slaves free," WOMEN WHO LOVE Fortunately the world is sull full of women who would rather keep house than be engaged in any other profession or business which takes them out of their home; women who cheerfully cook and sew, darn socks and make a new hat when necessary, read a bit and play a bit and enjoy life, No praise can be too high for these women who love their mahogany furniture and polish it themselves, who like an attractively set table and are willing to give the time to ac- complish the result, This is not housckeeping-mindedness, nor an ad- mission that they are too dull to | do anything else. It is a desire to create attractive living condition and happiness for those they love, More strength to their arms! I hear so many complaints of the monotony and drudgery of homemak- ing that it is really a joy to meet a highly-intelligent woman who loves her job of homemaking and is not ashamed to say so, A little while ago I had the plcasure of meeting such a woman. It would not do for me to tell you Fer real name for she en trusted me with her confidence, so we will eall her Mrs, West, Mrs, West has been married six months and with the cost of food, and "Jesu Bambino," which incorpor- ates in it the strains of "Adeste Fi- | deles" with the world-known words "O Come All Ye Faithful" | _ The next selection was the "Light Cavalry Overture," this beng follow- ed by a tenor solo "Dreams of Long even more interesting, Mr, Miner | Ago," by Mr, Havelock, who re- has been particularly interested in the progress of the Hastings Miner League and gave seven Ca geese to start the sanctuary on its way, These birds are now being cared for by Walter Turner a sre in the best of condition and health, A new fence is being built around the sanctnary and the geese will be placed in the water in the early spring and it is' just possible that many wild geese on their mi- gration to. the morth country will pay these geese a Visit, Have you heard the Orthophonic Victrola? eC wi 4 ~~ SOLD ONLY IN OSHAWA BY D. J. BROWN nada | ,| confident it had received a mortal sponded, to an encore with "Garden of Happiness," Two selections from "The Mikado" were then given hy the chorus and orchestra, being "The | Madrigal" and the finale from Act 2, nd | which was heartily applauded and part of it repeated by the chorus, A piano solo by Mr, Unitt, the director, was well rendered, and his encore was especially noted, for he played the entire selection wsing only his * left hand, A duet "Tell Ter I Love Her So," by Mrs. Leslie and Mr, J, H. Lewis was encored and "Rest Thee O Mo- ther" was the second selection, This was followed by the final chorus, the "Hallelujah Chorus," and it was no- ticed that some half dozen people had sufficient respect to stand for he selection, The program closed with the National Anthem. Mr. Percy Mercer very efficiently presid- ed at the piano throughout the ey- ening, LEMON FILLING FOR CAKE One cup sugar, butter size of walnut, 1 lemon, grated rind and juice; 1 egg. - Put sugar in sauce- pan on slow heat, then add butter, ! grated rind and juice of lemon and well-beaten egg, Bring slowly to { boil, and simmer very gently for 15 minutes, stirring all the time, his fis delicous for small tarts, ling for cakes, or spread on ead and butter like jam. Put vay in sealed jars it will keep r months, housing and housefurnishings stil: soaring, she now had definitely de- cided whether she would supplement her husband's income by going back to her profession of teaching school or give up her one maid and a just the family expenditures to his in- come, Looking at her problem from every angle she decided that she wanted to stay at home, She would rather cope with the problem of three meals a day for herself and husband, the wasuing, ironing and cleaning and all the other jobs of homemaking than to have careless hands neglect her treasures, Even the best servants doesn't always pat the pillows, ar- range flowers, and put the family belongings in the proper places, so a house soon gets the cheeriess, un- loved look, Mrs, West had not found it all smooth sailing in putting her new plan into operation. Her muscles, ac- customed to desk and table work, had not taken kindly to washing and cleaning. "Every beginning homemaker must determine her own housekeeping standards," I told her when she came "If you are going to make the best of your homemaking propensity, it is essential that your time be organ: ized on the basis of four factors, First, one should have a normal amount of mental stimulation, which means contact with books and peo- ple and some time must be set aside for this. Second, time must be gal- dyed for social activities, such as ea-parties or club meetings, depend- ing on your individual preference. Third, the necessary physical exer- cise and personal unkeep must be in cluded. Fourth, plenty of time must be allotted for housekeeping, for this is your newest and hardest job" Nog Is Rescued After 56 Hours On Ice Floe 'atroit, Mich., Jan. 22.--After least 66 hours and probabiy "e on an ice floe in Lake St. dr, the marooned white collie 'ch Grosse Pointe Park police ieavored to rescue for two days, 18 brought ashore Saturday, Des- @ the fact that its rescuers, em yoes of Grosse Pointe Park wil- lage, were compelled Lo chop it from the fice, it suffered only a The dog was reported dead after Frank Sandley, Grosse Pointe Park police electricians, who thought it be his own, attempted to suffering with a bullet from wered .22 calibre rifle, Finally reported that a shot had shatter- the ice at the point where the , and the collie was seen nd an ice hummock. It reappear when succeeding shots were fired, and Sandley felt wound. Saturday, however, the two wvil~ lage emploses put out in a row '1 boat without informing anybody of their in Lake St. Clair search among the ice floes. When they discovered the collie it was unwounded, but was frozem tight in 8 crevice finto which it bad crawled, To release it. the men were offer a paw and shake hands. It was definitely identified as "Lady," Sandley's white colle, bite in the pads of the | since W. ednesday, Despite the fact that "Lady" fis 2 house dog and spends little time out of doors, her lopg exposure left mo visible mark. The collie's predicament was first discovered Thursday after- noon when & truck driver reported to Grosse Pointe police that he had sighted it far out in Lake St. Clair off the foot of Grand Marias Avenue, When attempts to reach it with small boats failed, the as- sistance of Captain Joseph Burk- heiser, chief of Detroit police de- partment's harbor masters division, was sought. Burkheiser immedi- ately ordered all rescue apparatus at his command held in readiness, and police were posted at the head of Belle Isle all night Thursday. It was hoped the floe might drift Sir John 8i- stateman, | 1% THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1928 A -------------------------------------- CE ------------ CAR FERRY GROUNDS WITH 44 ON BOARD Grand Haven, Mich, Jan. 22. Rescue of 44 persons marooned in the Grand Trunk car ferry Madison which was carried up on a bar 200 feet from shore here last night by a high northwest wind, will be effected tomorrow, it is eved. The United States Coast Guard I an 10 1 Wha a me @ men, bers of"the c'°w, in case the wind Teases. i The Madi::a became wedged in the ice last r'sht and in backing from the harbor to avoid being car- ried against the breakwater was swept to the bar by the wind, While attempting to pull the vessel. from the floe, the car ferry C, and Haven broke her rudder and was Joreed Wack to port, ol The crew and passengers are in immediate danger, Coast Guard officials sald, The Petosky aldo was caught in the ice at the harbor mouth and its release had not been effected to- day. It was leaving here for Mil- waukee, OIL COMPANIES IN BIG MERGER Texas Corporation to Ace quire California Petro- leum Concern New York, Jan, 22,--The Texas Jorporation, one of the largest in- 'ependent oil companies, will ae- wire the California Petroleum jorporation in what is considered he most important ofl merger in ears, Properties aggrenating wore than $530,000,000 will be consolidated, Mergers will enable the Texas Tarna=-t'an to evnend its activi- ties In the Far East and hecome a formidable competitor of the Standard and Royal Dutch shell groups. The latter companies have figured recently in a comnetitive hattle for. domination of the In- dian mmrket, The chief purpose of the mers- er, so far as the Texas Corpora- tion was concerned, was to bole- ter its production on the Pacific Coast, thus putting it in a better 'osit'on to exnand its activities in he Far Eastern market, WOMAN'S WISH T wich it were my treasured dower To climb into Truth"s lofty tower And light a lamp whose mystic ray Would shine for you on life's hich- way; To send a-flarh of faith, my dear, To {llumine the path when dark and drear; ) A love-licht, whose unfadin~ heams Would muide you to your land of drerms, ETHEL STILLWELL, spp speparprprrrs semper rpapes Capp prpparpans down stream to the open water between Belle Isle and the Cana- dian shore, ad that a rescue might iotention, and continued to be effected there. arefully {sufficiently hot to make this an HOUSEKEEPING IN THE SOUTHERN SEAS Furnishing Coral Dwellings ,, ~Fish and Fruit Menu Items ---- . Our coral house in the South Seas sounds so idyllie that it might be the creation of some ultra-ro- mantic imagination, Such a mun. dane word as "housekeeping" probably mever enters one's mind in connection with it, : Yet keep house I did, while my husband saw to the plantation. The house {itself was the most practically conceived dwelling for a tropical climate. It was built by a man who had lived in the place for seven years, and this was his third, final, and perfect essay in house construction. The walls of broken coral, mix- ed with cement and lime, made for coolness in a climate whieh, although it is very equable--the teMBerature remains at about 83 degrees all the year .yound--is outstanding consideration, The steeply sloping roof was of natur- al colored shingle, and we paint. ed the outside walls white, the shutters a cool greeh, 'Wall Coverings Our two house servants were Chinese \ competent, and a na- tive TahWian acted as boot boy and scullery maid, The floors in several of the rooms were bare concrete, so that they could be cleaned easily with mops. Chinese straw mats of cheerful colors were all the carpets we required, Wood- fibre netting made by the natives was hung like tapestry, over the bare concrete walls, and thelr curious zig-zag designs in dark brown and white were cool and restful to the eye, Striking de- signs of pineapples, erabs, and other symbols made exotic splashes of color on the divan covers, Protective Sea Unfortunately these handicrafts are succumbing slowly to indus- trial manufacture in Tahiti; but our {island of Moorea, which fs mereifully protected from eciviliza- tion by 20 miles of rough sea, re- mains pretty much as it was 380 or 40 years aro. Needless to say we used Furonean oil lamps, Planning Ahead Food was cooked by the Chinese hoy in the kitchen, which war hnilt separately from the house of work and sailing and swimming, except in January and February, when the lassitude from the com- bined effects of heavy rain and heat had to be slept off every after. neon, ; This, however, was our only con- cession to the exigencies of an otherwise idyllic climate, PROTECTION FOR TOBACCO (Chatham News) -- Politics has been abandoned by all parties connected with the ef- fort beliig made to solve the tobae- co question and Progressives at the meeting here Saturday dis- claimed any desire to make politi- cal capital out of it. This is an admirable attitude for them to as- sumefi and there is no reason why a consideration of tariff changes which might be in the interests of Canadians could not also he kept out of the realm of polities. The suggestion was made in the first place, not with the idea of intro- ducing politics, but rather from the standpoint of good business-- to consider something from a pure- ly business standpoint which might benefit the Canadian tobacco growing industry, Each of the speakers who sup- PAGE FIVE ported the suggestion did so, af- ter making it perfectly clear that they had no desire to make politi. cal capital out of a matter so seri. ous, affecting as it does thousands of tobacco growers, many of whom are facing ruin unless they can dispose of the crops now in their hands, - HER PLEASURES (The Argonaut) A teacher in a church school ind Portland, Oregon, arrested for beat- ing a twelve-year-old boy with a piece of heavy tubing until the lad could hardly stand, told the police she had never danced, never visited a theatre and never eaten meat, The young woman's pleasures are so few that it seems hard that the law must interfere every time she grabs a strap and sets out to enjoy herself, » is Men's Fleece Lined Shirts an Drawers. LEADER DRY GOODS Phone 740; 32 Simcoe St, 8, The only d!fMeulty about eaterin~ was that as the boat crossed from | Tahiti only twice a week the] romm'ssariat had to he planned or | week ahead. One boat took the | orders and the next delivere® | them, From elvilized Tahiti T or- | dered frésh meat on fee, New Zea land butter, and tinned food. With this ecomnrom'se of ro- mance with renlity to fill the lard er our meals were easily arranred For the seven o'clock breakfrs* Tast met West in grane fruit or mano, fol'owed by toast and hol'- ed erns, with coffee fromr our own ~lantation, At Yanchoon Luncheon at 11,30 ftorded ore scone for our Ch'ndke cook A little s'lver fish, beni'o, soused. fut herdly plek'ed, in vinesmar, was a f-vorite d'sh, A big, sav "ge f'th eal'ed barracouta wr »'=0 Aeliclous, if caught, whe small T"e sea-cent'pede--varro, th ra"ves ralled it--was eaten hnf' a1, ard its tate was reminisce' of a very delicate lobster; whi's errried shrimps was another alter: native for the fish course, This, it the boat had just eome in, world he followed by a joint or, if my husband had heen eut nie ehooting, there would be por'. Wild pig and wild chicken are'ex- The two as one aft name of m tention as in the and patronage, Announcement ] JAVING outgrown our present premises ces with The Osh he anuary 31, under the e Oshawa Dairy and at the Oshawa Dairy Building, 43 | Simcoe treet South, Mr, Staples and those associctel with him will still be engaged in the business and will give your re- quirements the same pereonal at- a continuance oF Yours truly, STAPLES are joining fore awa Dairy, 1 be conducted ast, Hoping for your confidence cellent, but the latter is tough If it is not previously wrapped in the leaves of the panava (paw-paw), Besides this delightful fruit we would be eating at luncheon mow a wide ghoice of oranges, man- ~0es, guaves, bananas, grenadilias, and avocado pears, Mapl nuts. rather like walnuts, are also ready now, Supger at eight was the same kind of meal as luncheon. Often cold tinned meat would vary the menu, In that climate, tempered by trade winds from the sea, no after- noon siesta fnterrupted our round Davidson & Samells 43 Simcoe St. N. Phone 29 "For Better Shoe Values" [3] > [B10] > [iia mim] « emir [={o - | ric] WB Jilin) Take home a box of fresh LAURA SECORD Hand-Rolled Chocolates For the week end 60¢c a 1b, For Sale only at THE REXALL STORE JURY & LOVELL King Street East Simcoe Street South Keeping Bathtubs Clean is a matter of no difficulty whatever when you use Gillex. Sprinkle 8 very small guantity of Gillex on a wet cloth and rub over the tub. Dirt and grease just roll off. Then rinse," That's all! No grit to scratch. No odor to annoy, No sedi- ment to clog pipes. Cleaning bathtubs, sinks and toilet bowls with Gillex is the easiest thing in the world and it also helps to keep the waste pipes clear of scummy accumulations.

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