Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1928, p. 2

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S==| Puli wn = % . FE8R2l LH 87 . 19 of its k the flight, Jalifor- co area to stay | after- ne sup ng low, ngsford Pond, triking 1. NION propos] in hile part rlos Sils legation re, state ernment le would e , union, n's pare Ameri= t know of Cane the pres right ine ter of a d on the PAGE TWO na ------ a ------------ Y ica ir ---- (THE OSHAWA D/ a ta IIMES. THURSDAY, JANUARY, 19, there was a balance in greasury of $300. "There has pen a balance e ery ear since the CE Wy r b- b) SE ; Lok Tyan 2 Te = E3 A a B. Mariya Dons Blade te \ (By Staff: Reporter) anville; Jan. 18~John B, , for many years a resident 'town, and who has been in ive business for the past 50 (years as a retail grocer, perform- is annual skating stunt at the Mr. Martyn ek here last night. & 76 years old and for a good #59 number of those years has visited wl Fae skates some sheet of ice in @ vicinity, He makes it a prac- @ to put 'on the skates, any pair ich 'he may find, and 'do 'the I'Tounds" on the ice so he may say that he has skated ever year since he can remember. And he Is not so "young" as he forms it, that he can't get around on skates either, for he makes some of the "know it alls" sit up and take motice. r. Martyn stl opens his store "at the ustial morning hour and dis- lays his merchandise in an excel- éht style. 'Not only that, but he draws and prints hig 'own show ecards, tests and 'separates his grains, of which he keeps a stock, 'and classes the feed which he sells, concerning which he has become Enown as an authority. +» Mr. "Martyn's birthday was In September last and he can well re- member this town when it was in its infant stage. . At that time he owned and operated a large gen- eral store on King Street. This store, when he retired for a short time, was turned over to his sons, who now have converted it into a bowling alley. Here he kept everything from hardware to clothes and groceries. His wife in rich Rinso suds. © You won't need to boil them geiand hase] Le little of he " rubbing to et you delighted with the snowy whiteness of your clothes. For wash tub or machine, women have proved over and over again there's nothing like Rinso, It's the easiest way to a whiter wash, Buyitat your nearest grocer's. Made by the makers of LUX awh Annual Skating Stunt at Rink isd aus March and was 74 at that] ba the present time, Mr. Martyn Block, and although be independent, still attends 10 business, 'While being interviewed, Mr. Martyn casually remirked that he had mever ac- quired the tobacco habit, and stat- ed that he probably is the better off for not 80. He possesses all his faculties, and veil glasses at intervals oni, TRINITY LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS W. R. Strike is Named Pres- ident. for the Ensuing Year (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. = 18.~Trinity Young People's League clécted their officers for the new year last Monday evening. The meeting was strictly husiness. Officers elected are as follows: pre: sident, W. R. Strike; secretary, C. Bellman; assistant, Miss E. Kirkton, By departments the new officers are: Fellowship department, Miss V, Bun- ner, Miss E, Purdy; Missionary de- partment, Miss M. Robins, Miss M. Bellman; Finance, Miss F, Werry, Miss R. Slemon, Miss M, Webber; Citizenship, Greg Colmer, Smith Fer guson; fourth department, Mrs. S. Ferguson, Miss H. Cryderman, Miss M. Allin; Social, Miss Rundle, Miss Sparggo, Miss /., Bragg, Miss D Plummer; Recriationsy' Miss Haines, Jack Minore, Percy i Ry Pianists, Miss Orchard, Miss Plummer. Norm Elliott was elected treasurer, DAMAGE ACTION FOLLOWS ACCIDENT BUT IS DISMISSED (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 18.--Chester Powers, 65, of Darlington and J Malone of London, Ontario, who figured in an accident on Septem- ber 2 were in Division Court this morning when the former sued Malone for $120 for damage done in Darlington to his horse and buggy. The case was dismissed with costs including a council fee of $10, The damage in case of an appeal was set at $88. W. F. Ward, K.C., acted for the defendant and W., R. Strike, K.C., for the plaintiff, Judge J. Thompson of Whitby presided. SENTENCE SUSPENDED ON TWO CHARGES (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 18.--Wilfrod Sames, 33, charged with being drunk and also with common as- sault ageinst his father, Jonas Sames on January 9 last in Clark Township, was today given sus- pended sentence with costs of $20.50 for the latter offence, and a fine of $50 and costs of $20.50 for breach of the L.C.A, by County Magistrate W. H, Floyd of Co- bourg. The accused pleaded guilty on both charges and agreed to a bond of good behaviour in the future. He was arrested by Pro- vincial Constable H. Storie who took him to the hospital when he injured himself on the night of his arrest. He paid the costs and fine amounting in all to $91. BRIDGE AND TEA "A HAPPY EVENT (By Staff ) Bowmanville, Jan. 18--Mrs. Fred Knox entertained for the sec- ond time last evening when a high bridge and tea were held at her home here. The first ladies' and gentlemen's prize went to Mrs, M. Al a General Motors 'Musical and Dramatic Society, CONCERT ' REGENT THEATRE, SUNDAY EVE. Doors Open at 8,30 p.m. Concert at ® p.m. 5 TICKETS: --Percy Mercer, Tel. 822-F, © = Mrs. M. Mathews, Tel. 1416-M. Mis, Percie Maybee, Tel. 1660 | NE 'jat her home here, | Mrs, Grant Arnott, for a few days BE huge crowd and a pleasant time, = uation created by the imports of 0 | Russian oil. ror Rowe Mrs, A, O. . formerly contralto soloist Hot. Church, ' Hagerstown, Episcopal hovers between sleeping and wak- ing -at Algburth Manor, near near Tow- son. Much of the time Mrs, Keedy is -to 'be in a partial coma. In the moraing, according to Dr, A. Gillis, Baltimore physician, who has the case in charge, Mrs. Keedy is allowed to remain undis- turbed. Later in the day she is roused and is encouraged to walk. To keep her mind active and to combat the torpor which constant- ly threatens to overcome her, she is also encouraged to play cards, It is about a year ago since Mrs. Keedy was forced by the encroach- ments of the strange malady to resign her place as soloist at the church, according to her brother, Augustus Ludwig. In the hope that the paralyzing disease might be arrested she was taken to the sana- torium near Towson. Now, it is said, the stimulating treatment seems to be having its effect and the progress of the disease appears to have been checked. PICKERING Pickering, Jan, 18,--~Wm. Mur- kar, of Sheddin, accompanied by a friend, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Murkar, Miss Myra Cronk spent Sunday Miss Isabel iNcholson, of To- ronto, was the guest of Mr, and this week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. W. A, Reid is confined to her bed with a severe cold. Master Ronald Henderson, of Oshawa, has been spending a few weeks with his grandparents W. A, and Mrs. Henderson, Miss Fern Toms, of Toronto, spent hte week-end at her home here. The friends of Miss Blanche Walsh are pleased to know that |§ she is able to be out again after her severe illness, The choir of St, Paul's Church, had charge of the music at the af- ternoon service at Greenwood on Sunday, which was the occasion of the opening of the mew church there. On Tuesday evening a large number from the village attended the fowl supper, which was given in the new building, and report a G. Whitby is erecting a living apartment at the rear of his gar- thievery. Chapman, prominent Board, 'Mr. Chapman stolen. He states the hand in the matter. Surplus hld here. before Church Union, $3,746.61, and after two # Deschamp and Tol Hopper, The local officers have been working - in co-opeartion with: the 'Toronto offi- cials in an effort to clean up the Many hundreds of dollars have been lost through thefts of chick- ens in the Pickering and local Dis- trict, it is the opinion of F. M, farmer and official of the Tariff a heavy loser recently, quite a num- ber of birds from his pens vexed over the situation and have asked the government tq take a Toronto custody are sald to resem ble those seen in this vicinity, PRESBYTERIANS HAVE GOOD YEAR Whitby Congregation Rais- ed $3,746.61--Have $330 (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, January 18. progress was noted in the annual reports presented at the meeting of the local Presbyterian Church It was shown that with the membership at 187, the roll is but a few short of what It was raised for all purposes the sum of "meémbership was 23. Last bers were and on pro- tession o church has no debt and has assets of $27,830. Ald raised over $600 , and gave $500 to ns 'Board.' Every de- } ror Rom showed a membership nd d Surplos, 'David Mowatt H., Ormiston were elected ' andy Board of tna Devi Wik and J. 1. Pros . n were an ETT "WHITBY FID Public Reception is to Be Given Guests from Britain (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, January 19. -- Every- thing is in readiness here for the visit of tue Amerys to-morrow for an hour and three-quarters. They will motor over from Toron- to, it is expected. The Town Band will turn out to play tunes of welcome, while merchants in the town have promised to decor- ate their places of business. The full details of how the Amerys will spend their short stay here is not definitely known, although it is certain that a pub- lic reception will take place in the Town Hall sharp at 10.15 o'clock, Prior to this it is be- Heved that the distinguished guests, Mrs, Amery being a hative of Whitby, will visly the Ontario Ladies' College and also call on a number of her girlhood friends resident here. At the public reception fit is planned to read an address of wel- come and present Col, Amery with an illuminated address and Mrs, Amery with a boquet, Pickering himself was being farmers are The men in ----- Marked NO REBUTTAL (Atchison Globe) The minute you say, "Well, I pre- sume there are two sides to the question," that minute you prove you have been outargued. There was paying all a Fou by gary 19--Playing an Myer ter 5 here last roy Whitby Jubiors subdued Pet- ¢rboro H.C, to the tung of a 3 t0 0 whitewash, The game was at times indicative of good hockey although hp teams were hampered in their forts to play combination by the terribly. soft ice. Mild, weather has left the ice at the local rink this winter int 'very bad shape and on only one occasion this year has the local club had an opportunity to appose teams at home on fairly good sur- face. The game, while not as good an exhibition, according to those a. witnessed it, as that played in Petet boro recently, was 'productive good spells. For Peterboro a - Kenneally and Jones were the out- standing players, while LeBarr, Mein in goal and Allin also showed up well, Whitby shone with J. Sleight- holme and Tucker, the former being exceptionally good. He certainly likes soft ice. While he was outscored 3 to 0 the fault of the loss does not lie in the path of Mein. That goalie displayed a wonderful exhibition of watching the citadel last night, but he did not receive the support necessary to eh away the Whitby goal getters. fe Sleightholme and Tucker were the scorers of the night, the former get ting two and the latter one, The teams: Peterboro--Goal, Mein, defence, Callidine and LeBarr; centre, Jones; forwards, Kenneally and Allin; subs, Hatton and White, Whitby--Goal, Clark; defence, La- vin and Tucker; centre, J. Sleight- holme; forwards, E. Sleighthclme and E. Mowhray; subs, Long and Sturgess, AGAIN TACKLE COAL PROBLEM Ottawa, Jan, 18, -- Premier Brownlee of Alberta has not giv- en up tht idea of marketing Al- berta coal in Ontario, At his be- hest. Hon, Charles Stewart, Minis- ter of Mines, is taking up the mat- ter with Sir Henry Thornton again, notwithstanding that the Railway Board found coal could not be brought from the West and sold in Ontario in competition with Pennsylvania anthracite. The "out-of-pocket" cost to the railways of hauling coal from Drumheiler to Toronto was report- ed to be $7.22 per ton, while the cost plus reasonable profit for the railway would mean that Alberta coal could not be delivered in On- tario cellars under $16 per ton. Experts of the Federal Govern- = age on King St, and expects to move into it in a short time, Mrs, R. A, Bunting is confined to her bed through illness, Devotees of the blade in the these days for it looks as if there will be no skating on the village rink this year. Despite the unceas- ing efforts of the caretaker, H. White, so far it has been impos- sible to obtain a solid foundation. The service at St. Andrew's the form of an illustrated lecture, Instead of the usual sermon, Mr, Ferguson gave a talk on Home Missions, which was illustrated by slides, showing the hospitals and vision of the United Church of Canada, A comedy in three acts, entitled "Eyes of Love" was presented in the Town Hall on Friday even- ing last, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St, Paul's Church, It was presented by the young people of Greenwood United Church, The hall was filled and the play was enthusiastically re- ceived, especially when Galia, 'the heroine, with the help of Trusty Jim, the escaped convict, subdues the villian, who plans to comprom- ise her, and so force her to marry him. Moments of rich humour, quickly turned to pathos, thereby holding the keen interest of the audience from the beginning to the last scene, when everything turned out splendidly and the curtain was lowered to the strains of the wed- ding march. The Y. P. 8. of St. Andrew's Church, held its regular meeting on iid evening at the home of snd Mrs, F. M, Chapman, The pit i was in charge of the Lit- erary Com., under the leadership of Mr. Chapman. After the usual devotional period, which was on the value of wisdom, a splendid program on the life and works of Tennyson, which was concluded by the reading of extracts from a Bumber of his poems by Mr. Chap- man. Following the program a social hour was spent. RUSSIAN OIL IMPORTATION FORCES DIVIDEND-PASSING Rangoon, Jan. 18.--Large im-! ports of Russian oil handled by, the Standard Oil Company of New York are having a serious effect here. Competition has led to a con- siderable drop in prices, and the Indo-Burmah Company now de- clares its inability to pay the usual interim dividend owing to the sit- village, are wearing long faces |} Money Church, on Sunday evening took |B§: training schools under the super- | Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Caps and Furnishings offered at Real Prices--- G. 27 King Street East Saving NEW FELT HATS + New shades, new styles, including SUITS, $24.50 "Spap Brim" Rolled Edge or "Prince" Blocks. Unlined or Silk lined. Special 400000000 '$3.95 $4.95 you get finest grade material, Highesl NEW NECKWEAR 95¢ Garments, Blac "Rockford Checkers", the newest de- sign in Silk Ties. Very rich. Exclusive oF doyiis Vreaston models, Patterns including the new "Royal Special ' Blue" Checks. 95 Brisssgrrasie Special ,....... RNR PF Cc MEN'S COMBINATIONS NEW TWEED CAPS, $1.45 Combinations in Cream or Natural New Caps, just received materials in- Shade. Plain or clude "Donegal" and "Connemara" fum weight. Sizes 34 to 44. Tweeds and English Velours, Beauti- Special fully silk lined. All colors, $1 45 $1 All sizes, Special ......... » : ; - MEN'S TROUSERS 'ROYAL BLUE" SHIRTS, $1.95 The new Shade in small "Check" Pat- ing Tweeds and Worsteds terns or Plain Colors in finest grade Drosqy Patterns. Broadcloth with collar to match, Guaranteed fast colors. Sizes ra nial 14 to 16%. Special ..... = $1 95 # $1 95 $2 95 $3. 95 & MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S We guarantee to save you from $5.00 to $10.00 on every suit. At this price Grade Tailoring and Perfect Fitting Plain Blues and Fancy Tweeds. Single St. George, Mercury and Zimmerknit 29 $1.49 $1.95 Very specia! values in real hard wear- - d | a¢ & loss, and even then the Penn- Ward off the "Flu" - « the Quick, Sure Way At the first sign of tur 1% proves remedy iy thse es eae flash A "Flu" or Pneumonia from Kid boi For colds accompanied by fever, headache take LAXPYRIN and Buckley's Mix- are and quick relief will fallow. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 742 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 BUS KLEVS of {YY MIX TURE MINDED KAISER BANNED BY COUR Berlin, Jan. 18.--The ex-Kaiser may not be portrayed on the Ger- man stage if he is represented as being in his dotage, cynically mumbling incoherent phrases about attempts to keep the peace, the Court of Appeals decided to. day, upholding thé findings of the lower court. Ernst Piscator, radical Berlin stage director, produced a drama called "Rasputin" and represented a number of former erqwnéd heads as persons of feeble mind and weak character. An injunction prevented Piscator from using » ment calculate that it takes 13% tons of Albarta coal to equal one ton of Pennsylvania anthracite. Thus there is no possibility of it displacing United States fuel in the Ontario 'market, unless the railway companies are to haul it sylvania gperators might cut their price to hold the market. CUBAN IS PRESIDENT OF HAVANA PARLEYS Havana, Jan. 18.--The Sixth Pan-American Congress, the great- est of its kind ever held, opened today under the leadership of world figures in the universal striving for peace and understand- ing. The delegates of the 21 coun- tries represented stood ready to proceed with' the consideration of those problems of primary inter- Yiheln ae Nase chaygcter af» wt in the NeW Nord: isd as of Fights 18 Years To Get Rid of Gas leading authority in such matters, Dr. Antonio Sanchez Bustamente of Cuba, was elected President of the Congress, Charles Evans Hughes, Chairman of the United States "I had stomach trouble for 18} years. Since taking Adlerika I feel better than for years and have not been bothered with gas."--L, A. Champion, delegation, was named as a Vice- President, Even the FIRST spoonful of Adlerika relieves gas and often re- moves astonishing amount of old waste matter from the system, Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep bettér. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and PART a ME LR TON TT a a Se SECOND DAY UP San Francisco, Jan. 18.--Facing a looming threat of failure by lack of fuel, Captain Charles Kingsford-Smith, Australian flier, and Lieutenant George R. Pond, U.S.N., sailed smoothly aloft through their second day of con- tinuous flying in their fourth at- tempt to break the world endur- VALUES We want you to come and see the wonderful val- ues offered for men and young men. We know Wwe can save you money on every us a trial. We guarantee entire satisfaction. bowels. Adlerika will surprise you, Jury & Lovell, Druggists. IBERRYS' Special Week-end ance flying record, purchase. Give k or Navy Pin Stripes. Good var- $24.50 Silk Finish in in med- in neat Good variety, in all Navy Blue Chinchilla VERCOATS $1675 1: Perfectly tailored, all wool Chin- chilla Overcoats, Popular half- belted ulster style. Shoulders and sleeves satin lined. Sizes 36 to 44 for men and young men, Special $1675 \V. SIBERRY Corner of Celina Phone 1110

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