Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1928, p. 9

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le C lavsifiod oasis Habit in in 1928 - |Smeoe United Church, teacher of | 2609W. | street, east. Music ---- A -------------- Ce -- A -- JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST, St Pi piano, organ 11 Connaught street, . (Jan, 3F MRS. J. W, JAMES IS PREPARED to. give vocal lessons to hoalanons, 284 Festubert Ave. or 10 Willlam (Jan, 2-Feb. 2) HERBERT C TRENEER 1S PRE Lk Boned 'cast, Phone 466. tf ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH. er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Fridays, 92 Sim- coe St. N Phone 371J. C7 aan) Insurance MURDOCH'S INSURANCE SER- vice now at 27 Warren avenue. Phoné 168J, Our service satisfies. (Jan, 6-Feb, 6) a GERMAN & MAC: enzie,. Barristers, Conveyancer: ota Public, ete. ML branches eo! and Civil L. Money to fice" over ion Bo store, 2 east. Phone 940. D. + German, F. ras RKHILL, SARRISTER, Satie dior, Notary Public, Sonar: A to loan. Dirn opporte Fox Office. Phones, of ce residence, 2239]. LOUIS 8. HYMA AND COM ny, Barristers. Money to loan; er Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone €7, residence 1897W, (tf) Medical aH BARTON, PHYSICIAN Office sr, DR. E R. surgeon and obstetrician. and residence 142 Simcoe h. Phone 262 Now (Jan, 12-Feb, 12) DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSI- cian, surgeon, and obstetrician, Of- fice and home, 456 Simcoe street soathe Phone 2502, (114t0) DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. olal reference to maternity work and diseases of women. Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor, Brock) phone 803, (119-tf) DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- on, /Accoucher, Office and resi- fone King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94 . DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Aiseases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155, DR, B. , HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, spesial attention given" ne X-ray work and Eleetro- Office, Disney Block. Phone S055 Office open 9 a.m, to 9 Pp. m, Residence 161 King East. Phone 2416. (tf) " Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Dru Store each Saturday, from 1 till for consultation and treatment Diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments maye be made at rw Ly Phone 97. (49-tf) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist DR. A, W, HARDING, POST GRA- duate at Harper's Hospital, Detroit, Edinburgh and Vienna, Austria. 16 Simcoe street N. Phone 1499. Residence 2548. (Jan. 13-Feb, 13) = Dental Dk. D. R. DAVIES, OVER Ward's Store, Simcoe St. South. Nitrous oxide prs gn, Jor ex- traction, Phone 231, res. a (148tf) DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetts', e 950; nce 300. 4-1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone . HUBBELL, DENTIST, Phone 948, residence, 1378M 5 R. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE atre Phone 1780. 66-11 | materia Enginetring and Surveying AN AND SMITH, ONTAR fo Land Sur Eng rveyors and Civil fio way wag 5 Phone ness (104-16) Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKINZ do at A seatonable (Hv (Dee. 19-Jan. 19) Undertaking BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. Residence, 19 oy" street east. Window Cleaning Howe" WINDOW CLEANERS foots polished. stsetn and store mio FR Oshawa. "1and your interests prote B-tf | Universal Cleaners and Dye; DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, -19 King St. west, Oshawa. The teat Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re putable, Fire Companies, (118-tf) SURANEE WHEN PLACING ° melt R. N. Johns, 80 coe notth. ¢ attended to our insurance wants 8 nye Money to Loan PERSONS 'DESIRING LOANS ON 26) | 8 security of thelromotor cars, or those desiring to re-finatce the purchase of thelr motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzie, 2 King St, BE. 144tf) UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST mortgages. Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420. (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. B sl loans, Lena! work done at this. office. A. Parkhill, Barristéts Disney Bio Phone 1 1614. (176-tf) Building Supplies ANNOUNCEMENT. * TO HOME Builders and _Contractors--Ilargc stock used timbers, joists, planks, sheeting various "dimensions and lengths up to 40 ft, piping fram % in, to 10 in, plumbing, struc. tural steel, complete hot water and steam heating units, Phone or write Frankel Brothers Limited, Salvage Departmtat, Toronto, Ger- rard 4100, (Dee. 30-Mar. 30) WE HAVE ROU AND DRESS ed timber, athe bo sash, doors' and interfor trim L. Beecroft. Whitby, ar "ind Fi awa, phon: ({ Painting and Decorating R, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER-, hanging, graining, etc, Twenty 4 years' experience, Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street, Eons tf) Beauty Parlors Apply 21 Warren avenue. Rectal Specialist PILES AND FISTULA TREATED without detention from business. Dr. Dean, Specialist, 40 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. (Jan. 17-Feb. 17) Hairdressing HAIRDRESS- poO- street north, Phone 918M appointment, (Dec. 31-Jan, 31) Corsetiere CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 82 Elgin east. Mrs, land, managing corsetiere, ings by appointment. Phone 442J. (133t0) EE Watch Repairing F. A, VON' GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss Watchmaker, repair shop at 44% Ring Street West. = Your pat. ronage is solicited. sth 'Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -~ GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496. Res, phone 909]. \ For Rent ROOMS TO RENT, TEN MIN- utes walk from G. M. C. Phone 763M. (18h) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, suitable for two girls, or office men, Breakfast and supper if de- sired. | Phone 1734W, (11.0) FOR RENT--TWO LARGE UN- furnished rooms on bath flat. Ap- ply 268 Golf street. (11-0) FOR RENT---ROOM TO RENT, suitable for two gentlemen, Ape ply 26 Gladstone Ave, Phone 2449W, (11-¢) LARGE FRONT ROOM WOULD suit two ladies or gentleman, Also front parlor, All conveniences, (10-c) ONE LARGE BEDROOM TO RENT, suitable for one or two gentlemen roomers; also furnished rooms for light housekeeping for young mars ried couple, No children, Apply 210 Prince St, (12-¢c) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. Breakfast if desired, Close to @.M.C. and Fittings. Phone 1325M. (13-¢) FURNISHED ROOM' TO RENT, near General Motors office, suit one or two gentlemen, Phone 14297. (13-2) 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, all conveniences, Apply 640 Car- negie avenue, (13-a) APARTMENT--2 LARGE SUNNY front rooms, Private porch. En rance, Use of basement, 96 Centre, corner Metcalfe, (12¢) GARAGE TO RENT AT 215 Athol St, E. (12¢) Wanted to Rent LADY MASSEUSE, FULL BODY treatments, Ladies only. Treat- ments by appointment, Phone 814J, 250 Albert street. (Jan. 14-Feb, 14) MARIE RENWICK'S BEAWY Shop, 9 Celina street, at Watson's Barber Shop. Water waves, mani- cures, nrarcelling, Phone 2653. (Jan, 6-Feb, 6) WANTED--TWO OR MORE FUR» ing, near General Motors. Apply Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (13-¢) WANTED TO RENT--THREE UN- furnished rooms by young mars ried couple with one child, Apply Box *F" Oshawa Daily Times, (12¢) Transportation CARTAGE AND JRUCKIND, prompt service. Reasonable pr Work done by day or hour. Ph i. 1236M or 53W. (Jan 12-Feb.12) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR age. Bond St. West. P) 6 oo for prompt ser: . Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferied to and from all trains, 63-tf) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Sp ialist diseases domestic animals, nd Hospital, 503 M st e (56-tf) C.S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated, Dominion Veterinary. 34 Brock Government St, E. Phone Cleaning and Pressing UNDER _ NEW SAXACEMENY. Practical attention to Repairs. Your own Is made up, Phone 509, (Dee. 80-Jan, 381) Batteries US.L. SALES AND SERVICE, Car and Radio Batteries recharg- ed, rented, repaired. Called for and delivered, Adanac Garage and Machine Shop, open evenings, 161 King street west. Phone 1214. 3 (8-t1) ADANAC GARAGE AND MACH- INE successor fo Da Shop Machine Company| All ki of hinery repairing, cracked mo- 'King west. alterations. 05]. asi-tH) i t} Farm, Oshawa. SINGLE ROOM WANTED TO rent, Central, Board optional. Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times, (12h) WANTED--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, must be near business section, Box "R'" Oshawa Daily Times, (12¢) nished rooms for light housekeep-f! AAR ass ass as a aaa Real Estate for Sale BARGAIN---UNFINISHED HOUSE for sale. 461 Jarvis street. For particulars, 14 Meagher ave, Tor- onto. (11-0) FOR SALE---FOUR ROOM BRICK Bungalow, Price $150.00 cash, bal- ance monthly payments. Apply 322 St. Julien St. (12e¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE on paved, street mear General TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACe " COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment. ei ---- |some young beard Jit. Suitable for Motors, Easy terms. Apply 274 Jar- vis St. Phone 1531W. (121) LOT FOR SALE. APPLY J. Brown, 213 Nassau street, Phone 401F. (13-¢) ------ FOR 3% ACRES OF | cholce land, in a high state of cul- tivation, within 2 miles of the {business centre of the City of i Oshawa, mear the highway, with all fruits, veg- etables or poultry. Apply Hox a Oshawa Dally Times. (8-1) HOUSE FOR SALE---353 MARY St. All conveniences, garage. Pos. session Fehruary 2. Terms, §1,- 000,00 cash, Balance easy terms. fruit trees on EDUC. BOARD BACK 10 OLD SYSTEM -- (Continued from page 3) business of the management, pro- perty and finance committees would be discussed and the regu- lar meeting of the board at which reports would be received and any business and motions dealt with, Trustee Drew failed to see where there would be any saving of time under the new system. Trustee Garbutt said that the correspondence need not be read by the secretary at the opening of the meeting but that the latter could turn it over to the proper committees and the committee chairman could read the eommuni- cations which would avoid going over them twice, Trustee Smith argued that com- mittee meetings were not open to the press but the correspondence was included in public business. The question which was the bone of contention before the city coun- eil applied to the board. He was abso} d to committee Low price for quick sale. C and Annie, Barristers & Co, Osha- wa, Ontario. (121) (REAL VALUES IN REAL ESTATE {John W, Lint, 67 Bond street east, Oshawa. Phone 2193. (Dee, 23-Jan, 23) Work Wanted UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Werk manship Si anteed G. A. Con: fable, Mechanic St. Phone 1695 (72.t0) a a A a a i Articles For Sale HAY FOR BALE, $12 PER TON. Apply 140 Agnes Street, or phone 89TW, (10-¢) FOR SALE--USED ELECTRIC washer in first class order. Guar- anteed a bargain, Apply 181 Athol St, East, (11-b) FOR SALE--CORONA TYPE writer (portable), in excellent condition. Half ' regular pr This igpa bargain." at Oshawa Daily Times office. (7-t1) FOR SALE-- ONE CABINET style (Mitchell), Gramophone, and thirty-seven records, kt 0 walnut finish, good as new, ce $110, Easy terms tv party, Apply Box 332 or phone 289J, Bowmanville, (13¢) HOT WATER HEATING P PLANT for sale Good gondition, Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new ad tion was erected. It should be age the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mundy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone 35 (106-tf) NEW $125 RADIO--$50. MUST sell. Tubes, power tube, 17 cone- speaker, batteries, aerial installed. Apply 301 Bt, Eloi ave., after 6 4 (12-4) AXMINSTER CARPET FOR SALE in. good condition. Phone 740 or 2101, (12¢) FOR SALE---BEACH GAS RANGE, 8 burner, In perfect condition. Ap- ply 106 Frederick St. (12-¢) ay be seen| responsible ! SCOTCHMAN, 21, reliable, references. Daily Times. HANDY AND desires position. Good Box "T"" Oshawa (13-c) Room and Board Wanted TWO GIRLS DESIRE BEDROOM and sitting room with board in private family. Call Miss Bunt, at |2681 between 9 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. (12-4) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE . young men willing to share room. Apply 153 Agnes street, (13-c) BOARD AND ROCM. TWO MIN- utes walk from General Motors. Apply 105 Colborne St. E. (121) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, Phone 774W, (12¢) Roomers Wanted GENTLEMEN to share room, desired, Apply 73 (11-c) WANTED--TWO roomers, willing | Breakfast if Mechanigy 69J, iROOMERS WANTED. BREAK- fast if desired. Near G.M.C. Ap- | ply 814 Division street. (1l-c) Situation Wanted WANTER--JOB WITH A FIRST class caggenter contractor, to learn trade, hive had some experience. Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times, (9-1) Lost and Found Help Wanted--Female WANTED---A FINISHER ON LA- dies' dresses. Apply 22 Rib st, E. Phone 788, 11-e) LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store. Knowledge of Stenography and Bookkeeping an asset but not tial. Age 18 or over. Apply WANTED A GOOD DAIRY FARM on share basis all equipped for one year, with option of purchasing at end of year, Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times, (81) WANTED TO RENT--SMALL apartment. Married couple. No children. Phone 1360. (152t1) Wanted to Buy MR. 8S, JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poultry. for. Phone 2060M. Residence 99 Mill street. (111tf) Pets and Live Stock POLICE DOG FOR SALE. PHONE 2641W. (138) GERMAN POLICE PUPS FOR sale, Best of registration, If inter- ested Write for particulars to Dave Mitenolt, 2460 Yonge St., Toronto THIRTY WHITE LEGHORN HENS for sale. Good layers. Apply 283 Simcoe street north. (13-b) GOOD JERSEY COW, DUE To freshen March 1st. Cash or terws; Phone 723r12. (13-h) THREE LARGE REGISTERED Holstein cows. Time up to renew coming in with second calf. Only chance to get the good ope. Sell- ing all. Dean Pickell, LakeBidc (155-0) EE Business Opportunity The Burns Co, Ltd. Oshawa, oe) WANTED, EXPERIENCED COOK general, Family of .three, Apply 212 King street east. Phone 1066W. (13-t1) YOUNG LADY WANTED TO charge of "Women's" and "Social and Personal" departments of Oshawa Daily Times and to assist with other reporting as may be required, Local knowledge and ability to write well essential, Ap- ply by letter only, stating experi- ence, if any, references and salary wanted. Editor, Oshawa Daily Times. (tn WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR general house work. Sleep out. Ap- ply to Mrs, Blatten, 106 Frederick St, (12-0) WANTED--A WOMAN TO HELP with kitchen work and do work. Phone #426F. (12¢) D TO AS- YOUNG GIRL WA sist with househ duties, for board and small salary. Box "U" Oshawa Daily Times. (13-¢) Boarders Wanted ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted at 83 Pine avenue. (10-¢) GENTLEMEN BOARDERS WANT- od. Private home. Apply 47 Me- Laughlin Blvd. (12b) BOARDERS, MEN PREFERRED. Day or week. Apply 32 bf 5, LOST---BLACK AND WHITE collie - puppy. Reward. Write Box 136 Oshawa P.O, (13-b) Help Wanted--Male TWO EXPERIENCED MEN FOR Oshawa and vicinity, to represent Canadian Life Assurance Co, First class contract given, Apply Box "Q"" Oshawa Daily Times, BOYS WANTED WITH BICYCLE to deliver morning papers. Apply 199 Simcoe St. 8. around 7 p.m. (13¢) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tH) Business for Sale SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS for sale. Apply K. Baran, 426 Simeoe street south, or 589 Al- bert street, (9-1) Tea Rooms ree HoURE THAT JACK BUILT. Special small winter dance par- | ties, Supper inciuding salad, as- sorted sandwiches, cake and cof- fee, $2.00 per couple. Phone res- ervations 2209. Mrs. L. M. Prior. (Jan, 17-Feb, 17) PREMIER AND CABINET ATTEND FUNERAL OF J. J. HENEY Ottawa, Jan, 16.--Attended by hundreds of citizens prominent in Il walks of life in the capital, the uneral of the late John J. Heney, well-known business man, took place this moring, interment being made at Notre Dame Cemetery. Premier W. L. Mackenzie King, members of the Dominion Cabinet and members of the city council were included in the cortege. EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS OP- portunity for City of Oshawa, ex- clusive, fully protected. No,opposi- tion. Revenue from ten to twenty thousand annually, *re- quired approximately four fo five thousand. Principals only, striet'y confidential. Apply im first :n- stance, W. Watkins, ¢-0 Surety » | Bonds, Limited, 44 Adelaide St. W. Toronto. [§74] Motor Cars OLDSMOBILE Coach, PRIVATE-| ly owned, in first class condition in every respect; has many extras and i ipsured for public Samii: damage to property and fire quick sale, this car can be bought ENLARGES ON COURTESIES . BETWEEN CANADA AND US. 'Montreal, Jan. 16.--The sig- Rlticance f the many recent ex- official and unofficial States were between Canada and the before the Canadian Club today by for little more than' half paid for it. Phone 9§6W. (13-¢) enlarged on Hon, a ina Phillips, United States r to Canada. Wy meetings being open to the press when reports could be published of matters which had not been completed. He had heped the sponsors of the resolution would give the board some time table as to how business was to be trans- acted and how it would be poskible to dispose of the business between eight and ten o'clock, It was a question whether the matters could be dealt with properly in that space of time with due considera tion. "The resolution says in one breath thet committee chairmen have the power to call special meetings, and in another that the special meetings shall be held at the same time and place as the regular meetings," Trustee Smith asserted. He felt that under this system the committee chairmen could override the chairman of the board or the vice chairman, "If you want to abbreviate the meetings why not abolish all eom- mittees and meet twice a month under the ¢hairmanship of the chairman of the hoard and trans- act all business," Trustee Smith went on to show that there were two or more different ways to shorten up the business without such a 'cumbersome motion," as he termed it, into committee of the whole and discuss reports, clause by clause. Trustee Donevan, who support- ed Trustee Garbutt's motion, said that his action was inspired by the fact that he was satisfied with the system last year. Things oc- curred in committee and then came before the board on which he had little enlightment. The board was small and it seemed to him quite feasible to dispose of the business at two meetings each month. took up considerable time, board work would be short, If an agenda were placed before the board, the matters could be dealt with speedily and every member of the board would have a thor- ough knowledge of what was going on, He was in favor of the execu- tive preparing an agenda. Trustee Vickery advanced the argument that if this was a good scheme, why did not other bodies | adopt it. It did mot appeal to him and did not think it would work out, Trustee Norris pointed out that he opposed the motion because he did not think it was feasible, He was surprised to hear Trustee Donevan gay that the committee meetings were not business-like, As chairman of a committee, he thought his committee work was transected in a business-like way and that all members of the hoard were welcome to attend. He did feel that some members of the board did not get as much insight in the business of the board as others, but in regard to his committee, all meetings lasted not less than an hour and a half. Trustee Smith's motion was seconded at this stage by Trustee Drew. Then Trustee Annis, who seconded Trustee Garhutt's motion, at the inaugural session, said that eM RIN: AA A rn Men's Fleece Lined tnderwesr EE 1. Collis £2 Sons BO-B4 King St. W. Phone 738W Opp. Centre St, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Hardwood Floors Laid, Machine Sended and Polished The Better Way Old Floors Machine Seunded and Finished W. J. TRICK C0. LTD, 25 Albert Street Phone 230 The board could go | If the committee work | the | he had no personal reasom for sponsoring such a motion but he did feel that with two meetings a' month, the business could be well carried on. He cited a case in support of the argument to have all members of the board om all committees, referring to the clos- ing meeting of the board in 1927, when Trustee Norris, chairman of the property commiitee, brought in a recommendation about the collegiate gynmasium. He did not know what it was about, but was reluctant to re-open the question by having the beard go into com- mittee of the whole, after the question had been thoroughly threshed out in committee. Trustee Smith, however, did not fall in line with this argument, stating that Trustee Annis could have secured the information, had he so desired. Members of the board had the privilege of so do- ing, but had not acquired the habit. Trustee Bell, who supported the motion of Trustee Garbutt, at the inaugural session, said that he did not often jump to conclusions, but in this case that after con- sidering the matter over the week end, he believed that it was not workable, and felt duty bound to support Trustee Smith' 8 motion, This ded the di the motion carried. ¢ It was suggested that the strik- ing committee retire and aftér preparing standing committees sublet. them to the regular meeting of the board, but Trustee Garbutt declared that there could be no regular meeting of the board, since his motion had heen rescinded. An adjournment was then in order and the striking committee will- pre- sent its report at the next regu- lar meeting of the board which will be on the second Monday in February, Every member of the board at- tended. Th > Axcopt Sundar. 1 Sunday, except Sunday. except Saturdays | | 42 12.25 a.m. Westbound Traine 4.44 a.m. =Daily. 545 a.m.~Daily, 5.28 Smemliatly except Sunday, Hel am except Sunda Ye i oe ATE by 845 except Sunday, CPR. TIME TABLE A Trains « Daily, ¢ Daily. Daily except Sunday. , Daily. Daily. Westbound Trains Daily except Sunday, aily. and Littl Pea ca, Sandags except Paly excep aye Daily except Sundav, amon } £7341 pyres g388838 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Oshawa 7.25 a.m, 7.05 a.m, 8.25 a.m, .20 a.m, \ =13 > < . Ren: ° 7 PT 888; 8558555 RE8: - PPPPPET? 2 MA N= OND Ss 8 u3sk TU TPTOPY vUIBSE® B Ppes BaBEsE? - S RESomopnawpne- BapzBads Ba guishnnnl PTPPPTEEP pafas=pas a ots WANTED Brick House, All conveni. ences, Must have 4 bed. rooms or finished attic, Will pay up to $7,500 cash. East end preferred, Send reply - at once to Box "N" Times, ] #2 Pans B ©ENS ro = gms . NOB = 1,00 p.m, ail l! 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 9,40 p.m, gasses Zeus w= = INSURANCE C. E. HEPRURN 64 McLaughlin Bivd,, Oshawa, Dis- Set Representative for he Great t Lilo A ance Co Can- Coulton" Went ads, Conmult the Greet W lime -- * are shvomgh busses to 'hitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 00 ,20 ,20 40 40 ,40 .40 Arrivy 12,00 Pp, 2 pm. 2. 22 S. 7. 9, 1, 35 p. 35 p 1 .35 p. 1.10 > iy 11,45 pi Special Busses For All Whining Reasonable Rates and Careful Driverd T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR Bowmanville--Phone 412 Oshawa Wal Room--10 Prince Street ing. Root 2283 3 PRE-SEASON BARGAINS !! $195.00 1923 CHEVROLET SE- DAN, good tires, motor O.K. Repainted, 1922 STUDEBAKER TOURING, perfect mo- tor and curtains make this job as tight as a sedan, 1923 CHEVROLET COUPE. Repainted, A real bug. $145.00 FORD SEDAN, model. FORD COUPE, model Both cars are in splendid ition, Reasonable terms to responsible people. 1923 SWELL-THIS Is nes 1922 5 SSE Your furnace will resolve to do its best again if yom supply it with our coal, Let our fuel keep you warm this New Year, W. J. Sargant S0AL, CORE and WOOD 'B, Phone 198 Buy Reliable Fuel from a Reliable Firm COAL-COKE-WO00D Waterous-Meek Ltd. Phones--660 and 1288 Yards--Cedardale Uptown Office--66 King St. West ss----_

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