a2 WW (353)=Detroit. "Tonight's. Din. 10.00 KSAC (333)--Kansas State College. Rural school, WAIU My Sede: $ ts) chat, o Fionn aN lomen's hour, SW question Whiac (461)=Boston.. Women's hour, no WEAF (492)--N, 'Y, Music; household Ww Fo Home manage: . Fir" WRAY Y. ah a Nisa. memaker's ne want aan Musicale. ines. Thug YO 0 Dee " Cy se Mg RMA (BO Shenandoahs Songs. ADC (238)--Akron, Studio program, : WAI oa) ~Columbus, Musics ; wiz UN, HS Garry tas EEF. (an=Montr Mt. Royal Or ches 357)-Toronto, Luncheon music, ne Sr fied Farm and home wi "Kor iid w= Coimeil Bluffs, ows; 50 a= Ca nds, Luncheon music, )--Hot Springs, Concert, a br? (405)=~Mpls-S¢t, Paul. Tam ' Organ, Vey ns Aes City, Country: wer (303)~Buffalo, Concert ensemble, WHN (34)-N. Y, News, flashes; mu- 7.0 WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Y.M.C.A. exer he! ; 0 Em i Bo. 50 WEAY w 2) i Morning Devor ry wa Healthiul exercises. ir 1 A Organ, Al Car: fo, C CIDous Poem vy oe" ide ATR) Rl us 5 EEE] ~ Tod Neraorki Nations! M Musicalites : rg WEAF, WHO, WIAR, wSAl, WOW. 3 BE aiads. dad "HE SE VIE i WE WT i WEB, Yoo ow Gis WOW, Nhe F, AA LX Si Ts Wha, \ WhzA, Whza, Wie, Wik Fk Ce Bute Vocal ron. Concert. hd age. Metropolitan ass Ns WEE Ti --itpe.sv. Past. Marcae WGHP (278)--Detroit, Tuesday Evening WHAR (23)--Atlantic City, Seaside WAL ve Recital, Vocal, WRNY Re NY, Edison hour, 210 Wi BR ax Sudo orchestra, 815 WLW (428)Cinei. y Orches. a WiMl i a iwautee] Wisconsin a A Network: Ral Weavers, KVoo, WCAE, Whar, WEAN Wie WE WER, WGR, WRC, WTA XV00 (08 Male 4 eb. WAMD yr Paul, Musicale. WEA GPa Phila. Singers. D (24)--Chattancoga. Studio pro- io (283)~Columbus, Neapolitan intet, ine 1 (448)--Boston, Music, WFAN (224)--Phila, The Hottentots, WGHS (349)=N.Y. Concert WHAS (322)--Loulsville, Concert, WHR (3 Rash \Sity, Concert, ' WHN (394)-N.Y. WHO (535)--Des hig Organ, WLW (345)--Chicago. Personalities in Music, WMAK (345)--Buffalo, Buffalo Thea, WMC (517)--Memphis, Theatrical tal. ent, WSATI (361)--Cincj. Brunswick prog. WSUN | (517)--8t, Petersburg, Studio 900 Red Ne Network --Everready artists, from WEAF, KSD, WCAE, WCCO, WDAF, WEEI, WFI, WGN, WGR, WGY, WHAS, WJAR, WMC, WoC, WRC, WSAI, WSB, WSM, WTAM, WWJ, Blue Network:--"The Continentals," fom WJZ, KDKA, KYW, KWK, CKCL (375) Toronto, Simpson hour, CNRA (322) Piano, sop KFAR 319)~Lincoln, Music, KLDS (238)--Independence, Mo, Studio, KTHS (384)--Hot Springs, Civic eon, KTNT (2%)--Muscatine, Home folks hour, WRBAL (285)--Baltimore. Ensemble, WHAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Superior Ra (389)--Chi, Artist recital, WBRZ (333)--Springfield, Mass, Concert, cep (845)--Zion, Ill. Saxophone quin- Whon (244)--Chattancoga, Classical Joouram. ENR (288)--Chicago. Classical hour, WGHP (278)~--Detroit, Studio, WHK (265)--Cleveland, Concert, WHT (306)--Chicago. Musicale, 9.00 WIAX (341)--Jack'ville, Studio, LW (428)~Cinci, Formica concert or: ghestre. AR (448)--Chicago, Concert, wre 273)--Atlantic City, Con, music, WRR (461)--Dallas, Music, WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Studio prog. WTM]J (294)--Milwaukee, String trio, 8.30 KPRC (294)--Houston, Studio concert, m ww Detroit. po wok 79- Tuller who (535)~Des Moises, The Ambess- 4) KF un ~-- Shenandosh, Farmer's L127) Vin Gib. dire; mute, 140 WN (#6)=Cvle. Drake ensemble, Tuseday Programs. GBS (39)-N.Y, NY, lamoon Prog: Wi Wenr (278) ~Desrols," Home hour W6)----Atania, Radia fi farm) talks, fi, EMM) Centes, Spesial pro- Sins Ey Studio prog. program, WE lal, opens (435)~Ottaw So Sip Coumci Miele" Musieat \ Se 5 t, Worth, 'Musicale, weak )~Portiend,-Me, Maine mu. "+ WFL ( Ye Ee Car ou. WHO ™ : jams Trio, . socital, GN G16 music, s, WIJID (366)--Chicago, Children's prog. WJZ (454)=The Torrid Tots. WNAC (461)--Boston, Entertainment, WTAG (517)---Worcester. Studio prog, WTIC (585)--Hartford, Harmony Belles, MJ (294)--Milwaukee. Vocal, 10,00 CKLC (357)~Calgary, Capital Theatre, CHRR (313)--Regina, Vocal and instru. XPAL (285)--Boise, Idaho, Concert, ROIL (319)--Council Bluffs, Family re- yw (526)--Chicago. Popular concert. WADC (297)~Akron, Melody Aces, WCAU (261)--Phila, Popular program. WCFL (484)--Chicago. Popular prog. WFAA (545)--Dallas. Concert, WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio prog. Wiax (341)--Jack'ville, Radio Club Wan (508)--Omgha, Popular and old time tunes, 10.30 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St, Paul, North- west Artists Whar (¥76)--Kansas City, Folger's WENR (288)---Chicago. Popular, WGN (416)--Chic, Phantom violin, wiz s-N¥ Mae Singhi Breen and Peter de Rose. WSM (339)--Nashville, Program, 11,00 Pacific Chain: --Everready Hour, from KFI, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, , KOMO, KPO. Eng ey-Pitts. Theatrical revue. wo (535)--Des Moines, Automatic 2 JN. , Sl Migr f Heh in ¥. Radio Merchants 4] WGN (416)--Chicago, Music Box, WEAN (224)--Phila, Phils, Organ, : D (225)--8St, Paul. Popular enter- GR we Vi ne Lafayette frolic. --Regina. Strand Thea, KNX (230)--Clay "Center, 08 Tne, (337)--~Hollywood. Chinese Thea, 1.00 a.m. EOI. (319)~Council Bluffs, Chief RADIO TALKS--PLAYS 630 pm, WSAL (361)~Cinci, Children's 740 Red etwork :--National DANCE 800 p.m. CKCL 57 Toronto, Orchestra, 2.00 | (389, Ben Pollack's, ville. 'Dance or « 278)--Detroit. Hotel Tuller, 100 WBAL (285) Bowie orches, WHK nestra, key (326)--N.Y, fics Way Or. 10.30 Red EAF, , W WMC, OW, WRC, " WSAIL KOA ($6) Denver. Dance program. WMCA (370)--N. WMAQ (448)--Chlidago. Dance. Coa: 11.05 WHAM (280)--Rochester. 11.30 CKLC (357)--Red Deer. Ssharton: 4 Wi Ata WSAT (361 0 mid a Pop. Dance. 12.30 WOES Wor vey Orcs 45 WDAF fa = 8 (Copyright, 127.) York Stock . Exchange, 3,000,000 from Shea of indictments and the years on each count, the terms to | run consecutively. Nighthawks. | *T® seeking Albert Cutforth, 11; | 4 14 am. KNX (337)--Hollywood. - Cocoanst | following the death of Pete Cor- | |] Dauce music. | wp ¥ WARDED BROKER | Ge \ The Colleg- | WHO MARTALED $3,000,000 | 1ice the three had gone shooting. Ry York, Jan, 1'.--Herman W. » &xpelled member gr the Nay warning, "Look out, I'm going to tenced to serve mot less th than ten | shoot," them had snatched a .22 Jeans in Sing Sing Prison today | rifle from unden Corradetti's arm. thefts said to total more than With Corradetti, Sears ran for the 'sentence im. |companions had fled. by Judge Nott. was not. less | Sears was later apprehended, but han five years, or more than ten | he did not know the whereabouts |X. Morier and Charles P. McKay, of Cutforth, whom the police say | Verdun: chiropractors, have both | ments have been fixed for. nn been committeed to trial tor man- | 19, op ) un, sHoors ws... | ] MATHATY, AGED; ( + Calgary, Alta. Jan Jan, 14.--Police, radetti, 13, in a shooting affair here. George Sears, 13, told the po- Cutforth, he alleged, had called & | shelter of a box car. They heard Young Was a runaway from his home. Montreal, Que., Jan. 13. rokerage business & shot and the Italian boy fell.| operated. When the police reached the ON MANSLAVGH FACE TRIAL slaughter after having' been! held Booth had. Plaadod guilty to two | scene, Corradetti was dead and his| ON UGHTER CHARGES | criminally responsibie by coroners' -- Dr. F.| Juries for the deaths of '¢hilg. theria patients, Voluntary atdte a" DOES THIS WRITING ont Gi . ~ L # Nd * 2 ; H 5) peEFag|283Es = BRINGING UP FATHER BY GOLLY: ILL GIT RID OF THIS CAT THAT: MAGGIE BROUGHT: IN THE HOUSE YESTERDAY | NOW BE A NICE KITTY AN' WALK OVER ON _ THAT ROOF- | HOPE WOU ARE CONE WHEN | COME BACK- ' Hit, - Vs ~0 See ©71928, by Int) Feature Service, Ina [Grost Bab ERR TELLING TOMMY A STORY ! WELL DID I EVER TELL YOU ABOUT THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, TOMMY 9? deeenlllid on re C3:¢ Pieo PIPER WAS A re I ATS GLO GERMAN LEGEND. THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF HAMELIN,50 TH PROMISED THE PIPER ONE THOUSAND GUILDERS, IF HE WOULD CHARMED THE RATS AND LED THEM INTO THE RIVER WESER WHERE THEY WERE DROWNED. THEN WHEN THE MAYOR REFUSED TO PAY, fi _/. THE PIPER PLAYED HIS PIPE AGAIN AND LURED ALL THE CHILDREN E STORY GOES, RID THE CYTY OF RATS, THE PED PIPER WITH HIS PIPING po, TTR EE BE Fl 5) (545)~Buffalo, Educati oi "92 ~Ny, International BEGINNING TO SUSPECT NCE, MR. WHIPPLE 17 BOWS MEAN A THING, BECAVSE oy DO SoMm ~ SOMETHING.» VLL HAVE TELL MAC | LOSSY FETT. JSERSSEEES| | Exe §OIICEHIMEEEY) ¥EESIEEIlE