Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1928, p. 7

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Eo] Hpk from'a part the: house: where there is no A Hu mory "Weird Shape Aspens It was not, 'however, until - month that the ghost became 8 Susi | SPECIALIST "Your DUTY your eyes de. Ep * wel HON Boe "FOR 459; the house, and ey light, Town Ph! mon the Irish Repu AL TOT ToT OWN INH J oak | tor Sy and roomy, even Para taut | { Jackson Street west, i - Oat, Jan. 15. +Nel Williaxg Morrison, 421 well known {ball players, had a narrow secape i Fraderick C. RB ml . one a he os Santee in.ay ufacture, has much to % with Rh nahin val- the automotive counter and price fp on the indolpbte. Fu, Pay. ok le lh a tour of the United Btates, tha /bu : pr Hg at his hotel, wherein he sald he hoped soon to, puplish Irish newspaper. An Irish nowspapet, .to | organ of the Rewublican uppermost in his mind fora sald, He decla hat i: Iand today there was Vy [8 1% nets newspaper that expréssed his views, "nor the views of 400,000 others". A CANADIAN JhARMERS AT PLYMOUTH London, Jan, 15~~The party of Canadian farmers, numbering about 80, representing all the prov- ines of the Dominion, whe are on a tour of several European coun- tries, in search of new Ideas be Tring, landed at gla snd were welcomed by Mayor, ALE. PROPERTY "Suitable for Factory, Lumber Yard, Coal Yard, 'oF Junk Jud 3 acres of land with siding, Frame house, 8 rooms, fece hath, lights, new furnace, stable, garage. Ie us show you this property, It is valuable but prossnt i Price is low, Here's your chance, Enquire The Oshawa House & Land Co. 88 Simeoe Street North Oshawa Phones 464; 1830W DT LAMPS la ervey GENERAL ELECTRIC onoper. 1 the Tord «4 phasized th tion, al he 'the , Was Xr. De Var 3M high specialized parts, Toe doors of the modern: produc- tion: closed car are a case in point. Ome of the oldest and largest manu- facturers of automobiles, a concern which, in pre-automobile days, was an outstanding maker of horse-drawn coaches, has just placed an order for all doors for its 1928 cars with a con- cern which has solved numerous pro- blems in connection with this part of the obile body. Stoel Body Special The first real baste Bot for the t in body manufacture came with the development of all steel s, Here, one of the largest wheel manufacturers came into the limelight with a product which em- e importance of specializa- More vecently, there have been a number of innovations in body de- sign chiefly in connection with which is known as the composite body-- volves the use of both eel. The very word, suggests the present kf 4 veality, he bodies hat we see on automobi slong the highways are assembled from many shops, just 'the chassis and engines. It is a case of building & body one shop by a group of skilled who make all parts of it, a custom establishments ah are so highly skilled as to ¢ to do this, and where cost is deration, ! majority of concerns contri- buting to the 1928 automobile body are are_specialiving in in parts. One of is. making stron; on said, Mena they bd A both eh zontal and vertical stresses better than any door that can be manufac- tured in the average automobile body one that | wood (Suposite," 1 plant, These doors, like other body parts, are being purchased complete, just as 8 manufacturer would order speci- "al aluminunt alloy pistons or tires or a.complete vacuum system. Other concerns are making hein while still others: are special the posts which, in the majority of quan- tity production cars, pow a1 are a com- bination of steel and wood Just as 1928 automobiles reveal by a concern which heat Fesisting ietal, 30 too it dis ays door chec! which are the result of years of re- search and experiment by concerns ose specialty is making such body 15 An imposing list of automo- g * using concealed door checks Sheds mn muc h t on the progrses be- is direction, ng sage ih see in such developments the possibility of more interesting, Rh Ca mis 4 Oshawa El Electric Service C. B. DeGaerre, e Fox. £9 SBACOE ST. SOUTH Hardware: '15 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONES 419 AND 26 more useful and less sive bodi ! thas heretofore have hes a possible, Naturally, ther rable com- Bish en offering s for bodies, This is sehected | nok in lower operating costs but Oy hones s through pro- riding more a reasons for rading jin old cars for new ones. The ) 1} public rapidly is finding the automo- y. a vastly improved and use- :Some of methods of automobile bodies has that one of the be- eat and, apparently, BO aah hh eg Joe | bedroom thi a gg rigor owe their lives to » Which surrounded when he broke the A glass that he might escape. So close were the flames when the fire was dis covered that William Morrison was burned slightly about the face. The boys jumped from the second- storey window and called the fire department, Mrs. KE. Morrison, their mother, occupied the fromt portion of the home and was not In danger. She was rescued when the fire department arrived. The blaze started in a kitchet burning for some time before aves Lads' Lives But erishes Itself In Blaze the occupants of the house were aroused. the fire had tilled the b! and In a few minites more the boys would prob- ably have been overcome. Nelson Morrison was aroused by the constant howling and barking of the dog. Deciding to jump out to investigate he found himself in & hot room with dense smoke pouring in and about him. He lost no time in call- ing his brother and them smashed of the Aig while the other son sent in the fire alarm, Efforts were made to reach the dog, but the 'blinding smoke and terrific heat made rescue impossible and its howls grew weaker. Its body was found at the foot of the stairs, The cause of the fire {is not known. The damage was estimated at $1,200. 3% | FXPECT COSGRAVE TO EXPLAIN TO U3. EMPIRE RELATIONS et Coincides With Signi- ficant Moves OTTAWA SITUATION Believed Negotiations Afoot to Send Minister to London London, Jan. 14.--Willlam T. Cosgrave, who with his party, is now on his way to New York aboard the Homeric, visiting the United States primarily in his ca- pacity of president of the execu- tive council of the Irish Free State, Indirectly, however, it may be expected that there will develop in the course of his brief tour of the principal cities that he will be cast in an even more leading role. The first Premier of any British Dominion to visit the United States since Premier Stanley N, Bruce of Aust returned to his own coun- try ac the American continent, after the Imperial Conference stag- ed here in the fall of 1928, he will be in effect an unofficial ambassa- dor expounding at large the fun- damental change in the status of the British Empire which that con- ference registered, A Real Change When the report of the Imperial relations committee of the Imper- fal Conference was given out in November of that year, London dispatches described it as the Mag- na Charta of the British dominions, and stressed that the main prin- ciples underlying the historic docu- ment, so far from being merely paper changes, constituted a prac- tical revolution in the relations of the constituent parts of the Brit- ish Empire among themselves and with the outside world. This revo- lution first began to take visible shape before the eyes of the world at 'large when the United States and the Free State exchanged ministers plenipotentiary at their respective capitals. Frederick A. Sterling, American will be at Washington during the Free State leader's stay at the federal capital. Now, co-incidently with President Cosgrave's departure on Lis mis- sion to the United States, it is sn- Minister to Dublin, ks | nounced thet the Dominion of Can- ada, following up its naming of 8 minister to Washington, has agreed with France that the two countries should be mutually represented by ministers plenipotentiary, ar 1 Phil- A -- One Thin Woman Gained 15 Pounds In Five Weeks Men and women, weak, thin and miserable, are urged to put on weight and get back their health and strength with McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. One woman gained 15 pounds in five Wodks and and tints going fast enough McCoy takes ir the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 one dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or women doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely ment in health--your authorized to return the purchase Ask Jury & Lovell Ltd., T. B. Mitchell or any good druggist. Ee ippe Roy, the present Canadian Commissioner-General in the French capital, is slated as first Canadian minister to Parls, Move by Ottawa? Furthermore, the decision taken by the last Imperial Conference that in the future the Governors General of the several Dominions would represent the British Crown but not the British Government--a decision already applied in prac- tice as between London and Dub- lin--is expected at the same time to be included in a discussion be- tween London and Ottawa looking toward defining the exact status of the Canalian High Commissioner to London, and the appointment of a similar official at Ottawa, who would, in effect, be British Am- ador to Canada, As a final coincidence with the Free State, it is announced from Cape Town that the coming appro- priations by the Government oi the unions of South Africa are expect- ed to show a provision for the naming of, first, consular, and, la- ter, diplomatic representatives of South Africa in Europe. Mr, Cos- grave has stressed that he is going to the United States as a represen- tative of the Irish nation, not as a politician, But the Premier, who is also head of a party defending its position against a strong republi- can movement at home, with s.ck- ing in America, would clear.y be wasting a legitimate opportun.ty if he falled to emphasize the signifi- cance of these events as translat- ing into practice the principle laid down by the Imperial Conference that Britain and the dominions are autonomous communities within the Empire 'equal in status and in no way subordinate to one another in respect of any domestic or ex- ternal affairs," The prospect that far from ignor- ing this opportunity the Free State leader will make the independence of Ireland and the dominions in ali but name the keynote of his public speeches in the United States is strengthened by the choice of his companions. These Include not only Desmond Fitzgerald, Minister of Defense; and former Minister of External Affairs, but also J. P. Walshe, secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs, but also J, P. to be a close student of the evo- lution of the British Empire and to have decided views as to its de- velopment, President Cosgrave, as well as tightening up the relations between nis own country and the United States, will be acting as ambassa- dor of international understanding in bringing out the reality and rapidity of this development, which is among the most important fac- tors in world affairs today, DUBLIN TOURIST ALARMS QUEBEC Questioned By Police After Being in Seminary Grounds Quebec, Jan. 14, -- A Dublin tourist who decided to visit the Quebec Seminary armed with a camera had a distressing experi- ence when he was later arrested by locel detectives, Through some mistake he found himself ip an interior courtyard after entering the Seminary, and retracing his steps located the main doorway and rang the bell, People in the Seminary had been watching him, and as his actions had appeared suspicious to them, the tourist was informed that the building was a private residence. He turned away and immediately afterwards an alarm was turned in, the police being told of the myster- fous stranger who had introduced himself into the courtyard armed with a large box. Two pupils volunteered the in- She: "Oh, you'll do for a mate all right. Now, look me over and tell me what you think of your captain." | EXPORTS SLUMP |{ IMPORTS GREATER THE osavA- DALY. TIMES - MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1928 Canada's Favorable Trade Balance Declines $9,000,- 000 in December Ottawa, Ont, Jan. 15--If trade conditions for the mext three months continue as they were dur- ing the previous nine months, then the present fiscal year will close March 30 with no increase in our total trade, a decrease in our ex- port trade of $40,000,000, an in- crease in ou rimport trade of $75,- 000,000, and the favorable trade balance of the previous fiscal year reduced by $110.000,000. Trade returns for December show our imports at $83,261,666 compar ed with $81,774,995 for December, 1926; and our exports $132,190.- 548 as against $139,807,991 for De- camber, 1926. In this month Can- ada's favorable trade balance was reduced over $9,000,000. For De- cember there was a decrease in ex- ports of wheat of nearly $3,000, 000, planks and boards of nearly $1,000,000, turs of $600,000, auto- mobles of $1,500.000, cheese $650,- 000, fish $270,000, woodpulps $500,000 while exports of news- print increased by $1,500,000. For the nine months ending De- cember exports were valued at $966,495,950, and for the corres- ponding nine months in the previ- ous fiscal year were valued at $996,286.,088, Imports for the same nine months were valued at $822,987,428 ths fiscal year and $766, 768.042 last fiscal year. Dur- 'ng the nine months period there has been a reduction in our fa- vorable trade balance from $224,- 528,146 to $143,608,622 or a de- crease of $83,014,624, Durinz the nine month period revenue has been better than trade Customs Duties Increased Customs duties have Increased from §106,642,617 to $116.826,- 438, evclsa duties from $38,247,774 to $44.762 665, sundry collections 'rom $852,461 to $1,092,589, while axcige tares have decreased from "79,739,475 to $69,672,637, leay- {n%.a net increare in revenue fre these sources of $7,002,102, rreeged customs duties are due the great increase in imported man- nfactured poods, while increased ovcise duties are due to the change 'rom prohibition to Government "ontrol of the liquor trade in On- tario and New Brunswiek. The President, Room 805, Bank of T. Montreal, 0) ie? the decrease in the sales tax made last session. For December the customs revenue was $12,028,278 an increase of $1,099,158 over the previous December. Although there was substantial decrease in income tax lust session the revenue for nine months shows a substantial increase over the same period in the previous fiscal year. For the nine months in the present fiscal year*the income tax collected was $53,107,351, and dur- ing the same period in the previous vear $45,667,840, an incrense of $7,449,601. Hon. W. D. Euler at. tributes this increase to greater prosperity, and more efficient meth- ods of collection. During November, the December figures not yet being available ex- clse duty collected amounted to $5,621,509, and for November, 1926, $4,928,708. The excise duty collected during November, 1927, was from the following sources: Spirits, potable, $2,032,998; spir- its, non-potable, $103,725; malts, $315,968; cigars, $57,391; eclgar- ottes, $2.068,328; manufactured tobacco, $369,042; foreign raw leaf tobac~o, $662,601; beer, $11,145, licenses, $312, CHIROPRACTIO D. E. Steckley Chiropractor and Drug- less Therapist, will be in the office, He Simcoe street, north, every afternoon and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Forénoons by appointment, Residental calls made in town and sur- rounding district, Somsultation is free at office. Phone 2: _ Meds $12. 05 LEADER DRY GOODS decrease In excise taxes is due to CHATEAU FRONTENAC RINK SCENE OF GAY MASQUERADR Quebec; Que., Jan. 15---Dufferin Terrace, and the Chateau Fronte- nac Rink were en fete last might, when the final skating masquerade of this week's Winter sports fea- ture was held. Colored lanterns and flares and the Royal 22nd Reg- imental Band added much to the carnival atmosphere. Many bril- liant costumes were worn, several depicting such historically interest- ing characters as Frontenac and cavaliers of that period. Mr, Mor« ris Ackerman, of Cleveland, Miss Muriel Hasketh, of Buffalo, and Miss Mollie Cohen, of New York, were judges. First prize went to Miss O'Brien and Mr, R. Lapointe, flavor of fresh, ripe fruits. It is beneficial too, Phone 740; 82 Simcoe St, 8. Do You Own Your Own Real Estate and Insurance DISNEY PHONE 1550 CAR1TER'S Real Estate CARTERS REAL ESTATE, 5 King st. KE. $4 20 New 6-room brick ven- zy eer house in the north end, close to school; chestnut trim, hardwood floors, electric mantel, French doors, 8-piece white enamel bath, hot air furnace, side drive, garage. $600 cash, balance arrang- $6 00 7-room brick house, ' close to General Mo- tors; chestnut trim, bardwood floors all through, French doore, 2-piece bath, separate toilet, laundry tubs, garage. Reasonable cash payment considered, $2 20 Frame Cottage, five ' rooms, electric light, water, toilet, garage, close to paved street, A good cash payment will reduce the price. $1, 10 Frame Cottage, four rooms, electric light and water. Small cash payment for quick sale, BRADLEY BROS. or phone 1380 REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purch ssers. R. M. KELLY 810 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1663W A LYCETT Yorz Res) Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 25 King St. B.~~orner Celine Phone 205 20 Simcoe Bt. B, Phone 169 Big Bargain In G, Real Estate, close to Cs 5-Room Frame Conveniences ,,., and i V7 BETTER HOUSES FOR SALE $7,200 drive, oak floors, laundry tubs. small payment down. Must be sold, New Brick on paved street, close in, four large Jiving rooms, itchen, 4 $3,950 cellar, 40 rods from (ental Ee ae Motors, Why pey rent. ew, Frederick mantel and tt, We have four houses for sale, which and ore at $1,600, with $200 cash, Stucco house, 5 rooms, only $2,400--£200 cash. Apply at Mundy Bldg. Hortcn & French Buflders' Lots on Yonge, Gliddon, Athol East Sommerville Ave, McLaughlin Blvd, and Simcoe St. North. Good Lot, 40 x 132, close to General Motors. , Oshaws Bivll. $590.00, URIAH JONES Real Estate . 11 Bond St. E. Open Evenings Phone 2667

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