Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1928, p. 6

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! Poy id ; 5 4 dh ASRS BORN EN 1 3 LOE lo 43 Se Ti a] THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES. MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1926 DAY. NIGHT Hockey Double Header In City ue Tomorrow Oshawa City Hockey League will gét going again tomorrow night when a double header will feature the bill. of opposing teams will 'be St. «George's and Presbyterians in, the first and Service will battle Buick »Paint in the second. Both games will ~gtart at the usual times, the first get- siting under way as soon after 7.30 o'- wlock as possible and the second im- amediately after the first is over. 4 ild weather put a crimp in the 'schedule although today it was de "gided to have the schedule run as fioriginally drawn and play the post- "ponied games at the end of the sche- "ule or on other nights, depending of ligourse, on ice conditions 'and limita: . s. =1 The league got under 'way several "weeks ago and to date but four games have been. played. On Janu 3, the Oshawa Daily A id and suffffered defeat to Whe. > a 2 ol atone aul in | the d game that ni vice ond ded 3 0 shawa Railway a 4 to wg. Then on the Sth: of this ; s defeated the Presby- to 1 while Simcoe han : Paint 'a 4 to 0 whitewash, is li 'that Tom Gay, who has 3 the games to date, will s tomorrow night, i ENTRIES CLOSE FEB. x 18 IN $25,000 TRANS- CONTINENTAL RACE a Angeles, Cal, Yan. 16--Lea- EE] BY erlnnged distance runners who are 'planning on "seeing America first" ia the transcontinental $25,000 Ma- gathon race scheduled to start here arch 4, were advised Saturday that \February 13 wonld be the closing "date for the entries, The Marathon to end in New York City not lat- wer than three months after the start. t. C. C, Pyle,"promoter of the trans "ontinental foot-padding trail, said so 'smany steppers, spurred by the $25, 000 prize, have already signed that he is looking about for a plan to weed out the top-heavy list. A sec- ond prize of $10,000 will be awarded, a» 3 OUE MEN BUSY Nw York, Jan, 16.--Jake Schae- ler vanquished Welker Cochran 'Mn their 3,600 point balk line bil- d match here Saturday night by 8,600 to 2,864, Schaefer was victor in the afternoon block by 100 to 57, but Cochran came back Po the might play o win the final "plock by 375 to 300, The highest n of the match was established "Py Schaefer last night--222, Gg % THRTUGH WITH STONES - ult Ste. Marie, Ont., Jan. 18. 4o-Walter Caughill, Vice-President +bf the Espanola Curling Club, find- Sing that his rocks were not run- ning true on the ice, has decided t it is time 0 get a new pair. estimates tha, having used the 2 rocks continuously orf 87 years, *wih a very modest estimate of ten fexzafit@ TAOIN RDLU FWYPQ Q Sends twice a week for three and a Shalf months each winter, the #yocks have travelled 432 miles; Eudes imes met, 2 | Canadiens N.Y. Amer. LEAFS HUMBLE - RANGERS 6 TO 1 Toronto, Jan. 16. -- Displaying the best hockey they have shown Toronto fans this season, the Teafs handed the New York Rangers the worst defeat Lester Patrick's tea . mhas suffered for many months when the triymmed it 6 to 1 at Arena Gardens Satur- day n'ght before a large and en- thusiastie erowd. The Rangers were mot outplay- ed as much as the score implies, but faultless goal-tending to Roach and some startling team- play by the. Toronto attack ac- counted for the margin, It was a wide open game, with both teams concentrating on aggressive thrusts at the opposing net, and the Leafs combined better, created more openings and beat the Rang- ers at their own style of play, Hockey Records NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE International Secton P,. W, L, T, Pts. esseess21 16 1 4 36 Montreal ¢eeeeess19 10 7 2 22 Toronto ..veveees24 9 9 3 21 Ottawa ,.e00e00..20 8 8 4 20 ves se22 7 12 8 127 United States Section P, WL, T, Pts. Boston ,,....++s.31 10 N.Y. Rangers ....23 10 Detroit soo. Pittsburg , Chicago sees CANADIAN LEAGUE RECORD { P. W, L T Pts, Kitchener +,.....20 12 6 2 26 Detroit ,,.eev004.20 12 7 1 25 Stratford +..es0..20 10 8 2 22 Hamilton ,,...4..20 10 '8 2 22 Toronto .....s++:30 910119 Niagara Falls +,.,20 6 9 6 17 London ,... +30 713115 Windsor ..,...¢,20 '6 12 2 14¢ FERNCHMEN WON New York, Jan, 16, -- Howie Morenz, sensational centre player of Les Canadiens of Montreal, in- creased his lead as leading scorer of the * National Hockey League here last night, when he netted the goals which gave the Flying Frenchmen a 8-1 victory over the New York Americans, The game was evenly contested until the fin- al period, when the Montrealers cut loose with a display of mete- orfc speed and markmanship whichg has carried them far into the lead of the International Group since they lost their only game of the season to Detroit on November 27. In the last seven- teen games they have won four- teen and tied three, MAORONS REVENGE Montreal, Jan, 16,--A crippled Montreal Maroon squad obtained revenge for a recent humiliating 4 to 0 defeat at the hands of Pitts- burg by heating the sdme Pirates at the Forum Saurday night by a similar 4 to 0 count. The Ma- roons were crippled b reason oy fthe loss of two players' services for the game, Belbert, regular defnse man, was under suspension for one game, having incurred three major penalties, while Bill Phillips, first-string right winger, is out of the game with an injured back, LD: Have you heard the Orthophonic Victrola? It will pay you to step in and hear the marvellous tone of this wonderful instrument. A demonstration gladly given. . _., SOLD ONLY IN OSHAWA BY. J. BROWM ila aes z 5 New York, Jan. 16--~"Terribly disap) ted" at the showing of Tom Heeney and Jack Eharkey in their draw bout at Madison Square Garden) Tex Rickard Saturday de- ed to stage a final "elimination" tournament among five men, preli- minary to two championship match- es this year, Acting immediately on the plan, Rickard signed Sharkey to meet a suitable opponent on March 12, and engaged Heeney for a bout March 1. He came to terms with Johnny Risko, the Cleveland baker boy, to box Jack Delaney, retired light- heavyweight champion, Feb, 10. The fifth entrant in the tourney is Paulino Uzcudun of Spain, All round affairs, with the losers def- initely eliminated from further consideration as potential challeng- ers, From these five battlers Rickard hopes to draw the first opponent for Tunney, - with Jack Dempsey standing out as the champion's see- ond challenger, The elimination tournament victor probably will meet Tunney in Jume. Dempsey's third contest with the big marine is tentatively set for next September at the New York American League ball park. Rickard also is con- siderign a match in London be- tween Heeney and Dempsey next sumnrer, Sport Briefs GO INTO FIRST PLACE Detroit, Jan. 16, -- The New York Rangers went Into undisput- ed second place in the American section of the National Profession- al Hockey League lags night when they outbattled the Detroit Cou- gars for a 2 to 1 victory here. More than 12,000 persons saw the game. A VETERAN PLAYER DIKES Philadelphia, Jan. 16.--Tagged out by death in his 87th year, Al- fred J. Reach, another grand old fan of baseball, has joined the ranks of those real veterans of the diamond who have gone before. Al, Reach, as he was best known to early baseball fans, died at his home in Atlantic City Satur- day after an illness of three days, BOSTON WON * Boston, Jan, 16, -- Boston de- feated Philadelphia 8 to 1 in Sat- urday night's Canadian-American Hockey League game, and retain- its place at the top of the leagu. e game was fast and clean, with few penalties. Redding scored for Boston in the Irst period, Tay- lor and' Mackay scored the other two goals in the second period. Robinson scored for Philadelphia in the last period, BOX OR SRTAND. SUSPENDED New York, Jan. 16, -- Boxing champions in three divisions-- Mickey Walker of the middle- weights; Joe Dundee, welter- weight titleholder, and Sammy Mandell, lightweight king, to-day were orered by the National Box- ing Association to sign for de- fense of their titles within 30 days or suffer suspension in 25 member States. INTERNATIONAL GOSSIP Toronto, Jan. 16, -- With Inter- national magnates gathered fn New York for the league meeting to-ay, a rumor has reached here thay th deal shifting the Syracuse franchise to Jersey City is virtual- ly closed and that there is a strong possibility that Buffalo capital, represented by the Jacobs brothers, welll known concession- aires in baseball and other sport- Ing lines, will be invested in the new deal. Marvin Jacobs is vice- president o fthe Buffalo Club, ENTERTAIN GRADS Kingston, Jan, 16.--In the new La Salle Hotel on Wednesday night the members of the Varsity Grads, Canadian Olymple team, will be entertained at a banquet as Ontario's final send-off to the team. Secretary W. A. Hewitt of the O.H.A. will be with the team, "Price § $160 - as well as W. Fry, Dunnville, past resident, while & number of oth- r prominent hockey men fn On- rio will attend. George Van ne, of the O, H. A. executive, looking after the visi; of the mpic team, -- TERS PORTS IN MONTREAL, OTTAWA AND QUEBEC 'lomtreal, Ottawa and ve gained ri Page 3 the matural home of winter | -ports, In and around these cities are wonderful ski and toboggan slides, glittering ice for skating and picturesque trails for snow- shoeing, "The winter sport season eon- tinues through January and Feb- ruary, and sport lovers coming from all over Canada and the United States lend a vivid, eolor- ful and' care-free atmosphere to these famous old Canadian cities. Canadian National Railways help to make Winter Sport Time complete by offering an exception. ally fine service to these cities. Canadian National trains leave Toronto for Montreal at 9.00 a.m. daily; 1.30 p.m. daily except Sun- day; 8.30 p.m. daily; 10.00 p.m. daily except Saturday; 11.00 p.m. daily, with convenient connections for Quebec city. Trains leave To- ronto for Ottawa at 1.30 p.m. daily excep) Sunday, and at 11.15 p.m. y. SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S matches, Tex declared, will be 15-|- and the result is that all post; 9th or last Mon the delay but wit defeat the R City League games will go on customers are pleased. ter. Little "nippers" who yearn to a chance,~Toronté Globe, erboro, Oshawa Shamrocks j and the Intermediates play this will be announced later, brought in a different verdict, rick called the mill a draw, the draw decision, Boxing Commission to make public Ain't it a grand and glorious feelin'~now that 'the icé is back again--and we can go to hockey games and skating every week. Yes, sir, Old Jack Frost sure did his ¥ Hy or poned games and as m i as can be rum off in the OHA. this week will the a Sihawa City Hockey League will also resume operations tomorrow Tonight the Oshawa Intermediates will ville Club in a game that should have been played here January the night to be more exact. Soft ice was the cause of | . the temperature hovering around the zero mark today, the ice at Bradley's Rink should be in ubber Towners though, for the Red, Whit have been playing consistent hockey so far this winter, considering its many handicaps, hasn't done badly and should real opposition. The game is called for 8.15, ginally and as 'many postponed games--there are four gether--will be played whenever the ice is available. T St. George's and Presbyterians and Buick and Service will provide two bits worth of pleasure for those who patronize City League hockey. The games this winter in the minor league have been attendance each night is getting larger, thus indicating that the cash decisions were subject to reasonable doubt, fight in the over the week-end be on the card, be. hosts to the Bowman fine shape, Oshawa should and Black nville, put up as per the schedule arranged ori- them alto night gbod and the Cooperation of the Parks Commission and Playgrounds Association has resulted in an arrangement whereby hours 'will be set aside on Saturday evenings throughout the season during which undersprivileg: ed boys who cannot "make" the playgrounds teams will have an op- portunity to play hockey. The plan met with striking success last win- play the game get no chance be- cause they cannot make even the smallest and lightest of the teams at their respective public playground rinks, is "hand-me-down," boots two sizes twoo large and skates barely worth the name, but the "kids" have as much fun as anybody--when they get Much of their equipment -------------- Both the Shamrock Juniors and the Intermediates have a tough schedule ahead, of them this week and both managements are losing no time in getting their postponed games off this chests, The Itermediates play here tonight against Bowmanville, while he Shamrocks go to Pet- rney to Bowmanville Wednesday night rt Hope here Friday night. Intermediates may have to go to Port Hope Wednesday night, although The local The curlers will get going again tonight when, the Inter-Club games will' be played as scheduled last week. with the schedule and the regylt is that some crowding will have to be done to get it gver with befdfe the spring thaw. sets in, on the Curling Club will be found in amother column, The mild spell played havoc Further data There were three officials qualified to make decisions in the Shar- key-Heeney bout at New York on Friday night and each of them Referee Dunning voted Heeney the winner, judge George Keeley was for Sharkey and judge George Pat- The points scored by each of the officials have not been made public, When they are published they may explain It has been the custom of the New York State the points scoring by officials when e ENGLISH SOCCER RESULTS London, Eng., Jan, 16--League foothall matches played in the Brit- ish Isles Saturday had the follow- ing results: -- English League Third Division--Southern Coventry City 6 Torquay Un'd, 1 Merthyr Town 1 Plymouth*A, 4 Newport ,, -. 2 Norwich 2 Queen's Park R 3 Southend Un'd 2 Walsall .... ,.1 Crystal Palace 1 Watford ... ,.3 Brighton & H, 3 Third Division--Northern Ashington ... 6 Rochdale .... 1 Bradford City 4 Durham .... 0 Chesterfield .. 3 Accrington 8. 1 Doncaster Rov, 4 Berrow ..... 0 Hartlepools U 1 Bradford .,., 1 Halifax Town 6 Nelson ----.. 1 Wigan .... .....1 Stockport C'ty. 3 SCOTTISH LEAGUE SCORES London, Eng., Jan, 16--Games played in the Scottish Football League on Saturday resulted as follows: -- Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen .... .. 6 Clyde Airdrieonians 2 Rangers .... 7 Bo'ness ~....,, 2 Hibernians ... 1 Celtic ... 9 Dunfermline A 0 Cowdenbeath .. 3 Hamilton Aca, 1 Hearts 4 Queen's Park 2 Motherwell .. 3 Kilmarnock . St. Johnstone 5 Dundee ...... St. Mirren ... 3 Falkirk Second Division Arbroath .... 1 Clydebank .. Armadale ,,, Kings Park , Ayr United ,, Bathgate .... Dumbarton .. Albion Rovers Dundee United 9 Arthurlie .... East Fife _. Forfar Ath, .. East Stirling , Morton .... Leith Athletic Queen fo 8, , Stenhousemufr St. Bernard . Third Lanark. 5 Alloa eevee COME BACK STRONG Ottaws, Jan. 16.--A stirring ral- ly in the final period gave Boston 8 4-2 victory over Ottawa in a ruggedly fought Nationgl Hockey fixture here Saurday h., The win served to lengthen the point leadership which Boston holds in the American section of the league, while it tumbled the lo- cals into fourth place in the Can- ian section, somes 0 OOM =D WW 1 7 0 9 4 2 3 2 5 ANOTHER STAR FOR OTTAWA Ottawa, Jen. 16. -- Hozomer Godin, a 20-year-old French Cana- dian, who has been starring this season in the Civil Service League of Ottawa and also in Hull City, has been signed by the Ot- tawa Hockey Club of the Pro. League. home-bred re- cduit had been signed. Godin fis a wing player, and has gained note as a heavy scorer. i ------------ PARAMOUNT OSHAWA THEATRES LIMITED DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and three-quarters (134%) on the Preference shares of Company has been declared, payable on the 15th day of Febru- 1928, to shareholders of record om the day of January, 1928. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, N, L. NATHANSON, ary, Bist Ask any National Canadian Agent for tickets and full informa- Managing Director. Dated at Toronto this 14h day of January, GRADS WIN 270 1 FROM 12TH'BATTERY London, Ont, Jan, 16--Toronto Grads. Canada's Olympic hockey team, defeated the London 12th Battery, O.H.A, intermediate title- holders, by the score of 9 .to 1 be- fore a crowd of 2,600 spectators at the London Arena Saturday night, Judging by the brand of hockey played by the Grads. they will undoubtedly win honor for the Dominion at the Olympic games to be played in Switzerland in Febru- ary. : Hockey enthusiasts of London and Western Ontario, who turned out to get a glimpse of the Olym- pic players were greatly impressed with the showing.» The forward line worked smoothly, while Ross Taylor and "Red" Porter provided a powerful defense, "Red" Porter and Dave Trottier were the leading Sogijgeriers. scor- ing three counters effh, while Tay- lor, Hugh Plaxton and Fisher con- tributed with one goal each. Ross Somerville scored the only counter for the Battery, Porter was the outstanding play- er of the game, He played won- derful defensive hockey, in addi- tion to making the occasional rush. On several occasion he stickhandl- ed through the entire London team to tire at the Gunenrs' net. He was given a great hand by the spe~ta- tors and cheered for his clever play- ing. 'Trottier combined with his teemmates and was always effec. tive. RADIO TELEVISION FOR HOME AT HAND Schenectady, Jan. 13--Radio tele- vision for the home--simple and eco- nomical--is at hand. Is the first demonstration of television broad- casting, the initial step was taken here today toward bridging the all- important gay between laboratory development and commercial produc- tion, It is only a week since an out- standing authority in this newest and most fascinating of radio fields, ven- tured the prediction that home tele: vision regeiyi sets could not made practicable in the near future. And yet, as that prophecy was being uttered, the Corporation of Company were quietly testing five television receviers built' here as an experiment preliminary fo commer- cial manufacture. Radio ation, and also a con- sulting r of hte General Eles- tric [ , designed these Ss. Dr. Alexasiderson insists that work involves no mew jointisles. is a 8 application, say: of pr s previously known upon the ibutions uf ok founded ons many pioneers, Nott ARE A {iA A shareholde annual speech the rs (of Canada, today, C. F. Neill, the general , the Right Hon. W, L, Mackenzie br. Adam Shortt, Dr: Omar, ment provide for a single seat for New York, Jan. 14.--Most en- couraging progress has been made during thigs year toward es- tablishing uniformity in the use of signals given by automobile opera~ tors and the drivers of other types of vehfeles using the publle high- ways, according to a statement from the street safety committee of the New York Automobile Club, says Frederick H. Elliott in the New York Herald-Tribune, A year ago the cjlly launched a campaign in the meétopolitan dis- trict with a view to reducing street accidents by requesting all vehicle operators to give proper hand sig- nals, extending the request to com- panies operation horsedrawn vehic- les to instruct their drivers to drive from tig) left side of the driver's seat, A recent survey disclosed that nearly all horse-drawn vehicles are now being driven from the left side, and that orders for new equip- the driver at the left side of the vehicle, Reports of collisions betweén. automobiles and waggons for 'a considerable period show that there have been many serious accidents resulting from the inalility of mo- tor car operators to #e a right- hand signal given. by the driver of a horse-drawn vehicle, Many of these accidents occur during the night. "The club also advocated 'the necessity of some unformity ip hand signals, which met with mediate and favorable response from corporations operating thous. Oshawa Curling Club Drop | Tha ambual "open" spiel of the | ©. M, Anderson, A. J. c Oshawa Cwiling Club will be H. Peacock, C. : | dropped this year, it was decid. | Fighleleh. "od at a gemeral wi) "will be in the of Tuesday ore Stier be Ted for the E,W. Drew Cup, recent: | | "Coopan 1) will be gone ahead ond; F. AN haduied Tass week. | Coad opie will be arranged | leigh, consists of eh Re CH, ish gga e : @ a WOMEN ONLY AT MOORE'S COW Haileybury, Jan, 13, Married women, whose husbands are able to support them, no longer will be ployed as teachers at the M 's Cove Public School, 'near here, anid the Trustees are adver- tising for an unwedded lady to fill a vacancy to be created by March 1, : 4 The ratepayers at a Lae meeting decided that only single teachers would be engaged the" school in future, w. J. TUPPER, K.C., HEADS WINNIPEG EMPIRE CLUR Wikipeg, Man., Jan. 15--Will- jam J. Tupper, K.C,, was elected president of the Winnipeg branch of the Empire Club of Canada, at fts annual dinner and meeting at the Royal Alexandra Hotel, Hon, Sir Hugh John Macdonald accept- ed the position. of honorary presi- dent; A, ¥, Hardy, second vice- president and ex-Mayor Charles F. Gray, third vice-president, and Er- nest Atkins was re-elected secre- tary-treasurer, Rev. J. O, Ralston, niodérator of the Presbyterian Church, 1 anitoba, was elected hon- orary chap, *in. A s™ng executive was also elected, After this business was conclud- Led, a discussion on the following notice of motion took place, "That the members of the Winnipeg unit .of the Empire Club of Canada af- firm their conviction by expressin«y their opinion against ang change of flag for Canada, or.any proposed ands of vehicles in New York and vicinity, ! Uniform in Limited Areas mended State-wide uniform traffic signal codes for vehicles of all types in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, so as to provide a standard practical signal which could be quickly understood by all operators and drivers, urging as basis for this code the adoption of the Connecticut practice, No one will dispute the:statemen that hand signals from automp- biles and oher vehicles should be standardized and made uniform as well as universal. It is obvious that no driver should leave another in doubt as to his intentions, Courtesy and co-operation on the highways can only be brought about by co-operation between the users of the highaways, One of the chief difficulties standing in the Following this th@elub ne aio to define precisely what is {there should be any doubt as' designs placed upon the flag", meant by these terms. If m fists generally will practice points enumerated, real pro towards highway courtesy and operation and uniformity of a will be rapidly accomplish~ el, ' It seems almost impossible that he proper signals to use indicating he various movements of a motor car in traffic, The generally used system of hand wigwagging . has come into being because it comes naturally to most drivers. ' Motor car traffic of toda as reached a point where seemingly minor matters of motoring deport- ment have become of real ance. With moving cars massed as they are on the main thorough- 4 January 21 D. BR Bagotville, Que., Jan. 18~This little. town, 75 miles up: the Sag uenay and.at the door of tite Lake St. John Industrial region; Nas ambitions to become @n* ocean port. It has formally asked J, E. A. Dubue, M.P.; for 'Chicouti- mi, to see it does blossoms' olit-- and not later than this desston 'of Parliament.' The M.P."has prom. ised to do his best, a% SAGUENAY TOWN W PORT FRENCH SCENARIO" WIN CASE AGAINST U.S, CRITIC Paris, Jan, 13.--Pierre Van Pais. sen, cortimonden fo AL Robe od World, was guilty of libelling French scenario writers by say their charees that different Versions of "The Big Parade" were given in the United States and' France were designed to endanger Franco-Amerie can relations, The Scenario Writers' Association contended what they said was true, Van Paassen was fied $2 and or. dered to advertise the court's judg. ment in four newspapers 'at a cost of 'mot mere than $8, es 4 PLAY SIX MORE GAMES Toronto, Jan. 14, -- Varsity Grads play six more games be- fore they sail, January 22, aboard the Arabic for Europe to rerep- sent Cenada in the Olympic hock ey tournament at St. Moritz, Swit. zerland, next month, The London 12th Battery, Intermediate O.H. A, champions, who went down to defeat before the Grads in the Allan Cup elimination series last season, will be the Olympic team's oppenents at Lon to-night; Monday the Grads y at Dunne ville; Tuesday at the Varsity Arena; Wednesday at Kingston; Thursday at Montreal, and® on against an allstar aritime team at Halifax, ET ------ $3,000 Js room brick an terms, | Sal $6 00 7 room, brick, all ene ' veniences, exception ally central, See this. i $11,00 11 rooms, Brick; all conveniences, 'een tral, Call on us for your wants in all classes of real estate, : L.'V. Dinsey -- way of the attainment of these |fare; during the active motoring|29 King St. E, Phone 1550 driving virtues generally is the fail- | geasons, a very slight failure in Associate Salewmen | ure in many instances of the ad-|caution may cause a serious accl-'[, Vy. Disney W. G. Prudence' vocates of courtesy amd co-opera-| dept, | D. J. Rutherford B. 8, Disney ------ I A _---- commas rE SMOKERS ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH aes F are of A of better , £3

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