Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1928, p. 9

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SDL Se] a watca a bisoo! wam suo THE OSHAWA bay | TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 16, 1928 rm -- & pee N Era amtruh oir RE | SEES oy End f) ahes east. Phone oy ARTHUR LYNDE/ er (Hambourg Col ronto) pupils pre) coe St. North: Polis all Ww. 'E. N. "SINCLAIR, K BANK ga a L (116-1 yr.) . BA--BAR- |exa NT nsult ® N: ap i e ore Use of t the Classified vice mow at oat AH fn. eens) MONEY TO LOAN {mortgage on farm" Re ble rate. » Plo nyfl Barristers, M or Dewland's Bass Ph Ry BARTO! pons otstatridlan. Office 142 Simeos St. omen. Two years' p._pxperience. 'Offjow; 167 Simcoe St, N., St. Oshag. | "Phone 94, DR"GRANT-BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Siseases bo infants and ghildren. Of ice and residen ) nd east, Pi TT ie 168, 2 Pond. ¢ e 1 DR. B, ZLEWOOD, PHYSE cian an eon, special aitentidy 1" y work and -Eloctros cop: Office, Disney Block. Phone 2060. Offi "open 9 am to 9 p 161 King, Eas Ear, Now, Throat Specials DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over! Jury & Lovell's Drug. Store Sit Saturday, from 1 till 4 ven to Dy for sultation and treatment | ™ of ear, nose apd" Yieiat only. y intments maye'be fo] at drug stbre. Phone 97. tf) t oit, Bdinburgh; snd Vignna, Ro: Simcoe strgef N, "Phone 9 Residence 2548, (Jan. 13-Feb, 13) | Dental Dit, Dr --R,. DAVIES, DVER. ; Bimpeoe St. South. gen. gas. for. e tractio Phone 281, res, 2082, . (148t1) DR. S. lal LIPS, DENTIST, Q go FEE TAI: to Durrant ppany| All kinds of vrai 'epalring, cracked mos '| PERSONS DESIRING, a: security of their met f) | those desiring to * reff = |' purchase of their motor vars; nee Swanson, German and McKenzie, ARMED UNLIMITED FUNDS FO RFIRST ages, Building Idans arranged. . Phone 169; 420, (96-tf) FOR CITY AND FARM - KOANSYS No commission, gr: a+ loans. Legal work an at this» a 2 King St, B. - | ANNOUNCEMEN Stock used timbers dol 'sheeting various i! lengths up to 40 ence, Todt s East, corner' Viétoria : WE HAVE RQUGH AND BRT S ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, dooré and interior trim. Whitby, lu Jumbes and -- Painting and Décorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- years' experience, Prices right. Work guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45:40) Beauty Parlors ; LADY MASSEUSE. PULL Bony 260 Albert sire MARTE RENWICK "4{SHOE REPAIRING for sale. Apply K. Baran, 426 ures, mmarcelling, J Shtticoe street south, or 589 Al-|, prompt. service. XD Work done hy day or hour, Phone =44236M or 53W, SOLE AN CA RTAG ) foving, van and stor a: Baggage | ram For Rent J Bios 3 3 FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, suitable for two girls, or office men, Breakfast and supper ., de- FOR RENT--TWQ LARGE UN. Sarnished, rooms on bath flat. Ap- 68 Golf street. . (11-0) FOR RENT--ROOM TO RENT, siltable 'for two gentlemen. Ap- | 26 © Gladstone Ave. -Phone Haw: (11-0) 1 apoiy 21 Warren avenue, (10-0) . | ONE LARGE BEDROOM TO RENT, suitable for one or two gentlemen | roomers; also furnished rooms for light housekeeping for young mar- Hed couple. No children. Apply (12-¢. GE TO RENT AT t. a ZK 115 Wanted to Rent - ried couple with one child, Apply Box "FF Oshawa Daily Times, (120) J. ROOM WANTED TO 8 ir ntral. Board optional, Bex p i" awa Daily Times, (120) sited." Phone 1734W. (11-0) | 3 Ret | LARGE FRONT ROOM WQULD w | built two ladies or gentleman, Also 3 |fremt. parlor, All conveniences. WANTED TO RENT--THREE UN: : [furnished rooms by young mar- pear busineas section, Box wa Daily Times, y (120) . WANTED A GOOD DAIRY FARM 1 on share basis all equipped for one .¥ear, with option of purchasing ab nd. of year, Box "G" Oshawa D--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, | am. 0 . Ads for Late to Clasity sand Too Late up to 0. am. '¥ TELEPHONE 3 "Ask for Classified Ad Depart: ment, Real Estate for Sale opm Eat for Sue [GAYS WATERWAYS brick house; all conveniences, near General Motors. Apply 296 Jarvis St, (12-b) BARGAIN--UNFINISHED HOUSE for sale, 461 Jarvis street. For particulars, 14 Meagher ave, Tor- onto, | (11-¢) |FOR SALE--3% ACRES OF rs er TSA ae of cul- wre a ©) wit" of the Boal ot some ing Diag tha wo nh " it. Suitable for small fruits, veg- etables 'or 'poultry, A Box "B" Oshawa Dally Tim (8) TIMES SIFIED [ADS GBT LITTLE; ACe Il « f LISH MUCH 'Dally Times, (88) | A 3 'WANTED © TO RENT--SMALL apartment, Married couple, Neo children, Phone 1360. (162tL) FE Wanted to Buy a RRR oo 'Articles For Sale 89TW. (10-c) WILL BUY ABOUT 500 BARRELS ' of apples; Any kind, pay cash, C, Shiroky, 116 Bloor St. E, (10-¢)|PR +4MR. S. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS, and all kinds of metals, Buying scrap batteries, old ears and poulte Goods called for, Phone 2060M, SupResidence 99 Mill street. (111tf) Hairdressing NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESS- (Dec, 31-Jan, 34), | Ing Parlor, Marcelling, shampoo- ing, and manicore, 551 Simcoe strecet north, Phone 918M for + appointment, Corseteire CORSETIERE SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Elgin east. Mrs. Annie Pent. ings by appointment, Phone 442). (133t1) land, managing corsetiere., Even- FOR SALE--USED ELECTRIC washer in first class order. Guar- téed "m+ bargain, Apply 181 Athgl St. East. (11-b) condition, Half regular price. Bt Oshawa, Dally Times office, (7-t1) for sale Good zondition. Low price, Ho of "floor space, before new addi~ Oshaw: Belts Y Feiomnanandy: (106-t HAY FOR SALE, $12 PER TON, Apply -340 -Agnes Street, or phone FOB: BALE--CORONA TYPE. writer (portable), in excellent Thig is a bargain. May be seen HOT WATER HEATING PLANT Mand plant .was used. to heat the ¥ lock, about 10,000 square: tion was erected, It should be just jhe pes ho jor 2 fort, or apartment [NEW $126 RADIO--$50, MUST sell, Tubes, power tube, 17 cone-| speaker, batteries, aerial installed. Apply 301 St, Eloi ave,, after 6 (12-4) Pets and Live Stock. Holstein cows, Time up to renew -chance to get the good one, Sell- ing all. Dean Pickell, Lakeside THREE LARGE REGISTERED (¢oming in with second calf. Only Farm, Oshawa, (155-t0) | AXMINSTER CARPET FOR SALE 2191, (12¢) FOR SALE ~BEACH GAS RANGE. 3 burner, fect condition. Ap- ply 106 Fhcaemien St. (12-0) Help "Wanted--Female Woodworking IC, H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING i. E. Phone 2364J. We specialize tofiy 'sash, screens, cupboards, doom And frames. (9tt) 'Business for Sale bert street, (9-8) : ob Boarders Wanted BBE ERS AND | wanted at 83 Pine avenue, (10-¢) JLlsughlin Blvd, (12h) BOARDERS, MEN PREFERRED, ) {Pay Or week. Apply 32 Mill 8, : (12-b) BUSINESS BOARDERS 4 GENTLEMEN BOARDERS WANT- ed, Private home. Apply 47 Me- WANTED--A CAPABLE WOMAN to take oer household duties and care ehildrg during confine- ment, ois 2K" Oshawa Daily Times, = - 11D) WANTED--A FINISHER ON LA- dies' dresses. Apply 32 King St. E. Phone 788. (11-¢) LADY ASSISTANT FOR SHOE Store, 'Knowledge of Stenography aa Bookkeeping an asset but not ntiel, Age 18 or over. Apply he Burns Co. ta, Oshawa, tr) YOUNG LADY WANTED TO charge of "Women's" and "Social and Personal" departments of Oshawg. Daily Times and to svsist 'with "other reperting as may be required... Local knowledge and ability 16° write" well essential, Ap- ply by letter only, stating experi- ence, if any, references 'and salary wanted, . 'Editor, 'Oshawa. Daily Times: ni 4 (91) i BR Architects : ary. 34 Brogk ist, E | {LOST GREY" PURSE, ON CEN. |. ; vs ¢ foo, '$. willing architectural : I C STENHOUSE - Ba NERAL Ey GIRL FOR igenetal house'Work, Sleep put, Ap- fe to Mrs. Busts. 108" Frederick (12-¢) 4 Royal Ba Res, unk Bhi Phone 1% doi. ki en. phe Lost and Found south, or in fr t Sales. Finder 3 2 LOST--SATURDAY AFTERNOON Tif "Regent- Theatre, purse contafi ing sum of money and valuable pers. Reward. Apply 86 -Albert or 'phone 17427. (12-3) : Roomers Wanted to share room, Breakfast If desired, Al 78 /| Mechapte, 697, 11-¢) 3 BJ 12-a) ; GENTLEMAN TO HELP do needle- (12¢) WANTR rg one 425 ERBEPTIONAL INBSS OP- 'port pity for 'Oshawa, ex-| elusive, fully | ition. Revenue. from ten to twenty thousand annually, Capital re- quired approximately four to five thousand. Principals only, strietly Bonds: Lisi , 44 Adelaide Bt. W, Toronta ... .. £m in' good condition, Phone 740 or ly pl first in. , : e-0 Surety '| ROOMERS ~ W. : ANTED. nal fast if desired. Near G.M.C. Ap- ply 314 Division street. (11-¢) Situation Wanted class carpenter contractor, to learn ; AND and Cr Batteries r ed, rented, Tepaited. Cal and Adanac' King street west, Phe : "I? | wa Daily Times. (3-0) Tire Repairing deal" Tir WAVTED--308 WITH "A FIRST trade, have bad some experience.' Li re TIRE REPAIRING, eo, dt for 2 vy i 1 HOUSE FOR SALE--353 MARY 8t. All conyeniences, garage. Pos- ;sesgion February 2, Tepms, $1. 1000.00 cash. Balance easy termm. Low price for quick sale. Copant and Anuis, Barristers & Co, Osha- wa, Ontarfo, 4: §° (121) ------------------------------------------ REAL VALUES IN REAL ESTATE John W, Lint, 67 Bond street east, Oshawa. Phone 2193, (Dee, 23-Jan, 23) Work Wanted { UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, | hoster oid nade ier, | Worl mans! guaral stable, Mechanic § Phone (72.10) Reomend Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, Phone 774W. (12¢) {TWO GIRLS DESJRE BEDROOM and sitting room with board In private family. Call Miss Bunt, at 2681 between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p,m. (12-d) Notice To:--~ Stanley 'O. Rea, And to:-- Whom it may concern, You are hereby required to take Notice that default has pega made in payment of the princi pal and Interest secured . by. a certain mortgage dated the . 1st day of August, A.D, 1914, made by George lc. Popham, the 'Mortgagor of the First Part and Ada Maud McCaus- land, - Mortgagee of the Second Part, upon all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises lying and being in the City. of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, and being composed of Lot umber Four (4) on"the North Side of Alice Street, accord ing to registered Plan No, 161, fled in the Registry Office for the sald County of Ontario at Whitby, and there is now overdue 'the prin- cipal money and interest from the 1st day of August, A, D, 1914, And take notice that the sald Mortgagee will proceed forthwith to enter upon or lease or sell the mortgaged lands described. Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of January, A.D. 1928, ADA MAUD McCAUSLAND, by her solicitor herein H. T. Canniff, 24 Kipg St. W., Toronto. (12-18) FINISH EVIDENCE IN WAGE APPEAL Saint John Dock Freight Handlers Seek Increase of Pay Saint Jobm, N.B, Jan 16.~Evi- dence was completed Saturday after- noon before a hoard of conciliation inquiring into a dispute between dock freight handlers and C.P.R. elevator employes and the company over wages. The dock handlers seek an increase from the present rate of 50 cents an hour to & cents, while the elevator men, pow getting 50 cents an hour, also ask 60 cents for day work and 65 cents for night work: The C.P.R. has offered an increase of two cents an hour, or a rate of 2 cents for both classes of em- ployes, y cousent, evidence Saturddy was confined to the wage question with the understanding that when the board makes ifs finding the matter of working conditions will be taken up. Under the agreement committees from the freight handlers and ele- vator men will r confer with nt manager of C Should Bila SRE. SOP. dy APPEAL TO MONTREAL CURE FOR LICENSE T0 CANVASS RE Montreal, Jen, 13--1In an effort to force the City! of Montreal to grant it a license to canvass from door to door, the Fuller Brush Company, Limited, has secured a writ of mandamus in the practice division of the Sgperior Gourt: The writ is returnable within six days, The company, in the: petition presented, pointed out that in 1927 it secured @& judgment. mgainst' the city on 2 Question of the'same kind, but the city has since refused to eprry put the order of the eourt. a ---------- 'Customer -- "Are those dough- puts fresh?" PLAN WOULD CAUSE LOSS TO RAILWAYS GIVES FIGURES Says the Deep Waterway Scheme Presidential Boom for Hoover Montreal, Jan. 16.--Diversion of trafic through Toronto, incident to the opening of the St. Lawrence deep water route, would without doubt seriously affect Canadian railways in the opinion of Hon: G. N. Gordon, K.C, of Peterborough, former Min- ister of Immigration and Colonization in the Mackenzie King government, interviewed here Friday. Mr, Gor- don pointed out that it was estimated in the United States that the new waterways scheme would cause a loss of § per cent, to American railways. in Canada, however, where the rail- ways operated longitudinally only through the country and where a large part of the route was unpro- ductive, the loss would be much more extensive. Mr. Gorden believed that the agita- tion in the United States by Herbert Hoover and his followers was de- signed for the main purpose of plac- ing Hoover in the residential chair. Hoping to receive the votes of a ma- jority of the 40,000,000 farmers in the Middle West, now partially isolated from the rest of the country, Mr. Hoover had become an enthusiastic supporter of the deep waterways scheme, There was no valid reason, however, why Mr, Hoover should be supported in his ambition by the spending of many millions of dollars of Canadian money, necessary to ei- fect the project, the former minister declared. At the present time .the Canadian grain grower is in a much better posi- tion than the United States farmer, continued Mr, Gordon, It was in- deed doubtful if the Canadian farmer would be willing to submit' to hund- reds of millions of dollars of added taxation in order that the United States farmer might receive the ben- cfit of lower freight rates, urgently needed across the line, he helieved While the Canadian National Rail- way was having difficulty to meet'its interest charges at the present time, if its earnings were still further re- duced, the tax payers would be oh- liged to make good the difference, Comparative figures of freight rates on Canadian and American railways were supplied by Mr, Gordon on car- load rates per 100 pounds on wheat for export. Canadian To Montreal, » Que. From-- sles; Rate. Pennant, Sask, seeeeseers 1,953 5732 Cabri, Sask, ..... 1,966 57%: Lemsiord, Sask. , 2,000 75752 Leader, Sask. ... 2019 581% Shackelton, Sask Estuary, Sask. Sharrow, Alta; ,, Bindloss, Alta, Atlee, Alta, .. 2 58Y Suffield, Alta, . , 2098 58): To Fort Ww From-- Miles, Rate. Burrows, Sask. .. wees O63 F128 Percival, Sask. 676 18 Summerberry, Sask, 707 19 Sintaluta, Sask. 723 19 Broadview, Sask. 684 18 Indian Head, Sask. 734 19 Balgonie, Sask. ..... 761 20 Pilot Butte, Sa 767 20 Pense, Sask, Pasqua, Sask. United States To New York, N.Y, From-- Miles. Rate. Bainville, Mont. ........ 1955 652 Culbertson, Mont. .,... +» 1,909 0542 Sprole, Mont. sannsnsey 150. 002 Macon, Mont, ,..s:0s % Blair, Mont. .... Lohmiller, Mont. , Wiota, Mont. ... Nashua, Mont. Hinsdale, Mont, at Tambpico, | Mont. sha 2085 70% o Duluth, Minn, Pros | Miles. Rate. Bainville, Mont, ......... 662 30 Culbertson, Mont, .....s0 077 30 olé, Mont. ,.....sss.s 201 31 Mont. ....sssssvss 155 02 Blair, Mont. .....0000005, 082 31 Lohmiller, Mont, +0000... 737 32 Wiota, Mont, ..,..00s00s 761 34 Sashus, Mont. - srs risbrns 74 3 ampico, Mont. ....evese 5 Hinsdale, Mont, ».....,,, 807 36 NORTHERN REVENUE BIGGER, SAYS FINLAYSON AT COBALT Cobglt, Ont,, Jan, 15--That he expected the provinelsl land tax to po or revenue of half a mil- lion i in time was the state- ment mede by Hep. William Fin- layson, Migistat of and For- ests, when add 8 meeting of municipal a of Temis- kaming at New Liskeard Saturday. He said last year $80,000 had been produced from this source, and, in addition, certain munieipalities had benefited when pulp mills erected outside of their boundaries had gone into the corporation when the Government had progeeded to as- sess them. Hitherto, he declared, they had escaped paying taxes. The Minister hinted at laxity among of- ficials of his department in the Cochrane area, because of which the province had lost in timber dues Clerk--*1 don't know, niadam. {and as a result of which suspen- Lye only beep here #. wee | sions bad followed. - -- ih il WANTED Brick House, convenis ences, Must e 4 bed. rooms or finished attic. Wil pay ap to $7.500 ca hh. Est end preferred. Send reply at once to Box *N* Times. RECLUSE IN SHADY FOUND MURDERED Shot and Killed By Assail-| ant Close to' | Ridgeway ---- 3 Port Colborne, Ont., Jan, 15. Jealously guarded by his faithful dog, the body of Steve Nemet, Hun- garian, was discovered by a pass. ing teamster a few hundred feet from the murdered man's lonely | shack, at Shisler's Point, a remote settlement several miles east of Part Colborne, late Friday, Nemet was shot from behind by unknown fssallants with" a shotgun, there being thirteen holes in his head and others in the dead man's shoulders, The man had been dead over 24 hours according to the doe tor who was called. Complete mystery enshrouds the shooting of Nemet, Both local and provincial police are working on the case. An inquest was opened Satur. day afternoon at Dell's undertak- ing parlors, Ridgeway, by Coroner Dr, Stackhouse and adjournment was then made until January 25th, Dog Attracts Teamstep Nemet was found by Thomas Chambers, of Sherkston, Cham- bers sald that he passed the place once, heard the dog bark and saw him run toward some object, On his way back the dog again drew his attention by barking, and this time Chambers noticed what he thought to be a scarecrow that had fallen over. After driving on some distance, he decided to go back and ascertain just what tho object was. Nearing the fence he made out the" body of a man, but when he tried to go inte the yard, the dog stopped him. Chambers then went and got Russell Elliott and John Anchor, of Sherkston, to assist him. The three on viewing the body, -called Dr, Stackhouse and the Ridgeway police. Nemet was apparently caught unawares, as he lay wiht his hands in his pockets, face down on the ground, All the shots entered the back of his head and body, It was not known that he had been shot until late Friday night when the doctor made an examination of the bedy, Bloor which had run down on the man's face was attributed to the fall, and it was too dark at the time to notice the holes in his cap and clothing, Nemet lived the life' of a recluse almost, his only companions being his dog and horse, both of which he was very fond, Russell Elliott, of the Empire Limestone Company, of Buffalo, who have quarries there and who had employed him at var- fous times, sald that Nemet was a most reliable man, He was known to carry fairly large sums of money, and this is thought to be the sole reason for the attack, by those that knew him. He bad lived in the same place for about 26 years, having come from Hup- :| gary. One sister and a cousin live 2!in the.States, the latter, according 2! to Port Colborne Hungarians, is in 2 Buffalo. Provincial Officer McCon- 21 nell and Inspector Grinette, of the ' | Toronto department, questioned several families of Hugarians in Port Colborne on Saturday, One house, where it is said Nemet fre- quently visited during the Christ- mas season, drew special attention, JEWEL THIEVES ARRESTED TEN MINUTES AFTER ROBBERY Ottawa, Ont,, Jan. 156--The law acted quickly when the jewelry store of H. G. Langford, Limited, was broken into here early Sunday morning, and jewelry valued at $600 stolen, for within ten minutes of the erime, two suspects had been arrested and the stolen goods re- covered, The quick police action was made 3 possible when a storekeeper next ?| door to the jewelry establishment 2| telephoned the authorities that he had heard 'queer noises in the Langford store". INSURANCE C. E,. HEPBURN "2 Dove, Di Vin EAE fore you buy from the PHONE Por : You Yards--Cedardu'e se LS except Sun: bY aly, except Sunday, Daily except Sundav, Whitby, Oshawa. Bowmanville WEEK DAY SCHEDULE pd a7 Sap ms = 2332 SB838 - nm POPPE TPPT OSS: EE S038 nd Eo od rt 2 BBEIVSRNNEN : POPRPIPYETS = Bafin 85202 232332333333 2333882 =5 sve oo £ § - CENA LI = = BID Sot ssiuomEes 32332 TOPE OTITASNS 3S» apn marked. * are through busses to SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 7. A. GARYON, PROPRIETOR Bowmanvilles Phone . 412 Room 1 Pringe Street lh SEE E Buy Reliable 'Fuel from a Reliable Firm COAL-COKE-W00D Waterous-Meek Lid. Photnes--660 und 1298 Uptown Io Bin:

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