Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jan 1928, p. 4

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Ne SSaSESIRTETV 0 SPRWERTEITE EERE Ee Delivered by carrier: 3 a year; elsew EER Bl ia a A Akasa B Eo ; "Adelaide 0107. onY=e SoGsle Taleo? ERTIZRTE?S wERPFFATVSIETED 89 V'vFiMllumsessssssssssl "Fas -- 80 -- -- - (Established WT) " ER SRTERSTE 8 'Bureau of Clrculations, | vo SUBSCRIPTION RATES a Weeki Hy mall: fa the Lo I Canada, $4.00 8 year; yoan : . Tresidder, representative. REPRESENTATIVES IN USs 5 Powers and Stone. Inca New York and Chicago. | | SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1928 a MARKED OVERSIGHT In the Toronto Mail and Empire's Finan- cial and Commercial Review for 1927, a gen. ' eral tabulation of building for the first eleven months of 1927 amongst a selected list of Canadian cities is compared with their re. cords. for 1926, In that list, Oshawa's tre- 'mendous building year was entirely over- ldoked though it is certain that in the final summary for the year Oshawa will be en- titled to seventh place amongst Canadian cities. The following list from The Mail and Em- pire, compiled by Arthur Holman, is given: with Oshawa's totals shown in their proper place. It will be noted that the Border Cities, which are several distinct municipalities, are grouped together, Oshawa's year's total was greater than any one of them and nearly as much as all of them, The York Town. ships are also grouped together to give them a higher place than either are entitled to. 11 Months 12 Months 12 Months 927 1 1925 ; 1 926 | Montreal oy 000000 42769617 31720049 25,708,922 Toronto ,eveeeeees 27,944,769 25929589 25,797,196 Vancouver ........ 9718782 15501,262 = 7963378 Borie Cities ,.,., 9242813 12563447 8181919 ork Townships ,, 8781085 6,579,385 7,641,753 Winnipeg ..v.re0e 7,504,650 10,362, 4,154,190 ebec .. wo 6332800 3939281 3,284,371 tawa .. 5,951,325 3,001,848 4,908,687 Dshawa 4,926,000 1,211,000 Hamilton 3651650 3,128,550 « 2,676,180 Regina .... vo 3473640 4,206,341 1,178,403 jhort Arthur... 3,460,827 961,580 418,288 eStmount ...... 3,243,225 4,034,425 2904524 Paskatoon .eeeeees 3,075,345 2018204 1,109,442 London ...eeeeeee 2,751,690 3,621,200 2,389,810 'Edmonton sees 00e 2,565,540 1833735 1, PalZAry .eveeeees. 2290518 1,999,048 1,197,475 "Victoria seseseesee 1,517,808 618,239 468.3 Halifax ......0000 1,507,563 764,498 . 1,035,544 Moose Jaw .. 1,483,789 268,326 243,1 Fort William 1,199950 1,291,25C 727,340 Moncton .. 661,860 311,143 204,620 * pherbrooke " 624,180 712,150 1,037,110 t, JOIN. +0000ne.s 338,322 407,083 675,430 4 HONORS FOR WOMEN . The Women's Freedom League of Great Britain has sent a letter of protest to Pre- mier Stanley Baldwin with regard to the sllotment of honors, They complain that 00 few women are recognized and that those who were distinguished received, for the most part, only a companionship in the Order of the British Empire, The news despatch relative to this protest goes on to point out that the Women's Free- fom League was foremost in the battle for qual suffrage. While entirely of the opinion y A that women are as much entitled to vote as men, one cannot help remembering : thi slashed "Venus of the Mirror" by Velasquez §t the National Gallery when this claim is advanced, : i For in that incident lies the reason back of this paucity of honors for women who jeek them, It is entirely possible that wo. nen who engage in careers to the sacrifice »f homes are automatically debarred from jpecial honors because to confer such upon them would set up false standards of im- portance, The Anglo-Saxon tongue has conferred 4 title upon fulfilled womanhood which no niler's bestowing hand can equal, That title 8 "Mother", It is the tiara of the pessant yoman and the rarest grace of a queen. Professional suffrage reformers were £ i | i § § g : : | i 1 i £ the and to treat all attacks on pub- lie and their official acts 'as libelous. Of late there has been much criticism against malfeasance in office and tyranny. Take away this right, so long considered in. alienable, and you open the way to graft, corruption, and despotism, Those who fear criticism have no busi- ness in public life and those whose conduct in public life will not bear scrutiny should enjoy no protection against exposure, The dangers from too stringent libel laws far exceed any evils that might arise from free- dom of speech and a free press, BILLBOARD LOSES Some of the candidates for the Toronto . Board of Control scorned newspaper adver- tising and put their case before the people in the form of billboard advertising, But those who used the newspaper in prefer- ence to the billboard were elected despite the fact that some of the very men who scorned their advertising columns were sup- ported by Toronto newspapers, "Coincidence" is the retort of those who doubt the efficacy of the daily newspaper as an advertising medium, "Sound judgment" is the reply of the man who studies the mass mind, Billboard advertising fails to be as effective as daily newspaper advertising for the same reason that a man who lives next to a railway track will not be aroused by the passing of a half-mile long freight train, but he will awaken in response to a whisper across a room, The human brain has had too much ex- perience not to throw off the deadly effect of monotony automatically, It will note "Bink's Bunion Cure" on a new bill-board today ; tomorrow it will look for it; the third day the tired brain will protest; and on the fourth or even sooner it will absolutely and unconsciously ignore "Bink's Bunion Cure." What's more, the mental antipathy set up will govern no matter where the eyes bring the brain a message about that marvel of pediculture, The soul of advertising is variety, It is only in the daily newspaper that advertis. ing can escape even the monotony of a weekly or monthly magazine, | | Bit oF Verse ] BEGGAR'S TASTE One day as I was walking Down the old Kent Road, I met a little beggar man Who bore a heavy load, He had a hump upon his back, He dragged a withered leg, One eye was out, one hand was gone, What could he do but beg? I felt so sorry for him That I gave him half a crown, I said, "Where are you going, mate?" Said he, "To London Town," "And when you get to London, What are you going to do? For London Town is crowded With derelicts like you," "Oh, when I get to London, I'll find a vacant seat In front o' Princess Theatre At top o' Endel street. "And when the day is over, And my "st is full o' pence, Rain o' the city's pity In "er benevolence, "Why then I'll go to Kemble's "Ead And down 2 glass o' gin, The landlord '¢'ll say, "Cheerio, 'There, "Ary, where you bin? * | tom of ancestor worship, has plac- = PRR EL Ne - g3 IPR re Bu. umbig/ 4646. bu the snappy ters and coupes in Japan, according to advices from branches im that country. , the illustrious and re- verent Japanese true to -his ous od a seat on top of the radiator and called it the "mother-in-law" seat. CANADA'S HERD (Moncton Times) More than 1,500 buffalo calves were born this year in Wain- wright National Park, Alberta, In addition to the 3,500 buffalo now in the Wainwright herd, the k contains some 1,500 deer, 00 elk, 50 yak, 30 moose and a few antelope. To thin out the herd at Walnwright, 1,000 buf- faloes will be shot this fall and winter. The meat is sold as a commercial product, and the hides find ready market. The P. Burns Company, of Calgary, has the contract for slaughtering, The Wainwright herd increases too rapidly for the accommodation avallable in the park, in spite of the transfer of many buffalo to Wood Buffalo Park, Slave River, Northern Alberta. SPANKING WHEN YOUNG (Lethbridge Herald) Does a good spanking when young lead to success in life? "The secret is out," says the Christian States, "We now know why the Rockefellers have been so well disciplined and have been so successful, According to the As- sociated Press, spanking has been a recognized institution in the family as long as the Rockefellers can trace their generations, John D,, Sen,, was frequently laid across the parental knee, John, Jun, now a Bible class leader, al- 80 got what was coming to him from the shaving strap, the back of the hair brush or the palm of his father's masterful hand." There is bound to be considerable perturbation amongst young boys it fathers take this too seriously, But it may be that like the Rocke- fellers, they may live to be thank- ful for 'the masterful hand" of their fathers, GOOD-BYE TO DANCE PARTNER (London Daily Mail) The dance partner is out of fash- fon this winter, Most people have acquired knowledge of steps which not go long ago wére new and intri- cate, and facility and smoothness of performance have come from practice. Yet this, it seems, 1s not really the reason why women have said good-bye to seasonal partners, I did not myself discover this rea- son, so I am not riskipg any accu- sation of "cattiness" by giving it publicity, The secret has been glv- en away by a woman who had a dance partner but no longer ad- heres to him, "For," she savs, "it is likely to be unkindly sald of a girl who turns up to two or three dances running with the same man, and dances all the tinre with him, 'Ah, poor Jill, she finds it so diffi cult to attract men,'..--So now we know all about it, A BASHFUL YOUNG MAN (New York Evening World) A bashful young man etood out- side the Lost and Found Deprnrt- ment of a leading New York ho- tel nervously twisting his hat n his hand, Ever so often he would walk away but down the corridor were three other young men who waved him back, telling him to go inside and "speak right ! up." "No, I can't do it," stammered the bashful one. "You fellows come in with me, won't you?" "Sorry, old man," they laugh- ed dolefully, At last the fellow burst through the door. He was gone quite some time, but reappeared with a package under his arm and was all smiles. His friends roared with laugh- ter, ' "Well," said the bashful one, gripping the package, "they were silk ones my sister gave me and if I lost them she'd never get ov- er it; you might forget your own pajamas some day." THE CANADIAN ALMANAC (St. Thomas Times-Journal) Punctually with each recurring New Year comes that old visitor that never outstays its welcome, the Canadian Almanae, now fin its eighty-second consecutive year of publication. No book of ref- erence is better known throu~h- out the length and breadth of the Dominion, and none more excel- lenly fuifils its purpose as a han- dy and valuable, even necessary, adjunct of the business, profes- sional or newspaper man's desk equipment. Indeed, from the first issue, twenty years before Confederation. it has Steadily grown in size and efficiency with the expansion of the country. Age has only improved fits quali- dL di THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, | + What Others Say | tam "MOTHERIN-LAW® SEAT ---- i as good. as the old one. Humorist: Yes, and hang it all, not halt as| funny.--Life, f When the matrimonial craft capsizes it is usually because there are two skippers and no mates.--Town Topics, What can' ocean flights teach sslance? fy Say Xow; that water rown people. uebec Chronister TY It's pretty hard to misquote George Bernard Shaw, If it isn't what he said it never sounds like him.--Detroit News. From what we saw in restaur- ants on the evening of December 31, our flappers have started the Nude Year right.--Life, How fine it would be to ac quire an income as easily as the times g one on you!--Hamilton Herald. Troubles drowned in drink al- ways come up again, But those drowned in hard work rise no more--Toronto Telegram, You can start a new year with good resolutions, but just try to start a car that way these frosty mornings.--~Toronto Star, Occasionally there are who still believe capital punishment for murderers, especially the murderers.--Pitta- burg Post, \ persons France has now raised the tar- iff on wheat from 18 to 85 irancs, This tariff business won't actually hit home till they raise it on wild oats,--Judge, It is now claimed that bobbed hair created trouble in King Solo- mon's court, It certainly did in connection with Samson's court- ing.--Brantford Expositor, After all the young criminals calling themselves Jokes, Lone Wolves; etc, are rounded up, they ought to be taken out in a body to a zoo and forced to apologize, --Detrolt News, Now You Tell One The modern girl would make a wonderful cook if she could find a kit-hen that was run by a steering wheel.--Denton (Texas) Record- Chronicle, A French chef who burned a Christmas ple was successfully sued tor damages, You might clip this out and show it to the missus-- Hamilton Spectator, "What, another bazaar! Why, to enable you to send the rector on a holiday," Motorist: 'The new Ford is twice in abolishing you had one only a few weeks ago pala erity or danger sev or of the trouble. For instance ah ach ing tooth can give an almost unbear able pain, whereas severe conditions such as pernicious anaemia, and early + presence from the standpoint He wants to know its exact » tion, just when it is most severe, whether motion increases its severity, whether it is dull, sharp, gnawing, bering, cramplike, and so forth, Now generally speaking the pain occurs where the trouble exists, but a pain can be transferred to some distance from the original trouble, and this is called "referred" pain, And then another difficulty your physician meets is in the manner in which you are able to bear or with stand the pain, Because there is no question: but that while some folks seem to he braver, or seeni to be able to with: stand pain better than others, never- theless there is no question either but that some folks are more sensi- tive, in fact really feel more pain than others who have the same form of trouble, Thus the Jewish and Italian peor year an Increasing number of depositors and clients affords evidence of the character of Service offered by the Standard Bank of Canada. BANKING FIFTY YBARS THE STANDARD BANK OF GANA BE. C. HODGINS Manager, Oshawa Bowmanville, Peavy, Whithy DOMINION GOVERNMENT INCOME TAX RETURNS BE Sl The Oshawa Collection and Idemnity Co. Room 4, Bradley Block, 80 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa Representing WILLIAM A. DAWE Income and Sales Tax Expert, 59 Victoria §t., Toronto Formerly employed by Dominton Income Tas Department PROMPT SERVICE..COLLECTIONS, BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, AUDITS CONDUCTED SIMPLEX ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (Copyrighted) KENNETH E. DEVITT, Manager Service Department oe Telephone 231 ples are thought to be more itive io pan than the German and Eng isn, Also fright is apt to increase pain, There is only one point in all this, and that is that pain means trouble, and it is your duty in describing to make light of it. Making light of a severe pain may lead your doctor your pain to your doctor, not to ex- aggerate it, nor on the other hand astray, and perhaps cause a delay in taking necessary precautions, Do You Own Your Own Home ¥ 9 Better Houses FOR SALE Bouievard, vvrereser 331900 "Oh yes, well, this Is to enable |g , ome brick, elose $4,000 the rector to come home again," Proprietor of Lingerie Shop: Do you know anything about ladies' underwear? Applicant for a job: Don't ma' me laugh -- I ride in the subway every day.--~Judge. Reporter--Are you Mr. Spudde, the potato king? Magnate--Yes, but I dislike the term. Oil kings and silver kings and so on are sO common, Call me the potentate, "Then you deny," said the mag- strate, 'that you were rude to the policeman when he asked to see your license?" "Certainly, sir," replied the motorist, "All 1 said was that from what I see of him I was sure his wife would be happier as a widow," ken out to lunch by a Scotch friend in Glasgow. "Now," sald the hos! have co-kle leckie, finnan haddies, soup, in a feeble voice, "what about or- you're about it?" Curran was smiling to himself in court one day, until he goaded the judge into the indiscretion of asking: d "Do you see anything particu- larly ridiculous in my wig, Mr. Curran?" ty while every care has been taken to keep its matter revised to the latest date possible. Space does mot permit of any- thing like a complete review, or even mention, of the contents of ' the Almanae, does, authentic all departments of the national life, legal, commercial, satistical, astronomical, ntal, ee-, cleslastical, educatiopal and finan- cial, as well as ofegeneral public interest. Each edition, too, em- | bodies novel features, the latest proving no exception im the shape of a carefully compiled table il- lustrative of the grothw of Can-| ada from Confederation to the present date. The accompanying map of Canada has also been xe- | vised to show the mew Labrador boundary as fixed by the Privy Thomas and Horace C. Corner, | as well as the publishers, the Copp Clark Company of Toronto, de- | serve full credit for their excel- lent pubication. Price, $3.50 met. } embracing, as it ed "Only the head, my lord," he retorted. Curran caught Lord Norbury very neatly at a legal dinner, In front of the advocate was a large joint of beef, and the judge ask- "Is that hung beef, Curran?" "It's sure to be - if you try it, my lord!" said he. TRADE TAGS FROM SHAKES. For laundresses -- "Out dammed spot!" Macbeth v. 1 For divers--*I fain would die a dry death" The Tempest 1, 2. For bootlacks--*"Ay, rub." Hamlet III, 1. take mine ease?" I Julius Caesar III, 2. { For baseball batsmen--"Do Council. The editors, Arnold W. He oF a AT Dames For convicts--"L have, [done the State some service" Rnd curse thy fill" Timon of 5. An En~lish business man was ta- as he called the waiter, "this is go- ing to be a real Scotch meal. We'll 2 haunch of venison, sheep's head, jam, roly-poly with $2,20 brandy sauce, and a bottle of whis- | Water, toilet, garage, close to paved key, "Now," he turned to his guest, | street. A good cash payment will "is there anything else you fancy?" | reduce the price. "We'l," sugzested the Erglishomn $1 100 Frame Cottage, four ' theres the For messenger boys--"Shall I mot 1v, III, 3 For tenants--'See what a rent" A For customs collectors--"Pass by Athens I, srrrrrrrrrnrsesr . New, 7 rooms, near pavement, HRP $5,800 Good Builder's Lot, sewer and water, close to Geners} MOOFB, sosssvssrnrrns $590 UR AH JONES 11 Bond St, E, Phone 2067 ----------------_---- New 6-room brick ven $4,20 .eer house in the north end, close to school; chestnut trim, French doors, 3-plece white enamel bath, hot alr furnace, side drive, garage, $600 cash, balance arrang- ed, nA 7-room brick house, $6,000 close to General Mo- tors; chestout trim, hardwood floors rll through, French doore, 2-piece bath, separate toilet, laundry tubs, garage. cash payment copsidered. Fiame Cottage, five rooms, electric .light, rooms, electric light dering a couple of stretchers while | and water, Small cash payment for quick sale, BRADLEY 20 Simcoe St, 8, CAR1ER'S Real Estate CABTER'S REAL ESTATE, A Kim sib or J ns. V. A.Hen.y, insur ance tf "ras 11% SIMUOE ST. 8 1198W--Office 18580 Residence "hones; hardwood floors, electric mantel, 1 . AUgmionees Two, B h at $2000 : and 'one at $1,600, with $200 -~ Apply at Mundy Bldg, Horton & Frenc Pig Bargain In Real Estate, close to GMC, 5-Room Frame House, Real Estate IE coi oe TY $1,600 and Insurance Garage o.oo CITEY BO use. Con PHONE 1550 8-Boom Frame, Con- REAL ESTATE * Homes bull to sult pur: b sem Small cash easy terms, Must be sold at once, W. J, SULLEY RM KELLY [| LL Phone 1068W #1 King 5t, W, Phone 718) TE ------------ - Jones' Real Estate- New Brick on paved street, close in, four s living rooms, kitchen, garage, paved drive, oak floors, laundry tubs, A high-class home with small payment down, Must be so'd, 'H ; New Five Room Brick Bungalow, floored $3,950 $500 down, Hardwood floors, cupboards, | i i ' I I i HEY i : h 4 1; i |] It REAL ESTATE 11 Bond SLE. Open Evenings Phone £277 a ------------------------ A --

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