Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jan 1928, p. 2

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Phones: Office. Bowmanville Used . | The Amount \ aterworks Commission and] | Engineer Present Report . on Last Year's Activity-- {Supply of Water Increas- "ed in Quantity and of a . Higher Quality (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 12.--Bow- manville Waterworks Commission and town engineer in their report [ for 1927 to the town council show | that only one half the amount of | water supplied by the spring that 4s piped to the town is consumed. Since the year 1916 the amount Ll consumed has doubled, figures show, but at that time a large | guantity was allowed to waste, * which now, due to recent improve- | ments, Is lessened to a consider- | able degree, | The water supplied to the town "of Bowmanville is possibly the | best water in this section of the 255; 'Res. 84, of Water Supply country, New: and up-to-date im- provements have been made such as the installing of a much larger and heavier concrete tank, covered, amd reports show that contamina- tion by vegetable or animal mat. ter have been reduced to the min- imum, which is next to nothing, 'The report from the committee states that it is most safe and gratifying to announce that the supply of water is increased in quantity and quality, Due to a recent check-up, the amount of water used by the largest consumer has been cur. tailed to the extent of a saving of $400 yeyarly. Revenue for 1827 amounted to $12,619.66 whilel maintenance required $3,731.18, Construction was reported at $1.- 011,81 for 1927. {1 Aa | , Golf is said to have had a mark. ed effect in promoting early rising, At the height of the season a golfer has to be up at sunrise in order to get down to the office in time to leave, Epidemic of At Bowmanville H. S. (By Staff Bowmanville, Jan, 13.--~What seems like an epidemic at the Bowmanville High School is taking place at the present time. Members of a small clique at that institution of learning have taken it upon themselves to grow mustaches and it must be said that their efforts have in a small way been successful, that each considers it his honded duty to raise a moustache rivalling that of his neighbour. As a result, there are young men parading the streets of the town unrecognized by friends and acquaintances, hues are another interesting feature, our within. reason are being cultivated, face with all appearances of a Chinese Mandarin and others are trying very hard to materialize But the most comical situation is that each lad treats the sub- ject, with seriousness and dares a rival to challenge him to a match of moustaches, Mustaches Reporter) It seems And the Moustaches of every col- Some curl around the into a Charlie Chaplin growth, WORM POWDERS Children like Miller's Worm Powders are sweet as sugar and so easily taken, Thay cleanse even the most delicate system quickly a thoroughly without any danger and are free from all narcotics, NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA TE STOCKS StoRiE-FOorRLONG © BONDS Head Office: Reford Build BAY AND WELLINGTON STS. TORONTO Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa ~~ Above C.P.R, Office Phones 143 and 144 S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager GRAIN Notice to the Public We are now doing business at our mew location, corner of Bruce and Celina streets, Oshawa, and hope to be able to ren der our usual efficient service pew building is under construction, entrance will be on Bruce street; the telephone number remains the same, 1082. Watch this space for important announcement ister, t Funerals Corner Bruce and Celina Sts. OSHAWA Ambulance Service Day or Night, Wrigh Phone 1082 during alterations, While our | Phone 1082 T OWNERS CHEVROLE Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory flat rate prices on all re- pairs, however large or small Get our prices first-- Then Decide The leadership of our Service is based on merit. Prompt, efficient and courteous, See for yourself, social evening in the > ning. in the meeting was the direct result of a contest recently groups provided After the business was settled, contests were held and games enjoy- ed. The results of the annual elec: tions are as follows: aka President, Mrs, E. Haycraft; first vice, Miss Addie Cawker; second vice, Miss Allie Hoskin; secretary, Miss Florence Rickard; assistant, Miss Leta Jackson; treasurer, Miss A. E, Peters; social convenor, Miss Stella Reynolds; visitin, Mrs, Found. About | were present. LETTERS SENT WITH NO RETURN ADDRESS; ASK CO-OPERATION (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 12--It was re- ported by the postmaster of this town that an epidemic of letters being sent without return address on the envelope has started, This causes much trouble for the post- office employees and staff, since many of these letters must be sent to the dead-letter office, and con- sequently much time is lost before the letters reach their right desti- nation, It was stated that if a return address is placed on a letter, and that letter by any means does not reach the addressee it will be re- turned free of additional postage. One the other hand, however, an extra two cents is charged if the letter goes through the hands of the dead-letter office, This is an appeal to those who do not pay at- tention to the small details in the addressing of the letters, TO BE REPRESENTED AT THE INTERCITY ROTARY CLUB MEET (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 13--Bowmanville will be well represented at the Rotary inter-city social and business meeting Friday evening to be held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, This particular evening is "Ladies' Night" and many guests from out of town are expected for the event. Besides a short business meeting there will be a dance and other pastimes. Already a considerable number have planne dto attend, Those who have decided to go from this town are Mr, and. Mrs, F, F, Morris, Mr. and Mrs, George Chase, Mr. and Mrs. R, Aitchison, Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Rehder, Mr, and Mrs. D, Morri- son, and also a number who as yet are undecided, The group from Bowmanville will motor over to Toronto during the afternoon, 100 VISITS OF STORK TO BOWMANVILLE IN 1927, REPORT SHOWS (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 13.--Vital statistics for Bowmanville for the year 1927 mre: Births, 100; mar- riages, 62 and deaths 73, These figures are slightly an increase over last year's figures due to the fact that births, marriages and deaths from the immediate sur- rounding territory are filed In the town clerk's office st this town, PERSONAL (By Staff Re Bowmanville, Jan, 12--An after- noon tea and bridge was held at the home of Mrs, George James on Thursday at three o'clock, Seven tables were prettily decorated with pink and white carnations and a dainty lunch was served. The prize sop cards wis Won by Mrs. C. A. ohnston and the second gift by Mrs. Dr, J. C. Devitt. iii HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS (By Staff Reporter Bows Jan. 12 canvenor, members NS ---------------------------- FIMES TIMES TIMES TUCK WINTER TOURIST TUAPRIO Winter is with us and the annual exodus to Florids, the Gulf Coast, and to Californie, is under way. There is ample choice of routes available to the traveler snd it is vantage of the meny diverse and Potions) Tassures svatiatie ou Win- t ie by the Canadian Apply to any Agent of the dian National Railways. Annie Allin; lookout convenor, Miss |. excellent business to take full ad- On . (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan. 12--The Pub- lic Library Association of Bowman- ville has recently elected members of the board for 1828. The offic- ers are: president, W. J. Morri- son; secretary-treasurer, M. G. V, Gould; board of directors, G, H. Dickinson, Rev, R. J. Shires, Mrs A, J. McClellan, Mrs. George Mas- on, Mrs, William Quick, Mrs. F. F. Morris, and Miss Helen Carroth- ers, The membership of the library now stands at 463, which number shows an incerase over 1927 of 28. The total circulation is 265,812, + (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan, 13,--The installa- tion of officers of Renfrew Lodge of the Sons of England, scheduled to take place here this week has had to be postponed due to the ilness of the Installation Officer, Mr. F, W. Matthews, Whitby, The officer was appointed by the Dis trict Deputy of Oshawa and is a Past President of Sunset Lodge. PICKERING Pickering, Jan, 12.dThe Ladies' Ald of St. Andrew's Church met at the home of Mrs. W, J. Clark, on Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. Sunday with friends in the vil- lage, Miss Myra Cronk, of Toronto, visited with her parents over the week end, Mrs. Jas. Roger returned home on Sunday after spending the hol- iday season with her son, William, and family, of Toronto. Mr, Clifford Cook of George- town has been spending a week with his sister, Mrs. A. E. Stork, Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, spent Shnday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Andrew. 8. W. Knipt, of Toronto, spent ! Mayor Bateman -- Plans (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan. 13.--~Otficial word verifying the visit of the Right Honorable Leopold, Charles Maur ice Stennet Amery, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs of the British Government, here on Jan- uary 20, was received by Mayor John W. Bateman yesterday after- noon, too late for announcement in yesterday's press. He will be here for an hour and a quarter and will be accompanied by his wife and party who will motor over from Toronto, Immediately upon receipt of the telegram which was "despatched from Kamloops, British Columbia, Mayor Bateman called a special meeting of the Town Council for today when plans and arrange- ments for a reception will be made, The hour, 9.30 o'clock when the distinguished daughter of Whitby and her husband are due to ar- rive, is somewhat earlier than that mentioned in Vancouver press re- ports which stated they would be liere for lunch, However, notilica~ iion yesterday was to the effect that the party would be pleased to receive a public reception here irom 9.30 until 10.45 o'clock on ithe morning of January 20, The uour was set and the stay made 30 short to allow Hon Mr. Amery to return to Toronto to attend a dinner there at 1 o'clock, Kis pro- .am is a hurried and crowded wne, It will be remembered that the ast great visitor that visited Whitby was one of her own hoa- vied sons, in Sir Hamar Green ~+ood, a brother of Mrs, Amery, .4d now a member of tue British kouse of Commons, Mis, Amery went to England to Sir Hamar alter the latter had gone to that country. WHITBY HYDRO DEPT, $5,087.71 A number from the township Sunday Sehool Bonven- tion held at Whitevale on Thurs- day. Srarlet fever has made its ap- pearance in the village, Howev- only one case has been reported, and it is very slight. A very interesting illustrated lecture was given in St. Paul's Church on Friday evening by the Rev. L. Buckley on the Y.M.C.A. World's Conference at Helsigg- fors, Finland. Mr. Buckley was in charge of the Canadian repre- sentation which atetnded, and many were the interesting hap- penings which he told about. The slides were pictures taken by him- self while there. Musical num- bers were given by local talent. The evening was greatly enjoyed by the audience. ' Mr, and Mrs. John Taylor of Port Perry visited friends in the village on Sunday. One of the Toronto-Oshawa busses featured in a motor acei- dent on Wednesday evening, just east of the village, when it took to the ditch and turned over. There were wenty-five passengers but no one was injured, and all were taken from the vehicle, one by one, by way of the driver's door. Fortunately, only one pane of glass was broken, other- wise, it is quite likely, some of the passengers could not have es- caped injury. The bright glare of an on-coming car's headlights blinded the driver, so that he could not see the road. The dam- age to the bus was slight. Mrs. W. J. Miller is confined to her home with a badly sealded foot which she sustained when a kettle on the stove over-boiled. Her friends hope for a speedy re- cory. A --------------------RNIIIN SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ! Loss of sleep or worry means apother "tired out" day. Stop it --take DR: WLES y: Jury & Lovell, Oshawa, Sunday | Schools in the village atended the | er, there is no anxiety, for so far FEngland" Princess May Public Utilities Commission Hear Annual Reports-- Elect Chairman f (By Staff Reporter) i Whithy, Jan. 13.--While the wuious "13th" bill has not yet cen received and may have some aearing on the surplus of the Pub- de Utilities statement for the year, the Hydro department shows a net surplus of $5,087.71, it was an- nounced by the Superintendent, Major Geo. W, P, Every at the in- augural session, Just what effect that famous bill which is received annually from the Hydro will have upon the account is not known for it may either be a credit or a debit, It will likely be received at the local offices shortly, The Water department shows a gross surplus for the year of $400.11 which includes all charges except depreciation, W. M. Vap Valkenburgh was un- animously elected chairman of the commission for the ensuing year while the superintendent, Mr. Ev- ery was returned sceretary for an- other year, The remainder of mem- bers on the personnel of the com- inission is: W. J. Luke, A. H. Al un, A, M, Ross and Mayor J, A. Bateman, The commission decided to pur- chase some poles from the Great aorthwestern Telegraph Compabdy aL a cost of $84, the price guoted oy the company, These are on the west side of Brock street and have uot been in use for some time, by the latter company, although the town has been using them in con- nection with its lighting system, WHITBY LODGE VISITS 54H Special Bus Load from the County Town--Local Lodge Installation On Tuesday evening a special bus logll of members of "Daughters of Lodge, Whitby, came to of England," it being the might for the installation of officers for the coming year. The most Grand worthy President, Sister I. Poulter and the Grand Worthy Past Presi- dent Sister Nobes of Toronto being the installing officers with the assis- tance of the Worthy Past District Deputy Sister Hallett and Worthy Past President Sister Haulick of Whitby. Worthy Past President for next year, Sister R. Gutsole, Worthy President for next year, Sister F. Hall, Worthy Vice-Presi- dent, Sister H. Simmons; Worthy Secretary, Sister Wotten; Worthy Treasurer, Sister Mears; Worthy Worthy Third Guide, Sister H. Al- i Worthy Fourth Guide, Sister Jackson; Worthy Pianist, Sister Kelly; Worthy Inner Guard, Sister Werin; Worthy Outer Guard, Sis- ter Horben, The chaplain for the new year, Sister Young, who was absent due to illness was not installed last eve- ning. Lodge was closed and a most bountiful and dainty supper was served while committee ladies wait- ed on the tables. There were over eighty guests present which neces- sitated a second table, and after all wi served short speeches were given by Grand Worthy President, Sister Poulter, Past President Sts- ter Nobes and Worthy President Sister Hall, A delightful program consisting of Recitations by Sister Richardson from Whitby; Songs by Sister Marks accompanied by Miss An- netts; Songs by Sister Stevens, Judud, Woodward and Borrowdale, Sclections on the plano from Sister Kelly; and community singing was arranged by Sister Hayton, then the visitors left for home all agreeing that they had spent a very enjoy- ahle evening. BROCK STREET SCHOOL CLUB Elect Officers for Ensuing Year--Mrs. Bird is President (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan, 13.--Mrs. Willlam Bird was elected to the presidenc: of the Brock Street Home and Jchool Club at the annual mec! 'ng of that organization, wh! Miss Ada Sleep steps up to th» vice-presidency., Miss M. Kennedy is the secretary while Mrs, E, R. Blow is the treasurer, During the year that has recent- ly passed the organization has en- joyed one of the most successful in its history, the term being an interesting one both financiallly and otherwise, Much good was ac- complished during the year and one of the larger undertakings was the placing of beautiful flower beds around the school, This re- ceived favorable comment from school supporters and was done at a cost of over $30, One of the club's most valuable workers in the person of Mrs. C. H. Wilson, president of the Club, found it necessary to sever her connection during the year, in view of the fact that her husband was transferred to Woodstock, Mr, Wilson was formerly manager CHIROPRACTIC D. E, Steckley, Chiropractor and Drug: less Therapist, will be in the ofiice, 146 Simcoe street, north, every afternoon and vy, Wednesday and Friday evenings, Forenoons by appointigent, Residental calls made in town and sur- rounding district, Consultation is free at office. Phone 224, Peace Metal Weather- strip Installed by Hayton the Roofer Lathers and Shinglers ---------- ra I, fet their own? It's rea Filled: ---- | Children choose it for its taste £0 Serve with th healthful nourishment * MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS * of the local government farm here. In the absence of Mrs. Wilson the president's report was read by Miss Kennedy, the vice-president. The treasurer, Mrs, Blow, gave & report in which it showed that the finances of tue club are in the best possible shape, the position being better than ever before in the history of the unit. In addition to having a good year in many respects, the membership has also been increased materially and at the annual gathering about a ---------------- 25 were present. It is planned to have some out. side speakers during the new year, (By Staff ) , Whitby, Jan. 13.--The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St. John's church, Whitby, took place in the church last night. The various reports showed that the auxiliary has had a most suc- cessful year. The officers will be announced today. T Electrophonic --- interprets the very soul of music HAT which cthers are now attempting has been already accomplished in the APEX ELECTRO- PHONIC. It brings out in every instance all that is in the record----all the individualism of the vocalist or the instrumentalist--all the true tonal qualities ithout exaggeration, distortion or blatancy. . Models Priced from $115.00 to $385.00 THE COMPO OOMPANY, LIMITED, LACHINE, MONTREAL Ontario Distributors;-THE SUN RECORD CO,, TORONTO, ONT, British Columbia Distributors:--THE VANCOUVER RECORD 00. > VANCOUVER, m-- Sod deiddedoiididiodeddodd ddd ddd ld AB Fuel Orders weighed TT TTT TT TE TEE TTR rrr a, Telephone~ Four direct lines to Central Solvay Coke Agents Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood on City Scales if desire: DIXON'S AAAALARS ASSES oo asses sas sss ass s sess sass ssa sass TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TT TT TIT TTI TTT TTT TT ww" TTT TTT TTT Troe ALABAMA L LS 2 a an 8a First Guide; Sister Judd; Worthy PETTTTTTTTTTTTTYT

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