Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1928, p. 2

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z ae Whitby, Jan. 11.--Claiming that Be held no hope for a, reduction John W. Bateman, m his inaugural dress Monday morning urged e members of the 1928 Town uneil to practice economy wher possible and thus allow the ers i 'Whitby will hlsd be the 4 of .a new factory, possibly thir is Worship touched upon. of the Couneil, were not mention- t Town Pape. Mowat, chairman; E. Bowman and W, Pringle. Streets--F, Threadgold, ohair man; C, Broughton and J. H, On miston. Fire and Light---E. Bowman, chairman; DD. Mowat and C. Broughton, Reliet--J. H, Ormiston, chair- man; F, Threadgold and D. Mowat. Applications--C. Broughton, chairman; Wm. Pringle ana F. Threadgold, The Mayor, Reeve and Deputy Reeve will be ex-officio members of all committees, The first fire of the mew coun- oil was started when Chairman more money to work with, was anothemypaint that De- details, known to members T # Threadgold, of the Streets Com. s Peace Metal Weather. mittee, voiced strenuous objec. : beten tions' to the fact that he was put a ns Installed by on the chairmanship of the com- BA mittee In preference to &n older Ee Hayton the Roofer councilman, He will have associat- i and Shinglers ed with him two other entirely whl g new men as far as street work is 1 "185 Atthur St, Phone 1640w concamed, The chairmen also ; went so far as to tell the gather. | -- wes | ing 'that the committees were all Tap "onoked and dried" a week ago. .. THE BEST IN In statement remained unchal- ES 5 BR ADIOS Mayor Bateman's address is as wy follows: i* 1 um mancon: swop, || Members cf the Town Counel! ; he Oor, King & Celina Phone : Gentlemen, ~It affords mre & bil great deal of pleasure to occupy ] », S------ | the mayor's hale for a third term, CT nm ------ ssn, | thanks to the kindness of the rate- 3 j 3 payers, and to the confidence they § A ¥or Better Values have seen fit to place in me; a DIAMONDS It is also a great pleasure for Ne Burns' Jewelry Store me to welcome back to Council H ' ; J! tive of the members of last year's i =|! 88 SIMOOR 8. WL a8 Council, I take it that their elee- Ee Cash or Terms tion either by acclamation or at the Lo» polls, by means of a general vote ?. $e . CA I TI = snes sgig ed Another John 8S." Brown "Whithy "THESE GOODS FOR SALE AT iii ETI ids € in our Basement Gift Shoppe go on sale at 20 per cent less than regular prices. 800 Towels GO ON SALE TOMORROW MORNING Towel Values Regular up to 79¢ each, including big luxurious Bath Towels and pure Linen Huckaback Towels. Towels of all sizes and descriptions, during the year, +| with regard to the work of the and that they will require care and thought, but 1 trust that while there may be differences of opinion there will be the good feeling that should pre- vail in all councils .of the munk cipality. I do mot know that I have very much to say to you this morning year, as I have heretofore prior to and after .the election, mentioned some of the matters requiring the attention of Council this year. K Expenses With reference to expenditures, I may say that IT can hold out no hope for a reduction of the tax rate thie year, owing to the heavy expenditures ' the Counell haa ta meet, We are starting with a small overdraft, which will have to be taken care of; we will have to pay for the grader out of the cur- reny revenue unless we decide to issue debentures for this small amount and there will be other large items to be faken care of. We will also have to issue deben- tures this year for the new ad: dition to the High School, al- though we will not have to pay on this issue until next year, am hoping that the revenues from the police department, licenses, rentals, scales, poll and dog taxes, Town Hall, and the various other sources, will be well maintained this year, If so, the Council will have more money to spend and will be in a better position to avoid an overdraft at the close of the year. I hope that each come mittee, in so far as is possible, will endeavor to keep within ite estimates, 1 also trust that each chairman will call his committee together before amy work is un dertaken, New Industry Soon With reference to the new fac: tory for which negotiations are now under way, I have every hope that it will be located here thie summer, giving employment to a number of men and women, and bringing new families to the town. I feel sure that every member of Council will do his share in bring: ing this factory here, and will throughout the year give best care and consideration to any other in- dustrial proposal that may arise, ALL LINEN LETTERED Glass Towels Red, Blue, Green and Mauve Borders, Towels are 19" x 28", portunity to lay in a good supply at 21c each I hope that some opportunity Thursday and Friday are DAYS OF ECONOM as Prices Listed Here will Speedily Prove BASEMENT "SHOPPE" SALE--All lines of merchandise A splendid op- 49c each Pure Linen Table Cloths The famous John $.- Brown line. Three . different patterns: 'Rose, Maple Leaf, Chrysanthemum, Cloths are 2 x 2); yds, at a price not heard of for many a long day for a 214 yd. cloth, s Yards and Yards of Tea Towelling Tea Towellings, Check, Plain White and colored borders. 20" to 23" wide. Reg- plar 28¢ and 33c quality, A special pur- chase. Tomorrow 23c yard . $2.98 each ~ Pure All Linen Dinner product, hem- stitched, ready for use, 21". x 21". As- sorted patterns. A wonderful value at $2.98 dozen to visit this - THE BALANCE OF OUR Winter Coats Are all marked down to quick selling prices and it would be to your advantage late. Regular values from $26.95 to $85.00, Selling from $14.95 to $46.50 before it's too Linen Towels White with colored borders in oRtaem. Pak. Blue and Orange, Ve x Mar: +hemstitched Huckshack + plain owe, "29 x32", eceh fo Or Oyster Tomorrow, SPECIAL border, hemstitched, 17" x 29", Linen Towel, colored each each wo WA A DEWLAND ia TWO STORES Dro [eve that To maw Apr | and courtesy town, I be- this . camp is good business, Sit any other move we ean make t people to come here, if hi a visit. One never tell what impres sions lead to. Gentlemen . of 'the: Council, 1 again welcome you to your labors and trust that we will 'all 'have a very pleasant year, also that what we may be Koco to do shall prove of benefit to the town and bring happiness and prosperity to the citizenship. Yours faithfully, John W. Bateman, WHITBY LIBRARY CIRCULATION GAINS Shows Increase of 3,000 in 1927 Over Previous Year not but (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan. 11.--Genera! in- creases in the circulation at Whit- by Publie Library during the year recently ended are noted In figures furnished by the librarian, Mary E, Stralton. The attendance in both the adult and juvenile de- partments was also on the up- grade olimb, an increase of 18 new members being reported. During 1937, the aduly depart- ment shows a total circulation of 14,877, while the juvenile section had a total circulation of 6,405, making a general calculation of 20,382. Comparisons of the 1927 cireu- lation with that of the previous year, shows an increase of about 8,000, the librarian being unable, when The Oshawa Dally Times called, to furnish the exact figures, Examination of the membership roll shows that in 1927 there were 1,220 persons subscribed to the use of the Mbrary, while in 1926, the names on the list numbered but 1,202, As in all other centres posse: ing a modern public library, the Whitby institution made additions' to its shelves, there being nearly 200 additional volumes secured. These included class books as well as modern fiction, EAST WHITBY TP. COUNCIL MEETS Much Routine Business is Discussed--Pass By-law to Appoint Auditors East Whitby Township's Council met Monday at 11 a, mr, in the of- fice of Clerk at Columbus in pursu- ance of the Statutes, with all the members present except the Reeve. The Deputy Reeve and Councillors took the declaration of office, Min- utes of former 'meeting were read and adopted. Communications were read from D, J, Kean, Mgr. Liguor Control Board; Ontario Good Roads Association; Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers' Association; Globe Indemnity Co, Conant and Annis, Clerk, Darling- ton Twp, and United Farmers' Co.Operative Co. Moved by Major Smith, second- ed by Mr. Warne, that the Deputy Reeve act as Chairman in the ab- sence of the Reeve, Carried, The Clerk was instructed to or- der eight copies of the Municipal World, Moved by Mr. Lavis, seconded by Mr. Warne, that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a committee to interview the Medical Officer of Health re future services. Carried. Moved by Mr. Warne, seconded Her Kidne Trouble Quickly ed Ontario Lady Tells of Benefits Derived from Dodd's Kiguey Pan Miss E. Honnah Always Xeeps Dodd's Kidney Pillsl in the House Belleville, Ont., Jan, 10.--(Spe- cial)--"I had 8 terrible backache," writes Miss E. Hannah, 100 South John St., Belleville, my Drug Store and got a box of Dodd's Kidpey Pills. Before 1 had taken the whole box my back was better. From mow on I keep 8 box of Dodd's Kidney Pills in the house. I find they help nre wonderfully." y The reason Dodd's Kidney Pills have come to oceupy such a prom- inent place in the homie is that so many ordinary everyday ills come Kidney Pilis can be ob- from Druggists everywhere, Dodds Medicince Co., Ltd. Lad Shot in Foren When Bullet Rebounds| ) Bowmanville, Jan. 10.--~Ken- meth Mitchell, 16-year-old som of Fred Mitchell of Bowmanville, was the victim of fate when he acei- dently shot himself in the arm with a 22 ritle Saturday afternoon, He was rushed to Dr. B. J. Haslewood in Bowmanville who gave him medi cal attention, The boy was then taken to the office of Dr, Haszle- wood in Oshawa where an X-ray was taken and it was found that the bullet had burst into three pleces and lodged between the two bones in the forearm, The lad had gone shooting Sat- urday and took a shot at a cement block, The bullet rebounded with the affect described, Sporting cir- cles of the High School will be without the aid of Kenneth who is prominent in sports of every kind. His school-friends wish him a speedy recovery, BOWMANYVILLE H. 8. GLEE CLUB STARTS PRACTICING TONIGHT (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 10.--The Glee Club of the High School of this town will meet tonight to re- sume operations for the coming Literary Society open meeting to be held in March. The practice is held under the direction of F. Sutton, organist of Trinity United Church, As proved by the success of the commencement exercises last year, material for the Club is of the finest and a real program may be looked forward to at the next open meeting, DEATH OF MRS, HARVEY HARRIS (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Jan, 10.--The death occurred in Darlington on Monday last of Mrs, Adela Jessie Harris, wife of Harvey W, Harris in her 48rd year. The funeral will take place from the family resid- ence on Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock. Services are to be conducted at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Union Cemetery, Oshawa, BASKETBALL TEAM HAS PRACTICE GAME (By Staff ) Bowmanville, Jan, 10.----Man- ager G, Colmer of the basketball team of the High School of this town states that activity in bas- ketball has now commenced and that a practice game was played last night in the Tuxis rooms. | About tem turned out for work. In the near future games are ex- pected to be arranged with Port Hope and Oshawa, The team will be comprised of the following numbers: defence, James and Minore, center, Devitt, forwards, Colmer and Brown, subs, Adams, Vanstone, otiie:s also to be chosen for the latter place, by Mr, Lavis, that the Clerk be authorized to write the Canadian National Railways for permission to lower their crossing on the Tor- onto & Eastern Ry., at Gibbon St., Lot 13, Con. 2, East Whitby, Car- ried. A By-Law to authorize the bor- rowing of certain moneys from thie Royal Bank of Canada to meet the current expenditure;of the Corporation of the Township of Eas; Whitby, for the year 1928, was read three times passed. A Bylaw to appoint auditors to audit accounts of the Town- ship of East Whitby for the year 1927, was read three times and pagped. Messrs. S. Roberts and Jas, McKenzie receiving the ap- pointment, Moved by Major Smith, second- ed by Mr. Lavis, that this Coun- cil advertise for tenders for the position of Assessor for 1928. The tenders to state salary expected, and said tenders to be in the of- fice of the Clerk by moon on Wed- nesday, January 18th, 1928. Car- "I went to] ried. Moved by Major Smith, second- ed by Mr. Warne, that the follow- ing accounts be paid: Hydro Electric, St. Lights, $30.58; A. Trimm, B. of H., $7.50; S. V. Young, S.8. 10, $1,000; A. Beckett, R. & B., $68.75. Moved by Mr. Warne, seconded by Mr. Lavis, that this Couneil do now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, January 18 next, at 1 o'clock p.m, in the office of the P. G. Purves, Clerk. 133 umbue, Ont. January 9th. A judge threatened to fine a law- yer for contempt of court. "I have expressed mo contempt for gourt, said the lawyer; "on the contrary, I have carefully concealed my feelings." Kenneth Mitchell, 16, Victim | PEATH OF MRS. W. H. IVES Postar Acct While pputar dust Seti} : wmaay eo St Shagting <= Lavk for Alea wn ves vidow of + ais « H, forme a 1 Speedy Recovery this community, died at her home in St Cathar last Saturday, By Staff The late W. H, Ived, was at one time a resident of good standing in this community but died in To- ronto about twenty years ago. The funeral was held, this after- noon to Bowmanville Cemetery at the arrival of the motor ecort- ege from St. Catharines, Services were conducted at 2 o'clock, TRAINIisG SCHOOL MONTHLY MEETING Staff and Officials Hear an Instructive Talk By Dep- uty Prov, Secretary (By Suff R Bowmanville, Jan, oThe mon- thly 1 nd b meeting of the staff and officials of the Boys' Training School was held today. H. M. Robbins, deputy provincial sec- retary gave an instructive and inter: esting address on civil service and what goes to make an ideal institu tion, It was announced by Dr, G, E. R superi dent, that out of the 76 Ra at the institution there were 62 eligible to visit their homes at Christmas time, This holiday was restricted from four to ten days, as the officials saw fit. Every boy who took advantage of the holiday re- ported back at the school on time. A placement supervisor has been appointed by the government, whose duty it will be to find positions for the boys leaving school. It will also be the duty of this appointment ta supervise those boys taking positions) here are in construction now three cottages, all of the best equip- ment which are being built under contract and which will house 180 more boys. Conditions at the pre sent are rather cramped and the lar ger accommodation will serve to re- lieve this state of affairs, The installing of a central heat ing plant for the Training School is being seriously considered, The grounds of the school are be ing put into fine shape for the spring. Many bushes, undergrowth and dead trees are being cleared off the land which effect will make the place an acceptable picture for visitors and tourists. Teacher: "Willie, suppose you have five 'marbles and Sammy says: 'I will give you five more.' How many will you have then altogether?" Willie: *"Pive, miss, You don't know him as well as I do." Eat it with whole milk « MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS * SIX BODIES AND AUTO RECOVERED the machine to the top snap) the motor car dropped for a new cable. bodies of the six persons who. were drowned in Lake Temiskaming on December 81, were recovered Sun- day. Late Sunday afternoon volunteer workers were successful in rals- ing the automobile which plunged into an ice figsure gn the lake and carried to their deaths Alderigue Racicot, his wife and three child- ren, and Theodore Racicot, his brother-in-law. When the mar chine was raised over 400 feet from the bottom of the- lake, the six bodies were still in the car, the side curtains having kept them from falling out. Inspector Moore, of Silver Cen. tre, whi was In charge of the operations, notified Dr, Cabe coroner, of the recovery of the bodies, and the coroner decided that an inquest was unnecessary. A broken cable and a raging blizzard delayed the work of sal vage, The herolc work of the volunteers had . resulted In the raising of the automobile to with- on the running boa the tragedy to Cobalt. take DR- MILES' 168 10 fost "ol the SUINOs When | single cable used to haul the lake bed. An experienced musher was then despatched to this city Only one man escaped when the Lost Lives When Car Went | Racicot had given a lift from Sil. Lake Ice lake on the ice, plunged into a Through fissure 28 feet wide and disap- peared. H. Laperrier, to whom Cobalt, Ont, Jan. 11.--The|Racicot had given a life from Sil. ver Centre, his Role. was riding and manag- ed to struggle to the ice when the machine sank. After a 'har. rowing trek across the smow, he reached a cabin and sent word of I -------- NERVOUSNESS Disordered nerves are dangerous, Don't let them go. Begin today to : TE MOE TWO ATEITTA WTTATENS ETUSTIA CS ® Tw Sold by Jury and Lovell, Oshawa #8 King St, W. Phone 8141 and to the [= - Reduce the Hazard of Mechanical Upkeep Have a skilled craftsman service and check sour SE Chevrolet regularly, It's a simple oneration that 3 takes only a few minutes. And it will keep your py wr young forever, fi Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work Factory f Trained Imployees at (§ rons | Your Service Call Today J Phone »M) = in SUCCESS,' | BE BUILT ON SOMETHING REAL © Wesnmg of better taste than in any other Zgurette at the f CHEVROLET OWNERS 3 > 1 an i = So mt. TO BE LASTING, MUST - a as our honest belief that the tobasen 25 # cigarettes are of finer gues, and hence USEFI 4 MYERS SORMGCO 5 of CANADA, Limired " Chesterfield CIGARETTES rR A So i, y i ------ Te Tw hog WEEE TTT wea wii. iin ww 8 a AE ann os B SRST AR -- ar Fat oa > alla PF RT oN tr

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