Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1928, p. 10

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ail for stealing = oq x ! 'the to either prisoner even up to the very last moment when they ave led out to the electric chair. A Jui B Edel This $21 was doled out by di- : Pi by stealing potatoes. ---- G Ting Lots rection of a letter which Gray ad- dressed to Warden Lawes, which haa: "My Dear Warden," and "The execution eof this judg- BERR unl WO BE SE " We will loan you monies the claims and renew your payments for any term up to twelve months and insure your car, See Swanson, Ger. dent of the for the Calvin lm J Christ urch. In addition ji her shall not he fommunicated to the | Principle of Private Owner. | === -- EEE rere ) hud and, tree 1m and three davghs IY He was asked whether & relative ship Basis of United we have oeen able to eliminate the| He was paying his first visit to Motice to the Public > or an attorney might not apprise this space for important announcement later, Corner Bruce and Celina Sts, OSHAWA Ambulance Service Day op Night, LUKE : Company Watch This provided under the PEMBROKE LOSES CITIZEN a number of years she was presi- Kiexandra Club which works for the Cottage Hospital, and st year was president of omen's Missionary Society. street; the telephone number remains the same, 1082. Watch i / . Crm ! Wright Funerals Twenty-three N.C.O.'s from all over 1082 FURNITURE act! he capacity of the hall, and hte Associa» BANK MANAGER'S WIFE DIES Mrs. Eva Elliott, wife of John Elliott, manager of the Standard Bank in Belleville, died at an early liott had resided in Beleville for the past rn She was a member 0 MILITARY COURSE OPENS Artillery, Kingston, under the super- vision of Major C. V. Bishop, M.C,, chie nnery instructor, the Dominion have already reported, Phone 1082 together with three officers, Lieut would justify my Interference with the process of law," the Governor the law with mercy," he continued. "Up to this writing, is no ex» tenuation, shown for what the seven judges of the Court of Ap- on your motor car, on if you In the death yesterday morning of | tion expects this will be the most|peals, In agreement with the 12|hy the unexpected act that he prese Mrs, es Beatty, Pembroke successful exhibition of poultry ever|jurors and the trial , have 1 Bi fh Ser [| ove of its foremost lady eitieans, For | held in that city. und to be a dell 8nd pre |eorely burst into tears. according meditated murder committed by these defendants." News of the Governor's decision was told Warden Lawes at 7 p.m. just. as he had returned from a She was also president of the Pem~ t x 'man & MeKensie, ® Wing [| broke Local Council of Women for HE el J iig. She Wi vist to the death house with Pria- IN survivors are her hus- 3 " 0 " strest east, Phone $40. Band and seven children, John Me- | Jos Syauenter, of the late Hr A8e| "They will not be told about it, DUSTRI AL PEACE Laren Beatty, clerk of the Surrogate sald Lawes, "When the news is not good the prison rule {is that it _| the condemned couple of the Gov- ed by an outsider their first reali- gation of the refusal of clemency would come Thursday night when they are led to the death chamber, Lawes did not go back to the ant W. E, Utley, 84th Heavy Bat- tery, Yarmouth, N.S.; Lieutenant M, N. Currag; 54th Battery, CF.A, Brantford, .Ont., and Lieutenant C. R, Stewart, 86 Battery, C.F.A., An- tigonish, N.S, Belleville under the auspices of the Belleville Poultry Association open- ed yesterday in the Market Building, There were more than 700 birds in the show, representing many differ- ent breeds, Seven Canada geese were donated, to the Hastings Jack Miner Ledgue and will be placed in the sanctuary now being prepared by the league, There were also on ex- hibit six English call-ducks, they be- ing donated to the Miner League, A demonstration in plucking and cleaning fowl! was given by an in- structor from the Dominion Experi- mental Farms Branch. , a death h after finding out the Governor's decision, Gray contin- ued to thumb his Bible serenely in his cell, and Mrs, Snyder contin- ued to lie on her cot and stare at the ceiling. that they will have but one more night to live, Last Minute Efforts Made Although the decision apparent- ly closes all roads back to life for both the man and woman, their lawyers were going through the usual motions of last-minute sal- vation, and in Mrs, Snyder's case, there were some unusual motions, for counsel were at loggerheads however much they sought to hide the fact, Mrs, Snyder had no visits from either attorneys or relatives dui- ing the day. Gray had visitors ga- that iselose some. fact which | "I want $15 spent for a good dinner for the ten men who will be left behind me in the death who 'is soon: to die for committing a murder in Steuben County. At one time Gray seat him some cig- arettes, and Baldwin was so moved bo, Samuel Miller: of Gray's coun- el, UNION PLEABS FOR |§ The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desire, DIXON'S 3 7 3 Act at Cobourg _|sald, in announcing his decision. | house, and th i 8 1 Solva Coke . | boo tor, "1 have searched in vain for|iike to have va D RoR ' We are y Agents g ines Lim war fined $50 with: id asia orien oy conscience 1a win becuse he hasn't got anybody be cos! office anyt » 8 Cambell pleated J Suilty E.. y the approve, on which I might temper| Baldwin is I A negro, Jeddo Premium Coal c was en e nimum States Prosperity strikes, industrial peace in America was contained in a statement of policies issued by the International Print ing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America in connection with the announcement of the re- nomination of the present adminis- tration headed by George L. Berry, president, A statement issued from Union headquarters said: the conduct of the ) "First: We recognize the tra- 1 h bli The Governor's refusal to length- employers and the public, have ditional American policy of bot GEESE FROM JACK MINER |en out their lives beyond the time |i, OTC SEETSOn POUCY OF Roth profited by this very sane and The annual Poultry Show held in| fixed by law unquestionably means ol Braet eall oN Yepretenting pérsonal ownership of property and disastrous results that accrue from lockouts Value of Education "Third: We recognize the value of technical trade education and nical trade schools, and engineer- ing activities seeking to eliminate waste in all of its aspects contributed much not only to the progress of industry but to the prosperity of it, genuine co-operation, and other con- mayors?" our several tech- porter, has Scotland, When he arrived at the station of a small town he began : now doing business at our new location, corner of The short course for officers and | ernor's decision and replied that certed forms' of interference with|to question the porter, 'I suppose Bruce and Celina streets, Oshawa, and hope to be able to ren. N.C.O.'s of the non-permanent Cana-| only in this way would either the| Pressmen's Home, 'Tenn., Jan, [the normal and healthy conduct|you have a provost here?" Pp der our usual efficient service during alterations. While our dian Artillery commenced Jostetda man or woman obtain the news, |11.--A hope for encouragement of|0f business, "Aye," sald the porter now building is under construction, entrance will be on Bruce J}|a¢ the Royal Canadian School of | and that if they were not inform- ' . "And does he have insignia like "Insignia--Does he wear a chain aroynd his neck?' "A chain? sald the astonished "Na, na, he gangs loose; but din- na be feared, he's quite harmless.' 1516 w=PHONRE-- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST "Far 1 dipt ifito the future, 1 as human eye could see, saw t vision of the world and all t wonders, that would be," Disney Block Opposite Post Offic 242 151 and we, with the r-- terference, sequence, that American industry has de- veloped as the result of the right of an individual or a group individuals to own properties and things free from Government in- "Second: We recognize the value and utility of industrial peace not only as it affects our membher- ship but the employers and the general public, and we are, in con- committed to the pro- position of securing ment of our differences "Fourth: We have recognized of the necessity of giving attention and regard to our membership"s welfare in the benevolent aspect through the establishment and STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT maintenance of a sanitorium for tuberculosis, a home for the aged and incapacitated, the payment of pensions to those who have reach- ed the age of retirement, and the payment of large mortuary' bene- fits to those left dependent as the t 1 t- Be adjys result of the death of a member. by the process of conciliation and, if that| "Fifth: The men who have About 12,000 ft. of good dry, storage space, conveniently locat- Paper's Issue on Saturday, Jan. 14 -= For =~ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT lore, a consultation with his law- yers, a reconciliation with his wile, and along conversation with his mother, . One has but to spend a short time at Sing Sing to observe that 80 far as the behaviour of Mrs. Snyder in the death house is con- cerned, there is much rumor and little facts. Nobody knows exactly what goes on, Warden Lawes com- municates but 8 modicum of in- formation to the battalion of been re-elected by being nominat- ed practically in all instances with- out any opposition and who now automatically become the officials of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of North America are dedicated to the policies that have made for us a successful American trades un- ion and, too, one that is free from internal activities that are intend- ed to promote any sort of 'ism' that is a contravention to Ameri- canism," Besid Mr, Berry, the officers associated with him who were re- UNVEIL MEMORIAL General W, St, Pierre Hughes last night unveiled the first memorial in Peterboro to any unit that took part, in the Great War, It is to the' men of the 21st Batalion, of whichiGen- eral Hughes was Commanding" Offi- cer, and commemorates the names of more than 800 men. Participating in the Wopressive ceremony was Lieut,- Col. M, E, Pense, DS.O., MC, an- Officer; Major , B, | Chaplain of the 21st; his Honor Judge Huycke and Mayor Roland Denne. Selections were played by the Bands of the Peterboro Rangers and the 4th Bats talion Canadian Machine Gun Sop, The choir of All Saints' Church led the singing, and rendered an anthem, "Give Peace in Our Time, O Lord" General Hughes recalled the marvel- lous esprit corps of the 2ist and its wonderful record of never losing fails, by the pro f arbitration, ith Canadian National siding ot Aoi or thin peti EN ed, with din Na si y for rent either in whole or in part. Low renta' LEADER DRY GOODS Phone 740; 32 Simcoe St, 8, other Commandin, W. EB. Kidd, MC. CHARLES M. MUNDY ¢/0 Mundy Printing Company, Limited : : . lected without th ity of : 12° . gg 1 deg Telephone 35 or 312 " of Philadelphia; Shuford B, Marks, . of Chicago; George R. Brunet, of Montreal; P. J. O'Donnell, of De- troit, vice-presidents, Your choice of 8 Ch let Coach ~--Latest models--Very reasonably priced, Chadburn - Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 what is gained, and never failing to take an objective. He remarked, too, the fact that although the 2Ist club of Peterboro raised the miemorial unaided, it takes in all the men, from all the fifteen cities contributing their uotas, who fell in service with the ataalion, -------- - - THE ARCADE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE Thursday We Hold a Ready-to-Wear Sale That Outclasses All Previous Efforts---Drastic Reduction on All ~ Dresses----Come Share in These Exceptional - Bargains : : Cloth Dresses Cloth Dresses Lovely Dresses © || Afternoon Dresses Beautiful Dresses Sport Dresses in plain styles Ladies' and Misses' Silk and Wool Crepes, Daffodil Jersey, | |. These Dresses include silk This lot of Dresses include our "With sicde and Jaton ek Wool Faille Dresses in a neat Navy * Serge and Canton "crepes, jersey and velvet com- best crepe back satins, geor- Rialist weave Jadha. and soy style for afternoon or business Crepes. Shades are red, cop- binations and crepe back sat- | | geites, velvet and georgette 42. Shades, blue, dork rose, wear, Colors are copen, coco, en, rose, sand, navy and black. ins, in » wide range of shades, combinations, mostly all navy brown, red and navy. sand and grey, Sizes 16 to 42. Sizes 14 to 42. Sizes 14 to 46. and black. Sizes 16 to 44. Aid THURSDAY BARGAIN THURSDAY BARGAIN THURSDAY BARGAIN THURSDAY BARGAIN THURSDAY BARGAIN TED CRLDH om bier Rh $7.95 $10.95 $14.95 $19.95 Buy, ow," Buy for fue | VERY FUR TRIMMED COAT IN THE STORE AT HALF PRICE | SHOP AT THE ARCADE : oh THE BUSX BARGAIN STORE WA A a ERE Sn 5 SG So. ns pian: hive Sunn

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