Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1928, p. 6

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Am JF omas, Mike Kelly din been a a in the Ameri: tw B fuociation a si goes t ' club, Shady McAuley, Mil- Find former member of the | fou Molnes. Wester Latioe Bernle Krueger, signed to manage ihe. Peoria of the Three-Eye League. immy Middleton, once pitcher for Detroit Tigers, was Sent to Se- ittla of the Pacific Coast League. -- think the release of four men pom one club to hgcome ny must he some kind of a rd," Kelly said, "I've hy h-- 1 could. We don't get any mon- for their transfer, but the Min- plis club certainly wishes them happy New Year." TT AR SIA SH NA 'ped by the absénee of their de- | \fense pair, Goyer and Green, but they fought stubbornly through- Sout, Welr, coming back after a 'w year absence, played well for elleville, while: Bohen played a "good game in the nets, i Kingston failed to show their "yeal form until the second period, '§ 'when the scoring machine swung 2 into action with a vengeance, olway, Watts and Smith starred or Kingston, The win put Kings- on on top o fthe six-team group th three straight wins, Kingston -- Goal, Brooks; de- mee, Holway, Rooney; centre, Lawlor; wings, Smith, Brillinger; pubs, by Bond Watts, lle -- Goal, Bohen; de- " fense, Rooney, Hagerman; centre, Gibson; wings, Weir, Whalen; nubs, Jarvis, Hunter, «"Referee--s8teye. Vair, Toronto, RICKARD BUSY AGAIN I~ "Boston, Mass, Jan, 10--Tex Rick- i Brd yesterday told Johnny Buck- ' ley, manager of Jack Sharkey, Bos. * ton heavyweight title contender, that he wants to discuss the possi- . bilities of a Sharkey-Tunney title . match with the Boston manager as t soon as possible, From a long-dis- 'tance telephone conversation witn i the New York promoter today © Buckley gathered that Rickard in- i tends to go ahead with plans for i the bout in New York next June if k rkey demonstrates his fitness in t his bout with Ton Heeney of Aus- E tralia in Madison Square Garden = mext Friday night, "SPUNK SPARROW SIGNS iuRegina, Jan, 10--"Spunk" Spar- E ld recently released from the American Ssnetation hockey cir- Gr he Baring the camp of the 4 Capitals, and will play with team last night at Saskatoon, 'ord was received here to the ef- that President Calder of the ; 1 Hockey Leagne had lifted dig suspension so as to per- him to play in the Prairie ue. President Seaborn of the loop has also granted per- rable for the formersRegina play- Lor to don a uniform. DODDS KIONEY HlLLS wt : & te On t few 4: throughou in its "predicament, i.) probaly been more clearly t the past two win s tussle scheduled while at time of are alsa billed for game is also in the balance. high sin M Hambly, Enel Filmes. 206; bent, 774 and School Club operated in ¢ Mainly throu key series, portunity for several kind hearted Intcrm diate H a do font for the Giants, that revenue could be made. are postponed due to soft ice, also handicapped through the game use of the artificial surface, ing surface, it was all about, The prige- winters for ¢ : Mon wingers for the Motor City Bowling hb as fi © dies' weekly hig has had quite a number of years of experience, with the 'Bridgeport club of the Eastern League, Brooklyn, and became a member of the semi-pro Bushwicks, where he made such a reputation that John McGraw signed him. Lai can play all the infield positions, and may prove to be a useful utility infielder Hockey Association series have been s on account of the mild spell The the province and therefore Oshawa The need of an attificial icated this week, than ice plant has at anw other The Oshawa Shamrocks-Bowman- . i or Bradley's Rink last night had to be writing it is doubtful as to whether or hawa City League will operate tonight. Oshawa Intermediates Port Hope tgnight for an important match and this and weekly Sompetitions at ws: Ladies' monthly five pin h five pin single, men's hight Fh consecutive games, Jack Broad- T---- One local organization that certainly deserves credit is the Home unction with the various public schools, h the efforts of these gether with the object of bringing the Home and School clase together, it has been possible for the schools to form the junior and senior hoc Last night at a menthly meeting the qpestion of Upkeep was discussed and it was pointed out that a carctaker receives $1 a week and in addition to this there are other incidentals, the end of the season rolls around thefe is guite a hole nicked into the bank accounts of the Home and School Cly bodies of ladies, banded to- By the time There is plenty of op- organizations like the Junior and y Clubs as well as the Oshawa City Hockey League to foster hockey in Oshawa. Shaving exhausted all other baseball resources of the voile Ao ave gone out and signed a Chinese infielder, William T, Lai by name, who will report for examination at the Southern train. ing camp with the Toronto Leafs in Au gusta, Ga, in the spring, Lai For four years he was Later he drifted 10 Mentioning that artificial ice plant again--there are numerous ways For instance the Whithy nd Bowmanville Clubs each have postponed games on their shoulders and it is almost certain that if an artificial plant was located here the Port Hope- Oshawa game would go on tonight, only in this city. That would be in accord- ance with the O.H.A's instructions to clubs to make arrangements with managers of artificial rinks for the playing of scheduled games that A number of the smaller leagues are trouble and would no doubt make An amusing incident occurred in the MeGill-Harvard game Satur: day at New York when an anti-Volstead spectator took a punch at St, Germain as he skated down with the puck, As he completed the swing, the spectator lost his balance and fell over the boards on to the play- The rink was in an uproar as the man staggered to his feet and squared off with St, Germain, who had returned to see what No blows were struck, but the flashk-toting fan was dragged from the Arena struggling in the arms of four policemen, And New York is supposed to be dry. St. George's vs. Fittings and Simcoes vs. Service is the way the bill for tonight's Oshawa City Hockey League fixtures reads, hut it is doubtful if the games can go on due to the softness of the ice at Bradley's Rink. No, the league is not intending to take the teams to Toronto to play at Ravina or Mutual street, ments will be found in another column, Further definite announce- According to O.H.A, bulletin Bowmanville and Oshawa will play their postponed game here tomorrow night with Recieree Armstrong of Toronto in charge. If the ice is in shape that shouid be a battle royal for both teams need the game to strengthen their positions in the group standing. The Corrin-Luke-Leckey-Cox sextette is in the best of condition having enjoyed the week-end rest immerisely. At the Regent "THE MAGIC FLAME" It is perhaps natural the life of the circus should be a favorite sub- ject with writers of scenarios, for there is an artificiality . and a glamor about the 'sawdust ring," that fits in: perfectly with the pe- culiar requirements of the silver sheet, The first half of the "Magic Flame" pictures the life and ac- tivities of a little Italian efrcus, where Tito and Bianca are twe of the principal performers. - Ron- ald Colman, as Tito, the elown. and beautiful Vilma Banky, as Bi- anca, the trapeze artiste, have ip this film a vehicle which does then full justice, and there are few among the idols of the sereep who can compare with these twe in dramatic quality. Ropald Col- man fis called upon to play the very diverse characters of elowr end king, of tender lover. and 2oarse libertine, while Vilma Banky's part ss Bianca call for a dramatic and abrupt change from that of a bright vivacious girl of the circus to a tragie figure whose one object in life is to encompass the death of the aristocrat, who as she believes, 'has killed he: lover. Gustaf von Seffertitz, a8 the Chancellor of the little Kingdom 'of Illyria, has a part similar tc many which he. has played before and which require just the guali- ties of which he is the supreme ex- Under the direction of CORP. C. WRIGHT will N a i oe WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11 nent. Crafty, cunning, and en- tirely ups-rupulous as to the means which he uses to obtain his ends, he finds that he is @yer- reached by his own clevermess, i 133% itll im 15 4 §F 1 mE i : TR dh HR i 13 t i i i i : IN B 5 gE i : eR i : : | | thing to a human jack-in-the-box we have ever seen, and we believe that, if anything, he is even =a little more active than usual in this comedy. The News Reel as usual con tains some excellent topical views of "what is going on" -in the big world, and with Jack Watson's orchestra supplying the musie, you have as good an evening's en- tertainment as you could wish, MINER IN HOLLINGER FOUND CRUSHED TO DEATH Timmins, Ont., Jan, 9.--An ac- cident at the Hollinger Mine this afternoon resulted in the death of R, Grandal, employed as a tram- mer, The accident happened in the drift at the 1,700-foot level and at the time Grandal's partper had gone to station for empty trucks. He was surprised at not seeing Grandal on his return journey and eventually found him crushed be- tween the truck and the timbers. Grandal is reported to be a Nor- wegian and had only been in thie country about eighteen months. There is sald to be a wife and three children still in Norway. LONDON MOTHER RECEIVES CAVE-MAN TBEATMENT London, Jap. 9.--Charged with dragging his mother around the house by her hair, Wiltrid Loune, aged 16, of Manor Park, was ar- raigned befroe county Magistrate Hawkeshawe today. His mother asked for leniency for the offender, and declared. "It didn't hurt so much." In his own defense the youth said that his father always resorted disputes, thought he was entitled to the priv- lege. He was remanded for sen- tence. U. 8, BAILWAYS ARE BEFUSED BEHEARING IN PAPER WAMIETON CLEARS | // UP ONFALLS 4 TON Hamilton ,Jan.- 10.--Hamilton's speeding | carved way to a clean-cut 4-to-1 trium the 'Niagara over (atives In 8 achoduiod Axture sentatives in a J xture at ak driving the i own, under 'a terrific at that progressed with the game. From the time that Roth sifted the first counter through the Falls de- Setiad, ten ivy.' "ey id tant he game, the ellow an Black held a madgin that the visi- tors could met overcome, and from the first period on, it was just a case of the Falls sextette battling in vain against a team that was not nly on edge, but in the midst of a charging campaign that asked or gave no quarter, Sport Briefs SIEBERT GETS ANOTHER Montreal, Jan, 10--*Babe' Sie- bert, sturdy left-winger and de- fense man of the Montreal Mar- oons, stands automatically suspend- ed for one game due to his ma- jor penalty in the Maroon-Boston National Hockey League mateh here Saturday night, According to N.H.L. rules, a player receiving three major. penalties is suspended, subject to the diseretion of the league President. The practice in similar cases has been to suspend the player for cne game. LAWN BOWLERS TO MEET London, Ont, Jan. 10--A meet- ing of lawn bowlers has heen called by R. T. McLean, Honorary Secre- tary of the Dominion Lawn Bowl- ing Association, to he held at Ham- ilton on Saturday, Jan, 21, 2:30 p m, A dinner will concludue the gathering for those who care to re- main over, Each affiliated elub has heen requested to gend two del- egates, as this special meeting has been arranged to discuss the Do- minion championships for the eom- ing season. CLUB OWNERS MEET New: York, Jan. 10--Club own- ers of the National Hockey League had their regular monthly meeting here yesterday to transact routine business. The next meeting will be held in Toronto, There was no talk of trades and only business details of interest to the magnates came up for discussion. Frank Cal- der, head of the eirecuit, announced, however, one record was hroken, he said, when the session lasted only a few minutes over two hours. CANADIAN LEAGUE RECORD P. W. L T. Pts Kitchener ---.... 18 10 22 Detroit --- - 21 Hamilton We 20 Toronto -- 18 19 Stratford RET 18 London ww: 18 151 Niag. Falls 18 Hes 1h Windsor - = 18. #8 14 HAMILTON PROMISED $1,000,000 SKYSCRAPER Hamilton, Jan, 9.--Hamilton is having a hard time keeping its head these days, what with the many good things being bestowed upon fit. The Mtest cheering an- nouncement was that made today by J. M. Pigott of the Pigott-Heal- ey Construction Company, who said that his company will erect a 17-story skyscraper on James Street near Main street. The build- ing, it is estimated, will cost $1, 000,000 and' will likely be ecom- pleted this year, It will be erected on the west side of James Street, between the Sun Life and the old Spectator buildings, on what is now ocfupied by the Commercial Building. The new structure will have a frontage of 72 feet 6 finches and will be of Canadian stone. The wide front- age will be filled by the first three stories. From the third story upward the building will be narrowed to a width of 54 feet, which will give it a clearlance of nine feet on either side. A graceful tower will crown the structure, the motive of which is tower-like. The architects are B. H. & F Prack of Hamilton and Pittsburg, Construction work will begin with- in six weeks, it is said. NEW YORK CAFE PROPRIETOR PROVES TO BE A MILLIONAIRE New York, Jan. 9.--Jobn Dun- stan, for many years proprietor of "Jack's," an all-night restaurant in the theatrical district, left an estate 10 estimated at between $3,000,009 and $4,000,000, it was revealed with the filing of his will today. The entire estate passes to mem- bers of the family. Uh Tie. Vase: Tom Sate The decision required United States roads which were parties to through rates to file with the commission schedules of their pro- portion of the rates for the haul to the Canadian boundary. bill is $54.000.000, of over $1. 990.900 a week. R M. . D. St. Andrew's , L, Pomeray i... H, Holmes ..ivaqsivne I. McDonald arenes aan Total--1,293. Pirates-- D. Moffatt .,.. V. Fulton ..veeneeaeeess Vii Bark oh oesnnean K. Wells .., L. Holmes ,. LEE CREE wm |ice at the various Total--1,278. Dumbells: vs, Whirlwinds Dumbells-- A. McRae ... M Conlin .., M. Smith ..., M. Donald .... L. Fulton ..,. J Foc Hoe hrough Sott Ice Tonight Por Taka No Chancho 'Protest and Hang Out to Soft 1ce"--City Games Tonight or Hockey games in which Oshawa teams are scheduled to participate in tonight have all been postponed due to the soft condition of the rinks in the district, This morning officials of the var. fous clubs were busily engaged in looking after details concerning the clubs and the local intermedi- ate management was one of those most actively connected with the situation, Shortly after ten o'clock the local management rer ceived a telegram from the man- --| agement of the Port Hope Inter- Total--1416, Whirlwinds-- M. Shaw ...... PHIRI 132 A. Morison ...vevvsvevse 157 C. Leach' 7. cv rvveveees 101 M. Wilcox ,oveervrrrres V. Copeland ..... rie B. Bouckley Total--1,443, Cara Nomes vs. Maple Leafs Cara Nomes-- M, Hambly F. Cox 3 I. Wilkins ... V. Orchard .,.. Dummy Total--1,315. Maple Leafs-- 8S. Core A. Maitland H, McLean J. McDonald ... I. McGahey .. H. Walker Total--1,040. Aces vs, Prospectives Aces-- I. Pipher K. Conlin ... I.. Mason M. O'Connel 1, G Total--1,261, Prospectives--( Defaulted.) At the New Martin "THE CLOWN," NOW PLAYING AT THE NEW MARTIN A circus picture that provides a thrilling story plus an authentic big: top background-~--that's 'The Clown," the photoplay which open- ed at the New Martin theatre last night, Added to these merits are those of skillful direction apd capable characterization: The story is simple in outline, A circus baby have made up his whole life, is sentenced to prison for the mur: || der of his wife on the false charge || After 18 years. || while yet in prison, he sees hig, of his partner. daughter, who thinks him dead. and his old enemy, during a per- formance which the eircus gives at the prison. pian arouses his desire for re- venge. He escapes from the pri- son and goes back to the circus in clown make-up, so that he shall not be recognized. The events that follow--in which he gains revenge and secures his daughter's happiness--but saeri- tices his own life, are worked out logically, and moves swiftly, 8 To William V. Mong go thé honors for his characterization of the title role--he "is" the clown Dorothy Revier does well in the double role of wife and daughter while Johnnie Walker, playing op- posite her in the daughter se- quences, makes an engaging young | suitor, who, to be mear the girl becomes a circus roustabout. Johr i Miljan, as the villain, is a con- vinecingly contemptible figure. If you care for circuses--sec "The Clown." The comedy was quite funny z | of the Br man, whose wife and |! The sight of the || mediate Hockey Club advising as follows: 'Game postponed. Due soft ice." It simply meant that all hope of Oshawa taking Port Hope on in that important tussle was shattered for tonight at least, Then a few minutes after the arrival of, this wire, the lessees ley Rink, Messrs. Barn. hardt and. Campbell, notified President Jyrll Elliott of the Oshawa City Hockey League that games between St. Georges and Fittings and Simcoes and Service would also have to be called off because the ice at the rink would not permit a game. The Bowmanville-Oshawa Sham- rock junior game last night also had to be let slide for a few days, although an anonuncement from the O.H.A. headquarters is to the effect that the game will be play- ed here tomorrow night with Bob Armstrong of Toronto as referee, This game will be a hum-dinger V1 especially if th elce is hard and there is some indication that the weather will tighten up by to- | morrow night, It is rather interesting to men- tion that the O.H.A, had Lou Marsh all set to handle the Port Hope-Oshawa game tonight. SENATORIAL APPOINTMENTS CONSIDERED BY MINISTERS Ottawa, Jan. 9.--The Cabinet Council this evening was consid- ering appointments of Senators, but no final selegtion was made. A Prench-Canadlaf from Northern Optario or Essex may be among those chosen, Others more prom- inently mentioned are 8. C, Liftle of London, J, H, Spence, K.C., of Toronto, and H. H. Horsey of Cressy, There are three vacancies, It is now reported that Thomas Ahearn of Ottawa will likely be made a Privy Councillor, * be sure of it, too newspaper . . . it will guide vou fo the buying of worthy merchandise sl bn DRAFT WAR COMES TO A SUDDEN END us Chicago, Jan, 10. -- The draft war among the minor leagues came to a sudden end yesterday. The resolution adopted at Dallas last month ordering the five big minor leagues to cease their "modifica- tion" of the draft, was rescinded by unanimous vote of delegates representing all th minors, both big and little, Today's resolution, in addition to annulling the Dallas pig provided that the methods of er years, s ould continue during the incumbency of Kenesaw Moun- tain Landis as baseball's $65,000 a year Commissioner, .. ; RA Commissjoner ' Landis: did 'not attend the" meeting yesterday and neither did the various major league representgtives who con- ferred with the minor league mag- Bates before the executive session egan. CANADA PLANNING ENVOY FOR TOKIO Ottawa, Jan, 9.--Canada Is spending a million dollars a week on alcoholic beverages. The do- mestic productic® of whiskey, gin heer and other strong drink amounts to $40,000,000 per annum, We have imported during the last twelve months another $40,000,000 worth and exported to the United States and other countries $26,- 000,000 worth. This leaves $54, 000,000 of ligyor to quench the Canadian thirst, not counting the home-brew and the moonshine which are such strong competitors of the Government shops, Ontario's 'Strong Man" may have been misquoted, but he was reported the other day as saying exports to the United States had decreased since Government "con- trol" was introduced, The official trade figures show no diminution, but rather an increase in the flow of Canadian whiskey and other alr ocoholic beverages to the United States. Incidentally the "comtrol" law in Ontario has: resulted in greater consumption of liguor In this Province, ¥ Capadian imports of aleoholie Beverages increased at a rate ex- ceeding a million dollars a month in 1927, as compared with 1926. In the month of November alone we brought into the country $5,478, 268 worth of brandy, gin, whiskey and wines. In the last twelve months our imrports exceeded $40, 000,000, as against Tess than $28, 000,000 during the preceding year, Every month of 1927 showed larg- er purchases of liguor from abroad, mostly from the United Kingdom, -- A word from this publisher » about a The products you see consistontly Hed in ts perv worthy of your confidence, oe It takes two things foimake a ponistent advaptions One is a strong conviction that he bas # product that will hold its place in public favor despite competition, The other is actual proof of that . , , the increasing popularity of his product. If his product will not stand the test of comparison he would simply be throwing bis advertising investment away, buying public rejects bis product after it has been offered in ad- vertising he has thrown his advertising investment away, What's win the wanslastures who advertises Vie mirchandios CORNEA fs Yi. Site OF Mo Suni 1 £ 1 vi bt ro ra Kitchener, Jan. Jam 20. -- their second game in three University of oTronto seniors scored their second shut-out, Kitchener losing by 2 to 0 here last night. It was the second successive loss to the homesters, and it was their first home game of the season, U, of T. played better all-round hockey, but Kitchener did not de- serve to be shut out. had some tough breaks im the goal- mouth, the team lacking finish' about the mets. This cost them the game. It was only an aver- age game of senior hockey, There were many faces new to senior hockey on both sides. After the first period the teams played a fair amount of combination, and the game was fast and clean, : TO PLAY ALLAN CUP FINALS IN OTTAWA Woodstock, Ont, Jan, 10,--The amateur hockey senior champion- ship of Canada will this year be decided on Ottawa Ice, Dr, Frank Sandercock, President of the Canadign Amateur Hockey Union, who is visiting in Woeod- stock, announced last evening that the Allan Cup finals will be played in the Capital City, Negotiations which . have been going on for some days were to- day compelted when satisfactory arrangements were made with the Ottawa rink management and these terms were pronounced: as agreeable to Dr, Sandercock, LEAD SIX-DAY GRIND Chicago, Ill, Jan. 10.--Bphby Walthour and Freddie Spencer held first plage in Chicago's 19th inter- national six-day bike race at the 18th hour of the long grind. They were tied with two ah in mile- age bue led in points eggle ghe- Namara, 'the iron man," and ley Winter, and Otto Petri and Norman Hill were in the triple tie for mileage, Thirty laps were stol- en up to this hour. APPOINT NEW LECTUR! Queen's University autho haye appointed Hugh F. Sul land as permanent . Successor to Prof. H. H, Eaton, who removed to Wisconsin University, Mr, Sutherland, a graduate of Glas- gow and Oxford, will take the po- sition as lecturer in politics, and will assume his duties next Bep- tember. INJURED BY DEN Kenneth Plunkett, -11, sol of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Plunkett, $10 Barrie Street, Kingston, is in' Kingston General ne a serious condition, as the result of a plece of dynamite exploding when picked up by the-lad Sun- day evening. His right and and chest were seevrely burn: 8 piece of brags lodged in Se eve. ¥ 4 If the re sgqr pons wE 4f 449% TE FP scien

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