Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1928, p. 4

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a {am Ri; TUESDAY, JANUA COUNCIL, INAUGURATED © With eight view members; the City Couns ofl of 1028 wae formally inducted into office 4 ' LO || Monday morning. Mayor Preston, in assum. ( To f of the new committees is that the striking ing the gavel for the third consecutive year, begins his service with a double honor, For he not only received an acclamation for a third term, but he is the first mayor of the City of Oshawa to be so honored. The only possible objection to the line-up committee and the Council as a whole had. little more to do with it at the inaugural: " meeting than to express approval-----some. thing after the order of the old darkey and "his framed Grace before Meat to which, sav- "ning of his meals by saying, "Lawd, dem's | ing time, he always referred at the begin my sentiments," However, there is 'nothing particularly wrong shout a caucus when it is frank in declaring both its existence and purpose, ~The names suggested met with approval and * will, on the whole, meet with civic. endorsa tion, Ald, Stacey's appointment. as chairman of the Works Board recognized not only his ex perience and ability, but the fact that 1928 is going to be an even greater building year in Oshawa than 1927, which also means more and knottier problems to confront and solve, : Ald, Swanson's appointment as chairman of the Finance Committee could be objected "to on no other grounds than the fact that there are other aldermen qualified for the post who have had more service on the City . Council, His election. was approved, how- % ever, and it is certain that he will give the best that's in him to: the post, the Oshews gas plant from the Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission and to obtain from - the Commission sn offer of ssle to the mun- WELCOME TO OUR CITY A very lucky baby was born in Oshawa at 12,80 a.m, New' Year's Day, This newest citizen of Oshawa is to be christened Jean Marie Saunders, new-born daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Richard J, Saunders of Festubert Street, Her arrival so soon after the whist- "les and bells announced the coming of 1928 wins a number of handsome prizes donated by local merchants and announced in Satur- "day's Oshawa Daily Times in anticipation of such an event, Jean knows nothing of all this, To judge by the amount of time she sleeps one would fear that she is bored with Oshawa, How- ever; it is probable that she will like us bet- ter as time goes on, The Oshawa Daily Times is proud to extend the conventional "Welcome to our City" greeting to Oshawa's New Year baby, : Jean, however, is very fortunate in other ways; She was born at the threshold of a great year, If she lives to be only a mod- erately old lady--just 72 years more---she will hear the bells ring out the year 1999 and hear the chimes welcoming the Third Millen. jum of the Christian Era, The years ahead will be wonderful for Baby Jean. She will see the world given wings, Even by the time she is a8 young lady life will be as completely adjusted to flying as this decade is to motor transporta- tion, On her fortieth birthday she will be « looking back on Canad's Centennial Year, That year may be marked by a great World's Fair at Toronto and Jean will have seen, per- haps, the last march past of Canadian vet- erans of 1914-18, To meet this future of hers--its dangers as well as its opportunities--Baby Jean goes forth with gifts such as no Fairy God- mother of story could give, She is a British citizen; Canada is homeland; and last, snd for once an honored least, Oshawa is her na- tive city, GOOD WORK~KEEP IT UP Arrest of two alleged burglars by the City police force Sundsy morning was 8 very creditable performance, and The Osh- awa Daily Times offers congratulations to Chief Friend snd Constables Flintoff and Me- Til: is much like a wife, you unless you ------ INCONSISTENT (Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph) World peace is a lovely ideal, but one musie firm reports it sold 70 saxophones as Christmas gifts, THE ALL IN ALL (The Passing Show) He: "Is there anything in life but love?" She: "Nothing in the wide, wide world! Where shall we have sup. per . J ' FATAL WORDS (London Sunday Pictorial) A writer observes that most bride grooms ave silent during the wedding reception. Perhaps they feel that they have already said too much, BABY'S EARLY DIRT (Kitchener Record) The first 1028 baby born Mn St, Thomas is to receive presents of shoes, clothing, photographs, and bread. And won't the little duffer enjoy that bread! HUSBANDS' REPLY (Nebelspalter, Zurich) Wite (in & telegram from a Spa): "In four weeks I have re. duced my weight to half, How long shall I stay?" Husband (wiring back): *An- other four weeks." EDINBURGH'S DECISION (Christian Science Monitor) Edinburgh is to be commended on its decision to sell its relics of the Great War and give the money to charity, Better that children should have food and clothing than have machine guns to play with, THERE'S A REASON (Buffalo Courier Express) It is deplorable, but true that lots of men who now sit indif- ferently in the front row and listen to Wagner's stuff with something akin to contempt, used to go into tantrums of ecstacy over the Blue Bells of Scotland on the prickly roll of an old time music box, JUST GIGGLE (Border Cities Star) Remember 'way back when the girls used to come downtown the day after Christmas and giggle about what happened under the mistletoe? Nowadays they come downtown the day after Christ- mas and just giggle about what happened, ANOTHER EVOLUTION THEORY (Ohio State Journal) Despite the earnest reducing efforts which have been in pro- gress for many years among the good old girls of our set, we see 8 great deal that includes us to accept the theory of the eminent scientist that man, scended from the jelly fis JANUARY (Chicago Evening Post) We have thought occasionally that New Year's day ought to fall about March 15, for then it is that the first signs of the renew- ing year appear. The grass greens a bit in mid-March and the mead- ow lark comes back to us with its spring carol at about the same time. The beginning of the new year we think appropriately might be the beginning of things vernal, but even as the calendar now has it the greening and the growing are starting somewhere in some Istitude on this old earth of ours. While January is winter's own it Is no time to stick by the fire- side. It has its beauties no less than June, There is 2 rugged beauty as well as a refined beauty snd ruggedness certainly has its manful appeal. A JOKWS A JOKE (New York Evening World) Dean Hawke's joke about the girls who bought a green lipstick more letters begging for an ex- plapation of the point than any joke that I've printed in months. There are many jokes that are only understandable to people profiei- ont in Broadwayese but this lip- stick joke from the Dean of Col- umbla College fis too simple for i Hae fibe i Fiat in Hie i] HY § J) E : TUESDAY, i Y 10, 1928 Copyright COMMON SENSE 'REDUCING While it ia ack vv see our very fat folks cutting down on their food intake in an endeav- or to decrease their weight, nev- @rthless there ia one point that seems to be overlooked mot only by these overweight folks, but by others who are reducing their weight. 1 refer to this matter of complete fasting, doing without food entirely for different periods of time, And that is that it a certain amount of flesh is taken off, that this weight is not all fat, That is to say, if twenty pounds 18 taken off, that while the largest percentage will be fat, a certain reentage of other tissues of the ody will be also, namely muscle, blood, glands, bones, and so forth, In other words, while reducing the fat the loss of these other tissues cannot but mean harm to the strength and struc- ture of the bedy, How often you have seen these folks who have reduced thelr weight by many pounds, become sallow and haggard in appearance. due to the general weakness o the body, and to the absorption of poisons which accompanies prolonged fasts, However, the point I want to make is not that these aver- weight folks should not cut down in their food intake, because that is a sensible thing to do, but un- fortunately they omit to do that which is just as important, and that is to replace their fat with healthy muscles, If they would put on a couple of heavy sweaters, cover the rest of the body in woolens also, and take regular ex- ercise, gradually {increasing same as their strength increased, they would receive a higher rate of in- terest for their time and energy expended than anything else could possibly give. Why? Because not only is their fat removed, but muscle tissue is de- veloped, and with it, increased strength of heart and lungs. Now, when you compare what cutting down on food and taking regular exercise will do for that body of yours, to what a prolong- ed fast will do, I believe you will see the wisdom of attaining strength in this common manner, As mentioned before short fasts occasionally are good for the ma- jority of folks, but prolonged fasts are dangerous, sense Crisp Comment If breviy is the soul of wit flap- pers should be star humorists--Ot- tawa Journal, Some boys go to college to study anatomy and some go to a fashion- oble dance--Brandon Sun, Cod liver ofl Is the best substi- tute for sunshine but you can't make bathing beauties take it.-- Brandon, Sun. It used to be s2id that every ple- ture tells a story, But that was before the days of the einema-- The Passing Show. When a girl becomes engaged her mother always says that it is hard to give her up--but she may think otherwise.--Detroit News, Lindbergh wants pay only in se-| cord with his earning capacity, Most of us want it to match our spending capacity.--Brantford Ex- positor, It is likely that by this time the followers of King David Purnell are beginning to realize that David put one over on them.--Kitchener Ree- ord. "What women appeal most to men?" asks a contemporary. A husband considers the wives who want new hats must, easily,--Pass- ing Show, A boy of seven is said to have written 2 novel. In 2a case like this, I believe the responsibility de- volves mpon the male parent.--The Passing Show, Hickman didn't smoke, chew, drink or swear. But murder wae a There should be perils eno fn? 8 non-stop flight across the | nent to suit aviators for a while, without trying to leap the oceans-- Toronto Star. WATCHED TOO LONG! : Act $F Reglstered in Accordance with the M savi savings of of Canadians from one end of the Dominion to the other "BE PREPARED Quddi emergencies often call for ready cash. IF you have it do not need to worry. for such occasions by up an interest-bearing account in the BANK OF which ots BANK OF MONTREAL nal Assets in excess of § 830,000,000, [Established 1817 ousands the Now You Tell One Which? Bill: "Aw, I wish I was dead." Ted; 'Well! Did she marry you or did she refuse?" Unfamiliar Visitor: My, there aré a crowd of tough rascals in the court room, Judge: Bh! They're lawyers, Wham! Tom: The last time I played foot- ball I bumped my head so hard I thought I'd never recover my thinking faculties. Marie: Did you? From the Bottom Old Gentleman: H"m, have you always sold shoe strings? Beggar: Hardly, I bad work my way up. to Promise Ned: 'Sorry, old man, but to- day I promised my wite I'd quit smoking." Tom: "Aw, put it in your pock- et and smoke it to-morrow." Recently a Fespeetible-Jooking drunkard was sitting in a tram bow | RE SS Sac TERT i a for Ilford, with a newspaper spread in front of him, apparently reading it is a most absorbed fashion, "I beg your pardon," said a well- meaning neighbor, "but aren't you reading that paper upside down?" "Hu "Aid grunted. "I said, aren't you reading that newspaper upside down?" "Yuss! I am!" the solemn drunkard said, emphatically, "And let me tell you, it take a bit o' doin', too," the drunken gentleman To a well-known bishop a wealthy woman complained that her domestics showed a strange indifference to TE their fate in the next world, "I don't think they care whether they go to Heaven or not," ghe said, "I suppose you have assured them of your hope to be there?" asked the bishop. ' "Assuredly," came the confident answer, "Do you not think that may be the precise reason for their indiffer- ence?" Putting the Treat in Treatment Doctor--Your temperature seems to have taken a drop. Patient--Can't you arrange it so I can do the same, doctor? StoBiE FORLONG 8 STOCKS BONDS Head Office; Reford BAY AND WELLINGTON Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa ~~ Phones 143 and 144 S. F, EVERSON, Local Manager rd Bu GRAIN Above C.P.R. Office Do You Own Your Own 7 rooms Leslie street. 7 rooms Frederick street. 6 and 8 rooms Oshawa Boule- yard. Come i» and get information, re terms and prices, We have bouses jn all parts of city. We (W have one tmat suits | i 1

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