Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1928, p. 3

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Mayor Preston's inaugural ad- dress, delivered at the opening of night's initial session of the 1928 Council, calls upon the al dermen to take the initial steps wards the building of a new (Hall, and urged undivided Council attention to the formation 8 Chamber of Commerce which warship declared aws now ically asssured. / His address follows: | #To the. Aldermen of the City of ' Oshawa. iGentlemen of the City Council: -- "Once again as Mayor of this Qity, I have the honour and priv- flege 'of addressing the Citizens' chosen representatives at this their first general business meeting of the 'year, Let me say In all sin- eerity that, not only do I appreel~ ate the honour of presiding at metings in my capacity as ayor, but also the fact that mo 1 tion Was offered to my can- @idature for the Chief Mggistrate's hair this year. * "When I look around the Coun- 1 'Board, I observe seeyral of the ldermen who gave o ftheir time d talents last year are missing, e passing o fsome of these men their years of Municial exp~ perience will be felt; but it is en- ¢ouraging to know that the year pteen. Hundred and Twenty fEght still finde the Council b no ymeans lacking in experience, Some of you have given much of your abllit yand time to the civie oblems of the past, and I, wel- me your return, To the gen- tlemen who are sitting in Coun- ell for the first time, I extend not , only a welcome, but wish to per- senally - congratulate them. on » their election; and hope that their ebut in municipal activities will be both enjoyable and successful, "Starting out as we are in a year which we all feel will be a busy one for the various governing bodies of our €ity, I do not at this time propose to single out any of our givie problems (save perhaps two which I shall' in a moment touch upon) for your special, at- tention for the reason that in a fast growing City sueh as we have the honour fo represent, we will no doubt be faced with many prob- lems during the year which do not now present? themselves, and at ' this stage would perhaps appear premature, "The first serious question % thir: the Couneil should give their undivided attention, is the proposed Chamber of Commeree, the establishment of which I am happy to say is practically assur- ed, There is much missionary work yet to be done, however, snd the Council ean greatly assist the committee of business men chosen to work out the many de- tails of such an organization. It is with no little pleasure I recall that in this same room a year ago, snd on a3 Ditties of Sinitar tok hls one, I suggested q n of forming & Chamber of Com- merce in our City should be grap- pled with, and to such an end a meeting of the citizens should be called. The Council did work: on the matter, and through the efforts of Alderman' Swanson we have made progress sufficient to warrant an optimistic feeling that the Chamber will speedily reach the stage of consu- mation. 5 "With the growth in our oppu- lation such as we have experienced during the past five years, the ser- vice to the Citizens has of neces- sity greatly increased; and having erection of a2 municipal building to cope adequately with the needs of our police and fire departments and to house our executive and ad- ministrative staffs cannot be much longer, delayed. The accommoda- tion now provided for the public st the office receiving the Tax and Water Rate payments is Bg E B £ 2 ; £ ) sf : HE HL Hi 2 i ¢ Fes . § ; § AT Shani i i ~ ata am VER nt. a Guim + Wii a address down to merely tas | SEC Me ARE ities Council at ita initial regular Its membership, moved by Ald. last night showed en- Swanson, consists of on ps gh ged Alchin, north-west ward, * 8, ganization of an Oshawa north-east ward, A, J. Chamber of Commerce. A Graves, south-east ward, O, _rvesoldlition expressing the ward, PB, Council's satisfaction in the s Ma north-east already made and its . ward; George T, Morris, north. at the naming of west ward, John Stacey, SW Mamie and_6..D. south-east ward, and DD, A, J, Sh" the ig og -- chairman A mem general organization commits of the committee by virtue of tee was carried unanimously, office, M. O. H. Resigns From Town Planning Board to Aid the Reduction'of Civic Bodies To Assist in Formation of Amalgamated Public 'Ser- vice Commission as Sug- gested Last Year -- Dr, T. W, G, McKay Says He Was Never Satisfied With Commission Being Re- stricted in Passing Upon Subdivision Proposals Dr. T. W. G, McKay, medical officer of health for Oshawa offers his resignation as a member of the Town Planning Commission to the 1928 Cit Coyuncil with a view to assisting the aldermen in any move they may undertake to- ards the redwuction of non-elec- tive city bodies or the formation of an amalgamated Public Service Commissio nas has been suggested. Dr, McKay declares that he has never been satisfied with the Town Planning Commission being restricted, as apparently it & by law, to the consideration the passing upon of subdivision pro- posals submitted here and there for approval, . He points out that the only apparent control which the Commission has over subdi- visions is the approval of the city engineer, " His letter, addressed Clerk Hare, follows: "I notice, reepatedly, in our local press, editorials relative to the amalgamation of different commissions---appointee board of the eity o Ofshawa. As I desire very much to do whatever in my (Continued on page 6) LAUNCH EFFORT 10 COMPLETE HARBOR . (Continued from page 1) was that the Chamrber of Com- merce should appoint three mem- to City bers of the delegation, but it was{ the Bri eloguently pointed out that the Chamber, either in its present stage of -organization or when ac- tually formed, should not be limit ed in this manner, The City' bas numbers of men of outstanding ability whose pres- ence on a deputation would go a long ways towards assu its success, It was stated, It¥ was therefore suggested that the Cham- ber of Commerce be asked to send 2s many to Ottawa in the matter of harbor development as it might deem expedient, Mr. Graves' resolution follows: "Whereas / the "Council of; the City of Oshawa deems the com- pletion of the Oshawa Harbour ss 2 vital necessity to furnishiyade- quate transportation facilities for the industries of the City of Osh- awa and for the development of the City geperally; y "And whereas ft is desirable that the request to the Dominion Government for the completion of the Harbour be presénted to the Minister of Public Works by re- presentatives of this Council and of the Chamber of Commerce; "Now therefore be it resolved that the Mayor, Alderman Stacey and Alderman Conant with repre- sentatives to be selected by the Chamber of Commerce be a depu- tation to wait on the Minister of Public Works for the Dominion of ie completion § f i i £ | bs sie ist | PREVENTIVE OFFICER FINED AS SMUGGLER Niagara Falls, Ont, Jan, 9--B, L, Hewitt, special preventive officer at- atched to the Customs, was fined $20 for smuggling four bottles of whis- key into the United States, and a sequel is a general search of cars. n order has been issued by the American Customs that all autos be- longing to Canadian Customs and Immigration officers must be care- fully searched, and the order is be- ing earried out, BRITAIN ALWAYS LEADS PROGRESS Premier Baldwin Talks on Failure of Parley at Geneva London, Jan, 9--"England is learn- ing to stand on her own feet," Pre- mier Baldwin declared in his speech on Saturday in the Bewdley division of Worcestshire, which he has rep- resented in the House of Commons since 1908, He referred to the un- satisfactory conclusion of the recent tri-partite naval conference at Gen- eva and said: "Our efforts at Geneva to bring down the size of warships and guns, if successful, would have prevented world compe- tition in armaments, I cannot say what may be the next practical step to be made, but nothing in the course the Government has pursued since the war can lead the people to think that when anything practical is to be done Great Britain will not be in the van of progress, liagland is learning to stand on her own feet" The Premier said the governments 'generally had made more mess than ordina would have done to put things right, The Baldwin Government's policy had not heen showy, the Premier said, but it had been pursued day in and day out, and history would" pay some tribute to the Government and ry when tryin, itish Foreign Office for the work achicyed Europe. While Britain's relations with Germany had heen greatly improved it had heen possible to increase her co-operation with France and Italy. During the lifetime of the Government the Lea- gue of Natiops had grown in strength and solidity, e Premier wamed the people not to be misled by partizan figures 8s to the Government's expenditures in the ing services, said the figures been swollen bythe pay of the men in the fighting services and he t) nobody would be- prudge this, Government could ead in watching the ces. of the nation but it was for the individual himself to wi own ation, the Premier , "If 1 have work- or Beko ios. she Wowie » Be A 4d head that their salvation Shemaeives I have not HOLD COBWEB SOCIAL A very delightful party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fowler, Cubert street, on Saturday ev when a cobweb social was iors by all who wate present, - Each person, on going Phrogh 2 web of fun discovered a present much to their surprise. The rest of the evening was spent in singing: and depcing, then about midnight a deinty luncheon was served by the hostess and the gathering dispersed all algreeing that the party had been a huge success. PRE-SESSIONAL WORK CROWDS MINISTERS (By Canadisn Press) Ottaws, Jan. 0 ~Cabinet Ministers' days are becoming with ' Today | i I § | i ik i ; 3 ih 3i i i jie | | i 4) t | : ? : ! 3 WEDDING AT HOME IN CITY Rev. and' Mrs. Ira Smith Were Wed 50 Years -- MARRIED IN TORONTO Mr, Smith is Well Known Baptist Minister, But is Retired \ Fifty years of happy married life were c®lebrated yesterday by Rev, and Mra. Ira Smith, at the home of their daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Mrs, Angus E. Bar- ton, 19 Hilleroft street, Eight guests were present at the dinner last evening, Mr, and Mrs, Smith were mar- ried 'on January 8, 1878, at the home of her parents, the late Mr, and Mrs, William Elliott, Sher- bourne street, Toronto, by the late Rev, Dr, J, H, Castle, pastor of Jarvis street Baptist church, Three children of the six which were born to this couple survive, and two of them, Mrs, Barton and Miss Gladys Smith, Detroit, were present at the festivities yester- day. 'The other daughter is Mrs, Kenneth Knowles, of Detroit, Guests who were present were Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Argle's, Mr, and Mrs, Holland Pettit and Mr, Herbert Elliott, of Toronto; Miss Gladys Smith, of Detroit, and Rev. and Mrs, John Galt of this city, The table was centred with a wedding cake, and adorned with flowers and lighted tapers. Mr, and Mrs, Smith were made the recipients of many congratula- tions, with flowers and gifts, and to add a gentle touch to the fes- tivities, a golden butterfly, which had made its cocoon in an electric lamp in the sitting room, chose that evening to emerge in its beauty, Rev, Mr, Smith is a well known Baptist minister who has held charges in many Ontario eities, He retired from the ministry three years ago, when pastor of Park Road Church, Toronto, and has since heen residing at the home of his daughter here. Mr, Smith was horn near Hamilton and ordained in Dundas Baptist Church in 1878, the year of his marriage. He has held pastorates in Barrie, Watorford, London, Ont,, Bt, John, N.,B.,, and in To- ronto churches, as well as several charges in the United States, where he resided for eighteen years, Mrs, Smith, whose maid- en name was Mary Elliott, was born in Toronto, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William El- liott; and has been always keen ly interested in the work of the, various churches where her hus band has been stationed. Rev, Ira Smith will be remem- bered by many as President of the Baptist Convention of Ontarid and Quebec in 1897, and as Secre- tary of the Home Mission Board of the Baptist Church for some years, during his pastorate in London, He is one of the oldest living ministers who have served the Baptist Church in this prov- nce, 600,u00 NEW FORDS ALREADY ON ORDER SAYS HENRY FORD New York, Jan. 9.--Henry Ford is for Hoover for President; he contemplates an aeroplane trip to his Fibber plantation on the Ama- gon River in the pear future; he intends to stand on the pres- ent prices of Ford cers, regardless of what competitors may do; sl- ready there are orders for 600, 000 new Fords on the company's books; by the first of next month the Ford plants will be turning out ears at the rate of 1,000 a day --afiter that the rate of increase will be 1,00 8 day per month un- tl a mexihum suficient to take care of the demand has been reached; the large triple-motor monoplane is the fying machine of the future, and Mr, Ford ex- pects to continue increased pro- duction of this type of machine. These are some of the many subject discussed by Henry- Ford today in a multiple-reporter inter- view of rapid-fire questions and answers as be made a tour of in- spection of the Ford Industrial 100108 et Madison Square Gar- n. PRINCE INAUGUBATES RIDING PAPER CHASE Melton Mowbray, Eng., Jan. 9. ~The Prince of Wales, deprived of his favorite pastime, because foot-and-mouth restrictions ban- ming hunting in Leicestershire, to- day a promising sub- stitute for the entertainment of his hunting friends, The Prince organized 2 mounted paper-chase course of almost four miles over ideal country, mapped signals affixed to Appoint Comitn of | keep iy | Ositawa's new Qity Counelil swung Into action last night like a newly commissioned battle cruiser. It demonstrated its cali- bre even during such ordinarily dull stuff as the reading of com- munications, It ended its busi- ness just before 10 p.m., by regis. tering direct hits of the following important matters; " Appointed a mew committee to co-operate with the Citigen's Com- mittee headed by G. W, Mclaugh- lin, to get the Chamber of Com- merce organized with all pessible despateh, Put the building of a subway under the CN.R, tracks at Simcoe street south in the hands of the Board of Works for direct action, Authorized the City Property Committee to report as soon as possible on the erection of a new City Hall, Appointed a small committee to interview the Hydro-Electric Pow- er Commission with regard to the possible purchase of the Gas Plant for municipal operation, Named. members 'of the Council to interview the Dominion Minis- ter of Public Works relative to Into Action Ta Important Aid Citizens' Committee in Organ: Oshawa harbor development and asked the Chamber of Commmeree or its organizing committee to name a deputation of eitizens to go with aldermen when they pre. sent the city's case at Ottawa, Mayor Preston called the Coun: cil to order and read his inaugur- al address in which he declared that "the first serious question to which I think the Council should give their undivided attention is the proposed Chamber of Com. merce, the establishment of which I am happy 40 say fis practically assured." He also urged that com- sideration he given as soon as pos- sible to the preparation of plans for a new eity hall, Minutes of the morning cere- mony of taking office and appoint. ing committees were read and adopted, Outstanding communications in- cluded notice of a special meeting of the Ontario Municipal Associa tion and the Ontario section of the Union of Canadian Municipali- ties at London, Ontario, on Janu- ary 26, The agenda for that meet- ing includes discussion of the pro- yincial gasoline tax and cities' (Continued on page 7) 1S FIRST NEW YEAR'S BABY . (Continued from page 1) Sdunders, father; Helen Saunders, mother, Address: 160 College Avenue, Sex of Infant: Female, Name of infant: Jean Marie, Attending physician at time Dr. R. B, BE, Wilson, Dr. Wilson's certificate follows: "I certify that the above men- tioned baby was born at the time stated, ( (Signed) R, B, E, Wilson, M.D." The presents won by Baby Jean include the following fine items; Baby's hot water bottle from Jury and Lovell; beautiful crib blanket from The Arcade; Admis- sion ticket good for one month for both parents at the Regent theater; handsome baby set from Karns Drug Store; beautiful quilted satin crib or carriage cover from Ward's; real fur earriage rooe from Lamble's Baby Department; enamelled high chair from Adams; dollars worth each of milk and eream tickets from The Oshawa Dairy; coat, bootees and mitts to mateh from W, A, Dewland; month's admission tickets for par- ents trom the Oshawa Winter Gar- dens; Savings Account with a credit of one dollar opened by the Central Capada Loan apd Savings; beautiful bassinette and mattress from the Luke Furniture Company; silver cup suitably engraved from . J. Brown, jeweller; baby's hot water bottle from F, W, Thomp- son, The Oshawa Daily Times ack- nowledged the entry of Baby Wal: ter Egene Bailey of Whithy in the "New Year's Baby Contest" as follows: "Dr, RB, McLaren, Whitby; "Dear Mr, McLaren: Your certifiicate of birth for Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Bailey's baby re- ceived, We have already received one for an Oshawa bsbe bora at 12.30 a.m., according to a certi- ficate signed by Dr. BR. B. E. Wil- son. "The Bailey baby comes 8 close second and as the other baby is a girl, we suppose Waiter Eugene was pimply working om the prin- ciple of 'Ladies first', i "Thank you very much for send- in the certificate amd convey H please, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES", SENATORS IN US. WOULD KEEP SHIPS Washington, Jan. 9--Disregarding he policies vy President Coolidge ce Committee to TORONTO STOCKS (Supplied by Stoble, Forlong & Co.) NOON CLOSING Stock Bid Ask Arnold Bros, ,,,, 16% 17 Asbestos ,,,,,.. 84% 84% Brazilian ,,, 317% 218 F. N. Burt , 68 69 Can, Bread ,,,,, 163 166 Christie Brown 110% 111 City Dairy ,.,,, 216 Imperial Qil 60 Int, Nickel , 80% Int. Petrolen 38 1ODIAW - sevovpes 0% Massey Harris ., 41% 42 Seagram ,,..,,. 2% 26 Shredded Wht, ., 70 71 Mines ARBRE ie irivvy 485 490 Argonaut ,,,,.,, B80 30% Barry Hollinger 114 116 BeAYRr a zrr0s1s 206 208 Bidgood ,.,,,.., 118 120 Chaput-Hughes ,., 14% 15 Dome ,,...,,4,,1300 1310 Howey ,,,,, seer 170 171 Hollinger ...., 1785 1800 Kirkland Lake ,. 255 257 Kootenay Florce, 30% 31 Lake Shore ,,2660 Ask Laval-Quebec ,,,, 21 22 Macessa .,,.,,.. 40% 50 Mcintyre ,.,.2770 Bid Norands ,,,,.,,,2226 2230 Mining Corpn, ,, 425 430 Nipissing ,,,,, vo B40 546 Pioneer serrrsrs BB bé Potterdosl ,,,,,, 17 17% Premier ,,,,,,.,, 230 232 RibRBO ,...,00s, 22 22% San Antonio ,,,, 53% b4 Sudbury Basin ,.1875 1400 Teck Hughes ..,.. ,1010 1025 Tough Oakes ,,. 173 74 YIDPRa ,; rons: 34 76 Wr. Hargraves ,, 590 595 AWRY. .ivrirner BP 40 Central Man, ,,,, 191 192 Federall Kirkland 78 74 Jack Mamion ,,,. 80 81 Total sales 917,393 Silver 57% a . NEW YORK tock High Low 2pm. Amer. Cap. ..... 2% 7 1% Amer. Tel. & Tel. 179% 179 179 Atchison ..,..,.. 19136 1893; 18934 Balt. & Ohio ,.,, 11654 1164 11644 Briggs Mfg. ,..,, 2436 23% 23% Baldwin Loco. ,, 250 250 250 Can. Dry 400000, 57% 56 56 Can. Pac, ,,,,,, 210% 207% 207% Chrysler +5050 384 4 56% Congoleum ,,,,, 27 27% 2% Dupont ..... rees B15 312% 812 Dodge "A" ,.... 2 20% 20% Erie A addy ok hr 63 amous yers, 11 Gen, Asphalt ,.., 90% 8656 "i Gooderich ..... . 95% O1% OY Gen. Motors ,., 133 130 130 Gold Dust ,,.,,., 733% 72 725% Hudson ........, 803% 77% 77% Int, Comb. ,,,,.. S13 49% 50% Int. Nickel .,,,,. 89% 80% 8% 235 68% 91 51% 98% Be 57% 584 146% 208 185% 91% a2 father of mews he hunyled to and sent tomorrow." Order of Foresters, Court Hearts of Oak, No. 6772, were installeld with due ceremony by Senior Past Chief. Ranger Brother Wm, H. Marks, The Chief ranger for nest year will be Brother Geo. A, Wesson; Sec ond Chief-Ranger Brother F, J, Marshall; Treasurer, Brother Thos. H, Dunlop; Secretary, Brother J. A, Wilson; Senior Woodward, Brother James Hastings; « Junior Woodward, Brother Wm, A. Ark: less; Senior Beadle, . Brother 8. Bradley; Junior Beadle, Brothér Thos, L, Jayes; Medical Officer, Dr, D. R. Cameron; The trustees for the following year will be W, H, Marks, James Hastings, H, J. Pankhurst, and the auditors will be G, H. James, 8, Bratley and T, L, Jayes. PROPOSE CANADA 10 CHILE HIGHWAY Good Roads as sh Aid to Friendly Relations is Stressed Cleveland, Orie, Jan, 9--Good roads from Canada to Chile, in wed ty highway project ever ed by world engineers, will do more to es- tablish friendly relations between nations of the Western Hemisphere than the combined strength: of the world's greatest arnmges, Jose Rivera, secretary of the ficial Mexican delegation to the American Road Builders' Association, said here to- day, ns Americon delegates attending the convention backed Senor Rivera's opinion that scores of -misconceived ideas on life and habits in the na- tions to the south will he wiped out with the completionof the: great in- ternational highway, } They visioned a pew era of lasting peace and prosperity, wtih the gom- letion of a trunk highway to extend Jet Montreal, Que., thr De- troit, Mich, to Lardeo, Texas; Mex- ico City, Guatemala, Panama, Colom- bia, Peru and Valparaiso, Chile, on the west coast of South America, Antonio' Madrago, head of the Mexican, delegation, said the first fink of the highway from Laredo, Tex., to Mexico City and Guatemala would be completed and open to American tourists in the Summer of 1929. legates from LatinAmerican countries will spend most of the week in conference here to complete plans for further extensions, The project may not be completed for a score of years, with ten years iven as & conservative estimate be- ore the highway is extended into South American territory, READERS' VIEWS Sa -------- POSTAL OFFICE SERV To the Editor, ' Oshawa Daily Times Sir: . Can anyone tell me why the public have to. line up in the Post Office and be pttepded to from just ome wicket, Also why is one of the fromt doors kept locked? The Postmaster has a six cylini- der engine but he is only "hitting on one", Thanks for space. Pp. following the Council session last night at a Smoker held in Welsh's Parlors, His worship issued orders to the effect that all speechmaking would be barred but that each guest must contribute either a song or a story, All present fell in line with ihe Mayor's wishes in the matter with the result that tinued until after midnight, and so interesting were the stories and so tuneful the songs that not a man Jeft his place until brought the night's merriment to a close. Scoteh, Irish stories ean breed. Professor Kelly of Toronto was the special entertainer, An adept ventriloguism, at evoked wonder, applause, A buffet supper was served dur. ing the evening sing-song led by George W, Henley featured the night's fun, Despite the ban against formal speeches, the guests managed to say many congratulatory things about Mayor Preston, but se skill- fully was this managed that Chief Friend, to whom had been dele gated the post of Arbiller on Ura~ tory, could find no excuse for sums mary action, The guest list, City Council, included Dr, T, B, Kaiser, M.P,; T. B, Mitchell, chair man of the Board of Education; Magistrate Hind, Fowlds, W. H, Ross, H, P. Schell, Dr, F, L, Henry, F, B, Hare, O, R, Burns, P., A. Blackburn, Chief O, Friend, Fire Chief Elliott, », L. Mason, C. ¥. Cannon, 0, M. Ale ger, 0. H. Luke, Lewis Stevenson, D. A. Hubbell, W, Miller and J, D, H, Brown, Thete were tive former mayors of Oshawa present at the Mayor's smoker, They were Dr, T, B, Kais- Frank L, Masop, Jobn Stacey, H. P, Schell, and Gordon er, M.P., D, Conant, MAN CONVICTED IN SAULT OF ATTEMPT TO MAIM WOMAN Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Jan. 8 == Edward Sargeant, of River, was found guilty by Judge J, M, Hall on three counts when he ed in the district Judge's AoE court on three charges, intent to main, diss figure and disable Mrs, Temple of Bland River with an sxe or other sharp instrument; wounding with intent and wounding, He was remanded for sentence, Died LOWNIE--In Oshawa on Mondsy, January Oth, COOPER---At the Oshawa Geenral I, to Mr, snd fi Cooper, a daughter, foo &, i Bros. A oe ae AD ING JEWELS RS January Bravia. featured which was conducted chairmanship of the mayor, Some joined humor to prophecy and fetured the Oshawa of the future, emories of Oshawa's elder days were told by some of the clvig vets erans, It was a gathering where laughter reigned, but it was laugh= ter of the sort only good fellow- ship and self-respecting manhood the Smoker con "0 Canada" and just plain the gathering under the his numbers amusement and and a general additional to the D, M, Tod, J, C, Blind Beatrice. 4 A928, William Mrs, Bros. i RRs

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