Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jan 1928, p. 8

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oe SAF CR (416)--Chicago. Home manage: FE i Fit" ie ag (4 Sonu : 's ul ics, grey hen i] a v Wl "0 Miwautes J (34) Milwaukee, Organ, 1215 WEAF '(#82)-N. Y. Rolfe's Orchest : wf iro TR hg ig Phila. Orchestra, 12.38 cree CPCR ()-Montrs!, Mt, Royal Or. Cleveland, Orchestra 1245 CKCL (31 Toromto, Luncheon music, a pi ante, 1 Farm and home 1)! ahdoah: Sunrioe Rie 46) Ste fn: 1 LE ""ROML. (319) ~-- Council Bluffs. Lo enandosh, Kita 5) Sh Farm iki 1 ig Luncheon music, mu sic. cago, Y.M.CA, ho 385 ot , Concert, 7.30 w MAQ (448)--Chi YM 'ener ah, fi H ole Sptings pia cot, silent a Bag # at, 0 Ne ML WSBT, Reglae Daytime Programs ed Ni kit i Ee WRC, WOR' (422)~Newark. ; Moi 7.00 eke. (357)--Toronto, Ser exer: . K8O' (221)--~Clasinds, "The Bop." 7.45 WOC (yn avn 1 Hour, TL (484)--Chicago. Organ, 8.00 W EAF (492)-N, .¥, Moming Devo: W AF {30)---Ransas City, Country: tions: WRC, WL Ww (428)~Cinei, 8.15 Red Networks CE am WET WEEI, WGY, WRC, 8.30 WEMC (484)--Berrien' Springs. Early] morning music, chat WeR (308) Buffalo, Concert ensemble, WHN (394)--N, ¥, News flashes; mu. sie, WHT (306)--Chicago, Organ, Al Car- ney, ; He 0: fun a i Orch, ira Sow | ring ensemble, a Rn oi. y 118 Deno. ; {535)~Des Moines, The Ambass 1.00 RENE G61) -- ~ 'Shenandoah, 'Farmer's 5 Ble wm 1,40 Whi (416)~Chic. Drake ensemble, ---- Sunday Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS 8.30 WIID (366)--Mooseheart, Catholic and Protestant, 9,00 WEMC (484)--Derrien Springs, Light. Ir, HN (34)-N.Y. Children's hour, (454)--N.Y, Children's hour, 9.90 KLDS (288)--Independence, Mo, Bible oy L: @¥)--Northseld Minn, Luth. "i fa Secon ectady, Services, KBW Tye Bu fialo, Services, WLW (428)--Cincinnati. Sunday school, 203) Norfolk, Services, 0.45 (: cago. Swedish ser. 1000 WEMC (484)~Berrien Springs, Ser. vices, WHK (265)--Cleyeland. LB.SA, Taller 3 Bo Radic Insurance : WIR (#41)=Detroit. M GUESTS are coming ! WOW (508)--Omaha. Aomin Services, A- program 10.10 WH (341)--~Kansas City, Christian want to hear | -A 1015 WRHM (261)--Mnls. LBS.A, yatuim tube : worked | 10.25 WBE (265) --N.¥Y, Choral singers; too long will mar the aly : ¥ 10,30 WGHP (278)--Detroit. Christ Scientist, evening's pleasure; WOY (380) Schencefady, Services, Services, 1st Presbyter- WHAM (280)--Rochester, WMAK (545)--Buffalo. ian. WSAI (361)--Cinci. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Equip your set with new Westinghouse radiotrons, Keep one Services, Sunday School, or two in reserve to oss Wiz Son --Springfield, Mass. Church insure against ' disap- WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Services, WOR (303)--Buffalo, Moming services. pointment, WIBO (416)--Chicago. Swedish servi- ces. ' WSEA® (263)--Norlolk, Services, aun PENNE 11.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Services, KDKA (216)--Pitts. Services. KOIL (09) -Conneil Bluffs, 1st Con- PIONEERS I RADIO 7g EVN 5%) Chicago. Central Church, For Bale st - FHE BEST IN Wilson & Lee ||| RADIOS 71 SIMCOE ST. N, THE MARCONI SHOP Phone td Cor, King & Celina, Phone 2604 First With the Latest )--] Serv! : Springs. ices, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Presbyterian Church, WDOD (244)--Chattanooga. Services, 535)--Des Moines, Services. shi 31% WEA )--Phila, Chinatown Res. © N ass Wiz N.Y. St, George's Ves. 4.00 Red. Netwoik--Men's b+ LC.A, Confer. ence from WEAF, A JEET, WCAE, WCSH, WSAI, bl XAe (469)--Wash, Washington Cath- ra 4,30 KFUO 8-5, Louis, Foreign Lan. WeOE Hou E (270] Milwaukee. Bible class, 5.00 iA (395)--Shenandoah. Song service, WENR (288)--Chicago. Chapel! hour, 5.10 WCCO (405)--Mpls.-St. Paul, Vespers, 5.30 Ble Network--National Radio Vespers, from WJZ, KYW, WBZ, BZA, WHA! 6.00 Kens (227) Clarinda, Ta, Vespers, 00 (349)--Tulsa. Gospel half hour, 14% (476)--Atlanta, Vespers. 6.30 RYRU. (250)--Columi 0, Vespers. WEAF (#92)-N,Y, Biblical drama, 7.00 WCCO (405)-- .-8t. Paul. Christ Scientist. WFAA (545)--Dallgs. Radio Rible Class (M45)--Chicago, Little Brown 7.30 Gen (375)--Toronto, Services, xine ( Independence, Mo, Ves- Wann (256)-N.Y, Sacred music, ( )--Cleveland, LB.S.A, Christian Science services. 8,30 KPRC (294)--Houston, Second Baptist E (270)--Milwankes, Serviens, Bible 58. 10,15 (545)--8¢, 8, 12.00 i Chat Milwaukee. Recital A 225)--8t, Pant. rapele John, 1.00 WG? libro a ncle Quin, wiz, (459)--N.Y. I WEB (476)--Atlanta. Wickwire pro: Fru TMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Cousin Larry 1.15 wor (375)--Davenport, Old Folks Mu- 1.30 KOIL (319)--Council' Bluffs. "Songs of Long Ago." 2.00 Blue Network--The Roxy Stroll, from WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WBRZ, WRZA, WHO, WIR, WOC, WOW, WTM]J, CKCL (357)--Toronto, Organ recital. WBBR (256)--N.Y, Instrumental quar. tet, WEE (448)--Boston, Hour of Hospi. tality, WRHM i-Myls. 3.00 Col program, Don Norn concert band, from WOR, KMOX, KOIL, WARBC, WCAO, WCAU, WAIU, WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, WHAS, WKRC, WMAK, WMAQ, WNAC, WOWO. Classical music, WFAA (500)--Dallas. Symphony or- chestra, WENR (288)--Chicago. Hour of Det- ter music, 3.30 KTNT (257)--Muscatine, Variety mu- sic. WEEI (508)--Boston, Copley players, WGY (380)--Schenectady, Symphony orchestra. WiBo (306)--Chicago. Winiy (B)~Milmpnkes. Conservatory German pro- of M 4.00 WIP in-- --Phila. Mgrs) "The Power that moves: the world" WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Concert, WWNC (297)--Asheville, N.C. Sacred MUS! ic, 5.00 WHN (394)--N.Y. Roseland orchestra. 5.30 Red Notwork--Crosley Orchestra, from WEAF, WSB. and 'other stations. 5.45 Wiko (416)--Chicago. "Gems of Mu- 6.00 KDKA (316)--Pitts. EDEKA Little BES irom. who D (244)--Chattanocoga. Sacred pro- W R (441)--Detroit. Studio program. TS (349)--Phila. Sacred organ re- cital. 6.30 WAL (285)--Baltimore. Concert of- hestra. WEBH (366)--Chicago, Twilight musi- Wi on The Granadas. Melodies for alo, Ensemble. concert, Hi tr ekster Studio musi- 7.20 fed "WERE, KB, from W| AS, W bo, She RE wey 8, td he wi Wer ind Concert. 7.30 Musical Literature, from MOHAWK One Dial Radio Battery and Batteryless Models Seven Model tn shes ros Prices range, for Bethy $165.00 to $375.00. Batteryloss Models from $195.00 to $475.00, Battery Recharging -- Export Repaies JUST A REAL RADIO RADIO ELECTRIC 15 Prince Street school. N, . 7? ak, Bunda Even- tt red a A Sr "Newspaper Side- ji ENE J: Hu WOES 20) Coats Mao Mose, Bs Sti City. gu WSUI (@6)--Jdowa City. Familiar 10.05 WEEL (448)--Boston. Keith's radio evening. All Ap D (225)--St. £ - La Ra, ne ro eT i eg 1215 Vif? che ER an REL or Chicane Huy Ch Club. Monday Programs ania LC 2.00 WG! aily Menu." 7s {0b eter: 215 W FO Sd City. Seaside Aiternoon 2.30 KMMJ (20)-Clay Center, ams. . Kofi (319)--Council Bluffs, Leisure Wao cago. Musical, . wn S00 Lo A (394)--Shenandoah, Ia, Ruby AP (500)~Ft. Warth, Vocal we H (428)--Portland, Me, SR" Uti) --Chicago. Popular re- Viacom, Piano Solos. -- usicale. ; Kansas City: Ladies' hr. wit a) Ph Artist_recital. \ Maine (366)--Chicago., Children's pro- ram at Mooseheart. 31 1s WHO (535)-- Moines, Music. 3.20 wer oe icago. Artist recital, 3.30 CKCL 1, Q3)- Taranto, Studio music. WLS (ah Carin. Homemakers hr. 4.00 LR V--Clarinda, Ta, Women's hr, Wh (285)--Raltimore. Salon orches. WEA (261)--Phila. Music Academy. AF (492)--N.Y. Afternoon musicale, WE Ei (366)--Chicago. Songs; Trio, Wit (306)--Chicago, Sheridan Thea- Whar (370)--Kansas City. String Trio. Wo (375)--Davenport, Home manage- CNRS (329)--Saskatoon, ial prog. KFNF (461)--Shenandoah. Mothers hr, WHAS (322) Louisville. Concert. WHO (536)--Des Moines. Musicale. WIZ (454)--N.Y, Variety program. WFAA Gas)-Dallas, Homemakers. 445 weco (408 y-Mply- St Paul. Federa- of Women's Chiba, 5.00 KSAC (333)--Kansas | State Music # TG Studio ensemble. WER? 492)---N.Y. Dinner concert; EEL, WRC, WTAG. WAAC (461)--Boston. Theatre hows, 5.30 WGY (380)--Schenectady, Hotel an 5.45 Wech (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, = Readers 6.00 KMA (34), -Shenandoah. Sunshine con. cert for shut WAAT Clr Jersey City, Dinner Twilight mus WALL (283)~Columbus, Wekp {I --Detroit, Dinner music, WTAM (400)---Cleveland, Orchestra, 6.30 KYW (526)--Chicago. Congress Hotel, WBRZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Din- ner music, College. E KIDDIES 00 WHN on) -N.¥, Uncle Robert. Hi WELK (366)--Chicago, Dream Daddy Day WHS (349)--N.Y. Uncle Gee Bee. AQ (448)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey WM Tim 6.45 WEED (508)--Roston. Bi Brother. 7.00 WHK (265)--Cleveland, Uncle Ned. WIP (39)--Phila. Uncle Wip. KX (526)--Chicago. Uncle. Bob. 7.10 WGN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Ouin. 7.30 CN. Ro (435)--0Oitawa. Cosy Corner. Story Hour. Evening chat. HP (278)~Detroit. Children's AX (341)-- Jacksonville, bith CONCERTS TONIGHT 7.00 WCSO (256)--Springfield, O. Concert, WGHP (278)--Detroit. "Lady Moon." 7.15 CECA (357)--Toronto, Organ. WJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale, 7.30 Phas Network--Roxy and His Sank WGP (545)--Dhallas. VY from WIZ, KDKA, KWK, WRAL, wi, WBZ. WBZA, WHAM, WHO, WIR, WOW, WRC, WSM, RAC (333)--Kansas State College. Boys and Girls Club, RS (227)--Clarinda, Ta. Old time oor WERE Somat yayagabonding aE: twork--*' Hal ur wit am- Red Loo sers," from WEAF, KSD, WEBH, "WIAT, WSAL CNRO (435)-- Oftawa. Concert orches. kua (395)--Shenandoah, Applesauce Kon (319)--Council Bluffs. Concert, WADC (297)--Akron. "Heart to Home" our, Waly (283)--Columbus. "King Taste" WRIR (265)--N.Y. Concert. WCSO (256)--Springfield, O. music. WDAF (36) Ransas City. Strin, rtet. w 55 448)--Boston. Musicale. IMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Organ. Wek (3%) Buffalo, Jenny Wren. HAZ (306)--Tro; Concert. Whi (265)--Cleve! and, String en- semble, WLW (428)--Cinci, Home fire prog. WMAE fo45)---Bufialo. Beechnut pro- Fam ; i Musicale. rt, Old time Russo's WSAL (361) --Canci M : )--Norfolk. Harmen hour. (535)--Hartford. New 'Departure 815 WWNC (297)--Asheville, N.C. Saxo- iad." CE Go tule wasn of i wie, ulsa, Husking Bee, we orthfield, Mi Vocal. i foe Tenor. WIAX (3a --Jacksonville. Old time BX cue , Special produc- WEI (428) Cinci, Minstrels, WMAQ (448)--~Chicago. Musical Cal- WSUIL OF 0 owe Cis Se 8.40 WFLA (517)--Clearwater, "Studio 845 ENRO _(435)--Ottawa. Congest. WWNC. (7) Asheville, NC. Popu- 9.00 Blue Network--Rise Eli yo ha A a Ww aS, Wu A Wits KF 29% Loncola, Neb. By ia y Conter xb "Vee 2, Si Hewshay Lg ake --Ft. Worth, "Sunflower be WBAP wo nr from | -- 1 En op iH Bose En ER man w Atlanta. Ei 9. 2 WRVA \ (254) Nighamand Fe k--Gener: en Fike ER i Hit Ta J hi Wi wa, Wiki W Si. Fi li Wilder hour. Denver, Appreciation pro- ale. 9.45 © (297)~Asheville, Musicale. 10.00 he Network oN ring foe I RRA KY A 5) Shenandoah, Little Sym. KOIL' (19)--Council Biufis. _ Uncle osh. KINT (257)--Muscatine, la. Home iJ Tr, WFAA (545)--Dallas. Beleanto Male HK (2%65)--Cleveland. Morgan Sis- (M9)--Phila, Pennsylvania Male (244)--Chattanooga, )--A Melody (00) South ni, 5 Shoda: songs nave! 10.13 (326) " Ro m5 Ci 10.30 etwork--! Ma WCSH, WGY, od oh Ferd on, eal a Wek (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, American ia, program, (370)-- Kansas City. har tra. WDOD (244)--Chattanoo a, Frolic WGST (270)--Atlanta, Georgia Tech. program. /SM (337)--Nashville. Frolic, 1.00 Ragific Sain Spotlight hour from Concert KFL KFOA, KGO, RGW, KHJ, KHQ, KOMO, Ki WAAT (2 3 Yeraey City. WAAT Nut Club, 4 Ww x (450)-N.Y. Slumber music, Ww RGB Dvatias. Music. 11.05 WEE! (418)--PBoston, Keith's 11.10 WiAk gs {4)- Hy ashksonville Organ. 1.15 W Vocal. 11.30 YAS ri ¥ Worth, ¥ AM (400)--~Cleveland. WIC. '(535)--Hartiord. Melodies. 12 mid, hd THAR (500)--Ft. Worth, Majestic 12.15 whit Tss)- --Des Moines. 12.30 € NRE (517)=Edmonton 1 ny "WRR (461)~-Dallas. Musig. ADIO TALKS--PLAYS 6.30 WSK $170) --~Atlanta, VTORTA 7.00 KFRe" FP en Shenandoah, Ia, The wees ¥ 1408) Mpls-St. Paul. North. West Boy Scouts. Aid ($94) NY. icholas Aren HL en (357) I omi0: 7.30 WEBW (217)--DBuffalo, 7.45 Red rls Physical culture; WEAF, VI, WGR, WTIC, NSC ombia, Mo, Radio Music, Memory's Organ, Instrumental Special farm Boxing from St Optical talk, Spiritual quar- 8.00 KFR Radio school, wasn (222)---St. Paul, 'Northwest ers. Wi" (258)--Charlotte, N.C, Farm choc wis, 8.3 ROB. (3419) "New Mexico College. Agri- cultural progra WOO (349) Phila, Address by Rev. Dagar. WSUI (422)--Iowa City, dence course, 9.00 KFUO (545)--St. Louis, Bible lecture. WHEK (265)--Cleveland. Health talk, Farm talk. "History of (294)--Milwaukee. #Coming Correspon- WMC (517)--Memphis. WRVA (25 ;- Richmond, Old Virginia,' 9.15 WA "AL (236) "Northfield, Minn, Book WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. "The Pastor and the Professor.' 9.30 KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Ozark Philosophers. * KPRE (294)--Houston, 1LB.S.A. prog. 9.45 WRHM (261)--Mpls, Health talk. 10.30 KNX (337)--Hollyweed. Playlet, DANCE TO THESE 8.00 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Orchestra, WAAT (246)--Jessey City, Orchestra, WCAU (261)--Phila. Dan music, WFAA (545)--Dallas, Collegians, 8.30 Red Network--A. & i ( 5. from AF WEAE WS) WDAF, WEEI, WHO, WIA IT, Wi WRE, WSAI, WIA, WC) "Wis, ¥p KC £294)--~Houston, Houstonians, 8.45 KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Adkar orchestra, 9.00 WHAS (322) Orchestra, WIAX (341)--] Orchestra, WOKT (210)--Rochester, Merrymakers, WSM (337)-Nashville, Orchestra, 22 WHR (341)--Kansas City. Dance music, 45 WBAP (500)--Ft, Worth, Dance ors chestra, 10.00 Columbia Chain--The Cavtivators, from RMON: ARG WAIU, WCAO, WFR, Wah, WMAK, WMAQ, isville, onville, Ww [AS Ww Ar WNAC, WOWO, KTHS (385)--Hot Springs, WAAM (349)--Newark. Four Towers. WBAL (285) Baltimore. Orchestra. WBZ (333)--Springfield. Bert Lowe. WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Fla, Radio Ramble, WRHM (261)--Mpls, 10.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal, WRC (469)--Wash. Swanee Syncopa- tors. WSAI (361)--Cinci. Ray Miller. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Frolic 11.00 Red Network--Vincent J Sez, 'dance orchestra, WEAF, WCAE, WCSH, WHO, WSAI, WTIC, WOW, WAMD (225)--S8t Paul. Dance.* WCAU (337)--Phila. Club Madrid, WGR a Buffalo. Supper music, i. Orchestra. WPG 37%) Adantic City. Dance, (448) Chicago. Orchestra. 11.05 WNAC (461)--Boston, Orchestra. 11.45 whica (270)--N.Y., Manhattan Seren- ders (476)--Atlant Melod, t 12 mid kur 8 (319) Council Bluffs. oy HN ~N.Y, Cotton Club. 12.45 POAF OK (370)--Kansas City. Night- 1am. £NRY (291)--Vancouver. Midnight KF (469)~Los Angeles. Dance or- KYA (309)--San 2.00 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Hotel Ambas- (Copyright, 1927.) Orchestra. Dance. Jack Denny. Francisco. Clift cheques aboye Tau he artidtes. recsivibe dition to the merchandise, Andover, N.B., Jan. 6.--The Cor- oner's jury sitting with Coroner nc. who is here on a vaudeville tour, Says Sheriff Asked for $100 to Let Her Go Free Cantay, Uhio, Jan. 6.--Ruth El- der, the slim, blue-eyed Florida girl, who was lifted from obscurity by her attempt to fly across the Atlantic, blamed "small town gos sips" for her arrest recently at At- lanta, Sie ieharges of miscon- duct witth ® minister at Clayton, Ga., four years ago. "It's the most terrible thing that ever happened to me," Miss Elder, told the United Press. "It's a dreadful lie, oye it 1 were tree 1 would go and fight the whole thing out." The warrant charging Mids El- der with "undue conduct with the Rev, Hubert Jenkins," a young evangelist, was served on the girl flier last month, and she is now Under $500 bond pending 'a hear- ng. Miss Bilder was not angry when interviewed. Rather, she impress- ed one as being too overcome with what she termed "the preposterous- stenped from the train in Atlanta, [ saw the same old sheriff waiting and the unhappy memory back." ness of it all," to be angry. "Why did they wait so long be- fore taking action?" Miss Elder asked. "It seems to me the delay helps to prove the injustice of iti all. It has been more than three years since the forenoon when we (she and the Rev. Jenkins) took an innocent little buggy ride down a southern road, but now that my pame is--I suppose I might as well Say 'public property'--they're try- ing to get money from me." Miss Elder said she did not know who was responsible for the re-issu- ance of the warrant which was served by Sheriff L. M, Richman, of Clayton, People Gossiped "When I first went to Claytor 1 was very young. My husband taught in a small denominational school there. The people of Clay- ton first talked about me when I had my hair bobbed, They talked the way people in a village will talk. "One day a young Rev. Hubert Jenkins--" "Blonde or brunette?" she was asked. "] didn't think he was attrac- tive--"' she said. "I can't remember whether he was dark or light for I didn't have any interest in him at all. "Anyway, he came to Clayton to head a revival meeting. I met him at school and he and my husband and I became good friends. "One morning he asked me to {go riding with him. My husband knew about it for there wasn't any reason why he shouldn't, "But the next day the sheriff came to say that a farmer who lived down: the road was telling tales about improper conduct. These were lies and the cruelty of them made me sick." Miss Elder sobbed and knotted her lace handkerchief in to a little hall, "The sheriff said I needn't wor- ry," sh@ resumed, Then comes a three year inter- val, the period in which Miss El- der attempted her trans-Atlantie flight and became heralded for her winsomeness and courage. "All this time the old gossip was forgotten," she said, but whem I = evangelist, 71 Simcoe St. North . 5 Westinghouse "Federal Orthosonic Radios AND Atwater-Kent Radios SOLD BY LUKE FURNITURE CO. have the case came [court,"" Charge Against Sheriff $500, | clared, "and if I were guilty, eyes." Get The Most Radio Value In radio, as in all other things there is an accepted standard w~Westinghouie, Just as the word "Sterling" on silver defines a definite unvarying quality, so "Westinghouse" on a radio set carries the assurance of most radio value, Model 57 illustrated above is the biggest value in radio, Contains all the features of any set at double the price, One dial | makes it the simplest to operate, Uses the newly perfected UX-201.B radiotrons, consequently operating costs are cut in half, For tonal qualities, volume and selectivity, it sets a mew standard for s in the mod price clase, The price, without tubes is only $78.00, You are missing a great deal of life if the great artists whe are broadcasting to millions this winter are not being heard by you. We will gladly demonstrate the 57 in your home without cost or obligation. Phone ws 'to-day for am appoints me WILSON & LEE Phone 2388 BATTERYLESS AND BATTERY RADIO and RADIOLAS Buy A--- ROGERS Batteryless RADIO enerator & Starter Co. 10 Church Street LIMIIED Oshawa and plead gullty, saying " woul thrown out of She did not sign, she said, b cause there was not anything t "He salll I was arrested but that | plead guilty to. if I gave him $100 he would let me go. When I reached for my |hurt so much," Miss Elder pocketbook, he asked for proving it was a scheme to make | could not look money. "Then the sheriff had the aud- acity to ask me to sign a paper |St. Louis on Sunday. "Nothing in my life has eve anyone im th Miss Elder goes from here t

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