Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jan 1928, p. 5

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3 > \ Harold Lemon, of this ted with his mother, Mrs, , Percy Newton, who has with Miss Mirrel Cul, "street, for a lew days, his home in Detroit. @. Kirkwood, of the Nut ries, Peterboro, visited 4 pttic . Bakeries, Simcoe street south, one day this week. --Mr, and Mrs. A. Palmer, of Park road south, are in Hillier to- day' attending the funeral of Mr. Palmer's aunt, Mrs, Annette Pal- mer, 2 ~--Migs May Mitchell, of the teaching staff of the Colborne High School spent the Christmas vacation with her parents at their home in this eity, ~--Mr, and Mrs, Albert Swall and son: Harry, have returned from a very pleasant holiday trip in the - New England States, visiting friends in Boston, where they spent _ Christmas and Vermont, They went east « Buf- falo returning via Montreal" --Mr, T, L, Wilson, Advertising Mahager of The Oshawa Dally Times, left this morning . for De- troit and Chicago on a short busi- ness trip, He will meet Mr, C, M, Mundy, President of the Muuay Printing Company Limited, publish. ers: of The Times, in Chicago and with him will visit a number of outstanding newspaper and print. ing plants in that City, Mr, Mundy is en route home from a visit to hie mother at Forest River, North Da- FIT CORR [4d GUARANTI HOLD RUPTURE SECUR WV. EX AMAT ON Ree . AUTHORS & COX, Lro 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO Always make the best of things When faced with little ills, Tackle troubles with-a'smile By taking Beecham's Pills, THE MODERN REMEDY Jury © Lovell King St. EE - Simcoe St. S. in St, Jonnsbury, Bt A: most Selightfuh. evening: ves spent at, the Joe "et i) ig hae baleen fi ad on F. N sixty friends of Mnr.. McEvers, who. were macries Saturday, December 3ist tor gether to honour them . at this happy occasion, During the evéning which was spent in d the following address was' » To Mr, and Mrs, N. McEvera: We, a few' of your many: friends have gathered together here this evening to show the esteém in which you are' both held and as you are starting out in 'life we would ask you to accept this chair, not for its value but as a 'slight tojgen of our desire for your fut- ure happiness, - Signed on behalf of your friends, Mr. A. Meadows, ' GIVEN PRESENTATION PRIOR TO MARRIAGE The girls of the Chipping de- partment of the Ontario Malleable Iron Works met together on Thursday, December 29th, when they presented Miss Frances Brady, who was "married on December 31st, with a token of their esteem, and the following address: } To Miss Frances Brady, Dear Frances: . The information we received that you were making a New Year's resoltion that you will keep for lite, that you are entering into a partnership with the man of your choice, affords vs this opportunity of expressing our real interest in your future, We sincerely trust that happiness will be your lot in the future years end we ask you to accept this small momento of the occasion to remind you always of our very sincere wishes for your happiness, Very sincerely : Your Fellow Emplovees of the Chipping Department cf the On- tario Malleable Iron Co, Weddings A¢EVERS----BRADY A very pretty, but quiet wed- ding took place on Saturday, De- cember 31st, at the Simcoe street parsonage, with the Rev, H, 8. Dougall officiating, when Miss Frances Brady became the bride of Mr, Norman McEvers, both of this oity, The bride, who was given away by her -uncle, Mr, John Albert, wore A gown of blue georgette over pink sflk and carried a bouquet of Red Roses, white carnations, lly of the valley and white heather, Miss Muriel Brady, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid, wear- ing blue velvet trimmed with crepe de chine and carried pink and white carnations, The groom was attended by Mr, Allen Mead- ows, The bridegroom's gift to the 'best man was a pair of cuff links and to the bridesmaid a birthday ring. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 370 Park road south, GILES AND HOBBS On Tuesday, January 3rd, at 2.30 p.m, the wedding was quietly sol- emnized at the King street United Church parsonage by Rey, C. W, De Mille, of Dorothy Annie, daughter of Myr, and Mrs. Frank Hobbs, of Har- mony, and Mr, Arthur Reginald Giles, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, R. Giles of Cardiff, Wales, England. The bride was charmingly attired in a hyancith pink silk georgette dress and silver lace, with hat to match, cream hose and black satin shoes. The ple were tended, After the ceremony a mumber of friends were served with a buffett lunch at the home of the bride's parents. The young couple received many beauti- ful and useful presents, showing the high esteem in' which they are held by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. Giles left I.» motor for Hamilton, St. Catharines and Brantford. The bride wearing a black satin dress, black crushed plush coat and pink hat. On their return they will reside in their new home on Athol street east, SE An, To Hold Medal Contest A medal contest, under the aus- pices of the Stalter "Y" will be held 'in the King street United church on Thursday, January 12, when the primary pupils of Mrs, A.W, Bell will take part. Hours Changed E, A, Donald, manager of the Government Warehouse, operated in connection with the Liquor Con- trol oBard's- system, announced yesterday that the hours during which the warehouse will be open have been changed. Permit hold- ers may secure 'their allotment of beer from 10.30 .a.m. until 7.30 p. m. every day. The old hours were from 7 a.m, until 6 p.m TWENTY TABLES AT S.-0. E, WHIST DRIVE The Sons of [England whist drive held last evening in the S.0.E, hall, was a great success and the play at the twenty tables was keenly contested all through the evening, The ladies' first prize was won by Miss Dora Wilson, the sec- ond prize went to Mrs, Garrard and Mrs, F. Brown was awarded the third prize. Mr, Ashton, cap- tured the gentleman's first prize, Mr, N, Greenough received the second prize and Mr, Pompart, won the third prize, The special prize of the evening was given to Mrs, J, Dowling, The prizes were the vouchers on the merchants of the .town, and the recipients may pur- chase what they wish, Presbyterian Women's Association Appoint Officers for 1928 The. Women's Association of the Knox Presbyterian Church held their first" meeting for this year in their new church building on Tuesday, January 3, The president, Mrs, A, Sparks was in the- chair for the first part of the meeting and the treasurer's report for 1927, on being presented showed 'that the association had had a very successful year, The following officers were elect- ed for 1928: President, Mrs, A, Sparks (re- elected); with Mrs, E, Mann as first Vice-President and Mrs, J. Hamilton as second Vice-Presioent (re-elected); Mrs, A, Cox was re- elected as secretary, Mrs, J. Cor- mack was appointed treasurer and Mrs. W, Dandie was re-elected as secretary of the Flower committee, TELEPHONE STAFF HONOR WIRE CHIEF LEAVING THE CITY Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Sweanor The Winter Gardens, under the management of Cliff, Palmer, was the scene of a'pretty gathering held last night by the Bell Telephone Company, Oshawa and District Branch, in honor of Mr, and Mrs. 2, Sweanor, who are shortly to take up their residence in Toronto, Mr, Sweanor, who has been wire chief, having been transferred to that city where he will head the Mortality Department. The dance was attended by almost one hundred people there being be- tween 40 and 50, couples on the floor, Music for dancing was supplied by O, Reynold and his five piece oiches- tra of Oshawa. Many novelty dances were in| vogue during the evening and added to the color of the eyent. During the course of the evening, at about eleven o'clock, Mr. and Mrs, Sweanor were called and made the recipients of a beautiful mantel clock. rs, Sweanor was also pre- sented. with. a pretty bouquet of flowers. .H. M. Black, local manager of the local branch of the Bell Tele- y, K the address and the presentations were made by Mr. D. Cameron, District Plant Superintendent and Mr, Martin, Bustrict Traffic Superintendent, both of Toronto, 4 Mr. and Mrs, Cameron and Mr. and' Mrs, Martin were the out-of- town guests for the occasion. Following = the presentations and addresses, in which regret at the fact .that Mr. Sweanor was leaving Oshawa but ions on his advancement were - yoiced, dancing again followed. Refreshments were seryed after which the party disper- sed about 1.15 o'clock. TO DEATH AS TWO TRAIN SECTIONS HIT FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY Berlin, Jap. 7.--A pew rift in the former reigning Duchy of An- halt was disclosed recently by the introduction of a motion declar- Lowen, widow of Prince M. Joa- chim, of Prussia, has at her brother will not allow her the princely grant of 2.500 marks monthly that he promised her af- ter his second marriage. g TIMES SATURDAY, JANUARY'7, 1928 ¢ Ea -- Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest SUNBEAM CHAPTER INSTALLS OFFICERS Interesting Ceremony Held at Local Lodge, Order of Eastern Star Sunbeam Chapter No, 73, O.ES, held their annual installation of of- ficers on Thursday evening. Sister Roberts acted as installation officer while Brother Shelley acied as mar- shall, both performing their duties in an able and pleasing manner, The following were installed in their new office :--Worthy matron, sister Martha Dunlop; worthy pat ron, Brother Stewart; associate mat: ron, Sister Walker; secretary, Sister Chalmers; treasurer, Sister Stirling; ! associate conductress, Sister What- field; chaplain, Sister Aylesworth; marshall, Sister Cliff; organist, Sister! Pratt; adah, Sister Purdie; ruth, Nis-; ter Powers; esther, Sister Weir; ! martha, Sister Barnes; clect, Sister] Stewart; sentinel, Brother Dunlop, | Before vacating her 'chair the re-| tiring matron, Sister' Shelley, wus] presented with a beautiful brooch! from the officers and members, also' a lovely bouquet of flowers, Worthy, matron, Sister Dunlop, presented the, past matron's jewel to Sister Shelly, ! while worthy patron, Brother Stew- | art, presented the past patron's jewel! to Brother Train. Installing officer, Sister Roberts was presented with a gifts; also marshal, Brother Shelly, | from the officers, Worthy Sister Dunlop, was presented with! an emblematic basket of flowers! from Sister Roberts. After the Chap- ter closed a social evening was spent, EDITOR OF ROUYN MINER HAD COLORFUL CAREER North Bay, Jan, 6.--A. E, H, Beckett, editor and publisher of | The Rouyn Miner and The Rouyn News, who died in a Montreal hos- pital, had a colorful and interest- | ing career in jornalism and other, professions. \ Early in his career he served in! the Far East for important Ameri-! can and British newspapers, A for- mer boxer, Beckett's boxing articles | were syndicated throughout hte! United States and Canada. On com-' ing to Canada he hecame associated ! with, The Sudbury Star as news edi- | tor, later being transferred in a | similar capacity to The Nugget, He | resigned to assume the news edi-! torship of The Montreal Herald, Later he became affiliated with the Laurier Finance Corporation as Managing Director of the com- | pany's offices in Ontario and Que-' bec. He resigned this position to | return to his first love, the news-) paper profession, to found his two publications, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» 100 Metallic § Hats | $2.29 Satin and Metallic, is not a hat in the lot that would sell regularly at less than $4.98. Saturday $2.29 matron, His it avoided asking the purchas- tea in the best package--Aluminum GOVERNOR AT JAIL AN HOUR A DAY Chief Turnkey at London Testifies He Was Often Left Alone London, Ont., Jan, 6--Judge Arthur T. Boles, of Simcoe, commissioned to robe the management of Middlesex Jounty jail, adjourned the inquiry for a week or ten days late this af- ternoon after having heard an in- teresting story from Head Turnkey James Spyers. Governor Byron Dayson, eof the jail, had testified during the morn- ing session that under rule 38 of the provineial jail regulations, relating to cities of more than 50,000 population, he had delegated certain responsibili- ties to the head turnkey. The regula- tion calls for daily inspection trips by the jailer, who is required to see cach prisoner. Also he 1s required to go through the jail one night each week at some irregular time. The governor said this duty was taken by his staff, but Spyers, pressed by . T. Robb, the Government's rep- resentative, and also by Judge Boles, stated that he had not been instruct- ed to make such visits and that he had mever given any assurance that they had been made, He swore that when time permitted he interested himself in the management of the jail to the extent of making some such investigations, but he swore that time does not often afford. He said that the staff was shorthanded when Harlton, - Martron and three others escaped, the reason being that Turnkey Meriam was on his holi- "I was often, alone in charge: of the jail from eight 'in the morning till the governor came in at about 11 o'clock," he said, "Lhe goveinor was there about an hour a day, Usually he came in at about 11 o'clock and stayed for about an hour. On visit- ing days he sometimes came in for a time in the afterfloon. Some days he was there four or five hours and some days he was not there at all, but for an average he was there about an hour a day, Except on visiting days I was often alone in the jail in the afternoon. At noon I was usually busy letting in prison- ers ftom the city police court or ex- ercising prisoners in the jail yard, Governor Dawson's testimony was featured by a close examination as to the type of men imprisoned in ward where the steel cage and four other cells were located, Harlton had the cageand Martron and five others were in the cells on the day of the escape." When the cage was installed after the escape of the Murrells in 1922 it had a block lock and a padlock. The key jammed in the block lock and it was taken off and never replaced, Subsequently a prisoner told the head turnkey that the padlock could be picked, and the lock was changed for another of the same type that had been used on a tunnel leading from the cells to the courtroom. Governor Dawson told the judge that he believed that this change of locks would be sufficient ing agit for a few new ones. He also swore that the keys of the cage and other important cells were kept on a ring in a wooden locker in the jail kitchen, He had several times asked for a safe for the keys, and one is now to be procured, Warned to Watch Martron Originally, the governor testified, it had been intended to keep Harlton in the cage and to allow no other prisoners in that ward, but the jail pepulation increased, other parts of the building became overcrowded, and the isolation order was rescinded. He said that when Martron was brought in the city police who de- livered him said that "here is a tough bird . He's a bad actor. You will have to take care of him." ALMONDS Almonds, Jan. 5--Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allman were at home on Friday evening with about thirty of their friends. A very pleasant time was spent in dancing and cards, after which refreshments were ser- ved. Mr. George Washington, of Man- itoba, spept the past week with Mr. and Mrs, W. Hall and relatives in the vicinity. . Misses Mable Rowe and L. Cole- man, of Toronto, Were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Rowe. Quite 2 number from this vicin- ity attended the Firemen's Ball on Friday evening last and report a good time Whitby, was a week-end visitor with Miss Vieley Hall. New Year's Day at the home of his | Ne Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood. Mr. Norman Jeffrey, Mr. Irvin Jefirey and Miss May Jeffrey left on Tuesday for an extended motor trip along the East coast of Flori- da, visiting many different places doubt* will be gone several montns. Mr. Fred Ince is confined these days with a carbuncle on his cheek which no doubt is very painful. Mr. Milton Balsdon has been con- Miss Kathryn Thompson, of Mr. Tair, of Sunderland, spent |} along the way. They went by way | of London and Detroit. They moll --- -- Harmony, Jan, 6.---Mrs, Gimblett and son Billy, visited with' her mother, Mts, 'M, - Shannon, in Toronto, over New Year's. Mrs: Fice, of North' Oshawa, vis. ited her granddaughter, Mrs: R. Ter- willegar on New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Littleton, of Toronto, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs J. Bates. My; and Mrs. W. H. Parks spent New Year's with relatives in To- onto. ! Mr, and Mrs. H. Willson and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. De Guerre on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fice of North Oshawa, spent Monday * with Mr. and Mrs, R. Terwillegar. Mr. and Mrs, F. Gabawrie Hg tained a number of their friends on gingd evening, December 30. The evening was spent in dancing and all had a very enjoyable time. Mr. an Mrs. K. Fletcher and fam- ily spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. W, Vice. Mr. Wm. Aunger of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs, Wm. Michael. : Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Winters and family spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. W, Winters in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W, Frayling spent New Year's eve in the city with Mr. and Mrs, A, Connell, Mr. and Mrs. N, Lyons spent Mon- day with Mr, and Mrs. J. Lyons at mbus. \ Co and Mrs. A, Taylor and fam- ily spent the week end in Toronto with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson spent New Year's with relatives at Col- hagas: and Mrs, Chas. Mackie and family spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Mackie at Oshawa-on- the-lake. : The community welcome * Miss Williams as our new teacher at the school, Miss Williams had formally ht at Courtice, i and Mrs. W, Vice and fam- ily of the city spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, K. Fletcher, y Mrs. M. Fletcher of Bowmanville, visited with her son, Mr. K. Fletcher on Monday, . Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hinton were recent visitors in Toronto with their son, Mr. F, Hinton, Mr. and Mrs, A, Gladman spent Monday in the eity with friends, Mr. and Mrs, Hopkins and family of the city, visited with Mr, and Mrs. L. Hogarth? on Monday, Mrs. A. Lott is spending a few days in the city with her son, Mr, Peeling. Mr. and Mrs, L. Edwards visited with Mr, 'and Mrs. J, Edwards in the city recently, Miss Vera Gimblett visited with Mrs, Harry Gimblett on Thursday. Some of the young people from this vicinity have been attending the teachers' training classes held in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards spent Sunday in the city with Mr, and Mrs. McComb, Mr. and Mrs. Willgm Haynes and family of the city spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Haynes, Mr, G. Brent is visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. W. Rieuter at Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs, F. Michael visited Harris, Mrs, Cronkhite and son Edgar of the city spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. B. Haynes, Wm. Hayes in the city, Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders spent the week end in the city with Mr, and Mrs. Severs and attended the hockey game between Peterboro and Osh- awa. Mrs. A, Terwillegar and family vi- sited with her mother, Mrs. Gilbie at Whitby on Friday. Gospel Meeting 40 Nassau St. Sunday, 7 p.m. All Welcome, No Collection. King Street United Church | BEY, C. W. DeMILLE, B.A., | MINISTER $9 King St. E~Phone 218 Sunday, January 8 11 a.m. ~~ Morning Ser- vice, "The Lord is My Shepherd," 2.30 pm, ~~ Sunday School. 6.45 p.m. -- Song Ser- vice. | 7.00 p.m, ~-- Evening Worship, "A° Needed Call." Mon., 4.30 -- Mission Band. Mon., 7.45 -- Young People's League. Tues, 8.00 -- Alice Wed., 7.30 ~~ Prayer Service, Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. A. C. Reeves, B.A, 84 Arock St, W, Phone 1883 Sunday, January 8. 11 a. m~*"Kingdoms of the World and their' Glory." 3 p. m~Sunday School, 7 p. m~"Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace Whose Mind Is Stayed On Thee." The: annual meeting of the con- gregation will be held Wednesday night, January 11, at § o'clock, Everybody "welcome to real Presbyterian church of the city, CHRISTADELPHIAN Kingdom of God, so believe be born of water (Baptism) and if faithful Christ will reward with the birth of the Spirit at return, John 8, 5 to B; 1 Cor, 15, 42 to 58, Baptist Church Minister: Rev, John Galt Mrs. Michael's] ; mother at Maidock over New Year's. | | Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders spent]? New Year's eve with Mr. and Mrs. |' 8.0.E. HALL, King St, B. Sunday, January 8. 11 a.m.--Public Service, Everybody welcome CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Hirst Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, January 8. "Sacrament." Sunday School at close of Church Service Wednesday Meeting 8 pm. Including testimonies of ealing through Christian Science, You are cordially invited to ate tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for, Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13 to 4, and Saturdays from 3 to § p.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. W. P, Fletcher, B.A, D.D, Sunday, January 8 11,00 a. m, -- "The Waste of Division," 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 pm. -- "Remem- ber Lot's Wife," Simcoe St. United Church 52 Simcoe St. S, SUNDAY SERVICES Rev, Dr. H. 5, Dougall, Minister Phone 148 January Sth and Things Behind." 3 p.m.--Sunday School, place for everybody, 7 p.m.--""What Does Jesus Want Us to Do?" Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's League, Wednesday, 8 p.m.--~Special New Year Service, held in the large Sia School Bons Dring vo "Thursday, 8 pm--Ansusl meeting of the Official Boards, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH UNITED - OF THE -- CHURCH OF CANADA REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister Sabbath Services, January 8. n 'a.m.~b.oming - Subjects "Trivmphing Over School snd Bible Classes, 7 pmor'The Shortest Verse in the Bible--ils Great Significance." Dedicatory Service after the evening service. Y P together for a fine oe Tir ne =

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