Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jan 1928, p. 10

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"opment of St. . near Montreal. templated could be used in com- V'e..d Require Federal Con s-at--Endorsed as Feasible Ottawa, Jan, 6.--Interests whose finauc.al status is large enough to insure the successful completion of ~ the enterprise are understood to ~~ be behind a project discussed here locking to a new and large devel: Lawrence power The works com- nection with the St. Lawrence waterway plan if that scheme were embarked upon, but for the time being the utilization of pawer pe- tentialities is the more outstand- ing concern. The project is put forth by Mont- real and Toronto capitalists and proposes the construction of a pow- er canal from the foot of Lake St. Francis to the head of Lake St. Louls, a distance of 12 or 15 miles, The theoretical potentiality of the water powers at the point in question 1s about two million, but gradual developments in four or five stages is projected, ! The power is located wholly In Quebee, but the works would re- quire Federal comsent. Any di- version of water from the St, Lawrence would call for remedial compensating works which the company would undertake to con- struct, The project, it is stated, is endorsed as feasible by the en- gineering authorities who have passed upon the St, Lawrence scheme, If proceeded with, it would introduce a competitive ele- ment in the supply of power not only to Montreal, but further up the river, Sault Ste, Marie, Jan, 6.--In- vestigations and surveys will be immediately proceeded with pre- paratory to the construction of a power plant on the Montreal River for the Great Lakes Power Com- pany, to furnish additional power to Sault Ste, Marie, sald J. A, Mcphail, vice-president of the company, It is estimated that 26, 000 horsepower can he developed at the upper falls on the Mont- veal River, Lang and Ross Lim- ited, and George Kohl, hydraulic engineer, will make the survey. The work of construction will pro- bably take two years, involving an expenditure of $2,500,000, Sanly Ste. Marie citizens on Mon- day approved by vote the securing of 10,000 horsepower by the eity from the Great Lakes Company, in preference to the Ontario Hydro Commission, ' SLIDES DOWN WELL SAVES LAD'S LIFE Toronto, Jan, 6--Lowering him- gelf down a well, with his feet prop- ped against one side and his back against the other, and supporting himself from plunging into six feet!' of water by clinging to a clothes prop, Jack Trussell, a fifteen-year- old lad, at Lakeview, saved the life of his three-year-old cousin, Har- old Monk, yesterday moriing, when the little boy in playing plunged thiough the boarded cover. Harold was out playing with a tittle girl, Edith Groves, 7 years of gaze, when he ran across the top of the well, where a short time be- © fore the lad's father had got a pail of water. The boy disappeared, and the girl, alarmed that something wag wrong, ran into the house to tell his mother. Visiting at the home happened to be Jack Trussell, 8 member of the Boy S-outs of Lakeview Unitea Chrerch. The well is of the type w'thout a pump, the water being drawn up by a rope end a pail. Soiz'ng a clothes pole, Jack rushed to the well and plunged it to the bottom. Then he followed through the orening, and lowered himself band under band, his body stretch- ed rcvoss the gap and his feet and beer surrortinz his weight. He reached the drowning child as he woz oo'ne down for the third time, The beran the pseent. With tae ehil?'s body over his, hand over hand he crept toward the top, once being almost overbalanced. until he was 2ble to hoist the child high enough for his mother, who was reaching down, to seize him, Jack then climbed out himself. The unconscious child was rush- ed into the house where he was revived, and put into a warm bed. Yesterday afternoon he appeared none the worse for his mishap. The family lives on Manor Road. She Suffered Terribly ONFRENGH PERNITS Court Reverses the Lower Federal Court Decision Washington, D.0, Jan. 6.-- Chinese citizens coming to the United States from French Indo China were declared by the Su- preme Court to be not entitled to admission upon credentials issued by the French Colonial Govern: ment, t The government was sustained in its contention that Chinese citi. gens, without regard to where they have temporarily resided, must pre- sent certificates from the Chinese Government certifying that they were entitled to admission under the Chinese Exclusion Aet, Loi Hoa and Phuong Von, Chin- ese citizens residing in French-In- do-China, were declared by the lower Federal Corts entitled to ad- mission at 'San Francisco when they presented certificates issued by French colonial officials, GIRLS LEAP FROM BUILDING WHEN TRAPPED BY FIRE Loss of $200,000 is Caused in Department Store, North Bay North Bay, Ont,, Jan, 6--Fire breaking out in the bargain coun- ter of the Canadian Departmental Store, Limited, at noon today, caus- ed a loss estimated at approximate- ly $200,000 and nearly trapped a number of girl clerks, Gathering up books and cash in the front office the girls found es- cape blocked by flames and had to jump from the second storey, Two of them, Miss Leishman and Miss Robb are suffering from the shock of their experience, Customers were cleared out with- out a panic. Many of the clerks had to leave without their coats, which were in the cloak rooms on the second floor, As well as losing their wraps, the girls lost their wages, which they had received in cash earlier in the morning. The building, valued at $100,000 fs practically a total loss, and the contents worth more than $100, 000, are also destroyed, In addi- Richardson's hardware store were considerably damaged, and the store of J. W. Deegan, on the other side, suffered loss from smoke and water, The blaze proved the most stub- born the local brigade has fought for years. It had gained headway before the alarm was giv- en and the firemen spent every ef- fort to keep it from spreading, It was pot until late in the afternoop that the fire was completely out. One of the firemen, George Me: Ara, was injured about the head, when he was struck by falling ma- terial. His injuries were attended to by Dr. Crowe, and he was taken to his home, A coincidence about the fire is that" the Canadian Departmental Stores, Limited, were contemplat- ing installing a sprinkling system and in fact, the work was to have started within a few weeks time. Although it could not be definite- ly ascertained, it is understood that the loss in all cases is well covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is yet unknown. It was ru- rored that it originated from sparks from an ineinerator in the rear of the building, but Percy M. Hunting- ton, the manager, said fonight that there was no fire in the incinera- tor at the time. Forpunately there was not a strong wind blowing, otherwise the fire damrage might have been much more serious. While the firemen bad to work mander Winter condi- tiops of temperature, the weather was much milder than that which bad prevailed earlier in the week The fact that it occurred in the heart of the business section of the city, and at the noom hour, drew hundreds to the fipe, which at times was quite ular, with huge billows of smoke rolling out and enveloping the whole scene. From Backache Both Mother and Daughter Praise Dodd's Kidney Pills made me feel tion, the wall and roof of J. W.|- English Woman Lecturer is Opposed to Companion- ate Marriages Boston, Mass, Jan. 6.--Bishop Charles L. Slattery, of the Episco- pal Di of Massachusetts, has made public a letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury quoting Miss Agnes Maude Royden, Eng- lish woman preacher, whose lecture engagements in Boston and Chi- cago have been cancelled as '"'op- posed to companionate marriage and to all other proposals of the kind." Miss Royden was schedul- ed to speak before branches of the Woman's Home Missionary Soclety of the Methodist Episcopal UWIHAWA VAL Church companionate mar- Bishop Slattery explained that some time ago he heard from per- ABERDE 17 Wast 820d St, near 3th Ave. YORK Toha B a Meare Diveeter sons who disturbed by the report that _Royden believed 80 in companionate marriage, he | ganization did not cage to sponser, 0 | wrote directly to the Archbishop of and that in Boston to her reported advocacy of riage. Canterbury. The reply, dated De- cember 6, as made public by the bishop, sald: 3 "On receiving your letter of No- vember 19, about Miss Maude Roy- den, 1 wrote to ascertain her view on 'companionate marriage' I felt certain that she could not support that wild doctrine and 1 have a letter from her which simp- ly says, 'I am entirely opposed to companionate marriages and to all other proposals of the kind.' This ought to be conclusive." Mrs. H, L. Hardy, of Wellesley, Mass., secretary of the Boston branch, cancelled the lecture en- gagement, but she declared the cancellation was due to several rea- sons and not due to Miss Royden's attitude on companionate marriage. "All I can say now is that the action was taken because we felt that Miss Royden, however fine 'er -ATURDAY, JANUARY ., «74 ---------------------------- a ------ -- she may be personally, stood for certain principles Which our or- Mrs. Hardy sald. The feeling was, she added, that to have Miss Roy- den speak here under the society's auspices would be a mistake all around, that it would hurt the re- putation of our organization and that it might do harm to our youth. She did not make public in de tail the reasoms for the action. An exchange says a woman's idea of shopping is to look at oriental rugs an dbuy matting. -- Galt Re- porter. Felt Bros. TheLEADING JEWELERS Patablished 1386 12 Simcoe St. South BRACKEN LEAVES HOSPITAL, RECOVERY WILL BE SLOW Winnipeg, Man, Jan. 5.--The con- dition 'of Manitoba's Premier, Hon. John Bracken, was reported wuch improved today. Mr. Bracken suf fered a slight attack of appendicitis a few days ago. Today he was able to spend a few moments at the Leg- islative Buildings while returning from hospital, where he underwent an X-ray examination. While the Premier is steadily im- proving, physicians state that it will be some time before he will be able to attend to his official duties. FIRE AGAIN DISCOVERED IN QUEBEC SEMINARY Quebec, Jan. 5.--A fire at the foot of a stairway was found in the Que- bee Seminary this morning. The blaze, which was thought by the authorities in the seminary to have been of incendiary origin, did little damage. The police were informed Your choice of 3 Chevrolet Coaches { Latest models--Very reasonably ' priced. Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 9 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 ] and began an investigation. A - EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Lots of headaches--wearinesses | NERVES, are due to the eyes. Think what this means to YOU, 360 1316 ~--PHONE-- 116 Disney Block Opposite Post Office ; Copyright 1928, Metropolitan Newspsp Service 44 '5 & Rune ResT IN CALL BUSINE 0 TO CTRCUSES | Buy OUR TOO FAR! GET THEIR AND MR, KNO! WE MUST GET ITHIEN BINANCIAL H TC GET THAT, ATTENTION | BER WS HOW ~~ THE WHOLE JONG 1S Up TO You IW! By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb {TION IGcive N --8UT EE WE HAVE R! D0 THIS 18 PUBLICITY P BRINGING UP FATHER BOYS: JUST DROPPED IN TO TELL YOU IF THAT JURY DON'T CONVICT: I'LL KNOW THERE 1% sur Bid JUSTICE - rr JUST THINK: THAT FELLOW 1% GUILTY AND You FELLOWS KNOW IT WHY, IT WAS A DELIBERATE PREMEDITATED CRIME - HE KNEW IT IN HIS OWN HEART - WHY, THE WAY HE TALKS SHOWS THAT EVEN HID BEST PAL SHOOK HIM: WHERE DID HE GET THE MONEY 8 TO PAY HIS LAWYERS" | 1 ASK YoU? ~-- YES: WE CDULDN'T FORM AN OPINION BEFORE - THID 18 | THE FIRST TIME WE'VE HEARD THE DETAILS PHAETHON 15 THE BOY IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY WHO DROVE THE CHARIOT OF THE SUN ONE DAY AND ALMOST TORE UP THE HEAVENS BY SPEEDING, Se po SCIENTIFIC NAME (PHAETHON RUBRICAUDUS) FROM THE PHAETHON OF MYTHOLOGY AND LIKE PHAETHON THEY TRY T0 FOLLOY THE PATH OF THE SUN, ONE A WHOLE DAY WITHOUT SEEING IT ALIGHT ANiY- WHERE. THEY ARE OVER THREE FEET LONG COUNTING THE TAIL\OVER HALF THE LENGTH IS TAIL, --- ' (] 1928, "ay "Ciss3 Fan sows Trmdicatn. Ine. Comes Britain sights soamrynd 'MOST FROZE, THEN HE J A SKY PILOT CAME 00 CLOSE AND fl DIDN'T HE © om 0 WOHDER?S YMADE IT OUTA \EWSFAPER! f TOLD MR. LA F NOW VA inave To THE DIAMOND RING NOW, Mac: YOu CAN SEE How AT BE. \ WAS ENGAGED To Bd PSNT RINE-1 MUST wr

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