: $ THE OSHAWA DAILY 11M 3. FRIDAY, JANUART ©, 170 Mma ------------------------ - pes - ------ re -- - , re a g k= pt $55 |] The 39th Annual January Clearance Sale starts a TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS . On Sale Saturday | Arcade Saturday Morning, January 7th. The peo] IN LADIES' AND MISSES! LE) Morning Only at | Othawe and surrounding teritory have looked fo to this Great Event in past years as a Great Money S \ Sa) = . ? | - : | in 4 0 clock Opportunity. Let us urge you to attend this Sale, and TR Children's Fleece Lined Sleep- fullest expectations will be realized. Great Money S ih 1 ers, Watson's and Hatch ome x bution make. Sizes 11a 8 yrs. Bargains in Dry Goods, Hosiery: Gloves, Under All will go at one price, . Wool Crepes, Daffodil Jere AN Blankets, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Swe sey, Navy Serge and Canton a \ etc., etc. Crepes. Shades are red, cop: Ld li i COME-BUY-SAVI Toe ee wie Sale Starts Saturday Morning J Crepes, Jersey and Velvet Combinations and Crepe Back 4 sa -- "Satine; in a .wide range of ® | Pure Linen Table Cloths, splendid value. shades. Sizes 14 to 46. All ------ | Each will go at $2.9 8 | Pure Linen Bedroom Towels, Hemstitched | and Colored ends each 'This lot of Dresses ie our best Crepe Back Satins, Gear- : 35 centis gettes, Velvet and Georgette | Extra heavy large size Bath Matts, Neat Combinations; mostly all navy | colorings, eech and black, Siass 16 to 4. All -- | $2.68 will go at : : . Hemstitched Linen Cloths. A very fine .,-.l- Bt | ity. Each 1 An Exceptional | $4.25 i | Hemstitched Linen Napkins, 20 inch. Beau- B ardaain | tiful quality. Doz, ga Colored Border he $5.95 Curtain Scrim Table Ni : | White and Ecru Curtain Scrim with lace | 20 'inch Bleached Tabi. Large, double Bed Size 59 Sheets, Made from a good $ ) ° | Little Beauty Waists in plain cotton or edge, yd. quality. Doz. | th a... strong sheeting. While they fleeced. Each ; 39 cents : $1.5 lost: Pn SUP TIUSD Per Pair, EXTRA : HEAVY COL. | 49 cents Ginghams Unbleached EE , ORED BORDER BATH Stamped Pillow Cases, good quality, Sale 32 i oh Reyen Striped and Check Ging- TOWELS, AN EXCEP- price, Pair 20 cents Flannelette TIONAL BARGAIN. 95 cents Blankets | te bdo 49 EACH No Phoneor C.O.D. Orders On the size, Wigan Blatiiets $ 2 05 | No doubt this White Goods Sale will prove to be one of the Largest Selling Attractions § | Guaranteed first quality, 100 pairs while they last, pair Resmi i ---- Do Not Fail To Take Advantage ot The Wonde sTRIPED FLANNELETTE | T() CLEAR 30 DRESSES | Ccksumes:" c IN A GOOD HEAVY 19; | | FAST COLORS, SALE PRICE, YARD, MISSES -- SERGE, TRI- for the bares shor] QUALITY; LIGHT and x Oc FOR WOMEN AND Cbueie Yiose, COTINE AND KASHA; 10%. Regia' $1 | & ALL SIZES. REGULAR Lingerie » Cloth VALUES TO $895 Silk Buipe and Figured Lin- C WiLL rie. th in dainty" . Po underthings. 'Regular 59¢ GO © $4. £) S| yd. Sale price yd. Oshawa's Busy Barg