Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jan 1928, p. 12

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: ® JHE Oa USIIAWA DAILY LY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6; 1928 ASSAYER APPOINTED R. C. Mott. BSc, son of Mr. and rs. M. W. Mott, Charles street, has been enga to "assay work in Northwestern Mani- joba. He left for his new appoint- * ment today. say will: be rate- ed to -law to purchase the distribution system, ion, for a price of $1 COUNCILLORS CHOSEN In one of the most ly con- tested elections ever held on the Tyendinaga Reserve, near Belleville, the follwing were elected to handle the affairs for the next three years: Stephen Maracle, Francis John, David H. Barnhardt, Herman us and Thomas Hill. my Rarihard: and Claus were members of the late cil. There were 13 in the field, -- ---- INSURANCE OC. E, HEPRURN wa, Dis- and a total of 229 votes were cast. Peter Joe Brant and John Maracle were members of the previous Coun- do | cil who went down to defeat, while George Hill, the fifth member, did not run. 0 oH WINS SUIT ; of by plai : Ss tell u a sidewalk, His hed the city was not liable, and die missed the action with costs. ---- VACCINATION BAN LIFTED After having been in force since before the commencement of the school term following the Summer holidays, the -- order in Smith's Falls was lifted Wednesday. The order that all children must be vaccinated before they are permitted to attend school, has been respon- sible for 56 children not attendin school since the commencement of the Fall term. CHAIRMAN RE-ELECTED E. Bruce Fowler was last night re- elected Chairman of the Peterboro' Board of Education, this being his second year. The resignation of]. A. McKone, nine years a member, and Chairman Ey 1925 and 1926, was accepted. Wilson, a member of the beard Re year, who failed = [NOTI I ~ Durant ADANAC Il 161 King W. new year, 1 HAVE TAKEN OVER THE BUSINESS KNOWN AS Machine Shop Henceforth it will be known as and Machine Shop My policy will be prompt and conscien- tious service to everyone throughout the | HAROLD F. CE GARAGE Phone 1214 COX gore Port Hope cont 0 EE W. R Tur Strickland ; eid; Re; Sepervion, e E R. Wilson, INDUCTED AT COBOURG Rev. Frank C. Harper, formerly of as inducted as ly of Presbyterian Church, | A ast evening i i the congregation. R fe R B ¢ of St. Paul's: Ch Charch, To by Rev. John Ri: | WAS WIDELY KNOWN C.« Whitney, a well-known resident of scott Maynard five oo duration. Mr. Whitney was born in Maynard in 1840 and had resid there all his life. He was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and for many ears a member of the Quarterly rd. Surviving is one brother, | August Whitney, of Prescott. CHAMPION HOLSTEIN COW "The world's champion Holstein cow in butter-fat production and the Canadian champion in both milk and butter-fat production for mature cows in 305-day twice a day milking is Idylwilde Road owned by James Seymour & Sons of Ida, near Peterboro. Recognition has just been given this record by the officials of the Live Stock Commission of Can- ada in an official statement which established this cow's record bewond dispute, James Seymour & Sons are breeders of dairy cattle and all their stock are pure-bred and {fully accredited. Both this cow and her dam were bred at Idylwilde Farm. The test in which Idylwilde Korn- dyke won her reputation in a 305- day test with a twice-a-day milking, and the average yield in milk over his period was more than 63 pounds a day. Mel ARGUE YSUNDAY. WORKING Y long odds the feature of the final day of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association in Kingston, was the discussion and resolution concerning the operating of cheese factories on Sunday, For many years certain plants in Fastern Ontario have remained open for a portion of Sunday in order to care fo rthe milk roduced on the farm that day. ecently the Lord's Day Alliance Association warned the factories that legal proceedings would be taken if the practice was continued this season, The matter was brought to the attention of the con- vention by C. W, Fraleigh, Bloom- field, who produced a letter from the Lord's Day Alliance. After a good deal of discussion, which showed a f Gil strong difference of opinion among | i the members of the Dairy Ascocia- | | tion, a resolution framed by G A.' (sillespie, Peterboro,' which asked the | 'nev-Cleneral to isene certifi- | | cates to any cheese factory which | claimed it was absolutely necessary | to operate on Rida. was passed by | a fair majority, 7%] IEARINGS RESUME that John Page who dealt with INMEXICAN PROBE: Authenticity of Documents Published by Hearst to Be Investigated | 'Washington, Jan. To in the search into the authen of Mexican documents published in Hearst newspapers will be pur- Syeq by the special Senate commit- jee the resumption of public Chief witnesses summoned are James R. Sheffield, former am- bassador to Mexico, and Arthur Bliss Lane, now chief of the state department's latin American divi- sion but first secretary of the United States embassy at Mexico City at the time Miguel Avila pro- cured for the Hearst interests the documents purporting to ghow that a Mexican fund of $1,215,000 had Lbeen provided for four United States senators. Hearst has testified that the documents were submitted to Mr. Sheffield at the Mexican capital, and there have been intimations before the committee that the United States embassy during Sheftield's adminstration, pur- chased other documents, repre- genting as having come from the official Mexican files, A new phase of the inquiry will be opened up with the examina- tion of Davis Smiley, former edi- tor of the Philadelphia Ledger, and Robert Barry, at one time Washington 'correspondent for that paper, This ad n do with reports Under the direction of CORP. C. WRIGHT and will continue every succeeding Wednesday at 8 p.m. for the rcmainder of the season, clined to publish them. tion is that these documents were in the form of letters which it was claimed had passeed between Senator Lafollette and President Calles and having to do with the attitude of other senators towards Mexico. Washington, ' Jan. J. Kidwell, Jr. wound up his first day's testi- mony in the Teapot Dome Oil contempt case by alleging that the prosecutor had intimiduted and threatened him, finished five days on the witness stand with a charge that the district attorney had threatened him if he failed to testify that false affidavits were true, Kidwell made his first charge when testifying as a government witness in 'the criminal contempt hearing against Harry F. Sinclair. William J. Burns, and their four assistants, He asserted that James J. O'Leary, assistant district at- torney had forced him to sign af- fidavits which he told the prose- cutor were untrue, The affidavits identified two Burns detectives as men "who approach®d" Kidwell when he was serving as juror in the Fall-Sinclair oil gonspiracy trial, He said on the witness stand that he could not identify the detectives as the men ia ques- tion, Late Tuesday Kidwell declared that just before he was called as a witness in the contempt case O'Leary summoned him to his of- fice and told him that unless he testified that the contents of tho affidavits were true he would have to use the documents against him, A few minutes later, 8. Mec- Comas Hawken, Kidwell's attor- ney, took the stand and said he had heard O'Leary make the threat, } The cowyrt's investigation into the charges ac ainst the district attorney's office was expected to require at least another day be- fore the contempt proceedings could be resumed, 6.--Edward who recently FINED FOR OBSTRUCTION Orangeville, Jan, 5.--Convicted of obstructing a police officer while making an arrest, Wesley Speers, well-known Caledon Township farm- er, was today fined $50 and costs by || Police Magistrate Hugh Falconer, | Telephone~-- 262 Four direct lines to Central Solvay Coke We are Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America General Motors Wood ~~ All Fuel Orders weighed on City Scales if desired. DIXON'S "\aaa DR. BADGEROW HAD BRILLIANT CAREER Former Toremtonisn, Now Knighted, Attended An- drew Bonar Law Toronto, Jan 6.--*"Ever since George left Upper Canada College he has gone from one success to another," said A. H, Dadgerow of this city, father of Dr. G. Badgerow, distinguished Canadian surzeon who has been knighted by the King. After graduating from Trinity College here the young student went to London, England, and he has been there for 28 years now. He returns annually to his home in Toronto, Sir George Padgerow did some notable work during the war and hes since had many distinzuished patients, Possibly the best known of these was Andrew Bonar Law fellow Canadian who for a brieef period was Prime Minister of England, . CONSPIRACY TRIAL OPENED IN INDIA Sensational Story of Revolu- tionary Plot i Related Calcutta, Jan, 6.--A sensational story of widespread revolutionary conspiracy in Bengal and Behar was related at the opening of the trial of 20 young Bengals at Dumka, The young men were charged with conspiracy to wage war against the British forces and banditry. Numerous police raids followed the discovery of a cipher book during a raid on a Deoghar boarding estab- lishment, With that knowledge the police were able to discover the hid+ ing place of the revolutionists, The police seized revolvers, bombs, explosives, and revolutionary litera- ture. The prosecution alleged the co'lection of arms was designed to Your choice of 8 Chevrolet Coaches ---Latest dels--Very r ably priced, Chadburn Mo tor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTOR 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1160 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Not 'even the most perfect eve, if unaided by glasses, can maintain near range vision after middle life without strain. 859 1516 «PHONE 1516 Disney Block Opposite Post Office Felt Bros. TheLEAD ING JEWELFRS fstablished LSRS over-awe the Government, 12 Simcoe St. South ud yd. and tile designs. sod 2% yds. 4 Ply Sq. Yd, Notl.ing Makes a Room more Cosy Looking than a Nice Floor Covering! Inlaid Linoleum Heavy Quality Irlaid Linoleum that will give wonderful ser. vice, The colors are pressed through to the burlap back and will stand the hardest wear in signs, Comes 2 yds, wide, egular $1.50 for sq. Tile Block and Fancy De- "$1.48 Floor Cilcloth 2 Splendid Quality Floor Oil- cloth, well seasoned and all first quality with extra good finish, in floral, Janey black yds, 59¢ 63 King § Street East RUGS ~f the best variety "zethe selection camless Axminster Rugs hese Axminster Rugs are oven all in one piece and ome in fawn, brown and 'ose; aleo in blue ground, very suitable for dining room, lize 6-9 x 9-0 ........ $27.50 ize 9-0 x 10.6 ...... $39.50 Size 9-0 x 12.0 ...... $49.50 Barrymore Axminster Rugs Heavy Quality Axminster Rugs in Oriental colorings. The pile is deep and rich and Will give the utmost in copied from Persian and Chemese Rugs. Size 9-0 x 9-0 ...... .. $42.00 Size 9-0 x 10.6 ...... $47.50 service. The patterns are: x FAT AT A XT AAT Ne wy -------- . » EE TN alt" \ TE. J . vis NAT TA A AE EX Ro REE E NS & b« Rugs These high grade Seamless Viglton Rugs are the very lat- est creations in rugs. They are 'very charming with their spray like effects on taupe, tan and blue grounds. They are woven Size 9-0 x 10-6, $105 urniture OSHAWA < pa 3 bap eit \ h SE Or AT OF 5 ANTT "ds 0 V7 i /, BR ~ -- TEBE AL od gon shi. Pip BA f See} , "y AR py LA -- © - YF * 4 -ae 0 vv XY This Is A Week of Shopping Opportunities Congoleum Rugs We have a large assortment Sanitary Congoleum Rugs always in of thece lovely stock. Their bright and designs make Size 6-0 x 9-0 .... Size 9-0 x 9-0 ... Size 9-0 x 15-0 ...... =p ox all the difference to a room. Guar: anteed all Gold Seal quality. weer $11.28 Size 9-0 x 10-6 ...... $13.00 Size 9-0 x 12-0 ...... $15.00 Size 9-0 x 13-6 ...... $16.75 '$18.75 » Interior » Decorating This is a department we maintain for the benefit of all of our customers, At any time you are wel- come to come in and chat with us about your home and its furnishings. Al- ways acquainted with the newest trends and weil versed in the art of de- corating we might often have a suggestion or two for your home, Budget . Buying Bddget Buying is just another term for emnjoy- ing the comforts of the kind of furpiture you want long before you thought you could really afford it. That is, you do not have to wait until you have saved. the entire cost of a suite of furni- ture, for instance. Defer- red payments enable you to possess this furniture at the same time you are paying for it, colors Interesting Jottings irom LukeFurniture Co. We wonder, do you know about the model rooms we have arranged on our second floor? -- about our Saturday Specials, our Budzet Plan? there are many interesting features about this store outside of just selling merchandise, arid perhaps we can tel) you a few of them now, # Store" Indeed, Saturday » Specials Every Saturday we place on sale, for that day only, some item of furniture. A low snuggly chair, for instance, a little coffee table, a bridge lamp, or a tea-tablee. We don't know yet just what the special for next Saturday will be, but we can cer- tainly advise you to watch for it, and for all the others that will fol- low, too. Every one a bargain. 4 You Are Welcome Come in and pay us a visit--If you have a few minutes to spare--come in and look around. We welcome you and yon will be under no obligation to purchase anything. We just want you to feel that this is the "People's A TROGIR Dy ompany Phone 78-79 OT Tt po Vi

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