Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jan 1928, p. 9

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housand ndustry, her pur \e Hotel pay iribe nanship, Tub, ten lub, tens d cham¢' athering ions saw me since nt prom. nd world ir Jamey ter, sal Willian hn Wels y Winter by hig eached 1 ded none h woul y the use ndreds al men Whe pn homer. | was jam ith a dis esentative busines d in the , in addk , Walker, tates Ame nk Vice-Presh ry's lead tive heads companies, 's leading ssion, the rece, andl Presi Frest was pres! of British Hammond as the im the gath NG 's OHA] ave one 0 years whet) inst Roya first gam! oach Jacl yers to pich actice they inn | hile the der! on and Bol e are Lind! Joucher ant} "gédm has akes it ap be the tean e, -- b - petrated at the Manor, ..ter seemed to have escaped the se. > a wg Ww, I The Moorcroft Manor Mystery | (Author of "Where There's a Will", etc. haunted by the vision , It waa strange, he why the fact that fifteen ®. a murder similar in con: struction and desizn had been per. The mat. rious attention of those actively en- gaged on the case. Why, he did not know, unless it was that as everything pointed the accusine fin 'ger at Morrell, all other considera- tions and theories had been eclips- ed by it, Nelson, he was aware, had men: pt pe --_-- 1 HAVE TAKEN OVER THE BUSINESS KNOWN AS Durant Machine Shop Henceforth it will be known as ADANAC 161 King W., new year, Vee it You have hundreds, perhaps thousands of doliors invested in your automobile, let this money lie idle all winter, You bought your car to serve you , , siness, social affairs , , , get out into the healthful open, enjoy our over, So that you cen enjoy your your invesiment won't go dead for five or six months, the C:tario Department of Public E zhways ere keeping hundreds of miles of highway c'cor of snow all winter, Take of this service, Mise your ear this adver wisier , ,» » £1 winter, (159 ANTI and Machine Shop My policy will be prompt and conscien- tious service to everyone throughout the HAROLD F. COX RE ----_ 8 scencry , , , nothing can equal it the world tioned fhe matter, but ia a rather superficial manner, and had seem- ed to think that coincidence over such a considerable stretch of time was fully permissible, But Sinciah had not been content with that, Be- fore leaving London he had, by means of the criminal records available, made himself thoroughly acquainted with the details of the crime on that occasion, and he nad been staggered to find how curious. ly they seemed to be morticed into the circumstances attaching to the present mystery, : On that occasion Scotland Yard detectives had also drawn a blank, The Manor had been tenanted by a rich woollen manufacturer and his family, Mr, Benjamin Hiscough, it appeared had leased . Moorcroft Manor for a year, but he had been in the place less than a fortnight when he had been discovered one night in the Library with a dagger plun®ed up to the hilt in his back The reports mentioned that loea) - Ashsa Se GARAGE Phone 1214 Don't » use fit for bu- glorious Winter NOT injure system, car , , » 80 that reasons than fur any ideas of mak ing it a paying proposition, This information vided Sin. clair with his theory, He was much too level-headed a man to believe that Mooreroft Manor was haunted, but he could not escape from the fact that on both occasions mention should have been made of the ghost in connection with the crimver that had been committed there, Thrilled with this new mission. he left the train at Leeds and, find. {ng that the first irain to Brindley did not leave for an hour or more he sought an hotel for breakfast, The coffee room was almost de- serted except for a few commerciale leaving early, as gentlemen of thelr persuasion must often do to eatch & variety of trains for north and south, Sinclair ordered breakfast, and strolled into the lounge until it war served, It was a comfortable room and a large fire, newly-kindled, blazed in the wide grate, On the table in the contre was a pile of early newspa- "ers as yet unopened, torether with " number of railway time-tables 'nd other literature of interest to , '"avellers, Sinclair dropped into a snmfortable chair and reached out for The Times which was well down among the assortment, In extrieat- 'ng it, something fell to the floor heneath the table and, retrieving it, he noticed it was a much-thumb. ed wmuide to Yorkshire, Carelessly he turned over its tat. tered pares, and, as he did so, a full page photogravure of Moor- croft Manor stared back at him, Tnstantly his interest was aroused, "e had never for one moment im- ngined that the Manor was regard- od as one of the places of interest for the tourist through the coun- try, The visitor to Leeds (he read) who is interested in me- diaeval architecture should pay a visit to Mooreroft Manor one of the best preserved examples of Tudor architecture in the North, Train should be taken to Brindley, a small manufac- turing town about fifteen miles porth of Leeds, and the Manor CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Toronto Corbyville Winnipeg Vancouver Hy KARN' Fhone 378 DRUG LRA a a a a Sb a a mn a For Sale by STORE ONTARIO MOTOR io Post Office Simcce St. South Phone 900 Ta : Batter than a mustard plaster PF -------------- can be reached after a brisk walk of some twenty minutes along the Mindley Moor Road, Originally belonging to the Le Breetons, one of the oldest families extant it has, since the decline of the family be- longed to Mr. Richard Spence, the well-known Bradford wool- len manufacturer who purchas- ed it when the Le Breetons were forced through economic necessity to part with the es- tates, Mr, Spence, who is a keen antiquarian, has kept the old place in wonderful condi- tion, Intending visitors can usu- ally obtain a permit (when no one is in residence) by apply- ing to the local agents Messrs, Billington and Caine, High Street, Brindley, The East Wing, being the oldest part of the Manor, is of exceptional interest, portrays ing as it doef nerves Sinclair laid the book back again on the table above his elbow, He felt that he already knew quite sufficient about the East Wing, but what had intrigued him most was the information {hat the Le Bree. ton family had been compelled to part with their ancestral home, It struck him as having a singularly pathetic note, . Having breakfasted, he caught the first train to Brindley and in- stalled himself at The Crossed Keys, booking his room indefinite- ly. Sinclair had gone there on Merrivale's recommendation, and also with the intention of convey- ing a verbjal message to Miss Julia Slade regarding her erstwhile chambermaid, Sinclair, when he met Julia, was agreeably surprised, She was quite unlike what he had imagined the daughter of an innkeeper to be, and he realized now the import of Merrivale's remarks concerning the young lady, He could quite under- tand how the impressionable eart of his friend had been so ceadily affected by this symphony in simplicity and charnr who listen- ed to Clifford Merrivale's message with sparkling eyes. "And will Mr, Merrivale be com- ing back, too?" inquired Juila scarcely making any effort to dis guise the eagerness of her voice. "He's rather busy just at the mo- ment," Sinclair told her, "but I've no doubt but that he will be trot- ting up here again one of these days, I suppose you hayn't had any news from the Manor since-we all left?" Julia shook her head, *It's funny how things seem to fade away," she observed, serious- ly, At one time you wouldn't hear anything else in the bar but the murder, but now--they won- der whether the New Year will be better than the last." Yes," Sinclair agreed, "interest is rather like a fire--it quickly dies down when no one feeds it. It's a funny old world when you come to look at it carefully, It never seems to know just what it wants and with everyone wanting some- thing different, is it any wonder thet things get mixed up mow and then?" Julia Slade smiled. She woud have given almost anything to know what it was had brought Mor- ton Sinclair back again to Brindley 80 soon, and when he had gone, af- ter telling her he would be back for lunch, she told herself that he had pot come merely for the sake of bringing 8 message from Merri- vale. It was funny, too, how she had prissed Clifford Merrivale. At first she told herself it was her imagina- tion, but after a day or two she became aware that some little por- tion of her life's mosaic was miss , Then she laughed to herself. "You'll be telling yourself mext thet your're in love," she chided, as she went about her duties. "And that would meyer do, would it?" . . Shortly after lunch Morton Sin- clair made his way along the Brind- ley Moor Road in the direction of Moorcroft Mapor. It was an ideal 2 brisk walk, and the farther side from where he now stood, and he was forced back on .his tracks through the trees until he found himself om an angle of the house which was not overlooked by any eof the tall mullioned windows, and to reach the grey shelter "of the had only to traverse a few yards of open ground, found the old door open just as it had been when he and Merri- vale had inspected it, he entered the dim vault-like corridor of the Manor, THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMFS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928 The door was situated om the to go wall he This he accom- With cautious tread, he ascend- ed the flight of stairs leading to the servant's quarters, and from there made his way towards the spacious hall, Almost as soon as he had set foot in the house, Sinclair be- came aware of that strange, al- most super-natural fear clawing with thin ghost-like fingers at the threads of his imagination, and control to prevent his turning and fleeing along the corridor the way he had come, But Sinclair re- alised that his mission was some- thing more important than a pure- ly personal one, and with this thought uppermost in his mind, he turned the handle of the library door and entered, it took every ounce of his selfs The old room was singularly quiet, and the long, dark curtains ight susgent, Without se much n the direction of the the young man to- For some minutes he rapidly surveyed their titles but found nothing 'of the one for which he was searching. At length, how- ever, behind the glass doors of a small bookcase, that stood across one corner, his eyes rested on a dull red leather binding inscribed in scarcely decipherable old-Eng- lish characters, The key stood in the lock and, a moment later, Sinclair had seat- ed himself at the small, adjacent table, with the light from a nar- row window behind him, With eager, trembling fingers he turn- ed over the yellow parchment pages, some of the earlier ones erackling like crisp toast beneath his touch, On and on he read, fascinated beyond description in the most wonderful document that had ev- er come before his eyes, Occa~ sionally, he made a few notes in his pocektbook, then turned once again to a further perusal of the manuscript, re edd iL iii i i How long he over. the pages he did not know, but now lit had grown too dark for him to continue. Some he told himself, he would re and com-~ plete the reading of it hig owd 0) know. Here, under their very eyes, had lain the solution to the mystery, if only 'they Had" been able to read the sigus. wrapt in thought, slowly. piercing together each fragment of the' torn fabric until it approached me resemblance of its original design. Sis v It was almost quite ddrk now, and long, eerie shadows slanted across the room with only a dull grey crayoning the tall window apertures. Sinclair half rose from his seat at the table to take his departure, when he felt the blood grdw cold as it coursed through his veins, A slight sound like the mechan- ism of a spring lock came from the other side of the Library. The next moment .a portion of the oaken panelling over by the bu- reau opened inwards, and. there stepped into the room the full- dressed figure of a cavalier hold- ing aloft an antique brass candle- satisfaction. As it was, the boo For a little while wf Fémained ||: PAGE NINE -- -- n NewYork i ad ABERDEEN: . 8 HOTEL pipes His eyes roved the room as though searching for something and then, with a peculiar smile on hi§ lips, he vanished the way he had come.' Fora minute Sinclair remained standing by the table. He felt and half with the sudden, exultant joy of comprehension. He knew now, whera he had 'seem that smile before. To be continued. Customer: "I want a smart dance frock." Saleswoman: "Certainly, madam, stick with the light flickering' like I've a thing that would suit you a ¥ill-o™-the-wisp above lis head. lldlown to the--er--knees." Our ever increasing business made it necessary for us to open another store in Oshawa, Customers will find it very convenient to shop at our spacious new Groceteria at 156 Simcoe Street South, Goods are Wo om Rusk, ment approved conditions, anese, Halyes, ,,., a0ddy, up. Gelatine, Harry Horne's, and fish, sara srsrrrrr Zweiback Biscuits, Brand, » 2 hold purpose. Large Quality Brand Pickles, Rusks, The Original Holland Pkg, Lobster, Fancy Quality, Packed on the North Shore of N.S, under Govern- 6 oz. Crab Meat, Fancy Quality, Jap- she Health Drink---- 1 1b, tin, 54c 1% Ib, tin, 33¢ "it Peps you 2 Pkgs,, Pkg., 9¢ Chet's Sauce, Ideal for meais Lima Beans, Finest California, 11 c National Pkg., 19¢ Kipper Snacks, Patrico Brand, Crabapple Jelly, Aylmer Brand, 16 oz, Jar, Princess Soap Flakes, For every house- Polifloor Wax, Antiseptic and Mixed or Chow Chow, 35 oz. jar, Lincoln Brand, Fancy, Hand 2le No. 4 Sieve, No, 2 Size Tin, terre [EE EY a Ao 27¢ Christie's Graham #4 Chris. MR SR y tie Biscuiti for ever mw 43¢ DRIED FRUITS Wi bes or ov A 23¢ hb Prunes--Yield more energy than most Bed River! Cereal, "Fhe Natural ood Ti, 39C | foods. Medium size, for Young and Old. 25¢ treat, Plums, Green Gage, 24c Bal, ib. Peas, Aylmer Brand, Choice Quality, Dates, Fresh, Golden Hallowi CANNED FRUITS Peaches, Fancy Quality, Aylmer Brand, Try a tin of these for a real No, 2 Size Tin, ity, No. 2 Size Tin, ,, Pears, Fancy Bartlett, Aylmer Brand. No. 2 Size Tin. ... 2 Ibs, 19¢ 21c sss 2 Ibs, Err 27¢ Grape Jilee, Welsh's, The:!Ni Choice Qual- 2 5 tonal bi} A L Bottle, 63¢ 2 Tins, c Java, Milk, yi a pid 17¢ Tin, 24c¢ 3c 18¢ Pkg. 8c Tins, SPECIALS PURE Pkg. 21¢c 53c RASPBERRY fields, cl JAM 36¢c COCOANUT Ib. 16c. Porridge Oats, Rapid Cooking, Iobin- hood, For am ideal breakfast. Baking Powder, Cook's Friend, For better satisfaction, 1 Ib. tin Macaroni, Preserving. ....... La Tin, : Beans, G Salmon, Sovereign rand," Finest 40 GLASS 3 4 : Chofee Quality, Sockeye, Pick of the 99 | } A7 IAD Ml. | | 42m Cate, Halves, a. * Tin, 22¢ OZ. JAR C. 3 Quality Brand Pickles, Sweet Mixed, Verts) or Sweet Mustard, 43 srpr rrr PEEP "ass BB OZ Jar, Cc Strawberries, Aylmer Brand, Fancy sesamiae Quality. 12¢ Chicken Haddie, Lily Brand, "From the Ocean to your Table, Rinso, sonks Clothes Whiter, vo: Small Size, 2 Pkgs,, Branston Pickle, Crosse & Black- well eens Orange 'Marmalade, Sherrift's, Large family size jar, White, Table Syrup, Fr Imported, Peanuts, Jack and roasted in shell,' 8 oz. AF OA NED VEGETABLES Rich in vitamines, while in' perfect n. Asparagus, Tips, Aylmer Brand, Fancy Quality, No, 2 size tin, Asparagus ( ity, Freshiand Tender. Tin, . Beans, Small," Gree French Imported. Beets, Rosebud, Aylmer Brand, Fancy Quality. "No, 2 Size Tin, Notars's Be. 8 ure's » No, 2 Size Tin. Tin, 16¢ Diced Carrots, Aylmer Brand, Choice No. 2 Size Tin. Spinach, Booth's, found in the same location in both stores and are of the same variety and high quality. a ¢ SPECIALS ARE ON SALE ¢ b SPECIAL AT THESE PRICES FROM SPECIAL ci Dominion or Nulite January 5th to 11th, Choice Quality 5 Pocket Size Spring Valley Brand - STORE HOURS TO AT 8 a.m, till 6 p.m. Close Wednesday at lle a 12.30 No. © SIZE ltbomiw 1c Open Saturday TH zr, mn dle | . = e Tin, 21c 27¢ 15¢ 29¢ dic bonis sveves Pkg, pera teres Bottle, 26¢ 2c taken from the and packed 39¢ 'uttings, Good goa 2 4c | 2 1b. Tin, g §, #.esh , pre] Wax, Aylmer B fity. No, B Size Tin. Me c (Maricot 21¢ 22¢ Tin, Size, Small and Tender, PE LI I Lut hoy im, 21¢ "om. 1m 133¢ UCR PIBIIRE CE CS ude a Small Pkg., Quality. No. 2 Size Tin, Tin, Bo SPECIAL this fine Coffee always fresh. SPECIAL # ox 0 Finest Quality Dessicated ou. a un, 63¢ % tb. un, 33€ ~AYLMER BRAND oe 4 PERI IRI 2 oz. Bottle, 39¢ himself trembling half with fear g

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