Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1927, p. 9

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THE ost OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1927 "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAMS Tonight's Best Features, N.Y. Male quartet. Ny hoodiich orchestra aad (M9) Choral music, U. of (335)--Des Moines. Four Kings is Koa (26) Denver, U. of Denver or- : Fa i) one ar uA (RE | wh AR, WHAZ, 'WIP, WN WiAx, Wor, Mong Programs 4 a.m. Ri oa Wiens, Thin, Wek, ark, Wellville Bym, uscatine, la. "Daily YMCA. ex: A Gan atinds. I BLL ei 1. 0 Ned N hob i Haver WEkr, hed w Wik La City. Morning H QUSEWIFE FEATURES 00 a.m. WHO - Des Moines. Vietor Record Brow ) WWJ ( es Detroit. "Tonight's Din- Wamen's hour. 00 Wi [Ww 429)=Cinci. 10 WLS (M5) --Chicago. Home question box, 3 CKCL (357)~Toronto. Shopping Walb (2383) ~Columbus, 0. Scripture; A tpringficld, Mass. 9 Boston. Women's hour, kn 0 Studio frolic. hha - ue ower 3h i =N [00 news: Organ; ih Music. wl Vocal talks, Municipal prog. DH "Newspape: Chisago, ji 416) Chicago. Women's hour, ¥ ne EH ante. Homemakers' hour, Bid )=Mpls. Musial program, po s Moines. Organ, 2h Chlnas, dome ser- 366)--Chicago, Women's hour. M1-Milwaukee. Request or- itp go-ss. Ia. Ruby Trio. FAR (309)~Lincoln, Neb, Betty M (341)---Nashville, Farm question D. CONCERTS Noon hiaoN ri Sher wl 0, Musi. (345)~Chicago. R. F. D, Dinner (508)~Phila, Luncheon music. W (428)~Cinci. Noon-day musi- --N. Y. Rolfe's orchestra. i Bar a. Mt, Royal Or- chestr a WABC (326)--N.Y, Luncheon music. WTA hy (400)=Cleveland, ~~ Orchestr: pa VCRCA, (357)=Calgary. News; wea th CNRA 322)--Moncton. Music, Ko (278)--Council Bluf's, la. News; Kr HS Hs) Ho Springs. KVOO (349)--Tulsa., Noon program, WAMD (225)~Mpls. Studio program. ne £0 (405)~Mpls.-St, Paul, Farm body, (484)--Chicago. Organ, town (370)~Kansas City, Around JGR Tos) = Buffalo. Concert en semble, wir (416)~Chizago. Organ, Al Car- Wiip « [Xn -Shicaso, WIZ (489)-N, VY, Shea SXRC, (370)-N.Y. String ensemble, WSB (476)--Atlanta, Music, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, music, Home manage- Concert, Petite ensemble. Luncheon music: Luncheon THE BEST IN RADIOS | THE MARCONI SHOP | Cor, King & Celina. Phone 2604 | 1.34 KING [L/D Hos sf Radio Fer Dollar". rachis fr 115 WGHP aa Detroit, Tuller Trio. Yio $35)-Des Moines. The bass 1.3 Wa" "C00y-- Ralias. Address; music, wins (39)-N, Y. Scripture; musi. 1.40 Fen (306) ~Chicago. Drake ensemble. Thursday Pr Programs ERNOON PROGRAMS 4 ARV (526)--Chi, Popular concert. 16 Wek (319)--Detroit. Music. (422)--Newark. Vocal, piano. wan as. Farm service; 215 KOA (326)~Denver. Organ. 2.30 Kuy (230)--~Clay Center, Neb, Mus. icale. WEE I (448)--Boston. Musicale. R (303)--DBuifalo. Radio Trades con. Wit AQ (448)--Chi. Musical potpourri, 3.00 WAIU (BAD) Columbus, O. Music, WENR (288)--Chi, Popular requests, WFI (405)--Phila. Musicale, WGBS (349)--N.Y. Address; music. WHAM (278)--Rochester. Studio prog. WIP (508)--1 nila, Artist recital, Service pre '¥. The Trouba Loew's That CRCL (357)--Toronto. Radio Movie Club, . KOUL (278)~Council Bluffs, Tell-the- world WGN (306)=Chi, Artist recital, WINO (416)--Chicago., Organ, WTMJ (291) -- Milwaukee. Buddies hour, Neb, con 4.00 KI An (309)~Linco ln. WE SAF (492)--N.Y. "Alterncon concert, WEBH (366)=Ch Afternoon music, WLW. (428) Cire, Piana selec ions Wo JAC, (461)-1 sion. Ten dance. 5 ) £35) Des Moines. WHO Am. rai Orchestra or ae (a 0)--8a katoon Spccinl music, Wha F (370)--~Kansas City, String trio. WViZ (45)~N.Y, Afternoon prog. 5,00 viedo (405) - Mpls,-5t, Paul, Read- 3 4 WORL "ash Chicago. Rest hour, < (326)-Denver, ~ Matinee ives, BLUTIME STORIES 5.30 p.m, WCAE (517)--Pitts. Happy Hour 6.00 WEBH (366)=Chi. Dream. Daddy Davis, WHS (30)=N.Y. Uncle Gee Dee, 6.15 y IM AQ (418)=Chicago. Topsy Turvey 6.45 w EE T (118)~-Boston. Big Nrother, 00 KYW (526)--Chicago, Uncle Bob, wip (508)--Phila, Uncle Win, WwW (306)--Chicago, Uncle Quin, WF Al A (500)-~Dallas, Story hour, WGHP (319)=Detroit, Evening chat, KGO (384)= Oakland. "Friend Boys, WSM (341)--Nashville. WHILE YOU 'DINE 5.00 p.m, KDKA (316)--Pitts, Dinner con, 6.00 WEAF (492)-N.Y, Waldorf Astoria: WEEI, WRC WIP (503)=Phila, Dinner music, WTAM (400)~Clefeland, Orchestra, WWJ (375)~Detroit. Dinner concert, 6.30 WBAL (285)--Balt, Dinner music, WFI (405)--Phila. WGR (303) Buffalo, WTIC (535)--Hartford, 6.45 WHAM (278)--~Rochester, W foc (375 )-Daventort, 70 Whap (50 Worth, i St, Adelphia Hotel, Dinner music, Dinner music, Dinner mu. Chimes con, Minstrels, Mpls Paul, Dinner go. Tip Top orches, ! "Zoo dance music, Ici, i8) Chi, A antic ack Chapman's, City, otel Ben Bernie, N.C. Vand- POPULAR PROGRAMS "J p.m CFCA 700 BRC (357 x KVOO) (349) ind songs, WBEBR (2 "Band; als lour, from WIAR, | "Apple Blos- | sacks. posers." ters, fro M, WIR. RICHALD Fully Licensed in Canada and US A. Toronto Oshawa for | to | | Bedtime story. | he Riy=teien. Tower adven- {Rik ue Watt, Er Musie Mate . (462) Boston. Mustwate, WANG 2) -N.Y. Concert. WRVA t. WIEN (269) Norfolk, Studio, WTIC (535)- Hartford. Blue Boys. 815 WEAO Glee Chul Cl WOR (422)--Newark. Concert, 8.30 Red Network:--Hoover Sentinels, WEAL, we wa WF, TA IW wiaah W w 'OC, Miveo Paty WDAF WOW, , WHAS, WC, ws, Wah, KVOO, Wk it Jack'ville, Recital. Wit ica (370)~N.Y, Concert WNAC OI Boston 'Theatre. ob. (517)--Worcester. TIC Hartford. Capital dependence, 9.00 RLDS (283)~In KTNT (@56)-Museatine, oN time fid- dlin Waar {Ea -Jeaey City, Concert, tainers. ocal, U (337)--Phila, Entertainers, WCFL (484)~Chi. Popular music, WFLA Gl) learwater, Fla, St, Pet. ersburg ram, Bh 366 wadp JID (366)--Chi, Mooseheart hour, WO! WA Wik (349)--Chicago, Vi D l (265)-- Ames, la. Musicale. WORD (280)--Ratavia, Tl, Music, WSAT (361)~Cinci. Studie program, 9.15 KMM]J @h-Clay Center, Neb, Studio, WHN (9)-N.Y, "Keden on the Keys," WMAQ (448) Chicago. Peacock nrog, 9.30 KFAU (285) vise, Ida, Musicale, . Popular, WIIN ( 10.00 Ped WEAF, WERH, WV ' kG WSAT, WRG Kp! re (221) Hous tom, | KvVOn a 1) WGY ( WI (3 Ki Wii) (536)--4)e WHT (416)-Chi, WIBO (306)=Chi, Wit (391) -- Netw: ork wod, WRC, Skline studio, Your hour, Biud WSM (38 shville, Vaeal, WSEA (263) Norfolk, Studio, WRVA 2ih=Richmond, Studio fea tures WTAM (400)--Cleveland, The Masquer. aders Ww Ti) (294)= Milwaukee. Zither WING (297) sheville, Civie Club, WSOE (278) Milwaukee, 10.20 WG (273)~Atlantic City, Musicale, 10.30 KYW (525)~Chicago, Featu;, WIBM (389)-~Chicago. Studio program, 11.00 KFRU (250)--Columbia, Mo, music, K(d) (388)--Oakland. The Pilgrims, I't, Worth, Musicale, 1LY. Slumber music, fol Organ, Popular revue, Music hox, nove. { ( 1,15 WKHM (26 Nor )~Mpls 11.20 WGN CK 11,30 CNRE 1 Sudio prog, WAM Popular en. | | 7.00 p.m, WEDBR (26 Y tudio VEAF (392)-N.Y, Mid-week Sing, 7.30 KDKA (3if WEAL Qi | WHK (2% semble. ) yd , WFI, W | ( WHO, R Al, RSD, | 8 Concert, | Vi i) i il Calvert hour, | 1 I By 1 1 rv WIZ i iow, 7.25 3 7.30 WKEW | 1088, | 7.35 WEBR (25 800 WGBS (i) Lampligl:." plig WSUL « 8.05 WTAG « 8.15 WCCO (4 8.40 WW v. lecture. 9.00 \WiP (517) Phila. "Radio forum, )--M, . Bible class. le. American LH (3%) Chica Ne 4 1.10 WEN (416)--Chicago. en 'n Heaory." DANCE TO THESE %.00 Red Network :- Clicquot Club Eskimos, WEAF, WCAE, WEEI, WFI, WGR, WGY, WJAR, WPCC, wWwr, Center. 0 2 @30)- ~C lay an ty Orc! BZ (333) -- oe Shield, Mass. Dance. ADC (297)=Akron, 0. Orchestra. THS (3%5)--Hot Springs. Dance frol- FILA SINC earwa'er, Fla, JAX 32) aville. Dance. WS) =n a. Tracy Brown. e. 335 Hartford, Club Worthy. J Can Phila. = Parodians. 5 (349)---N.¥. Dance. WRC (469)--Wash. Ie Paradis Band. Red Network:--Pennsylvanians, from WEAF, KSD., WFI. WGR, wer, WIiD, WSAI, WTIC, WWJ. no Gea (357)~ Toronto. Versatile Can- ans, Dance. WAAT (2%6)--Jersey 'City. Dance or- chestra. WAMD (225)--8t. Paul. Dance. WMCA (37%0)-N.Y. Ernie WNAC (461)--RBoston. Dance. WOR (22) Newark ance, PTau (400) Cleveland. ance. WITMI (29%) -- Milwaukee. Frolic. M05 WIP (317)--Phila. Dance. B30 CNRC (435)--Calgary. CNAC orches. WEAF (42)-N.Y. Cass Hagan's or- chestra. 12 mid KOI. (319)--Council Bluffs. Orches Ww RUM (261)---Mpls. Scandinavian rogram. ~(370)--Kansas City. Night- frolic. (422)-Kansas City. Night- Popular dance 12.45 Wi DAF hawk @ )--Vancouver. dance. 200 KNX (337)---Hollywood. Dance. (Copyright, 1927.) Richmond. Double String ret. LS (76)~Atlanta. Miss Jenmia Tutt, WNC (24)--Milwaukee. Popular mu. 8 (283)~Columbus. Ohio State )--Buffalo. Jackson Glee Yetropolitan String en- L Jan 297)=~Akron, O, Studio enter. MD (225)--St. Paul. Blues singer, ~ Detroit, Studio program, Tirothers :--from . WCCO, WDAF, Feature prog, Popular prog. | Hymn ~ ST. LAWRENCE PLAN WILL COME BFFORE CABINET SHORTLY | Government to Take Up General Subject of Waterways CARILLON SCHEME | New Views May Result in Provincial Stand Being Upheld ------ Ottawa, Dee. t.--The Govern- ment is taking up. this week, an outstanding question long quies. cent, namely the general subject of waterways. It embraces the large project of St. Lawrence de- velopment and also the situation at Carillon on the Ottawa River When the St. Lawrence pro ject was taken up some years ag( a National Advisory Committe was avpointed, and Hon G. P. Grahan: then Minister of Rallwayr hecame its chairman, | erms of reference for aun eco- | nomic and engineering inquiry 'were agreed upon with the States | but litle e!se could be done till 'these reports were received, Mean- while, when he left the Govern- ment, Senator Graham resigned as chairman of the Committee, but his resignation has never been acted upon, Now that the reporis have all been received, the next move will be to call the Committee together select a chairman and have a re- port made, Then the body will probably disband, It was intimated some time ago that the Prime Minster would take the chairmanship but, now, this does not seem so prob- able, No Hasty Action The fovernment policy will probably he guided considerably hy the advice of the Committee hut meanwhile, no one here appears to entertain the idea of a hasty con- clusion, The magnitude of the project and considerations which MILITANT CANON IS SEVERELY CENSURED FOR London, Dee. 6.--Dr. Burroughs, Bishop of Ripon, Dr, Perowne, Bishop of Bradford, have written a letter to Canon Bullock-Webster criticizing the ' lattér's eircular wherein Canon Bullock-Webster condemned the Bishop of Birming- ham. They say. "Are we to believe that you hold that through tne sacraments 'we can mechanically 'bring God to man?' If so you ask the Churrh of England to endorse a view of their action which Rome itself would never countenance, which is contrary to experience and repugnant to the Christian idea of God and altogether deserving of the Bishop of Birmingham's de- scription of it. If you do mot held this view--then you have no right to base on this passage the series of untrue allegations which yeu make against him." ATTACK ON BISHOP The passage referred to was Canon Bullock-Webster's claim that the Bishop of Birminghum teaches "no regemerating grace is conveyed to the soul by the Sacra- ment of Holy Baptism, and no git of the Holy Ghost is conveyed to the soul in Confirmation, or that no gift of the body and blood of Christ is conveyed to the soul by the Sacrament of Holy Commun- fon. That mo gift of the Holy (Ghost is conveyed to the soul in Ordination." This the two Bishops characterize as an amazing and une founded statement adding that the Canon uses the Bishop of Birming. ham's phrase, "it is fatally easy to pass from the idea that the sacra- ments serve to reveal God to a be- lief that through them we can mechanically bring God to men" as ground for the above unfounded statement, [ are economic as wel las political suggest caution, The United States Government would like to get on with it and in parts of Ontario there is a large enthusiasm for the scheme although some other bodies have indicated more of apathy, while Quebec's opposi- tlio nis forcible and unqualified In any event. steps are being taken to get the Advisory Commit: tee to function and make its re. port, As regards the Carillon Falls nower, and al lother questions at issue, Premier Taschereau, at the interprovincial conference suggest. ed a reference of the disput to the courts, Later it was intimated in some high circles that the De- minion would likely agree, but fit now seems that there is a division of opinion in the Cabinet, some taking the position that as a mat- ter of law, the contention of the provinces is correct and that, apart from the regulation of navi- gation ,the Dominion Government has no vital proprietary interest If this latter view should pre- vail, litigation would give place to an arrangement with the provinces for the pooling of their interests, A London physician says that col- ors have a medicinal value, -- Rm adipiinetnns Aw pd a------ Don't Fail to See Lycett's s Window 25 King 8t. E, Lo ar amr Le IE A Sa AM ir with fa ous | This Complete k OGERS, Radio ROC Se MARE BI ll Ls Outfit soc" 15 Chwch Street The Famous Model "#220" With Junior Symphony Speaker Fou are Sentain to got 2. Ballo --get this coiplete Radio" Outfit for C i SLIAS. Cony, tems, if Rogers desired: Authorized Deater Generator 6 Starter Co | whole, NO GHANGE LIKELY INTRADE TREATY Ottawa Said to Find Au- stralian Pact Favorable to Canada Ottawa, Dec, 6.--While the Prime Minister a few days ago promised consideration ta the re- quest of the National Dairy Coun- ¢il for the amendment, if not the abrogation of the Australian trtaty, there is little likelihood of any ac. tion along that line being institu- ted, The treaty has been in operation a couple of years and the results art considered satisfactory by the government. The balance of trade is very much in favor of Canada, and it is claimed that if the dairy industry 1s reasonably affected, neither the volume of {ts output nor the prices stcured are redue- ed. It is further claimed that the effect of the Increase in the tariff on raisins. to give Australia a pre- ference, is much txaggerated, The great reason, however, which will operate to the sustenance of the treaty---for some time at all events--is the desire to deyelon the trade Inter-Tmperially, In fur- therance of this policy, various ar- rangements have been entered into and in sequence to the British pre. ference, they ar eall on the prin- ciple of "give and take." The disposition here seems to be to minimize the adverse eitect: of dairying that are claimed but even if, in degree, they were ad-| mitted, it Is held that, on the the preponderance of ad- vantage reflected in the preponuer- ance of trade Is with Canada. I'n- der the circumstances little sug- gests the probability of any ensuge. AS! | TROTSKY FAILS TO SWAY COMMUNISTS Fifteenth Congress of Rus- sian Party Finds Stalin in Control Moscow, Dee. 7.--The fifteenth congress of the Communist party met at the historical Andreeff Hal) of the Kremlin to take account of the parly's ten year sway over Russia and to deliberate on future policies. Despite the most desperate ef forts of Leon Trotsky to wrest leadership from the dominant pow- ers, despite his brilliant oratory and rare versatility, the figure of Joseph Stalin, party secretary, loomed more powerful tham ever. He was complete master of the situation. The opposition led by the picturesque Stalin in his de liberate steering of the party craf! through battering seas. The opposition leadership ap- pears to be in the disadvantageous position of being forced to either sue for peace or be admitted to fel- lowship on the condition of com plete subjection to the Stalin group, or face their adversaries i: a purely oral battle with no force behind them to sustain their chal lenge. ing recovered from the illness he contracted while an the United States. A Sultan at odds with hs harem Thought of a way he could scare 'em; He caught him a mouse Which he firced in the house, Thus starting the first harem scarem. ELECTRICAL RECORDS LATEST HIT! 'MY BLUE HEAVEN" No. 3680--Organ Solo EDDIE DUNSTEDTER No. 3684---Tenor Solo NICK LUCAS No. 3595--Fox Trot KENN, SISSON'S ORCHESTRA "BARBARA" No, 3656 Fox Trot BEN BERNIE'S HOTEL ROOSEVELT ORCHESTRA + No, 3659 Fox Trot HARRY ARCHER'S ORCHESTRA \ EACH, 78¢ World Famous Artists and Orchestras at Popular Prices "1812 OVERTURE" Parts I, and II, CLEVELAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, 166 PIECES 12-INCH RECORD, $1.00 "PAGLIACCI" MARIO CHAMLEE METROPOLITAN OPERA TENOR 10-INCH RECORD, 78¢ Luke Furniture Co. Phone 78--63 King Street East situation here, has notified Presi: - dent Calles that he will leave to- morrow for Canada. stopping a day | en route to inspect the railway shops at Aguas Calientes. SIR HENRY RETURNING Mexico City, Dee, 5--Sir Henry Thornton, President of the Cana- dian National Railways, who is in Mexico investigating the railway Victor iii SEAL BD Records Musical? Masterpiece Beethoven' s vee His Master's s Voice Dealers Jor other great masterpieces ' D, J. BROWN "~ oom 10 King 5¢t. W. Pho=e 159

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