Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1927, p. 3

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vlliott C TICE oF ~PPEAL IS "FILED BY COUNSEL AS SENTENCE IS PASSED , Declares He Had No ubt as to Accused's That It Had Been wer Children's Aid Inspec: tor Receives the Decision Calmly -- Sentence Com- mences Dat~ ® Wolal Na. vember 24 (Ry Staff Reporter) Whitby, ANov. 28--Three vears Portsmouth penitentiary wes jo sentence: mated out to H. W. lott, former Superintonce=t of Children's Ald Society of un- rio Cornty when he nppeared fore His: Honor Judge Ruddy in 8 Judge's Criminal Court raing. A, J. Swanson, iby for the defendant, imme: tely. filed notice of anneal, You've hed a fair trial and 1 ve no doubt as to vour guilt", jd. 'His Fonor in addressing the per' nv'ar to announcing the renee ou have heen fornd section 049 of the pei as menticned ir fon + 1 you must be pun- ed. as in section 203, This sec- Amposes a penzity of 10 vears Rprisonmvant, © However, I don't md to give you a lon~ ferm, "this cannot be treated light- fd His: Honor, "Therefore 1 tence You to three years in prtamonth Penitentiary at ston,' senten-e to commence B date" of trial, November 24, The prisoner, a strong and ro- t man fook the sentence with- ht #howin= any outwa~d signs of motion, -He was standing in the teary way when sentence wa ed, Court officials, counsel bd 'newspaper reporters were the ly persons nllowed in the court. aeensed"s wife was standing tside 'the chamber door and im- lately sentence. was imposed lott walked briskly ou! to greet Mrs. Elliott took the news te" calmly. in. moving for sentence, Crown ormmey J. A. McGibbhon head pthing to say, excepting that the tence of the court he imposed. 9 prisoner mumbled a few 'audible words in which he tly stated he had nothing 8s later taken back to punty Jail where he will ait' trial on a series of other se- bus charges on December 15, A LONDON ONE 'A tehcher in a London school givipg 2 lesson on various of animals. Later, he ques- | the boys to see if they had to the lesson. The camel, elephant, the cow, and the lion og ins more or less ac- tely. "Now, boys," said the her, "who can tell me what a is?" One little cockney in "front row spoke out: "Please Fy os bison Js 8 thing wat yer wash P! NE WREGKAGE 15 DISCOVERED Had Been Missing With Two Avigtors Since Last Friday (By A "ated Press) Unlonton, + Nov, 28--Wreck- age of an aeroplane in the thick. ly wooded section of the Fayette Mountain regen, discovered to- day by observers from K the air, was believed to be that of an ar- my plane, missing with two av' tors, since Friday. The plane badly smashed, the report and it was feared that airmen, lot Eprory and mechanic Vollin were dead. Army officers, with stretchers and doctors, left "nion- ten immediately by automobile, ALARMING RUMORS OF WAR IN EUROPE Russians and Poles Are Pre: raring For War On Lithuenia Grzh Paris, Nov. 28 --Poland is about to swallow Lithuania, and President Pil- sudki's visit to Vilna, a Palish centre near the Lithuanian frontier, was to make arrangements for an armed in- vasion of Lithuania and the capture cf Kovno, according to opin ion ex- pressed Friday at the Soviet Em- Lassy in Par Moscow s saw on Thurs Lithuania, a warning to War- ay to keep hands off to the same sovrce of on. In this wern- ing Poland was informed that Soviet Russia would not stand aside in the event of war unge Lithuania mn Warsaw's mad desire to win a sa front. Whether Poland has decided that the moment has come to carry out President Pilsudki's dream of a fed- erated Bolish- Lithuanian state or whether this is false, the most sig- nificant feature of the crisis appar- ently is the intervention of Moscow in European affairs again. The note of warning which the Soviet Minister Bogomoff handed to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs on Thursday is generally con- sidered to be the entry of Russia in grand style into European affairs for the first time since the war. The Russians explained unofficially that they would not permit establish- ment of a powerful Polish-Lithuani- an state cutting off Russia from west- ern Europe, and that if President Pilsudski persisted in his purpose to invade Lithuania by a sudden coup d'etat, the Government would inter- fere, presumably by force. The fellow who doesn't: advertise may khow his own business--but no- | body else does. You've Heard "AL & BOB" in Person from the Stage at the Regent Theatre-- Ow! @ Hear Ther. Through The Brunswick : per-Panatrope [=F Which will be -. the stage at the for three "his, Regent Theatre starting "TONIGH LUKE FURNITURE Dealers in the famous Federal Ortho- Sowic, King and Abwoier-Kent Redios. 63 King Street East Phone 79 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 1927 eee iced to Three Years at Portsmouth SPECIAL SERVICES AT ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. G, J, Campbell, Ottawa to Be Speaker All This Wesk A splendid two two weeks of special > il .| services which are under way in Albert Street United Church are at- tracting a fine attendance each ev- ening, and at the Sundav servicer three times yesterday. Miisters of neighboring charges combined to make the services of the vast week & success, and with Rev. G. I '| Campbell, Ottawa. Assoc'ate recre- | | tary of the Department of Evanse- FRED KINTON' © wn absence a '5 apent in 8 al, Toronto: about po {stie Street "SE PH '7a. Hig illness: was due: hi is of his serviga: overseas 1g the Great War Before "obliged to. ...cr hospital a1 ol Nags ? the 82 ers law: that 'he has compleiely Feenvore and is 'en- jeying the hest of Wealth, 'In fhe course of another. two weeks he will again, Adke over, M 4. po. sition at the. t atre (Continued from on arm, Uta Topp, 19, i AY ord and arm injuries, Mrs, Blizabeth McMara, Sandwich,. Ont, ' tui on hand and knee. Slhmber. Workman, 20, head abrasfons. 15 Proso,. 24, scalp injuries, Handld Hanson a Cuclph, Ont., hand § Joseph Nutel, 21, Montreal, eration. ad forehead end hand lr ee at Moscha Woxtman, Chicago, Jaceration 'on hody. Mrs. VeronikdzPilipowitz, Others injured Iola aken to their homes or to hotels are: G. Bonisteil, Toronto; Art. Speak, 'Muskegon, Mich., face injuries; Florence Hodge, London,.Ont.; Mrs, Tayler, Toronto; F. Orme, Ottawa, Jors lacerated ; Geo, Keller, Toran A Frunk, Montreal, knegs inj i Ae Levine, Toronto; A. Nelson, nb Linley and Mrs, Arthur Linley, Toronto, bruises and shogk, A list of those injured in Doekriil wreck who are now Wied inh in hos- pital here was given: out ar noon ip- day from the 4 id, od the Divisional Superintendent of the, C.P.R. It comprises seventeen names, and in majority of cases the i ries re said not to he serious: an of names of some of ay sufferers differs in the official list from these already publis , Instead of Mrs, Elisabeth McMara, of Sandwich, the name. given by railway is Mrs, Fhi- zaheth. McNamars, of Sandwich, She Sustained cuts on her léft hand apd nee. Chaia Warman, travelling to Kijt- chener, Ont, is changed "to Chaja Wardman, or Wortman, of Chicago, she is Suffering from ; 3 sore back which is sad "not serious." Instead of Aile Roseman, the new list gives Miss Adie Boteman, Humljer Bay, "superficial injuries" 'Mrs. Helen Gryshkiewiteh, of Hamilton amilton, also sys tained minor injuries. list gives Morris Wardmas, of A cago, and Stumbr Wardman, of same city, among the htly bbjur- ht avr ed. The first J slight leg bruise ru second, from an abrasion 'over the right temple which is "not seriou quested. to sharp for. MILITARY EUCHRE. phtwe Club Bank Bids. T MADAME. i M ADAME. BNCoE #2. sores ) 2. he bring his plight to the at- lism and Soclal Service in the United Church of Canada, in the elty for the meatin~a 0° thiz week, Inelnding revt Sundar evening, bet- fa 'nterect is expecte?, 'Tey. Mr, Cemphell addressed hoth the morn'n~ and even'~« gor- vices in the Alhart Street Church vestepdav, rs well ag saving a few words at the Sund~v Sehoal honr. in the afternoon. His themes were evangelistic in nature. and namise ta lead to thanghtful consideration on the pert on" many pdherants nf | ing in its fellowship. Tha hata haen assistine meterially in the moetir--. nnd the sele~tions nt Sunday's sorviees were acceptably rendered. Appealing gtrangly to the mem- hers of the church fo» nersonal work in OChrist'an rervics, tho speaker last nieht stressed tre per- | arnal relntionshin no' ensh ora to the Kinrdam nf Cad. Takint for tte hasits n' ha talk the words Mame and fea.' he pnintel ont the four eris's that ¢ nrvron fon in thelr neecentanes of Christ first erin's pomes when Fe mea' n Christian man nr Ww who sneaks ta him nphout m™~tiaws ner- taining tn re'izion. Vhila torch. ing npn this phasa. Pev. Mr Mer phell daslarsd thet the colu- tion of all hrman pon'lere, whether (omestis, personal p= eramnmIic. ean he found in the word ot God, and it 1 very necessary that the ron-Chvistian ron he brourht to face thie fact ¥a pln anpealed for np ri~ht relatior<h'n of the chureh toword= The oman the man nut- ride it teachin=, and declared thot the world is weitir~ for a kindly word on soiritvol matters, The gneaker montioned from h's exner'- ence, tho importance no" the work among the vourgar pecnle. af the teen-age. koth kovs and sirls "Were I living mr lif> over fain." he said. vote jt in the hest way J knew the Christian work among youth." The secord crisis whi-h » faces. Rev, Mr. Campbell went an. is when he meet: him-elf. When he really comes foce to fara with his own mature, no lopger vill be seorn the members of the church or criticize ther efic~is. he will get down n~ his knee: hefore God and turn bis geerchlizht in- ward upon himself. And then. wh~n he has reelly fornd rimrelf, be faces tho crisis of meet'nx the w the church of the rnestion of wnt | chor | [WILL SPEAK IN CITY WEDNESDAY | Chit he vas just a can be truly sa'd of Dr roe WW : i the it Royal ry ho will cture int 'ollen' Auditorium Wednesda it und thz auspices of the Howe and Scho! Council, speaker, vho is one of Feats will happen and one cc curred Saturday evening in Osh. awa that would well taka ita plaza in the famous *Sauth East Cerner" Whist kas alzayas heen a geod gems and it is exzzoptl ca. "ud poplar in this ety. Satur. day even'nz found DMceevs. El Rowland, C. Gbic», C. Lemen end E. Nawden (advising ia taelr faverite pasiima, The first twa were cpresiag tas last twe mene toned. The game was pricceds ing and was quite interacting, Successive Whist Hands Taken With All 13 Tricks Mo: alarmed over the {act that their opponents, Mecars. C. Le- mea and E. Rowden, toak ile hand with zll thirteen tricks, a quty commen occurrence in the game, Maccrg, H, Rowlaad and C. Gibson dupiisatzd the set and took the next one in all 13 tricks. Spe:kiag to the O:hawa Daily Tirz23 today of tha dacigenty Mr. Rowland, wha has been ying whict for the pat forty-five year:, stated he has never heard of the same thing bziag den in ono game. Ds, Adam Sto 2orit Vas Oly} anadian- in AMeadence at Economic Conferonce in Ceneva -- 13 Uns'e of the Piminien's cu'standing tonallsts, is i : hich he is While a Lc in Sombra | sch ol inspecior, + the pres versity of Toron "Yeu Lr cn his father's {arn Townshin, Mr strer of the , used these w mn have an education * and the lad, LK [i fig Wie thon | he maisiry of the Eis s.ruaples ; ion and a with hoy olis pa "r wonld endeavor to de- | IN HSH aszis'al Iton, chile' Mo! £m ith, WwW. Wr: hall epein ehurch and endezvouring to invite|"" in its fellowship and here the speaker inserted a word to mem- pers of the church tn prenare themselves at all times for the re-| snir- | final | 27; ception of those who gers it, itnslly and in faith. The crisis, followine eloselv on the last! one, is the meeting with Chr"st. and going out to live the life that He desires, in the snirit of Him who showed a gplendid kindliness of personality. a sweetress o! charac- ter and po beautiful life. Rev. Mr. Campbell will speak every night this week at the meet- ings which are being held in the Albert Street Church at 7.45, each evening except Saturday. He will plzo address th~ services mext Sun- day. Music wiil be provided this evening by 2 Young Peonle's Choir, tomorrow night bv the South Osh- awa Band. on Wordpesday and Thursdey by Mr. H. Skiteh and son of Toronto. and on Friday by the church choir. '70 BEPRESENT STRATFORD Stretford. Noy. 27.--Roy Wild- gust of Park View United Church wae elected to represent Stratford the forthcoming Older Boys' ParMament, which meets in To- ropto during the Christmas holi- days. He defeated Murray Camv- of St. John's United Church, yote being 61 to 55. Roy, who 17 years of age. has been con- pected with C.S.E.T. work for sev- pare. being 2 member of the formed in the city un- leadership 0° Howe Martyr. largest vote in years was poll- BY BODY OF FRIEND Brandon, Nov. ZC poled and unable to summan id. Dan Edy, who for many years A lived in a tiny shack mear the outskirts of this city, rolled the body of his dead compan- fon. James Ketchen, to a mear-by snow-covered road. in the hope of at- tracting the attention of passing tra- velless. A neighbor who discovered the body found Edy huddled in his shack | pid from hunger and cold. The i recluse later told the anth- that Ketchen had heen dead two days before he removed the body into the snow. He feared, he he might be left to die +nless tention of some passer-by. igation showed that Ketchen died from natural causes, and no Sapper om i La priverny 2! and will = then to the Motors divi Oskawa to I'lint ing grounds ¢ ions, on the tour. One is the Ceneral Mo ors fority io the ; to Oshawa from were taken on a tovr on arrival herz bv Pre Laughlin of General Motors ad~, Limited. Luncheon 'vas sorved in the M. C. convcit'on hall. President end party turned to tk ly after 4 pL. Mi~hi~2p. at 4.; The privete car "Pheasant" coo some $£75.000 to bulls It is of 2'l stzel con contains four room. ralley, com and dining recom, on tion section. The decorative scheme f= fad green and ivory w"ih medallions of gold~n phea=ant= in natural col- ors. The observation is equipped "with a telenho»e spoedo- mcier, ehim2 clock. and radio Another tvnical General Motors feature is that the decorative scheme is worked out in Duco | enamel. | + A crew of six §- car~ied fraln in> » Jepanese cock and a Fil; pigo | © valet, t1 | equi» | sect'on MAYOR BY LCULAMATICN Tillslonbhvrre, Nov. 27.--Mwnici-| nal pominations take nlrce on Mon- | fav evening. »rd there is no donbt | that thers will he keen contests for most of the clwie offices. Mayor | ¥/eston will be sacorded an acela-| mation. Thera will he at least two | gy indy ecordidates for the School) Poard this year. AE ----S---------- | CHEMINIS MAN ARRESTED | North Bay, Nov. 27.--Fred E. Boylen. of the defunct firm of Boy- lea Brothers. Cheminis. arrested heres on information sworn to by | the Credit Men's Association has | been taken to Hailevbury. With his | brother, whe is also in eustoty, | Boylen will stand toial before a mest will he held. ~~~ Magistrate. of the planis | Flint, | | | ing cadet | cer that began in | May. | committed for C. D, Cozan: -- Appraci- tt'en of Rupert Brocks, War Time Peet, Ci en By Mr. Cecnant neo held in W * West, at'n Ir, Gor 3 12s, t the late nition of in Course 1 to the bz e's wor 3 sh cultured 189 to ths; from tl} refer: pea 10 n, premier | Eminent Canadian Will Address Rotary Monday STOUK MARKETS TORONTO STOCK3 B: 33 Ak 3674 15114 22 37% 15% 5734 42 3 214 Abestos y Bell. Telephone 44.4... Brazilian Br, Amer, B.C. ishing Bromoton 'an. Ind, Alc rohol + Christie Jirown tare y Petre leur '" M ascey Harri: Northern Bal Tw 0) Cit y Amulc Argena Biers I wn Ero RO NII Sa ta Bom SWIRLS ~~ or | LN) LW ED DNSyen Os BNC Ne ww N--thmne oe 1 reecived | Fe { Cambridge youth be shoy- Ir the en erred "loud" aitive, d wes Living a Jif he wos ! boy, 3 "to the war, ha in da, th Sea Isl: he home cf pi i: Louis took and to the z0- |G ofa Ra i outstanding Winston Chur- m | M nt 2utiful ex i es or At the ¢ nel: usic n of Lis talk, Pres- ident Alex Fes itorie thanred the gpaal: it of ile Cluy [SF ailing that { naiure 2 oh the py had been Us oo to, CAPTAIN HARRY WIL SON LEADS ARMY TO VI TORY Polo Grounds, New York. Mov. --Rallying from a poor start, a J d the der the indomitable blond and bhetil- "Licht Horse" | 1eadershin of ti captain, Harry Wilson, While a colorful, wildly vei ng crowd of 76.000 looked on, Wilson pulled his wobbly tzam to~cther between halves, came out to lead a charge that saw hima twice 2cross the Navy goal line and then stand | foremost in the defense that cheek: Jad the desperate and dangerous Jisng Soprt of the sailors. ims vietory over a gallant Navy team that played superior football in all but the second per- iod, was a personal triumph for the vetercn Wilson, playing his last vear for the Army and his ceven'h | azalp-t the Navy, in a varsity car- 1921 2t Penn State. WOMAN COMMITTED FOR MURDER Sudbury, Ont, Nov. 28.-- Charged with the mrrder of Mprs. Peter Therrien of Ecpanola last Omer Dube, for six yoars boarder at a woman's home, was trial by Magistrate Harthors at conclusion of prelim- inary hearing late Saturday at Aspanola. Little new evidence was intreduced. Mrs. Therrien's <body vas found in the Spanish River, woah little covering. the Paied i States | Ha | 7 Ove erland EY YORK High ol, & Tel. 18036 | Gen. Motors [ Good | 1 Du. gi, | Hudson int Comb, 3 ~ ER NN Micon Ps FY Ward , > wn ne) Phillips Pcte. Radio Roc: Island .... Stud-baker .... Sears Roebuck .. US. Rubber US. Steel .. Woolworth Yellow Cab BUILDING PLAN (Continued ol page 1) vanced that the roof is being erect- ed. This house, a §-room type, is expected to be ready for occupancy by Christmas. The remainder of these houses will be completed early in the new year. The houses will vary fin size. some containing six rooms aud others seven. The lay-out of the dwellings will also vary, but they will all be of the two-story type with large, full-s'ze . The six-room houses will Mying racm. dining room. kitchen and three bedrooms, with bath. and the seven room houses will have am extra bedroom. The exterior finish will be brick vencer. Livinz room space in these dwel- lings will he generoms aad all of the rooras are of a #nod size. much larger, it is said. than one would think when looking at the house from the outside. The interior fin- ish will be in oak. Complete plumb- ing: with a three-piece bath and septic tank. is being installed. Af- ter this group of dwell'ngs is well under way, the firm aspects to rommence the constracuicn of ad- NA 8 RN EV NNER BN EN BN Ne ditional houses. WOMAN GONE AND LETTER ONLY CLUE Grace Scott, 38 380 Mitchell Avenue, Missing Since Sunday Morning LEFT PITIFUL LETTER Nao Extra Clothes Taken ad Even Hat Left Behind By Despondent Housekeeper A heart-rending letter 18 t nuly ¢lue to the Jptent myztery digs appearance in Oshawa. This morn Ing lacal police: reczived a report that Grace Scott, who hes heen em» nloyed as housekeeper for Rohert W. Karr, contractor of 380 Mite chell avenue, had left early yesters . day morning and' has not heen seen sineca by Fer friends in this eity, . Miss Scott, was last seen, as far as the police department is aware, about six o'clock Sunday morning hv F. Clarke, in whose residence Mr. Kerr, rents yooms. When Mp, Kerr came down to hreakfast it was discovered that no one in the house knew of her whereabouts. se a search was Instivated, Nothing . could be found of her and this' morning the matter was placed In the hands of the police, Tt was found, upon an intensive search nf her room, that Miss Sontt h21 not taken any of her clothes with her and bad not worn a hat, She had left a letter which was dig» covered hr Mr, Kerr and which was pAdracged to him, the contents nf whi~h are said to he 'very hearts rend'ng." It dnes not, however, give prv clue in where she went, or th =ant've she had in leaving so su derlv, Miss Seott is 38 years of age and her Fame is thought to he in Northe } arn Antarin, pear North Bay, She in § fect 8 inches in heirht, weighs '50 noundn, and has a dark coms plexion and very dark hair. She wns nf a niet disposition and was wells liked by her many friends in the vicinity, Lir. Kerr had beon roonts Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke for atout two months, roming there from an address on Eldon avenue, end Miss Sentt bad heen emploveds 2s his housekeeper for some time, "Noes your lover ever have much to "No, hut that doesn't keep 1 from talking a great deal!" Motorists You wea't werry When Winter Comes if you muse KANT- FREEZES The Perfect Anti-Freeze Solution biade to resist any tempera- ture, One filling lasts the cntire season as it will mot J \ eyap te, is odor and = is pot inflammable or ex- 4d plosive, MADE IN CANADA and

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